come on and enter! we have pizza


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 129
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees!
How are you?

Today was an Arm day:

- TOTALS day 6
- dd july 26
- 4 x 6 chin ups
- 4 x 10 explosive pike push ups
- 4 x 10 self resistance bicep curps + 10 bodyweight tricep ext.
For finishing:
1 round of 30 sec each exc as fast as I can:
- front lateral circles
- behind lateral circles
- shoulder touches (like the daily dare)
- lateral rises
- frontal rises
- raw delts rises

and then 25 sec frog stance

See you tomorrow bees !


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 129
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees!

and Hi @graoumia ! fine and you??
this week was a little mess for me, I did crossfit and darebee workouts but I didn't record them...

Warm up: 3 sets of (10 squats + 10 bar abs + 10 back ext.)

Workout: 50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 full burpees + push ups (did with knees) + squats

It was REALLY REALLY HARD! but I finished it!

see you tomorrow bees!


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 129
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees! how are you?

Yesterday I did crossfit, OMG sucha hard workout!!!

Yesterday was all about legs, so today I did:
Warm up:
- TOTALS - Day 7
- DD 14 aug

- Hardy workout at lvl 1 (3 sets) - 10 pull ups and 15 push ups each set
- finisher: 3 sets of: 8 pike push ups + 6 chin ups + 8 tricep ext + 8 self resistance bicep curls each arm

SO, finished ahahahah...

See you later bees! (maybe tomorrow i will not train)


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 129
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees! sorry about not writting!

last week I did some workouts from TOTALS program, PRIMAL STRENGTH and some add on workouts...

Today I did not have much time so I did

- PRIMAL STRENGTH - Day 3 with 10 sec squat hold after each leg exc set.

So.. done for today, see you tomorrow!


Well-known member
Gladiator from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 129
"“Go straight to the seat of intelligence–your own, the world's, your neighbors.”"
Hi bees! how are you?

- TOTALS - Day 14
- Primal Strength - Day 6 + 10 self resistance bicep curls after each set of 12 plank crunches

andddd as allways:
For finishing:
1 round of 30 sec each exc as fast as I can:
- front lateral circles
- behind lateral circles
- shoulder touches (like the daily dare)
- lateral rises
- frontal rises
- raw delts rises

See you tomorrow bees!