Neophilic Workout Log


Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 147
15 JUN 2023 (THU) - train with trainer
  • Single leg glute bridge: 10 / side
  • forearm plank: 30 sec
  • clam shell with resistance band: 15/side

pyramid: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
  • Kettle bell goblet squat to overhead press: 16kg
  • jump squats
  • kneeling ab wheel rollouts
  • side plank hip drops
foam roll & stretches


Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 147
16 JUN 2023 (FRI)
It was remixed intentionally and unintentionally. The intentional part was in adding the pushups. Some friends of mine and I are in a 1776 by July 4th pushup challenge. It started June 1st. If you do them every day, it is only about 52 per day. If you miss a couple of days worth and need to get back on track ;), they have to be made up sometime, right? I thought 120 would be a good start for the 3 days of pushups I did not do this week. The second intentional part came after I peeked at the day 12 agenda and thought, eh, why not add it after the other exercises?​
The unintended part was not reading the Day 11 instructions carefully and missing the fact that I should have been doing half jacks before and after. I saw this when I was in the middle of round 8. So, to kind of make up for my mistake, I did 4 rounds of just 40 half jacks, 10 pushups, and 20 flutter kicks. Bonus: my pushup count went from the originally planned 120 to an actual of 160!​
  • Tom Merrick: 15 Minute Beginner Stretch Flexibility Routine! (FOLLOW ALONG)



Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 147
17 JUN 2023 (SAT)
  • Les Mills Bodypump Nano (45 min)

20 JUN 2023 (TUE) - workout with trainer
warmup: 1x
  • single leg glute bridges with knee band: 10 / side
  • hip flexor stretch: 30 sec each side
  • stand -> hand walkout -> superman -> hand walk-back -> stand: 5

  • Sumo RDL: 8 reps (2x50#)
  • medicine ball x-body chops with rear foot elevated: 8/side (20#)
  • Single arm RDL: 8 reps (50#)

  • Single leg RDL: 8 reps (50#)
  • KB swings: 10 (24kg)
  • Single leg bridges w foot elevated: 8 reps/side


Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 147
28 JUNE 2023 (TUE) - workout with trainer
  • 2 rounds
    • banded glute bridges: 30
    • double dead bug: 10
  • 15 min AMRAP #1
Round 1Round 2Round 3
Lateral lunge2x25#, 16 reps🗹🗹🗹
Skater jumps20🗹🗹🗹
Band assisted pullups8🗹🗹🗹
Med ball slams15🗹🗹🗹
Row1 min🗹🗹
  • 15 min AMRAP #2
Round 1Round 2Round 3
Sumo Squat24kg, 8🗹🗹🗹
Speed sumo squats20#, 20🗹🗹🗹
DB pull over 20#, 8🗹🗹
TRX ab rollouts8🗹🗹🗹
Row1 min🗹🗹🗹



Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 147
07 JUL 2023 (FRI)
  • DAREBEE: 4 min warmup
  • DAREBEE: Hyperion (5x)
  • Rounds 3-5: Added 2 x 12.5# DBs for lunges, 2 x 5# DBs for punches
  • 3x
    • 20 glute bridges
    • 20 med ball slam 18#
    • 30 skaters

  • Walk: ~1 mile with view from our room.

My wife and I have been on vacation for the past 10 days. It has been so nice to decompress. Walk around the resort from the gym back to our room this morning.

Going home tomorrow :vsad:. Back to the real world.


