Lose weight and gain strength but how please help


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Boxer from Kansas
Posts: 41
I am fat I have no cardio and I'm not very strong I need to get in shape I need to lose the weight for my heart health I have about 30 minutes a day where should I start program wise should I focus on the strength ones or should I focus on a different category?


Active member
Boxer from Kansas
Posts: 41
I lack total body strength and endurance I can't hold a plank for 30 seconds and I struggle to pick up 50 lb I can't run a mile I can't do 10 push-ups or any Pull-Ups at this point in time I have nothing preventing me from do them other than being out of shape


Posts: 11
I lack total body strength and endurance I can't hold a plank for 30 seconds and I struggle to pick up 50 lb I can't run a mile I can't do 10 push-ups or any Pull-Ups at this point in time I have nothing preventing me from do them other than being out of shape
i suggest to start following 2 program: "5 km in 8 weeks" and "foundation" after few weeks listen your body about how you feel and choose if training more, less or keeping that pace


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Shaman from Italy
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"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."


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Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
You can make great newbie gains if you haven't trained so far, if you take up some weights!

For losing weight, eat less calories than you burn. Pretty easy (in theory) but that's basically it. For working out, if you don't have done any cardio so far... WALK! Really, if you use the 30 minutes you have for "just" walking, that's already enough in the beginning. And then either supplement with a calisthenics program or weights. See the links @Fremen has posted. Ironborn is especially good to start with.
Depending on how much overweight you are, don't start with running, don't do 5k in 8 weeks. You want to strengthen your joints and endurance first. Go walking. If you can, swim or row.
If you're not too much overweight, you can try out running. But I'd start with walking.

Good luck, and don't forget to watch your protein intake and sleep enough :gogogo:


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Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
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I am fat I have no cardio and I'm not very strong I need to get in shape I need to lose the weight for my heart health I have about 30 minutes a day where should I start program wise should I focus on the strength ones or should I focus on a different category?
I want to look good naked and get off cholesterol meds I also want to be able to lift things without hurting myself
I lack total body strength and endurance I can't hold a plank for 30 seconds and I struggle to pick up 50 lb I can't run a mile I can't do 10 push-ups or any Pull-Ups at this point in time I have nothing preventing me from do them other than being out of shape

It's hard to read it through text, but I sense some frustration in here. First of all, you might want to lower your standards a bit. Many of us around here know what it feels like to never be able to hold a plank for 30 seconds or struggling to pick up 50 lbs of weight. The reasons for not being able to do such things it's because the body isn't ready to do so. You have to be patient and work your way up, starting with the basics. You can't do 10 Push-ups? No problem, do less, and then start upping the number once the endurance starts building up, once the body starts to adapt.

The mindset is also an important key to achieve these goals. Patience and discipline are key, and so are perseverance, consistency, discipline, and wisdom. Always make time to move the body, even if it is doing one Push-up, or walking for 15 minutes. But be careful of pushing yourself too much, unless you risk injury. Remember to listen to your body and rest whenever you need to. Recovery is also key for losing weight and gaining strength. That's where the entire thing about adaptation occurs.

This is not a sprint, it's a marathon. Everyone is different. Take the time that you need to take, never give up, and chase those goals. One day, without knowing, you'll be running for 90 minutes instead of walking for 30. When that day comes, you'll se that the time that has passed feels like much less than what it really was.