come on and enter! we have pizza


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 130
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees!
How are you?

Today was an Arm day:

- TOTALS day 6
- dd july 26
- 4 x 6 chin ups
- 4 x 10 explosive pike push ups
- 4 x 10 self resistance bicep curps + 10 bodyweight tricep ext.
For finishing:
1 round of 30 sec each exc as fast as I can:
- front lateral circles
- behind lateral circles
- shoulder touches (like the daily dare)
- lateral rises
- frontal rises
- raw delts rises

and then 25 sec frog stance

See you tomorrow bees !


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 130
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees!

and Hi @graoumia ! fine and you??
this week was a little mess for me, I did crossfit and darebee workouts but I didn't record them...

Warm up: 3 sets of (10 squats + 10 bar abs + 10 back ext.)

Workout: 50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 full burpees + push ups (did with knees) + squats

It was REALLY REALLY HARD! but I finished it!

see you tomorrow bees!


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 130
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees! how are you?

Yesterday I did crossfit, OMG sucha hard workout!!!

Yesterday was all about legs, so today I did:
Warm up:
- TOTALS - Day 7
- DD 14 aug

- Hardy workout at lvl 1 (3 sets) - 10 pull ups and 15 push ups each set
- finisher: 3 sets of: 8 pike push ups + 6 chin ups + 8 tricep ext + 8 self resistance bicep curls each arm

SO, finished ahahahah...

See you later bees! (maybe tomorrow i will not train)


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 130
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees! sorry about not writting!

last week I did some workouts from TOTALS program, PRIMAL STRENGTH and some add on workouts...

Today I did not have much time so I did

- PRIMAL STRENGTH - Day 3 with 10 sec squat hold after each leg exc set.

So.. done for today, see you tomorrow!


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 130
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees! how are you?

- TOTALS - Day 14
- Primal Strength - Day 6 + 10 self resistance bicep curls after each set of 12 plank crunches

andddd as allways:
For finishing:
1 round of 30 sec each exc as fast as I can:
- front lateral circles
- behind lateral circles
- shoulder touches (like the daily dare)
- lateral rises
- frontal rises
- raw delts rises

See you tomorrow bees!


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 130
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees! how are you??


I'm glad to tell you thay now i'm going full bodyweight and home/garden/park workouts

I just bought rings for doing dips and rows (and maybe in a time, some tricks)

My new weekly routine will be this way:

- 3 x times a week: RR from reddit bodyweight fitness. I was skipping pure strength trainning for years, so a re-build from the basics will be ok.
If you wanna take a watch, look at this link

- rest days: I have 4 days to play soccer (I wanna play at least once a week), run, some darebee workouts or programs, or ever pure rest.

After some weeks I wanna start adding a darebee program after the Reddit routine, but first I need to feel linke I can do this.

If you have some tips for me will be super!!
Soooo, thats all bees! see you tomorrow!!