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from Dallas, TX
Posts: 147
20 JUL 2023 (TH) - workout with trainer
  • Narrow Single Arm DB Chest Press on Floor: 35# | x12/side
  • Bulgarian Split Squat: 2x20# | x12/side
  • Supine Hip Lifts: x30
  • Jump Rope: x75

  • Single arm KB suitcase deadlift: 24kg | x12/side
  • Single arm KB suitcase march: 24kg | 30 seconds/side
  • TRX row to V pull to W: x8
  • dumbell pullover with leg lift: 20# | x12


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from Dallas, TX
Posts: 147
22 JUL 2023 (SAT) - feeling good, having fun, making it up (kinda) as I go for a pseudo bootcamp day.
  • 1 min walk: 0%
  • 2 min fast walk: 5%
  • 5 min jog/run: 1 min - 0%; 2 min - 5%; 0.5 min - 10%; 0.5 min - 5%
  • 1 min walk: 0%
Darebee: Back & Core Day 24
  • 1 min fast walk: 5%
  • 4 min jog: 1 min - 5%; 1 min - 8%; 1 min - 5%; 1 min - 8%
  • 1 min walk: 0%

3x Hydrocore: 40 sec work / 20 sec rest (inspired from here) [n or u is bag position down or up]
  • Fast rows (n)
  • Alternating single arm swings (u)
  • Sitting twists with halo (u)
Treadmill fun!
  • jog, intervals, jog (0%)
Cooldown stretch
  • Table top: 5 reps
  • Twisting child pose: 30 sec/side
  • Kneeling extension: 5 reps
  • Downward dog walks: 20 reps
  • Supine quad stretch: 45 sec/side
total workout HR
Run portions


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from Dallas, TX
Posts: 147
I didn't have the most consistent week working out - only worked out Monday. I felt very rested, but I think I over did it a bit yesterday - I am sore today.

05 AUG 2023 (SAT)
warm up: treadmill walk: 1 mile (steadily increase pace)
Cardio Blast Day 17

KB Goblet Squat: 26 Kg - 8 reps
KB swings: 20 Kg - 16 reps

Skater jumps - 30
Kneeling med ball slams: 15# - 20 reps

TRX rows - 10
TRX ab 'roll/fall out' - 10

kneeling, alternating DB shoulder press: 2x20# - 8 reps/side
single leg, DB RDL: 2x20# - 8 reps/side

Peloton: 10 min Lower Body Stretch (ANDY SPEER - 08/02/2023)


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from Dallas, TX
Posts: 147
10 AUG 2023 (THU) - workout with trainer
4 min warmup

Single leg glute bridges: 15/side
Side plank hip drops: 15/side

Single leg RDL to lateral lunge: 2x25#, 8/leg
Kettlebell swings: 20kg, 15 reps
Reverse dumbbell fly: 2x10#, 10 reps

Single leg, elevated foot glute bridges: 15/side
lateral steps with leg band: 20 steps left, 20 steps right
superman: I -> W -> I -> down: 10 reps


Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 147
20 AUG 2023 (SUN)
Peloton: 15 min Hip Mobility KIRRA MICHEL (02/07/2023)
Kettlebell hip mobility work: 25#, 5 reps/side (M. Wildman)

22 AUG 2023 (TUE) - workout with trainer
Single leg glute bridge (stomp the ceiling): 15/side
forearm plank double kneed taps: 20
Lateral steup up plyobox (20"): 2x20#, 10/side
Curtsy lunge 2x20#, 10/side
Speed squats with light weight: 2x10#: 30
Bulgarian split squat: 30# (goblet position), 10/side
Supine dumbbell chest press with legs straight at 45 deg: 2x30#, 10
Leg lifts with yoga block between feet: 15


Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 147
31 AUG 2023 (THU) - workout with trainer
KB Goblet squat: 24Kg, 6
KB Swings: 16Kb, 15

Kneeling med ball slam: 15#, 20
skater jumps: 30

TRX neutral grip row: 8
Ab wheel rollout: 10

DB RDL: 2x50#, 8
1/2 kneeling, alternating arm shoulder press: 2x25#, 16 (8 per side)

