after several hospital admissions I lost much of my muscles I have become sedentary and have a hard time getting around how can I get back into some


New member
Posts: 1
how can I get into some kind of shape physically I am 66 years old. i was once an assistant boxing coach and I would like to get back to doing that once again.. can you please help?


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Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
I once was kind of in your shoes, but nearly half your age. I can recommend Vitality. At first I had trouble with the workouts because I was so damn weak after being bedridden for a couple of months, but it got better with time and persistence. I think it's a good entry point.


Well-known member
Posts: 221
Hi @jJoseP ! I was also quite sedentary for a long time and it was difficult to start working out consistently. Like @lofivelcro recommended, it helps to start with Vitality and then continue doing the light programs. They are a good base to start from. They are light enough to not hurt motivation and they can take only a little time to do. With these qualities, they are useful for building a routine. While your muscles won't grow fast with these programs, you will still see benefits like increased energy and also, over a few months, increased strength. But what is the most important is that you will become less sedentary. Working out will become a habit. Later, you can add other workouts and move to more challenging programs.


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,722
Start with the level I programs, even if only at level 1 (3 sets), Vitality being a great one. Take in the habit, day after day after day. After a few programs you'll be able to add more sets, then level II programs... Your body's been through a lot, so it takes time, but it is possible. Hugs of encouragement!

In my own case, I had 5 hospital stays (including a 6 week one), one major surgery (open heart surgery), and another minor surgery in 20 months. The level I and II programs were really the key to get me back into shape. Hoping you find here the support and encouragement to start and stick to it, don't hesitate to make a blog! It helps!


Druid Posts: 6
how can I get into some kind of shape physically I am 66 years old. i was once an assistant boxing coach and I would like to get back to doing that once again.. can you please help?
I'm 61 and had surgery last year that required bedrest for three months. I lost a lot of the muscle gains I'd made, but I started exercising again using light weights and jogging slowly. It seems to be working, since I've already increased the weights and added distance to my jogs.
Good luck!