A Revolutionary Ranger's Training Log in the Age of Zombie Capitalism

Al Raven

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Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 459
Yesterday's workout:
  1. warm up - bike
  2. 3 circuits: 4 burpee w/ 2pushups and 1 pullup (managed to do only for the first two sets); then bulgarian split squat jumps (not big jumps just hopping off the ground...) 10 rep for each leg; bosu ball one-legged hops balance exercise (weirdly difficult lol)
  3. 3x5 one-legged leg press (5 reps per leg) @ +30kg
  4. barbell rows 3x5 @ 50kg
  5. barbell bicep curls -> managed to do 1x10 @ 30kg (plan was to do 3x10)

Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 459
Today's wkt
  1. 5 sets:
    1. 5 pushups
    2. barbell rows x5 @ 50kg
  2. 3 sets:
    1. (50cm) box step up with knee raise, 10 reps per leg (10 left then 10 right)
    2. bulgarian split squat jump (with one foot on the box, just jumping slightly off the floor with each rep), likewise (10 left then 10 right)
  3. 3x10 leg press @ +85kg
  4. 3x10 barbell bicep curls @25kg
It's a bit frustrating because there's still basically no progress (re: left knee, it's been at least 3 months of physio I think, once a week plus the wkts). But on the other hand it seems clear I just have to keep at it, I can be patient but I'd just want to see any sign of progress you know? It is how it is, I know even minor knee issues (which is what I have, it's not a deep/big injury at all) can take ages to be resolved/healed...
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Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
Pronouns: he/him
Posts: 459
Today's workout

3 sets of circuit:
  1. 10 single-leg squats per leg
  2. 5 pushups
  3. 1 pull-up
  4. 3 back-and-forths banded crab walk (over 3-4 meters or sth)
  5. 10 kettlebell swings
At the end I also did ~20 alt. bicep curls (dumbbells, not sure weight but sth like 10-12kg per hand)

I need to stretch + foam rolling!

Al Raven

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Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 459
Today: some "Greasing the Groove" pullups (underhand) and stretching/foam rolling

In past week I've felt slight improvements in my left knee, and yesterday I did a rehab wkt at the physio (exercises are too specific and targeted, not really anything you'd do as a workout but basically it was about training knee rotation)

Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
Pronouns: he/him
Posts: 459
Today: some "Greasing the Groove" pullups (underhand) and stretching/foam rolling

In past week I've felt slight improvements in my left knee, and yesterday I did a rehab wkt at the physio (exercises are too specific and targeted, not really anything you'd do as a workout but basically it was about training knee rotation)
More specifically "GtG" here is: 1 pullup (my current max is probably sth like 3-4) every 30min for a good chunk of the day

Al Raven

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Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 459
The physio wkt yesterday made my hamstrings EXTREMELY sore, my plan was to try the Hybride Athlete wkt (running + weights) but unless I'm recovered by tomorrow (morning), I'll leave it for next week. It hurts too much right now...
Today = more of the same as yesterday (mobility, GtG pullups)

Al Raven

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Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 459
Completed the Hybrid Athlete workout this morningg
  • 20min running for me wasn't really about 'going fast' (as in the wkt instructions) but just keeping a solid pace and seeing it through (finishing it without stopping, I've not been running for a while because of my knee)
  • had to lower the initial dumbbell weights for the second part because it quickly became too hard
  • I think I did 3 sets of 16 goblet squats instead of 5 (I had had enough lol), with a 15kg dumbbell
Then afterwards I did some stretching (lower body esp.) and some foam-rolling for my knee

Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 459
The only wkt for today is FULL-BODY SORENESS haha

Happy Eddie Murphy GIF by Laff

Al Raven

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Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 459
Yeah so it was really bad, not sure why I didn't notice it and stop during the workout but basically got hurt (I'm almost recovered now but it took 3-4 days to not have arms hurt like hell, and I wasn't able to extend the right arm fully) from overtraining back on tuesday (Hybrid Athlete wkt).
It's a great wkt and I want to do it again, but it's the upper body/dumbbells part that went wrong for me. I guess I should have modified it instead of following the full dumbbells exercises, but to be honest during training it just felt like a hard wkt which I was expecting since I hadn't done such intense training for a bit of time. It's a bit hard to gauge, for example despite not running for a few weeks (i think) I could run 20min without any issue (and just slight soreness next day, but nothing too bad).

Anyways, I'm fine and almost recovered...
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Al Raven

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Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 459
Hello folks, I hope everyone's okay...