02 SEP 2023 (SAT)
1692183164650.pngScreenshot 2023-09-04 08.07.44.png1693832963188.png
3 rounds vs 5
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Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 147
03 SEP 2023 (SUN)
4 MIN Warmup
Peloton: 30 Min HIIT workout - Adrian Williams 7/22/2023
  • 4x: (0:20 | 0:10) drop squat, diamond pushup, core
  • 4x: (0:20 | 0:10) sumo sq / high pull, pushup jack, v sit up
  • 4x: (0:20 | 0:10) lunge jump, pike jump to pushup, sprinter sit up
  • 4x: (0:20 | 0:10) 180 jump squats, up/down plank with pushup
Peloton: 10 Min full body stretch

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Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 147
05 SEP 2023 (TUE) - workout with trainer
Banded glute bridges with clam opening: 30
Double deadbug: 20

AMRAP (15 min)
Lateral lunges: 2x25#, 8/side
Skater jumps: 20
Assisted pullups: 8
Med ball slam: 15#, 20

AMRAP (15 min)
Sumo Squat: 24kg, 8
squat jack: 20
dumbbell pullover: 25#, 8
Plank hand slides: 20

3x (0:30 sec on; 0:30 sec off)
Alternating curtsy lunges



Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 147
14 SEP 2023 (Thu) - workout with trainer
Banded single leg glute bridges: 10/side
1/2 kneeling hip flex: 30 sec hold
walkout -> pushup/superman: 5

Sumo RDL: 24kg; 8
Resistance band low-to-high cross body: 8/side
Single arm RDL: 50#; 8

Single leg RDL: 2x25#; 8/side
KB power swing: 24kg; 10
Shoulder elevated (terracore) single leg bridge: 15 sec

KB suitcase march (slow, high knees): 24kg; 20 sec/side
DB pull over crunch: 20#, 10
DB goblet hold curtsy lunge: 50#, 8/side

16 SEP 2023 (SAT)
4 minute warmup


Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 147
@Fremen @Mamatigerj - Thank you for the Birthday wishes! Genuinely touched.

It seems every fall (or start of September) life gets a bit busy. Haven't been able to maintain my workout schedule as I'd like, but do what I can. Only two days this week. The next week or two might not be much better :(.

21 SEP 2023 (THU) - workout with trainer
  • Banded knee raises (band around feet): 15/side
  • Banded lateral steps (band around knees): 20 L and 20 R
  • quadraped Banded kickbacks (band around feet) : 15/side
  • Banded lateral plank walk (band around wrists): 10 L and 10 R
  • Single leg RDL to single arm curl to single arm shoulder press: 25#, 15/side
  • kettlebell swings: 24kg, 15
  • Slow bicycle (abs): 2 sec
  • Bent over straight arm pushbacks: 10#, 15

plyobox step ups: 20", 12/leg
5 sec negative pushups: 8

23 SEP 2023 (SAT)
10 min Full Body Strength Warm Up (ROBIN ARZÓN) Wed 3/1/23 @ 9:00 AM
Cardio Blast Day 23 + 24 (8 sets of 40 flutter kicks) together followed by day 26 (skipped 25 since it had punches like 23...will come back to it next time).
For Day 26, I pushed to do the 8 sets as fast as I could with minimal rest between sets, though I took a 0:45 ~ 1 min break between set 4 & 5.

20 min Focus Flow: Floor Poses (DENIS MORTON) Tue 4/11/23 @ 9:00 AM.
I did this a couple of weeks ago. Though my yoga practice is getting better, it's really helpful at this point to follow along with a video with some audio/video cues versus trying only to follow only the diagrams in the Darebee Yoga workouts. Trying to build a more sound foundation here. The stretching elements of yoga have been very good for my recovery.



Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 147
@Tileenah - thank you!! Sorry not answering sooner. Haven't been on the site much the last two weeks.

As mentioned, the last couple of weeks have been extra heavy at work and my exercise and log are behind. Trying to capture what I remember and can decipher from my apps.

