90 Days


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
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"Starting again"
Hi everyone.

A returning member, trying to get back on track and setting a 90-day target for myself.

I'm going to do the Warrior training plan. I'd like to do Exercise of the Day as well. And hopefully build up more fitness.

I'm doing OK with my fitness: I play football (soccer) once a week, fairly energetically, and I've just done my annual 10k run in 55:44. I do taiji online once a week and walk a fair amount too.

I'm struggling with my mental health a little and see fitness as a big weapon in this.

I'm pretty convinced now that I have or am ADHD. I think it's extremely unlikely at my age (52) and where I am (the UK) I would be able to get a formal diagnosis and medication.

I'm a recovering alcoholic and drug addict and feel secure in that, however, I've got real issues with various compulsive behaviours particularly around internet use, that I'm trying to tackle.

Yoga and maybe meditation are things I'm interested in too.

This is Day 1 for me, and I hope to speak to more of you soon - I recognise some names already.

I hope everyone is well!


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
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"Starting again"
@BetaCorvi @Gandhalfit @HellYeah @dadbod_jam @Mianevem @aku-chan @CODawn @Fremen


Thank you for the welcomes. It's lovely to see some familiar names and faces, I hope you are all doing OK.

@dadbod_jam here are the training plans: https://darebee.com/training-plans.html

I'm on Day III.

To fit my schedule with Warrior, my Day 1 is a Tuesday and I started on Day 2 (of the 7).

So on Wednesday I did:

Chaser workout (need to work out how to tag in workouts again!). Just level 1 as I found it very hard. I feel OK in my fitness but I haven't done any sort of HIIT for a long time. And I'm recovering from a series of nasty viruses that testing tells me weren't COVID but have left me still somewhat short of breath. According to tests, I've never actually had COVID, but that's not 100% of course.

I did the exercise of the day, 30 calf raises.

I did my challenge, punches and squats, 3 X 30 punches.

And I did a yoga video by Nico Marie (
) and I'm working through her 30-day BEAM challenge.

Yesterday I had a work event and was late home so just did my challenge: 50 squats.

On we go! I'll try to find some old friends today. x


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
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"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
I officially never had covid either but I do get a lot colds and the occasional flu. Strange.


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
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"Starting again"
Hello Tileenah, have you changed your name? How lovely to see you!

It is weird, Gandhalfit. Nothing to work on here now as there's almost no testing...,


On we go. I'm enjoying myself.

To catch up to where I am:

I've continued with the Warrior traning plan:

Friday: Day 4, full body strength: https://darebee.com/workouts/black-knight-workout.html

That was hard. I used a smaller dumbell for punches. Overhead punches with biggest dumbells was to failure.

Saturday: Casual training: I cycled to my new local Park Run. Completed the 5k in in 27:37 and the cycle was 17km. Yoga day 3 of Black Yogi Nico Marie's BEAM challenge.

Today: Combat. I've decided to do these for my combat workouts

And, it fits in nicely with my 90-day challenge. These are hard. I remember mentioning them to Dawn as a possible future challenge. I was pleased to complete the first one. I'll do this 2ce a week now.

After that Day 4 of Nico's BEAM.

And I'm up to date on my squats and punches challenge.

I felt very good after my workout today. Really high.

I hope everyone is OK.

And on we go.


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
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"Starting again"
I confused myself, Tileenah! Thank you for saying hello.

(I am old and my memory is bad!)

Today is rest/casual training. . .

Punch/squat challenge: 60 squats (35/25)
Exercise of the Day: 30 up/down dogs. It feels weird doing yoga moves like this. I did it. My belly hurts!

Yoga: Nico BEAM challenge Days 5 and 6... I got in a muddle with the video order so... (I'm old and find things hard to understand!).

I'll play football (real football) this evening at a steady pace for about an hour.

All good.

A clever person would take notice of previous patterns. . . So, I'm trying to, and I'm trying not to do much in terms of expectations. It's good for me to exercise every day. It's not bad if I fall off specific challenges.

This came up on YouTube. I saw them a couple of weeks back. They're one of my favourite bands:



Well-known member
Bard from Wales
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"Starting again"
Thank you, Matan, and you!

Yesterday I swapped my combat for my HIIT, cos I thought my combat would be too much to repeat so quickly.

Then I did this, chosen at random from a YouTube search for "HIIT small dumbbells":

And discovered it really is "super sweaty".

Yes, very hard, and I couldn't complete everything weighted. I have 2.5kg little weights and they were a bit too much. A great sense of achievement in getting to the end though.

Then Nico Marie Yoga Day 7 of BEAM challenge, which was a chackra one. Hip opening really, and very good.

