I'm Going On An Adventure!!


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
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Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Well now, isn't this nice!! I came back expecting to look at my check in thread and wimper a little at the length of time it's been, and instead there's a gorgeous new forum to play on.

It's like opening a brand new journal! All the possibilities!

But for a smack of reality to me, I must admit that Square one is very much on hold at the moment, so on hold that I will likely restart it when I'm next able to do anything more than walking. The joys of growing a tiny human parasite.

He's doing well, likely to be a gymnast or swimmer if his vast array of movements display. I would prefer he didn't beat up my liver so much.

The flood of relaxin has started, and while that will be lovely in a couple of months, at the moment it means that my already hyperflexible body (thanks to Celiac Disease) is having a little difficulty holding my joints as they should be. This results mainly in sore back atm as my ribs like trying to rearrange themselves.

So I have been advised to stick with walking, and whatever motions taking care of Ze Munchie requires, and to limit extra exercizing.

Since Ze Peanut is due mid December, my hope is that he will arrive early enough that I can recoup and join the (likely) Advent/Ornament challenge and get my name on the tree again.


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Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
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Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Thanks everyone! Had a good birthday and baby Boy is growing as he should. The doctor is starting to get slightly concerned about the fact that I'm not gaining weight as expected (especially since I have Celiac Disease), but it's not at the point of big worries yet so long as I'm able to eat and keep the food down.

I guess that I'm just eating healthier enough that baby and I getting rid of some of the extra weight I had on, we'll see once he gets here and it's just my weight to consider.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
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Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Well I’m feeling better. I adore my children but pregnancy is totally not my thing.

Which is to say, Little Man joined us in quite a whirlwind on December 14, 7 lbs 11 oz, 19” long. He’s in perfect health, and now I’m on my way back to it.

It’s uncanny how much he looks like his sister. Which means he looks just like Daddy. Munchie has accepted him wholeheartedly into the flock.

Now, as we enter the season of staying inside, it’s time to slowly come back to Darebee and get those wonderful endorphins flowing to combat the winter blues. Time to take a full tour of the new site!


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Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
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"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
All right!!!! Finally passed the 6 week appointment and have been given the go ahead to get back to exercizing. Unfortunately, like many post partum women I have some pelvic issues that need to be focused on and means I really have to ease back into things. Physiotherapy will help with what I can't do on my own, and I've been directed to focus on core and glutes.

In that vein, I completed the Choosing to be Exceptional workout on Level 1. This will likely be my main focus workout for the next month, hopefully building up how many sets I can do.

So glad to be back!


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Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
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Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
All right....

Two tiny humans 3 and under is no joke!! So I'm just going to do an update post while I have a few minutes. Peanut (tiny human 2) turns 5 months on Sunday, and he is a beefy 15 lbs already... he's... in the 97th percentile for height. Munchie (tiny human 1) is nearly 3.5 and is now 30 lbs (she's just above average for her weight, and about 85th percentile for height... these kids are going to be taller than me by the time they reach 10 years old). My current claim to fame is that one day when Munchie wasn't feeling great and asked me to carry her up the stairs, I was able to do so while also carrying her brother MommyStrong!!!!

I have been continuing Choosing to be Exceptional as part of my postpartum work. It was very well received by my postartum physio, and I have been feeling better in the pelvic region as well thanks in big part to it. So Physically I've been doing well. Emotionally has been a roller coaster. I've lost two family members on the same side of the family since the end of February, one was kind of expected (they were 98) the other wasn't. This had the added stress of having family staying with me (which I do enjoy their company, but it's still stress) added to by the kids' schedules going kablooey.

However, the good news is that I am down quite a bit of weight. Prior to conceiving Peanut I was weighing in at about 210lbs, the last 2 weeks I've been hovering around 178-180lbs


Bust: 42" (slight inaccuarcy likely here as I'm nursing)
Waist: 34"
Hips: 43.75"

This is vastly down from where I was last year. I bought basically a new wardrobe after things settled from Munchie as none of my clothes fit and was buying all 1XL. Now most of those are at least a bit too big (I sew and will be altering them rather than replacing), and I think I'm down to XL which is pretty exciting.

As of right now I'm not doing anything special diet wise except maintaining my gluten free diet due to Celiac Disease and watching my portions. I'm feeding Peanut at this time so I need to make sure I have enough for that. Once he weans I may do a few more changes but right now so long as I stay around 180 or below I'm content with where I am.

All around it's good progress and I'm feeling good too.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Ok, finally we have nice weather here in Canada, nice enough to head out for walks with the kids, blow up a pool, and decide to ramp up my workouts now that I'm feeling healthy and strong again after the arrival of Peanut (5 months ago granted, but ensuring I don't injure myself is a big thing now that I'm in my 40s.)

Been tearing around the house cleaning, and since we've got a back split that means a TON of stairs. Also trying to do daily walks with Peanut at least, or being out playing with Munchie, all movement is good movement!