28 SEP 2023 (THU) - workout with trainer
SL Bridge, leg up X10/side
Knee Taps X20

Lateral Lunge X10/side
Curtsy Lunge X10/side
Jump Squat X30

Bulgarian Split Squat X10/side
Supine DB Chest Press w/ legs elevated X10
Supine leg lifts with yoga block X15

29 SEP 2023 (FRI)
Peloton: 10 min full body warmup
no idea what I did in between. I think it might have been the Darebee workout of the day from around this date -- mystery.
Peloton: 10 min cooldown stretch

05 OCT 2023 (THU) - workout with trainer
Goblet Squat X8
Renegade Row X12

Bulgarian Split Squat RFE X8/side
Speed Squats X30

SL RDL X8/side
Swings X15

08 OCT 2023 (SUN)
General warmup
Cardio Blast: Day 27
Track running
6 min run, 1 min walk
plyo drills: hops, skips, high knees, butt kicks
30 Days of Yoga Day 25

09 OCT 2023 (MON)
1.5 mile treadmill walk (0.5), jog (0.5), walk (0.5)
Peloton: 20 min row. 3800m

10 OCT 2023 (TUE)
Warm up - modified 4 min warmup with some extras.

air squat: 25
calf raise: 20

Cardio Blast Day 28
Treadmill: 1.5 mile walk - fast walk and incline


Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 147
12 OCT 2023 (THU) - workout with trainer

Walkout to Stand X8
Standing Pullaparts X15
Floor rocking (knees tucked) X15

Knee to Elbow Body Rock X15/side
Kneeling Rollouts X10
Superman X10
Standing Slams X15

Roll to V Hold X10
Burpee to Jumping Jack X10
Side Plank Hip Drops X15/side
Standing Fallout X10

14 OCT 2023 (SAT)
10 Min full body warmup (Peloton)
Cardio blast Day 29
Les Mills Body Step (55 min)

19 OCT 2023 (THU) - workout with trainer
lateral band walks X20/side
C walks X20

DB RDLX15, 20/30lb DBs
Double Deadbug with Pullover X10, 15/30lb DBs
Sumo Squat X15, 40/65lbs

SL DB RDL X10/side
Rollout X10/side
Reverse Lunge to High knee up X30 seconds/side

Weighted Hip Thrust X12
Froggers to chest up X8

21 OCT 2023 (SAT)
10 Min full body warm up (Peloton)
1.5 mile treadmill walking (fast pace w/incline)
20 min slow flow yoga (Peloton)

22 OCT 2023 (SUN)
3 mile walk outside
Cardio Blast Day 30
Back & Core Day 30
Defend the hive - 400 hop on the spot

24 OCT 2023 (TUE)
Les Mills Body Step #130 (30 min)

26 OCT 2023 (THU) - workout with trainer -- pre-race
Reverse lunge/side bend 10/side
Sumo squat to stand 10
Thread the needle / spine rotation 10/side
Half-kneeling hip flex 30 sec/side

Lateral lung with arm reach 10/s
crab lift 10
dead bug 20

28 OCT 2023 (SAT) - 5k race (Weather: 50F with rain)

Time: 30 mins
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Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 147
02 NOV 2023 (THU) - workout with trainer -- negatives (all 3 second neg)
Goblet squat - 24kG: 10
TRX row: 10

RDL - 2x40#: 10
Bent over reverse fly - 2x8#: 10
leg lifts squeeze yoga block: 10

lateral lung - 2x25#: 10/side
Bent over row - 2x25#: 10
TRX chest press: 10

04 NOV 20223 (SAT)
Peloton strength warmup
Peloton 45 min 90's music endurance row (Wilpers)



Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 147
05 NOV 2023 (SUN)
30 Min Peloton flow yoga (Morton)

09 NOV 2023 (THU) - workout with trainer
KB goblet squat - 24kg: 8
KB swing - 16kg: 15

Kneeling med ball slam - 15#: 20
skater jumps: 30

TRX row (deep): 8
Ab wheel rollouts: 10

Dumbbell RDL - 2x50#: 8
half kneeling alternating shoulder press - 2x20#: 8/side
