Checking back in after a really long time


New member
Sorceress Posts: 1
It feels like forever! I stopped exercising almost two years ago - first there was pregnancy, then childbirth, then a crying baby and the exhaustion of those first six-nine months. BUt for the past six months, I haven't really had an excuse, other than my lack of motivation and discipline. This needs to change NOW and I hope this thread will help by keeping me accountable. I really want to get back into exercising again, mostly to feel better about myself and my body, but also to hopefully improve my posture (sitting hunched over while breastfeeding did not help, and neither does carrying around a toddler) and get rid of the back pain.

My plan is to start small. I'll start the Reboot program tonight and do just that for 10 days. If that goes well, I'll try and add the Back&Core program. Any other suggestions are most welcome :happy: