A Revolutionary Ranger's Training Log in the Age of Zombie Capitalism

Al Raven

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Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 466
Haven't been able or wanted to work out this week so far, but today I'm doing a short wkt.
3x max s-pullups: 5, 3, 2. (~2min rest)
3x max pushups: 15, , .
I'm currently working very hard on my MA thesis, more than in past weeks because I'm starting to reach the end of completing the first full draft.
I will do some stretching too.
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Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 466
I had planned to do three sets of pushups but I'm too focused on writing my thesis, I forgot to complete the others...
I think tomorrow morning I'll do some cardio/hit stuff at the gym which will be a breath of fresh air in the midst of this writing/scientific marathon I'm doing atm

Al Raven

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Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 466
Today I'm back to working out and I'm gonna do some running!
Tomorrow I want to do a ~all-day "Greasing the Groove" wkt (every 45min or 1h for example, and maybe I'll only do pullups instead of doing it w/ pushups as I usually do)
And stretching for both days, it's always the hardest thing to stay consistent and stick to for me!

Right now going to the gym (I plan to run 20min-30min and that's it), see you later^^

Al Raven

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Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 466
I did complete 20min, it felt good! I'm ofc tired afterwards, but it was nice, I didn't feel like I was struggling too much and I challenged myself by increasing the speed towards the end.
I more or less did: 5min at 7kph, then 5min at 8kph, then a few minutes at 7kph, then back to 8kph, then in the last 2 or 3 min I increased to 9kph and 10kph. Then stretched.
It was nice! I'm in the middle of the final step of writing my MA thesis, so I'm laser-focused on this currently. But it's good to still do sth a few times during the week despite slowing down with the workouts... (to be fair the calves soreness also meant I was out for a couple of days lol)

Al Raven

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Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 466
Wkt completed
  1. Jog 5min 7kph
  2. Run 5min 8 kph
  3. Sprint/10kph 1min
  4. Jog 7-8kph 3min
  5. Sprint/10kph 1min
  6. walk 6kph 1min
  7. Sprint/10kph 1min
  8. walk 6kph 1min
  9. Sprint/10kph 2min
I think "sprint" might be a bit inaccurate here, bcz this was more "running fast" than all-out explosive sprinting, does that make sense?
In other words 9kph and especially 10kph is a speed that I can run at for a couple of minutes but not a comfortable pace for 10min+ continuous running (7kph is my jogging speed, 8-9kph is my "normal run" speed, tho ofc if I continue training that'll change eventually; 6kph for walking (in the context of a wkt))

Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 466
I think "sprint" might be a bit inaccurate here, bcz this was more "running fast" than all-out explosive sprinting, does that make sense?
I don't remember the actual specifics and theory/science behind it, but there's all the VO2 max/aerobic vs aneaerobic stuff, etc... (with regards to how running performance and training is approached/planned, you know...)
Also, I'm not sure how safe it is to try reaching sprinting speeds on a treadmill? Because the lack of adjustment (which you can just do naturally while running outside or on a track) is a bit dangerous, no? The "Treadmill" wkt (on this website) includes sprints, so I trust that there's safe way to do it... I'll need to try it.


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Warrior from France
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You should check your breath. If you can't imagine talking at a speed then you're sprinting (and you're in anaeroby). If you can answer only "yes" or "no" (one word answers) you are running fast (and you're in anaeroby + aeroby metabolism). If you can talk you're jogging (and you're in aeroby).
If you don't have heart issues there's limited risks to training to sprint, it should last less than 2 minutes. Some machines have an emergency switch connected to your body that stops it if you go to slow for the machine and risk falling off.

Al Raven

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Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 466
I'm frustrated that the knee thing isn't completely solved (some days or mornings I feel it a bit more, altho again as I said I can train without any issue if warmed up properly). Looks like I'll need to go to a physio (or whomever), which I would ofc have preferred to avoid.
But on a positive note, today I went to the gym to do some running, with no breakfast (tough!). I did 15running, then about 4min (water/...) break, then ran again for 10min (used various speeds adapting to how I felt etc).

Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 466
Yesterday I did some pushups and pullups, today my plan is deadlifts (120kg) and running.
  1. Deadlifts:
    1. 1x5 @ 70kg
    2. 1x3 @ 100kg
    3. 1x1 @ 110kg
    4. 1x5 @ 120kg.
  2. Running:
    1. 15min jog and run
    2. 5min break
    3. 10min run
  3. Stretching (legs)
What's great about sustainably-built full body strength like heavy lifts (squats and deadlifts being the main ones) is that it doesn't start to go away after one or two weeks like some of the endurance/cardio gains. Which means that if you're not aiming to keep increasing (in which case obviously you gotta train more, it's no rocket science) the weight, and rather just want maintain your baseline strength capacity, you can do it once every two weeks...
For the running, I wanted to do 2x15min but like last time, I didn't have it in me to do 5min more...