I think for a while I've lacked consistency and a clear plan, so I've decided to set a basic weekly program which I'd like to stick to for a couple of months (say, 90 days).
Here's the weekly schedule, it's a general guideline, i.e. it's okay if I can't manage to do everything as long as I complete a solid/strong amount/intensity of training every week:
  1. Monday: High intensity/conditioning
  2. Tuesday: Strength (upper body/back)
  3. Wednesday: Casual bodyweight training (GtG pushups and/or pullups; grip/tendons training)
  4. Thursday: Physio wkt + full-body stretching (if I don't have physio appointment or if it's a light wkt, then it's still a rest/moderate training day)
  5. Friday: High intensity/conditioning
  6. Saturday: Strength (upper body or full-body), or Rest/Nothing
  7. Sunday: Full-body stretching (or Yoga), and Casual Bdw Training (e.g. GtG pushups and/or pullups; grip/tendons training)
And in addition: on a daily basis, do some knee rehab and some specific ("problem area") stretches (or foam rolling).

As always, I tend to want/plan to do too much (esp. considering my limited energy, cf. narcolepsy), but it's better to have a plan and modify it as I go than to have no structure/program and inevitably procrastinate (or just lose the motivation to work out because it's frustrating to have to decide what to do on a daily basis). Also, it's okay to switch some days, again the priority is to have a decent overall week of training.

Here are many selected options (non-exhaustive list, but it's good to have some readymade options I can pick and choose) that intrigued me when searching the darebee wkt library, I probably should take a moment each weekend to plan the next week's specific wkts/sessions:
  • High intensity/conditioning:
    • Various intense wkts: Hybrid Athlete, Speed+1, Catapult, Hard HIIT, Survival Mode, Super Jump
    • Box wkts: Mason+, Firefighter, Pixel
    • Sandbag wkts: First Responder, Drag & Drop, Power House
    • Kettlebell wkts: Full-body kettlebell, Icon, Cannonball, Kettlebell HIIT
    • Jump rope wkts: Power Skip, Power Line
    • Shadowboxing wkts: Heavyweight, The Brawler, Pro Boxer, The Final Bell, Knockout
    • Combat+conditioning/power wkts: Ninja Assassin, The Hybrid (possibly too hard but can modify it at first), Barbarian, Damage Dealer, Extraction, Void, Breakout
    • Other stuff I can do at the gym: skierg, rowing, sled, monkey bars, bike, med balls, ...
  • Strength (mostly upper body):
    • (note: some might be too hard, either wait until I can do them or just adjust them a bit)
    • Some of the above wkts (e.g. box and sandbag wkts)
    • Brute arms & back, Brute leg day, Boulder, Hardback, 50 pushups (wkt), Pecs (wkt), Biceps & Triceps (wkt), Epic Arms
    • Grip training: Grip training wkt, Kitten wkt, Hang in there wkt
    • Potentially (not the priority but who knows), barbell lifts: squats (e.g. 3x5@100kg), deadlifts (e.g. 1x5@120kg), curls, rows...
I have also thought about some specific goals (e.g. basically working up to 5x10 of things like pushups, burpees, up/down planks, up/down dogs, renegade rows, kettlebell swings...; then reduce rest to 30"...), but it's not my immediate priority and I'll probably progress towards them by just getting back to intense training which is the goal of this program. It's in the back of my mind, but not the main thing right now...

As you can see the goal is to do 3-4 intense/complete workouts per week, and then do some bodyweight training, stretching/mobility, grip training, knee rehab, the rest of the time. As I've mentioned many times, energy and fatigue due to narcolepsy are a big factor, but I hope I can start getting back to more intense/frequent training!
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Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
Pronouns: he/him
Posts: 459
Week program (21-27)
  1. 10-15min jog
  2. Amap rounds of circuit (2'min rest):
    1. 5 box jumps
    2. 2 pushups
    3. skierg
    4. 10 bulgarian split squat w/ jump (10 per leg)
Tue: Brute arms & back wkt

Wed: Casual bodyweight training, e.g. (for some part of the day) every hour do some pushups, pullups and grip hangs

Thur: No physio, try sth from the Movement Parallels Life guy/channel

Fri: Heavyweight wkt

Sat: 50 pushups wkt & some running (Gym)

Sun: Kitten wkt & some (underhand) pullups throughout the day (sets of 1, but not setting a total amount because Kitten wkt is quite hard); full-body stretching

Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
Pronouns: he/him
Posts: 459
@aku-chan @Tileenah @BetaCorvi @Fremen @HellYeah @Mamatigerj
Hi friends, I'm sorry I wish I'd have the energy to engage more with other people's logs and forums/discussions, but other social media are already a bit too much to handle.
ANYWAYS, how are you doing? I hope you're all doing well, ngl some of the summer temperatures are really painful right now...


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Warrior from France
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Hi, doing okay here. The temperatures should drop saturday so I will be able to get out of the house more :happy:
Today is my little one's birthday (turning 3) so I did my grocery shopping and cooked in the morning and we'll have people over tonight. I am almost recovered from my leg injury back in May, and my back is mostly okay if I don't have to drive (but I do not do that very often so that's okay). I am waiting for the temperatures to go down to run again.
Other than that as both my girls are going to school in september I am preparing to go back to work :ss: a little extra money should ease things around here!

Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
Pronouns: he/him
Posts: 459
Week program
Monday) not much, honestly not in a great mood today. I will try to do some stretching and knee rehab stuff, that's it...
Tuesday) 50 pushups wkt and some pullups
Wednesday) Cardio/conditioning wkt (TBD)
Thursday) Physio wkt; full-body stretching
Friday) Kitten wkt & some pushups/pullups throughout the day
Saturday) Cardio/running
Sunday) Mobility/Yoga/Movement Parallels Life/Rehab

Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
Pronouns: he/him
Posts: 459
Week program
Monday) not much, honestly not in a great mood today. I will try to do some stretching and knee rehab stuff, that's it...
Tuesday) 50 pushups wkt and some pullups
Wednesday) Cardio/conditioning wkt (TBD)
Thursday) Physio wkt; full-body stretching
Friday) Kitten wkt & some pushups/pullups throughout the day
Saturday) Cardio/running
Sunday) Mobility/Yoga/Movement Parallels Life/Rehab
Edit: forgot I didn't have a physio appointment this week, but on Thursday I'll still stick to rehab/knee/stretching stuff...
We shall see, this schedule is a guideline, maybe I'll do Kitten wkt and pullups on thursday, cardio on friday, etc...

Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 459
Icon wkt completed, with 12kg kettlebell. But I switched to a sandbag (20kg, it's the heaviest piece of equipment I have at home) for deadlifts and bent over rows. In fact this workout is nice, but next time I do I'll go to the gym so that I can use a barbell for those two exercises. 20kg is probably half (or less than half) what I need in order to have a serious deadlift workout, while 20kg for bent over rows is closer to a challenging weight but still 5-10kg short or so... I think I could even add something else (e.g. another exercise) at the end...

Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
Pronouns: he/him
Posts: 459
Hybrid Athlete wkt completed (before 8am!), it's better this time because I stuck to "only" 5kg dumbbells (except for goblet squats, I used a 12,5kg dumbbell), whereas I got extreme soreness last time by trying to use heavier loads (honestly it can be hard to gauge when you've not done the exercises for a while, you can probably guess what your heavier lifts should be (1rep-5rep) but estimating 10+ rep loads is a bit tricky if you've not done it recently)
Cheers everyone!

Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
Pronouns: he/him
Posts: 459
Weekly Plan:
  1. Monday: Physio wkt
  2. Tuesday: nothing/libre
  3. Wednesday: Physio wkt
  4. Thursday: nothing/libre
  5. Friday: Strength upper body + back (maybe incl. dd)
  6. Saturday: High intensity/conditioning
  7. Sunday: nothing/libre
  • daily stretching & GtG pu or plu
Nothing/libre means no wkt is planned, so 1) I'm doing the basic daily stretching/pushups-or-pullups, and 2) depending on mood/how I feel/wants, I can ofc do another wkt but it's fine if not.
"Physio wkt" is a wkt I've planned w/ my physio, maybe I'll try explaining it...
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Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
Pronouns: he/him
Posts: 459
Physio wkt done, completely exhausted/knackered...
It's a circuit with 4 exercises, I do three sets with only 1min rest in between:
  1. Bulgarian squats 10 reps per leg
  2. *mystery physio exercise* 10 reps per leg
  3. (my personal nemesis) Banded lateral crab walk over ~5 meters: I'm supposed to do 10 back-and-forths, but I basically want to die after 4 or 5 rounds.... 😭
  4. 10 jump squats (at home so without a box, which I'd use if I was at the gym)
The second exercise is nothing I've ever seen so it's pretty hard to describe lol:
  • you're on the floor, with arms behind like in a crab walk, more or less like this:
  • but with your working leg (i.e. the one moving), you're standing on your heel (with ball of the foot and toes pointing toward the sky...), and during the move you keep the other leg off the floor
  • and the move is basically to roll/slide back and forth on that working leg, extending it and bending/flexing it...
  • To be honest the physio has explained me how to do it a couple of times but I'm still not sure I'm getting it right, esp. because it's not really hard whereas he seemed to imply it would be....
Afterwards, I'm supposed to do two low-intensity exercises but I could only do one. Again it's a bit weird, but here's my best attempt at describing it:
  • I use an ankle weight on on the working leg
  • starting position is a lunge (the bottom position): working leg = knee on the floor, non-working leg is forward (i.e. lunge)
  • The exercise is to move that bottom/working/leg up and over a small object (length of a dumbbell or a bit smaller, basically)
  • Then you also rotate your ankle on each side, like in the pic below (basically when you touch the floor on each side, instead of keeping the foot/ankle straight you rotate it... FFS how am I supposed to describe this lol!!!)

Anyone has a) understood any of my attempted/poor descriptions for the these two unnamed physio exercises, b) any idea what they're called?