come on and enter! we have pizza


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Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 123
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 123
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Thanks my friends @Fremen @Tileenah ! :love:

How are you team?

Today I did (yesterday and the other days I've been trainning but not posting):
- PUSH PULL LEGS - Day 18 (with 7,5 and 10 kg dumbells)
- Push pull challenge - Day 18

I've paused my python course because of alll the things that are in my mind with this new move hahaha....

See you tomorrow bees!


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Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 123
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees!

Such a week uh? Finally in my new apartment! I love beeing in my own space :cool:

The bad news: here I do not have any equipment, but fortunately I have this beautiul comunity :)

Yesterday: Rhapsody Workout

Today: I'll try this beautiful tribute Workout Kanary

See you later bees!


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 123
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
hahahahaha thanks a lot my grat friends @Froud @Wiaaam @Tileenah !!! :heart:

Theese days I did not publish but I did this:

monday: Warm up wih Standing core + push! WO

Tuesday: Another great choice

Wednesday: Strength in numbers WO at lvl 3 but without EC and wihout pull ups ( instead I did floor pull ups)

Today: Warm up with Got abs? +
- 4 x 10 diamond push ups
- 4 x 10 dips
- 4 x 10 self resistance bicep curls
- 4 x 20 sec knee hugs (for biceps)

see you tomorrow bees!!


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Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 123
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees! such a long weekend! a little moving one hahah
Today I did:
- Epic Glutes challenge - day 3
- Samaritan Workout at lvl 1 - but doubling the reps of lounges
- 20 floor pull ups + 20 pike push ups in one go

Tomorrow I do not think that I'll work out because after work I'll take a plane to my hometown posdas (If I remember that, I'll take some photos!)



Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 123
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees!

Yesterday I played soccerwith my friends! such a stress reliefing sport!

today I'll do :
- Epic Glutes challenge - day 4
- 4 x 8 pull ups + 4x10 dips
- 4 x max handstand push ups
- 4 x 10 floor pull over

and maybe later we'll play paddle with my friends again


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Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 123
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees! nice day today!

I really feel better about my legs, but still aware of them.

Today I did;
- Outlander Workout at lvl 1
- 4 x 10 self resistance bicep curls (with my legs) + 5 sec stop at the last rep
- 4 x 10 pike push ups

see you tomorrowwwwwwww


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Fae from India
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"New Bee getting fit"
Hi bees!

Such a week uh? Finally in my new apartment! I love beeing in my own space :cool:

The bad news: here I do not have any equipment, but fortunately I have this beautiul comunity :)

Yesterday: Rhapsody Workout

Today: I'll try this beautiful tribute Workout Kanary

See you later bees!


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 123
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"

Hi bees! how are you? nice saturday!

Yesterday I bought a doorframe pull up bar! it's a little scary butI love it.

So, yesterday I did:
- 5 x 8 pull ups
- 4 x 12 floor pull ups
- 4 x 20 scapular push ups + 10 reverse angels + 10 prone reverse fly's
- Epic Glutes challenge - day 6

Sotoday maybe a fll body hiit? IDK hahaha..

see you later bees!


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 123
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees!
Today I started Military Fit program, it was allways a real challenge for me this program and I never finished it.

Unfortunately this time will not be different because of a travel that I have in 15 days, but I think that this kind of challenge will crush my body and mind this days.

Hopefully, after the travel, I'll re-start it and crush it!

Data science: 1 hr of study
Read: no
write: no
Guitar: no


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 123
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees, in all the weekend I did not train, because I had visited my friend in his town (tigre - Buenos Aires, Argentina, take a look of that place ;) )...

So, tomorrow I'll resume my regular trainning schedule and my studies.

See you on monday bees!


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 123
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees! how are you? great wednesday ah?

here in my apartment, with this view:

On monday I did (and finished with almost no breath!!) : the day 4 of Military Fit program,

Yesterday I did:
- Military Fit program - Day 5
- 3 x (6 pull ups + 30 lateral rises (no weight))

Today I have a meeting with a friend of my hometown, but If I can, I'll do the day 6 of the program. I really love it!

See you later bees!


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 123
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees! how are you? great wednesday ah?

here in my apartment, with this view:
Hi bees! sorry! the photo did not upload!

Today I did the 6th day of Military Fit program... A good workout and not tooooo hard (thankfully)

See you tomorrow bees!


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Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 123
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees! how are you?

Here in Buenos Aires was a great sunny sunday, I've lunched with my sister and her family and then I came back to my apartment for some Military Fit program - Day 7 that let my legs burning a while hahaha, after that I did 3 sets of : 3 bicep oriented chin ups + 5 self resistance bicep curls.

I'm preparing my week for my next travel!! on Friday I'll go to Berlin, Madrid and Barcelona 15 days!! I cannot believe it! I'll see my brothers after 4 years and it is my first time in Europe!

I really cannot believe it! Any advice?

See you tomorrow bees!


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 123
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees! long time no see ah?