Al Raven

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Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 466
I'm in the final part of completing/writing my MA thesis, so understandably I want to focus on this and training isn't as regular as usual... I may be able to finish it this week, so perhaps I'll take it up again next week or whatever.
I'm going to a physio for my knee, too!
I hope everyone's okay!

Al Raven

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Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 466
On top of the ones mentioned above, here are other exercises that the physio had me do in recent weeks (some of these can't be done at home, some can, and I can also do other ones...):
  • One-legged ECCENTRIC (slow: count to 5-6sec) squat on a step platform (on injured leg)
  • Banded walks (with knees bent, it's so fucking exhausting lol) -> 3sets of 3 back-and-forth over a approx. 4 meter distance (so 4m both ways, I mean)
  • Balance exercises on bosu ball and other destabilizing platforms/things
  • Some other "sliding" exercises usually in between the more intense/harder exercises
Later this week I will hopefully go try doing light jogging/running on treadmill in 5min run/1min walk sets -> to see where I'm at in terms of pain/mobility/etc...

I have more time in upcoming weeks, I want to make a more "intense" rehab/training plan/regimen ("more intense" compared to what I've been doing in the past month or so, since I started physio). I'll be defining a daily/weekly program soon, hopefully tonight... PLEASE SHARE ANY RECOMMENDATIONS TOO!

Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 466
Yesterday's wkt
  1. warm up
  2. 5 squats @ empty bar (20kg)
  3. 10 pushups
  4. 5 squats @ 70kg
  5. 10 pushups
  6. 5 squats @ 90kg
  7. 5 deadlifts @ 70kg
  8. 5 deadlifts @ 100kg
  9. 1x12 leg press @ starting weight (75.7kg) + 40kg (I think???? It's the first time I'm using this machine at the gym, it doesn't make sense to me because the basic leg press without added weight is said to be 75.7kg but it felt pretty light so not sure wtf the actual load is...)
  10. 2x ~8 one-leg leg press, for each leg. Same weight, here it was probably too hard/heavy but I managed.
  11. box step ups/negative one-legged squats/negative portion of the step up slowed down
  12. bosu ball exercises
  13. Run (5min)/walk (1min): 1'-5'-1'-5'-1'. No pain felt on my knee during this (light) run/jog... (on treadmill)


Well-known member
Witcher from Kent
Posts: 200
"True Failure is Never Attempting"

Hey @Al Raven epic work as always cant wait to see the rest of your journey, knees are always hard to recover, but that seem like great progress.

pull up red panda GIF

Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
Pronouns: he/him
Posts: 466
I did some more of this torture (banded crab walk about 4-6meters, multiple back and forths, multiple sets of that) today, it raises heart rate a lot! (to be fair it's also because I did it in between the other exercises, but still!)
But my main wkt was: amrap (s/underhand) pullups from 3:10pm to 5:05pm, every 5'. Did 2 reps for as long as could (13 x 2), then switched to x1 reps, and did 2 reps for the very last one to end up with a total of approx. 35 pullups (give or take, I always feel like I miscount one or two reps/sets lol)

Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
Pronouns: he/him
Posts: 466
Hi friends, I've not updated some of the training and physio I've done in recent weeks, but here I am again.
I've just accepted that it's going to take ages until my knee is completely fine (it's crazy because it's definitely not a major injury, e.g. I can even run for 15-20min probably, but still there's some subtle pain esp. when knee is totally flexed/bent, e.g. crossed-leg sit or when standing up from a lying position), in the meantime I can still workout - my will to train is in part variable because of narcolepsy and tiredness, I generally feel good and I'm fine not doing hard workouts always all the time. So it fluctuates lol, unless I'm doing a specific and rigorous program, but precisely I feel good in my body - except that left knee - so I just "go with the flow", if you will.

Anyways, enough shenanigans, here's today's mostly rehab/knee-oriented workout (but it's still a pretty robust strength/functional training wkt):
  1. Leg press:
    1. two-legged: warm up then a few sets of 8-10 with +80kg added (I'm not actually sure how much weight there's on the empty leg press thing, but here I'm specifying the added loads)
    2. one-legged (both legs): for each leg, 3x8 reps with +20kg added (so 8 reps right leg + 8 reps left leg, then rest, and repeat)
  2. Various sets and/or circuits with the following types of exercises:
    1. bosu-ball balance + lunges, + holding weight (kettlebell, med ball, sandbag)
    2. bosu-ball (upside down) squats, + holding weight
    3. step-ups with knee up, + holding weight
Knackered, as they say...