Squats and punches: 3 x 40 punches.

Exercise of the day: side plank hold.

And that's all good!

I've been listening to some ADHD stuff and I wonder if setting goals and challenges just isn't very good for my sort of brain. So, I'm not doing too much in that regard, but am trying to keep on my mind that it's good for me to be in nature every day, to drink more water, and to meditate.

I need to be a bit careful with my shoulder. I hurt it badly enough - just by sleeping on it! - that I had to have physio a few weeks ago. Weighted stuff, plus lots of yoga down dogs is working it. I don't want to injure myself and lose momentum.

My partner is away a lot for her work at the moment so I have quite a lot of time alone. That's something else I need to work on dealing with.

As ever, I have lots to say!

Due to go for a run today!

Have lovely days, Bees. x

*EDIT: I remembered yesterday that I should think about why I want to exercise, or why it is good for me!

And I have a few reasons, mostly I know it's very good for my health. I'd like to look fit too. And, I'd like to support my football playing for as long as I can. Good thoughts to remember.
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Well-known member
Druid from TLV
Pronouns: You there
Posts: 938
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
I hope your shoulder will stop hurting soon :vibes:

I usually feel better mentally after a workout. That's a strong reason. I hope it helps.


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
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"Starting again"
Thank you Gandhalfit. Yes, a big mood booster! :vibes:

Thank you, PSW. I forgot I had an old thread and I can't find it now... So, here we are. . .

It is lovely to see old friends here. I'm so pleased you're still here.

The male urge to scream "SHUT THE **** UP I'M TRYING TO BREATHE" during a guided meditation. . .

Sorry, that's a very twitter thing to say. I'm trying to meditate and I'm using an app at the moment. It's Balance, it's free/pay-what-you-want for a year. It seems fine. I hope I'll just meditate soon though. I don't know why I feel like I need these guides and apps. I suppose it formalises it. I don't like the culture of it very much to be honest. But, I have done 3 days of 5-minute meditations.

Yesterday was my active rest day, and I did a run. This is my "usual" run and it's 3.12 kilometres, mostly paved, 40m up and down. I haven't ever really timed it properly, but it takes me about 15 to 20 minutes. I may start timing it, and I might add some variety.

Then the next day of Yoga BEAM with Nico Marie:

Warrior pose. Lovely to do. I used to use Ekhart Yoga and discovered Nico Marie by YouTube accident. Her videos are just right for me. She speaks at the right pace, I enjoy her personality, and her beginner level stuff (like this challenge) is a good challenge for me.

65 squats for my challenge. Daily Dare 60 climber taps - that's a tough one!

That's it!

I'm learning Welsh on duolingo and I'm doing OK with that, to the extent I can email with my mum in her mother tongue a little bit now, which is nice.

I made a cake called a Parkin last night. I think it's a northern English speciality and very autumnal (and not very healthy). I'm not doing much on diet, though my partner now has to for health reasons. I think I do OK. I'm vegetarian and think I have a pretty OK diet, though I can binge on fatty things, chocolate, sweet things... easily enough.

There we go!

Back to combat today!

Have lovely days, Bees. :strong:
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Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 163
"Starting again"
Thank you so much, MamaT, I'm super pleased to see you too!

Yesterday was "combat", so I repeated my Muay Thai workout.

Squats and Punches challenge: 4 * 50 punches.

Exercise of the day: arm scissors.

Yoga: Nico Marie BEAM Challenge Day 9 "Brain Power". Nice, slow meditative practice.

Today, I woke up early so did my workout before work (an interesting experiment for me that seemed to go well. Food for thought!):

Strength day, so I did the Forever Young workout, with my 7kg (total) dumbbells.

Yoga BEAM challenge Day 10: Balance, Eagle Pose. Challenging, but I got there.

Exercise of the Day: 50 reverse angels. That's a lot of reverse angels! Several sets for me.

70 squats through the day: 10 primal, 10 sumo, 10/10 split, 10 narrow, 10, er, fast, 10 normal.

This is my 10th day of the 90 and I couldn't be more positive.

Despite my moaning about the meditation app, I've now done 5 days.

Long may it continue.

Thank you Bees. Have lovely days.

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Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 163
"Starting again"
Thank you, PSW!

Thank you, Dawn. She's nice isn't she!

Thanks Nancy. Lovely to see you again!


Punch squat challenge: 3 X 50 punches.
5 minute meditation.

And, then a day out at the football, so lots of sitting in a car, a bit of shouting, singing, and celebrating - unusual!


Yoga: BEAM Day 11, Solar Plexus. Day 12, Sun Salutations.

