Nebulus' restart


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 71
I guess my current rhythm for the checkins will be weekly-ish :)
Last week i started jogging again. Real slow and just aiming to get some time in and get my muscles, tendons, ligaments etc. accustomed to a bit more more running again.
I also got myself some new shoes (helps my motivation and the old ones are really done). The runs went pretty well, on 2 days i did around 5K, the last run was a bit more than 7K.
Soreness/aches the day after the 7K was not really there which i take as a good sign. I don't want to expand the volume too much too soon. So i guess i'll stick around with 5-7K at the moment.
Besides running i only did a bit of archery. Getting back into it after some long vacancies.

Read you soon!


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 71
Mhh... almost two weeks since my last checkin. Well, i guess it takes some time to get up to speed :)
I kept up my jogging routine, since last checkin i did 4 runs. 6,6 km, 5km, 5km and yesterday 9km. All nice and slow. The longer run of 9km was really enjoyable and i had no soreness/aches afterwards. So i guess the direction is right.
Archery is also getting better. Last time i found another small thing i can adjust with my posture which helped my accuracy a lot :)
Plan for the next weeks is to continue jogging&archery and also ramp up weightlifting again.
Hope everything is good on your side!


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 71
On the 3rd october i did another nice jog of 5K and today i joined a class of Strong by Zumba. Not a lot of workouts/activities but still something.
Today i thought about doing again some workouts at home since it's easier to do them on a consistent basis with busy working days (in contrast to going to the gym). Let's see.


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 71
Time is flying. I thought my last week was around 1 week ago, but seems like it's more two weeks.
My workouts are a bit reduced at the moment as work is very stressful and busy these days. The project is not on time and the managers are starting to kind of panic.
On the 12th i went to the gym and did my regular routine - but with reduced weights and higher reps. To ease in after 2 months of no strength training. Still had some doms and aches for almost 4 days. On the 17th i went for another jog, the weather was way too nice to not go outside.
And today i did another workout in the gym. For tomorrow i'm thinking about joining the Strong by Zumba class or do a longer jog or some cycling.
I hope you all have a nice weekend!