I've been in a trip to Europe with my family and that was the best holiday I've ever had!!

I realy really walked a Lot! Been in Berlin (my brother lives there), Madrid, Barcelona and Rome.

OMG friends, I need to live in some of theese places!!

So, I arrived last sunday and I've been trainning a bit with the dumbells of my sister's house.

Today I did:

- Epic Arms Challenge - Day 1
- Leg Day Express (12 kg Bar + 20 Kg)
- Ballerina - lvl1

See you tomorrow bees (next time from my home)


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 123
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Thanks @Mamatigerj !!

Hi bees!!
How are you today?

This Saturday I decided to start boxing, so maybe the next week or so I'll start!

Meanwhile, I've started theese challenges and programs:
- OLYMPIAN - Day 1 lvl2
- Epic Arms challenge - Day 1
- Push Pull Challenge - Day 1

Tomorrow I'll watch OPPENHEIMER!!!

See you tomorrow bees!


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 123
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees!

Yesterday I started a group hiit trainning (like crossfit) because it seems that there are no box places near my home. I'll do this 2 time a week so maybe I could combine it with olympian because is a really great program.

Today I did not train because I need to clean my house (tomorrow I will have visitors)

I did only the challenges:
- Epic Arms challenge - Day 3
- Push Pull Challenge - Day 3 - 3 x 10 pseudo plank push ups

See you tomorrow bees!


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 123
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees! How is going? Here a little bit tired and burned by the work haha...


- OLYMPIAN - Day 4 - this day I did it with a boxing bag so it was pretty funny!
- Epic Arms challenge - Day 5 -
- Push Pull Challenge - Day 4 - 10 x 3 hindu push ups

Monda: Crossfit (fullbody)

Tuesday (today) : GAP ( like a hiit for legs)

See you tomorrow bees!


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 123
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees!
On wednesday I only train upper body, and did:
- 4 x 8 pull ups
- 4 x 10 hindu push ups

On thursday I did not train because of a canceled flight (long story..)

Morning: The librarian Workout

- OLYMPIAN - Day 5
- Epic Arms challenge - Day 6 -
- Push Pull Challenge - Day 6 - 10 x 3 hindu push ups
TABATA of : thrusters (10 kg dumbells) + 10kg kettlebell swings

See you on tuesday bees, tomorrow I'll take a trip to San Juan Argentina, a really good place to visit


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 123
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees!

Today I did:

- 4 x 6 chin ups
- Planche prep Workout
- after every set I did 20 of my "artefact" to train Forearms (I really don't know what is the name of that)

Tomorrow I need to train my lower body so any recomemendation is welcome...

Good bye bees!


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 123
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
hi bees!

Yesterday I finally went to GAP (Leg focus HIT) so today I did my workout at home (love this combination)

- 4 x 6 pull ups
-Hardback Workout at lvl 1 but doing hindu push ups instead of donward upward dog.

So tomorrow I'll go to crossfit for some fullbody group workout.

See you later my friends!


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 123
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees!

Theese days I've been a little low of energy (I think thau it could be stress-related)

In this week I did 3 workouts:

- Monday:
- pull ups
- handstand
- combo of push ups, floor rows and self resistance bicep curls

- GAP (leg and abs based HIIT)

- 4 x 5 pull ups + 3 sec at the top every rep
This animal flow introduction

Maybe today will be another rest day. See you tomorrow beess!!!!


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 123
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees! nice sunday!!

thanks my friends! @Tileenah and @Mamatigerj :love:

Theese days were full of activities, social encounters and news!


I'm so in love with this situation, really, it is aweasome :ragdoll:

Today I trained on my own and did this routine:

- 4 x 10 full hindu push ups (video here)
- 4 x 5/5 pistol squats + 10/10 1leg goodmornings
- 4 x 6 chin ups + 10 bar abs + 10/10 20 kg forearm trainer (IDK how to name it)
- 3 x 10 hip felxor press + 10 reverse plank

So, tomorrow maybe will be an upper body Workout, cos on tuesday I'll do GAP (glutes - abs and legs)

See you later bees!


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 123
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees!! how are you?

Thanks so much my friends @Mianevem @Tileenah @Zenchan @GentleOx @aku-chan @Mamatigerj !! :love:

Yesterday I felt really really exhausted and decided to do a short workout, so I did:

3 sets of:
-8 pull ups + 20 chair up push ups + 1 set of the librarian Workout

And today I wanted to train in my home cause is rainning and I did not want to go to GAP (glutes, abs and legs hiit)
So I did
- SupeHero mode Workout

Tomorrow I'll go to crossfit so see you on thursday bees!


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 123
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees! and for sure @Saffity :D

Yesterday I did:

- INVICTUS Workout at lvl 1

Today I did:

- 4 x 8 chin ups
- 4 x 8/8 shrim squats (I'm pretty bad at this one haha)
- 4 x 10 complete hindu push ups
- The chopper Workout at lvl 1

Tomorrow I'll do some crossfit, so see you on wednesday!

bye bees!!