daybreak workout, how long?


New member
Posts: 2
hello there

im new here and only needed a back muscles specific routine to fix my back muscles because i stay on PC long time for gaming and work. i get muscle tensions from time to time because of it.

but after i fix it with help of physica therapist the last thing required says the therapist is "strengthening" so i went through all programs and challenges but sadly most of them are mixed with stretchs and non-back focused exercises.

so i switched to workouts and found out DAYBREAK is best for me as starter.

is what im doing good?
how long do i stay on this workout routine?
and whats next after it?

i only want to strength back muscles at home

thx for ur time <3


Well-known member
from Margareten
Posts: 103
Hi @sabrek
Why do you only want to strengthen your back muscles?
Looks like you spend (too) much time in a chair in front of a monitor. So I guess you would benefit from any time and any movement you are not in this same chair.
Try to find ~30 minutes a day to do a warm-up, the Excercise of the Day or a Challenge and one day of a program. Take it easy in the beginning. It's a bit trial and error, but I'm sure you'll get the gist. The programs have built in rest days so you can do them every day, but take rest day or two if you feel like it. It's not a race.
You don't have to target your back specifically. Your back muscles are stabilizing your upper body when doing e.g. standing-up biceps-curls and the rest of your body will also benefit from getting out of that chair.

All the best