Additionally I decided to give Pathfinder another go, and see if I can't finish it this time. After day 1 I have all 5 of my survivors in my tribe... we will see if I can keep them alive to the end.
I'm also starting the new Zen program to try and help with external stress I've been dealing with. I've never been good at meditation but I'm willing to give it another go.

Still able to carry both kids up the stairs at the same time... sometimes multiple times a day when Munchie (the 30 pounder) suddenly decides her legs don't work and she requires "mommy elevator" :phew:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Oy, if you ever need a motivator to push you past your mental block, get thee a toddler!! I did so much today…

Daily exercise- 40 lunge punches all in one go

Pathfinder day 3

June challenge day 1 (she demanded I do squats too and I told her tomorrow)

Part of Zen day 3 … doing any kind of balance move with someone who thinks it’s hilarious to push you over just doesn’t work… I’ll do it after bedtime

And then she started demanding “Another mommy game??” Which meant more exercises, but her brother saved me by loading his pants. Seriously, if you need extra motivation get a toddler, who gives you the saddest eyes when you say you’re tired.

:roadkill:The boundless energy of a child


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Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
She woke up this morning, opened my laptop and demanded "more mommy game!!" and getting upset when I told her that Mommy was too sore at this point to do a full exercize and please let me at least get coffee.... :sadness:

So I turned on one of her toddler exercize videos (miss linky) and we fought the pollution monster with the help of comic book super heroes and made a unicorn feel better while jumping on mushrooms collecting frogs.... still some exercize, but not to the full extend of a Darebee workout... which will come later after the infant is napping.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
And the final tally of the workouts done at the behest of my tiny dictator are:

Two Miss Linky videos
Pathfinder Day 4
Zen Day 3 (mommy do the standing one again) and Day 4 meditation
Epic Glutes Day 2
Exercize of the Day in one go
1 Set of I am Enough
1 Set of Guard Duty
3.5 minutes of marching around the living room

"I want more mommy game... more exercize" is becoming a theme in this household... if she gets her way I will be in the best shape I've ever been before long....:yas:


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Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
I keep hoping she’ll get bored of exercising but apparently not…

Today I managed to put her off until 10 when we did:

Exercise of the day (dubbed the peek a boo exercise) with EC
Epic Glutes Day 3 (when asking your child to count the 10 hold you either get a quick hold or a very loooong one as she gets distracted)
30 minute walk for Pathfinder Day 5

Then we got home from the walk and went into the backyard as baby was sleeping. She played, I dug out a 5’x10’ span of raspberry canes that had overgrown their patch.

Then during nap time I bagged up all the raspberries for the compost, then moved a small storage shed we had on our patio into the opened space.

After nap time more “mommy game” was demanded so I’m an effort to spare my back I did Zen day 5 with her. She then demanded more exercises so we did:

The second half of Pathfinder Day 5
15 squats
20 mountain climbers
5 basic burpees
1 set of Spring Chicken

And then we vacuumed the second floor, complete with 3 year old taking the vacuum from me when we reached her room stating “No mommy no stop!! I’ll do it myself!” I’m sure her enthusiasm for cleaning will wear off quickly.

I am currently sitting on the couch enjoying an iced coffee, Daddy will be taking care of bedtime when he gets home from work while I get a nice long bath. :surrender:


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Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
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Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
I have family coming into town to stay with us for a week starting Tuesday afternoon so I’m including some of the more strenuous chores I’m doing to prepare for that.

Also, the baby is mobile now… I repeat, the baby can army crawl and get in all the things, we have moved to Red status.

First things first, the scale was very nice to me this morning and read 177 lbs which I haven’t seen since 2017. Also, my body is pain, but my toddler is motivation.

Vacuumed the main hallway and kitchen.
Vacuumed the entire basement (guest room, office, and bathroom)

Managed to do the exercise of the day today, honestly was going to skip it but toddler demanded it and… sort of did it with me.
Day 6 of pathfinder with all 5 people saved and freed momma bear
Day 4 Epic glutes
Did some lower body stretching while I was warm and on the floor with baby.

Will do day 6 zen meditation after bedtime when the chaos diminishes.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Continued preparations for company include more vaccuming and setting up a mini fridge in the guest room.

Today's workout by decree of the mini dictator included:

Pathfinder Day 7: Run/walk around the block for 20 minutes... including a mad dash when she decided to take off on me.
Exercise of the day with EC
Epic Glutes Day 5 - 3 sets of bridges with the 30 lb dictator sitting on my pelvis... ouch
Zen Day 7 to loosen up the back, and she wanted to do "the sitting one" but lasted less than 2 minutes of a kid's meditation video... she's 3, we'll work on it.

I'll probably do a few more stretches later as my back is feeling tight today.

Company arrives tomorrow afternoon, I'm hoping I can carve out time while they're here to exercise as I don't really like working out in front of other adults.


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Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
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Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Company has arrived and the house was ready with enough time for me to sew up half of a little outfit for baby that I'm hoping to have done for this weekend. Stripped and made two elevated queen beds, so that was some fun stretching and bending.