Montrait Muay Thai 90-day challenge, part 1, week 2. Reps have gone up a little. Tough!

Punch squat challenge: 75 squats.

Exercise of the day: balance hold, and 30 butterfly push-ups for Saturday (mine did not look the illustration).

Today is rest/casual training. I have to do some walking and cycling for local errands and might leave it at that. I'll do the next Nico Marie yoga.

Have lovely days, Bees!

:approve: :approve: :approve:


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 163
"Starting again"
Hi Bees:

:approve: :approve: :approve:

Catching up:


Maybe about 5 miles of walking.

Exercise of the day: 2 minute wall sit.

Yoga BEAM with Nico Marie: Day 13 Calming Yoga. Very nice.

Punch/Squat challenge: 60 punches x 3.


HIIT: Hard HIIT from Darebee. Tough! 7 sets.

Yoga BEAM with Nico Marie: Day 14 Ability Wild Thing pose. I managed a pose I'd never managed in a normal flow. Pleased!

Squats/punch challenge: 80 squats, in 1 set.

Today is Rest/Casual. I hope to go for a run.

Take care all. x


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 163
"Starting again"
Thank you, PSW!

That takes me nicely to the end of today, which was Nico's BEAM Day 15. Heart Chakra, featuring Wild Thing!

Today was a rest day so I ran. I did 3.94 km, with a 100m overall ascent.

Punch/Squats 3 X 60 punches.

And I caught up on daily exercises with the deadlifts and single-leg bridges.


I'm quite tired today. One thing to keep on my mind is to drink more water. I don't do this very well.

All is going well though and I noticed today that - generally - I have much more energy and my mental health is really exponentially better.

I've forgotten how to insert workouts in posts. Does anyone have a link to Neila's instructions?

And, I don't know how to follow threads. I'm following people, but not check-in threads, which is what I'd like to do.

I made a donation as I see the funding critical red-light is flashing.

Thank you, Bees. Have lovely days or nights. x :)


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
Pronouns: You there
Posts: 938
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
I've forgotten how to insert workouts in posts. Does anyone have a link to Neila's instructions?
If you mean using a hyperlink, the icon is usually in the top left corner of each post you start. If you mean getting the page of a workout to appear as a picture, @Sundance is good at it..


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Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,146
And, I don't know how to follow threads. I'm following people, but not check-in threads, which is what I'd like to do.

Nowadays it is called 'watch' a thread, at the top of the thread:
(Now it says 'unwatch' because I'm already watching you 😉)


You can also automatically follow peoples threads when you post:
Go to 'preferences' and check the box(es):



Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 163
"Starting again"
Merci and diolch, PSW! I'll be using that soon!


Punch/Squats challenge: 85 squats (40/45)

Yoga Nico Marie BEAM Day 16: lower body strength. Tough!

Fighter training plan. Combat: Montrait Muay Thai 90-day challenge, part 1, week 2, session 2. Moving on to week 3 now. Pleased at the improvement.

Exercise of the day: 20 sky diver pushups. I have a long-standing fear of pushups so I was pleased to complete a set of 20 of this variant.

I haven't logged it, but this morning I did my 11th consecutive day of meditation, using (largely) the Balance app. This morning's session reminded me of one reason I dislike these apps. It glitched during the session and went mute. I did a 10-minute breath count on my own instead. I had a previous bad experience with Headspace. The site went down for some reason and I had become, in a way, dependent on it to meditate, and I was absolutely furious - not the desired result! So, I may quit Balance. Or not. We'll see.

I haven't logged this either, but today is my 15th day using Duolingo. To learn Welsh of course.

And, it's my 16th day without using Twitter. (I won't call it by it's new name.) I still have big issues with my internet, and more recently phone use, but this has been a HUGE plus for me. Other things have come in to replace it. I'm on Whatsapp a lot, and Duolingo. And I'm using an app to track and support my "recovery" from this addiction/compulsion. But that hell site was the cause of so much anger and sadness and the thief of so much time.

This nicely coincides with: 16 consecutive days of exercise and 16 consecutive days of yoga.

I'm lucky. Things are going really well.

Something predictable is happening: in my enthusiasm to do as much as I can I'm going through 3 programmes, all of which are getting more time-consuming and challenging! I have some time and energy issues maybe but I'm keen to keep going, and keen to look ahead. I'm interested in the next Challenge and the next yoga programme (Welsh for yoga is ioga - very easy! They teach you that early in Duolingo).

I posted something about ADD/ADHD in the mental health section. If anyone here has any advice on keeping to a programme with that sort of brain, then..., I'd be most grateful.

Have beautiful days Bees!


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 163
"Starting again"
Catch up!


