Log/Journal Thing


Posts: 7
Decided it might be useful to have one of these.

Today I did:
- exercise of the day, 30 second plank holds on either side
- lower body blast, caught up on the first five days
- day 1 of cardio and abs (lvl 3)
- day 1 of unbound
- day 1 of iron born
- the workout of the day, spring chicken with ec

Had a doctors appointment today, it went well. I'm even more vitamin D deficient than I thought, but I guess that comes with getting all your exercise while standing in front of the computer lol


Posts: 7
Thanks for the welcome guys. This seems like a nice community.

- exercise of the day: I split it into two 1 30 sections with a break in between b/c I only did sprints in track for a reason, don't @ me
- lower body blast day 6
- cardio and abs day 2
- unbound day 2
- iron born day 2 (I need to get heavier weights - I only have one 15lb and some exercises are too easy even with the 10s + 2.5 arm weights.)
- workout of the day, can't stop me now with ec and 2.5lb arm weights

Is tracking habits and stuff a thing people do here? I'm trying to break the depression disinterest, and might start marking every time I manage to do a hobby (reading, writing, drawing, gaming, and studying Japanese.) or chat with friends.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 770
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Is tracking habits and stuff a thing people do here? I'm trying to break the depression disinterest, and might start marking every time I manage to do a hobby (reading, writing, drawing, gaming, and studying Japanese.) or chat with friends.

It sure is! We have some very interesting people here. You will see them tracking all the things you mentioned along with their exercises!

This is your thread so you can keep track of anything that is important to you and I hope you do! :ss:


Posts: 7
- exercise of the day: 60 second side planks
- lower body blast day 7
- cardio and abs day 3 (did this one with the arm weight too, don't know how much it added)
- unbound day 3
- iron born day 3
- workout of the day, upperbody tendon strength once with ec once agin with 2.5lb arm weights but no ec

I started Owlish by Dorothy Tse today. I like it so far, no problems with the translation. It's always interesting reading stuff that clearly comes from a different literary tradition, but I also think that's kind of reductive? like there are American authors who write in similar styles, and presumably Chinese ones who don't. I think I need to read more Chinese stuff to get a better feel for that.
Played chess over vc with a friend, I think its good for me to talk to people my own age sometimes.
Overall a nice day.