Unto the Breach (At Least Once More...)


Well-known member
Guardian from St. Cloud, MN
Posts: 160
Everything has been just pushing my buttons the past few days and I don't know why. I mean, sure, my social battery is hurting most days between customers and my staff. I get that. But it's like I haven't been getting enough rest away from people over the past few days and tomorrow is a manager meeting*, so I don't even have the day away from people.

The workout:
De-Stress Challenge Day 29, one hundred Punches
Back & Core Challenge Day 29, three sets of 26 Reverse Angels with thirty seconds rest between sets
Foundation Program Day 29 at level 3 with no rest.

One more day until two new badges and a re-badge.

*Thankfully it's virtual. Small favors.


Well-known member
Guardian from St. Cloud, MN
Posts: 160
Manager meeting? Check. Impostor syndrome? Check. Work out anyway? Check. Not know what to do if I didn't work out*? Check.

The workout:
De-Stress Challenge Day 30, one hundred Punches
Back & Core Challenge Day 30, three sets of twenty W-Extensions and Prone Reverse Flyes with thirty seconds rest between sets
Foundation Program Day 30 at level 3 with no rest.

Rebadge for Foundation? Check. Badges for the De-Stress and Back & Core Challenges? Check.

*Besides the obvious feel worse about myself.**
**And probably overeat. Not that I didn't do that already.


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,541
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."


Well-known member
Guardian from St. Cloud, MN
Posts: 160
Thank you, @NancyTree.

Looking forward quiet times. Tomorrow is game day, but by and large since I left work this afternoon until a bit before open on Monday is going to be recharge.

Also, after rechecking a couple of programs, I made a decision about Arms of Steel. I am not and likely will not be ready to do push-ups to fatigue into exercises like plank rotations. I feel those are asking for trouble for me in the foreseeable future.* So I've subbed in Power Up for July's Program of the month. Below is the new plan.

JanuaryDe-stress ChallengeBack & ShouldersFoundation
FebruaryKnee-to-Elbow CrunchesRe:CenterIndividual Workouts
MarchReverse LungesUpper Body Light30 Days of LIIT
AprilReverse AngelsBetter LegsIndividual Workouts
MayArm ScissorsCardio & CoreTotal Body
JuneHeel TapsWarrior ArmsIndividual Workouts
JulyMarch StepsBetter AbsPower Up
AugustProne Reverse FlysLower Body BlastIndividual Workouts
SeptemberElbow+Elbow CombosGladiatorRonin's Blade
OctoberPush-Up Plank HoldHollow HoldIndividual Workouts
NovemberSide KicksWall SitOne Minute HIIT
DecemberProne W-ExtensionsPower PoseIndividual Workouts

The workout:
Four Knee-to-Elbow Crunches
Re:Center Challenge Day 2, three sets of thirty second Full Planks with thirty seconds rest between sets followed by a one minute Stretch Hold
Three sets of Lower Back with one minute rest

*That's a lot of "for" in that sentence. Except that one "in".


Well-known member
Guardian from St. Cloud, MN
Posts: 160
Thank you, @MadamMeow and @FlowersandPetals.

Need more social recharge. I slept poorly last night and just generally had a poor day. It doesn't help that I was hungry all day, either. I suppose it could have been dehydration, it's been incredibly dry, lately.

The workout:
Six Knee-to-Elbow Crunches
Re:Center Challenge Day 3, three sets of twenty Side Leg Raises with thirty seconds rest between sets
Ten minutes in the Pits


Well-known member
Guardian from St. Cloud, MN
Posts: 160
Today I learned things about one of my staff and I think I may need to do something about it. That said, tonight's workout felt uncharacteristically good. Maybe because it was an outlet for the physical stress built up from the socio-mental stress?

The workout:
Eight Knee-to-Elbow Crunches
Re:Center Challenge Day 4, three sets of thirty second Full Planks with thirty seconds rest between sets followed by a one minute Stretch Hold
Thirty five minutes of steady state cardio


Well-known member
Guardian from St. Cloud, MN
Posts: 160
I had a conversation with the staff member I mentioned yesterday. I suppose we'll see if the behavior* changes. Everything feels so difficult right now at work, even though it's actually a slow month for us. I don't know what the problem is except that it lies within me.

The workout:
Ten Knee-to-Elbow Crunches
Re:Center Challenge Day 5, three sets of twenty-four Side Leg Raises with thirty seconds rest between sets
Paladin (old) at level 1. After the first pair** of push-ups, I had to sub in knee push-ups. I can't get rid of this extra mass fast enough.

*Or behaviour, as the case may be.
**Not even the first set's push-ups. The first pair. As in the first two, the beginning of the whole workout.