Fighter Programme: rest/casual.

Exercise of the day: boat pose

Nico Marie Yoga BEAM Day 17: Mindset, clarity and focus.

Park Run 5K: 25:28.

Walk up the hill that is not a mountain. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Englishman_who_Went_up_a_Hill_but_Came_down_a_Mountain)


Exercise of the day: 60-seconds high knees.

Nico Marie Yoga Beam Day 18: Energy, throat chakra.

Fighter programme: Combat: Montrait Muay Thai 90-day challenge, part 1, week 3, part 1. Highest reps for this circuit before it drops down next week. Tough, but surprisingly doable.

Days: meditation 13, duolingo Welsh 17, addiction 18.


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 163
"Starting again"
Catching up.

It's quite good that I'm spending less time online in fact.

Concerning to see the "critical" sign flashing.



Nico Marie Yoga BEAM Day 20 (I got my numbers wrong somewhere, but I've done every session to get to here): Core Strength.

Squat/Punch challenge: 90 squats.

Exercise of the Day: 1-armed plank jump ins. An extremely hard exercise.




Nico Marie Yoga Day 21. Yin yoga for emotional release. Relatively gentle practice. Very nice.

Montrait Muay Thai 90-day Challenge. Part 1, week 3, session 2. That's the end of the hardest part of this circuit, which cuts down the reps for the final week. Very challenging for me, but I have to say I always feel brilliant after completing these and it feels like a really great, all-round workout.

Punch/Squat challenge: 80 punches X 3.

I forgot exercise of the Day so that happens today.

All is good.


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 163
"Starting again"
I love that movie!
I live at the bottom of the Hill in the story, MamaT. But they went somewhere more picturesque to make the film - here, if you get to the top of the hill you have a lovely view of the very big, modern city of Cardiff in front of you. I watched it for the first time recently and I liked it too, though some of the Welsh accents are very bad! Kenneth Griffith, the actor who played the minister, is an interesting and controversial Welsh character.

Come and see me - and the Hill - if you make it to the UK!


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 163
"Starting again"

Run: about 3.2km. I don't time these, but it felt faster. Being on the foothills of the hill means everything involves some climbing.

I then did 10 short sprints up our garden, which is also slopey. It's not far, probably about 30m.

Exercise of the day (and the yesterday): 60-second elbow plank hold. 60 elbows to knee.

Nico Marie Yoga BEAM Day 22: Headstand! I did not do a headstand, but I enjoyed this and got through all of the preparatory poses. I'd like to return when the time is right.

I'm very happy with how things are going.

I'm learning:

It's best for me to do all my exercise in one session and as early in the day as possible.

I like variety. And I like to plan ahead. I enjoy this too.

Yoga is showing me just how bad my pelvis/hips/lower-back flexibility is. I can't even sit up straight. There is possibly something in my posture, but almost certainly I need to DO SOMETHING ABOUT HOW LONG I SPEND SITTING.

As I'm not doing too many targets I'm not setting a target, but I want to keep in mind that it would do me a lot of good to use pomodoros and do something physical in my breaks.

I have a lower-back problem that probably should be looked at by someone. A physio? An osteopath?

My knees are on the edge of being a problem.

I'm sure that meditation is helping me live with ADHD better. Exercise is the main thing I'm using but there are lots of cascading benefits.

My diet has improved somewhat. My partner has to cut down her salt intake, and so am I as a consequence. I'm eating more protein. And I'm eating less dairy. And sweets.

All of this has been relatively accidental.

I'm doing pretty well with my online stuff. But, I'm aware of unhealthy replacements for my unhealthiest behaviour (which was Twitter, and the replacement is YouTube). I'm also aware that social media is... SOCIAL. I had friends on Twitter. I don't have many real-life friends. That's probably something I'm going to have to work on.

I'm also interested in another Yoga challenge, which would be due to start next Friday - FRIDAY THE 13TH! :devil::devil::devil:
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Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 163
"Starting again"
Ha, what's that yoga challenge, Dragon ?
That's a good question, PSW!

I'd like to keep watching the Nico Marie channel because I like the way she works. But, I'm not sure her other 30-day challenge is for me - New Year New Yogi. But, as I think about this I'll have another look at it.

I think if I were thinking of what's good for me I would look for something focussed on flexibility.

At the moment, though, I think I'm likely to work my way in some sort of order through her "heat building" and HIIT classes, which is a style I like.


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 163
"Starting again"

Fighter Programme: HIIT Day:

Exercise of the Day: 2-minutes shoulder taps

Black Yogi Nico Marie Yoga BEAM day 23: Third Eye Chakra. I really loved this.