Today's list:

Exercise of the day + EC
Zen Day 7 again as Toddler requested it again
Zen Day 8
Pathfinder Day 8 - picked up the two new survivors
Epic Glues Day 6 - 2 sets while holding the 30 lb toddler

Now to relax and enjoy my company.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
So the whole 'don't like exercising in front of adults' went out the window when tiny toddler dictator decided that not only were we going to play the exercise game while company was in the house, but outside in the back yard...

Today's tasklist:

Exercise of the day + EC
Pathfinder Day 9
Zen Day 9 (move over goat yoga, toddler yoga is where it's at)
Epic Glutes Day 7 (with 30 lb toddler sitting on my pelvis)

Doing all this outside in the warm/smokey Southern Ontario air was surprisingly more difficult than inside where the A/C is running.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
I’m calling it for tonight. Didn’t do anything, today was not a good mental day for me. I hit a stress limit between the company we have staying with us and the upheaval it brings to the kids’ schedules.

Luckily Wednesdays and Thursdays are my hubby’s weekend so he was able to give me some relief today.

Once the baby goes to bed I may see about doing the exercise of the day and Zen meditation.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Thank you @JCU and @Tileenah, it really is harder than you'd think. I fell off the routine, and so did my kids. Now I'm getting back to it but not going to 'catch up' as it were, just continue from where I left off. Also getting back to being strict about nap/bed times.

Little Miss still likes to play Mommy Exercise Game and pushes me to do more than I would myself.

Today we did:

Exercise of the day: 60 Seconds superman stretch + EC (technically did this 1.5 times as the first time MIL called in the middle of it and I was determined to get EC)
Epic Glutes Day 8
Pathfinder Day 10
Zen Day 10

Next week will also have the fun of getting my house cleaned up again because it's apparently difficult to do normal cleaning when company is here... the whole house needs a good vacuuming. I love my family dearly but it does take a bunch out of me to host them.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
I have discovered that I am officially old. I slept wrong last night and could barely get out of bed this morning. My shoulders and lower back were killing me, which may have been made worse from the mountain climbers and shoulder taps from Pathfinder day 10 on Sunday but no way was it only that. So the day started with Motrin and coffee, and after a half hour I was feeling a little mobile again.

Missed doing the programs yesterday again, but the children are still coming down from the insanity and chaos of last week and poor behaviour and tantrums abounded. So yesterday was filled with Miss Linky toddler exercise videos (which still get the heart beat up when done to the fullest), and lots of cuddling.

This morning we did:

A decent speed walk around the block
Pathfinder Day 11 (toddler was parade master for the marching steps complete with 'marching stick' that was flailed with great abandon)
Exercize of the day - 5 minute arm hold + EC (owie)
Epic Glutes Day 9 with added 30 lb toddler weight sitting on pelvis
Additional squats and lunges at various times as toddler decreed

And a small Mommy brag that my 3.5 year old and I started her first chapter books today. She decided that after reading a picture book she wanted to hear a bigger story and so we read the first chapter of a Tinkerbell book. :cutter:

Going to do some Zen to loosen everything up again after sitting on the couch during the baby's nap time and then off to make up the guest bed now that I've washed the sheets.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
I have decided to drop Zen for now, the last few meditations I only did a couple minutes before something distracted me requiring my attention (in a house with 1 husband, 2 cats, and 2 kids under 3 there are a lot of distractions). I may see about adding a random Yoga workout to supplement, but for now I'm still keeping up with the rest. :yas:

That being said:

Exercise of the Day + EC - 2 minutes sidejacks
Pathfinder Day 12
Epic Glutes Day 10


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Good evening from the house of teething.... two nights of short sleep have not been fun.

so, today I did:

Epic Glutes Day 11 & 12
Pathfinder Day 13
Yesterday's Exercise of the day 50 high crunches + EC

Toddler assisted with workouts by being added weight for a number of exercises. She also had me do random yoga poses, and also hold her up for balance moves, which was... difficult when she kept lifting her feet...:sadness:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
First and Foremost....

The scale said 176!!!!!

While there's less of me, the kidlets continue to grow. Toddler is officially over 30 lbs and Baby is nearly 17 lbs, no wonder I'm getting killer biceps from carying them around. I've fallen off my daily exercizing, but with being outdoors more, and friends having a pool that I'm taking advantage of, plus keeping the house in order with now two mobile wee humans racing around I am getting my daily movement amounts in.

I do want to continue with Epic Glutes and Pathfinder from where I left off. I need more badges on my profile :yas:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 391
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Thank you!

Today I mowed the lawn, trimmed the decorative tree, and went for a walk. Got some bad news yesterday and finally got some time to walk out my frustrations. It's really hard to get really bad news and not be able to really process it because you have tiny kids who don't understand and need you to be happy and play as normal.

The nice thing is that the bad news has a delayed effect and won't really come to a head until next year so I have a chance to plan and get things ready for it, so I've decided to not worry about it and enjoy my summer with my kids. In the fall I can really start moving on what needs to be done.