It has been a bit of a crazy day.
Munchie got sent home early from school yesterday. According to the teacher, she removed her shoes and chucked one at another child, then later she stabbed a different child in the eye with a straw.
To hear Munchie tell it, she removed her shoes and hid them from the teacher, and the straw was an accident because she pulled it out too hard and hit the other child in the neck with it and the child exaggerated and lied. She's very adamant that the straw child lied about what happened.
Of course, with her prior behaviour, and the teacher not having witnessed it herself, the stabbed child had to be believed, and since Munchie was making the classroom an unsafe place she needed to be removed from it. We had a long chat with Munchie about the fact that we could believe her, and we did to a point, but that her previous behaviour made it so when the teacher heard what happened, she had to make a judgement call.
Today apparently was better (she stayed in school all day at least), however she was using the word "Bum" and "Potty" inappropriately. This is something that has been difficult to express to her, the right and wrong ways to say words. She understands 'bad words' and will chastise me if I say 'stupid' or something similar, and she knows the REALLY bad words and not to say them and why. The difficulty is explaining what situations are ok to use certain words without laying out EVERY example for her.
Especially since she's as semantic as her father, the man who, when HIS father called him out for eating two bowls of ice cream, and his mother asked him "how many bowls of ice cream have you eaten?" he answered truthfully that he had only eaten one bowl, never mind that he was holding the second bowl in his hands, because he hadn't yet eaten it.
She pulled something recently, where in, she was given her bedtime snack, but then we watched and danced to one more video. After we had done bedtime routine and I was turning off the light, she demanded a bedtime snack, because the previous one didn't count because we watched a video between her eating it and bedtime routine. Now, the TV goes off when bedtime snack is given and I give Hubby very pointed looks about it.
I did not make it out to the gym last night as parenthood and discussing the situation with Munchie, while also dealing with Biggie, took priority. Hubby had to run out to deal with some car stuff and I played with the kids. I was their bridge as they crawled around under me, then pushed them across the room on their stomachs over and over again, then was a wiggle worm for them to climb on. Then they ran back and forth across the room and when they got to me I did a press up with their 33-35 lb selves and got some good upper body work done.
Munchie is spending the night at Gramma's because tomorrow is a PD day, and Hubby is at games night, so I'll probably do a more structured workout tonight, though whether that's Darebee designed or a video on YouTube I'm still undecided at the moment. Hubby thought he was going to be nice, Munchie was at Gramma's, if he got someone to drive him to games night, I could totally go to the gym!! Then he remembered "I have 2 kids"....
very sweet of him, but I will just enjoy my time tomorrow and go during the day on the weekend.
Otherwise it's been a pretty busy day at work, but I got everything I needed to done, and listened to over a quarter of my audiobook, so that's fun!!