Punch/Squat: 80 punches X 3.

Meditation. Welsh lessons. Addiction.

All feeling fine.


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 163
"Starting again"
Thanks Dawn. I'm glad you're enjoying her work. I'd like to stick with her classes if I can as they've represented the best runs I've had at keeping up a daily yoga practice.


Black Yogi Nico Marie's Yoga BEAM 24: A for Ability = splits pose. My hamstrings are really pretty wrecked. I enjoyed this though. She's very careful, and I managed to get a good stretch. I doubt I'll ever do a split.

Fighter Plan: Full-body Strength.

Squats/Punch Challenge: 105 squats.

Exercise of the Day: 30 Shrimp Squats.


Black Yogi Nico Marie's Yoga BEAM 25: M for Mindset = self care. Nice and gentle.

Fighter Plan: Rest.

Squats Punches: 90 punches x 3.

Exercise of the Day: 50 lunge punches.

Park Run 5k in 25:00. My fastest. 8 mile cycle.


Black Yogi Nico Marie's Yoga BEAM 26: B for Balance = Crown Pose. A modified version for me, but a challenging class.

Fighter Plan: Combat = Montrait Muauy Thai 90-day challenge, part 1, week 4, part 1. A final week of the first challenge that steps back the reps.

Squats Punches: 110 squats.

Exercise of the Day: Tree Pose.

6 mile cycle.

And there we go.

I still feel that things are going very well. I'm coming to the end of my yoga challenge and squats challenge and looking forward to finding good replacements. I think otherwise I'm going to stay largely as I am and continue with the Fighter Plan for now.

Thank you, Bees. Have lovely days or nights. x


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 163
"Starting again"
On we go.


Exercise of the Day. Reverse crunches.

Punch/Squat challenge: 90 x 3 punches.


Nico Marie Yoga BEAM Challenge Day 27: Energy, Crown Chakra. Nice.

Cycling and walking of about 10 miles.


Exercise of the Day: 60-second superman hold.

Montrait Muay Thai 90-day challenge part 1, week 4, session 2. That completes the first part of this challenge.

Nico Marie Yoga BEAM Challenge Day 28: Ablity, Power Vinyasa.

Walked up the Hill that is not a Mountain.




Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 163
"Starting again"
Thank you MamaT. We're very lucky to be here.


Exercise of the Day: 40 Cossack Squats.

Challenge: 100 punches X 3.

Nico Marie Yoga Beam Day 29: Yin Yoga.

3.4km run... in the pouring rain!


HIIT Day in Fighter Challenge:

Exercise of the Day: 40 plank elbow reaches.

Nico Marie Yoga Beam Day 30: Gratitude.

Challenge: 120 squats.

And there we go.

That's my 30-day yoga challenge completed.

And the squat/punch challenge completed.

And 30 days off twitter.

24 days meditation daily.

28 days Welsh duolingo.

So, it's all going very well.

Plenty of challenges. I've got a couple of things I'd like to move on to, hopefully without overstretching myself. My partner travels a lot for her work at the moment. It can make it hard to do self-care stuff. But that's going as well as I can remember.

I discovered I absolutely love the HIIT style workout I did today. I want to more of that.

I'm very lucky at the moment. I hope everyone else has an OK day and better times ahead if you need them. x :)


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 163
"Starting again"
Hey everyone. I hope you're all doing OK.


Power HIIT Day 1.

Nico Marie Yoga Vinyasa 1.

Boxer Challenge: 1 minute high knees x 4.

Fighter Programme: Strength Day:


Power HIIT Day 2.

9 mile walk to and from:

Park Run 5K. Personal Best 25:08.

Boxer Challenge: 10 push-ups, 40 punches x 4.

Nico Marie Yoga Vinyasa 2, 3.

Fighter Programme: Rest.


Nico Marie Yoga Vinyasa 4.

Boxer Challenge: 400 punches.

Fighter Programme Combat: Moved on to this one now -

Power HIIT Day 3.

And that's that.

Meditation: 27 days.

Welsh lessons: 30 days.

Addiction: 27 days.

I'm challenging myself more on everything really. I want to do more strength things in particular. I'm working hard at this and it is paying off in a lot of ways.

I still love the Muay Thai circuits. It's hard enough that I feel a real sense of achievement on completing it.

I've put Black Yogi Nico Marie's vinyasa classes into a playlist. There are 24, but some I'll double up on as they're short classes.

I'm improvising a bit with Power HIIT. Sometimes the weights are a bit heavy. Sometimes a bit too light. But I'm going all out and doing the shortest rest I feel is possible for me.

Flutter kicks might be the exercise I find hardest. Evil!

Take care everyone.