[Pull-Up Team Progress 2025] Don't push, pull!


Well-known member
Gladiator from Italy
Posts: 329
"I can’t do difficult things; I have to make them easy"
3x5 underhand on close grip and 3x5 underhand on normal grip
Total = 90 points

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>> 2925 <<< (level 5)


Well-known member
Gladiator from Italy
Posts: 329
"I can’t do difficult things; I have to make them easy"
3x3 underhand on close grip, 6 underhand on close grip and 3x5 underhand on normal grip
Total = 90 points

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>>1020 <<< (level 5)


Well-known member
Gladiator from Italy
Posts: 329
"I can’t do difficult things; I have to make them easy"
3/6/6 underhand on close grip and 3/6/6 underhand on normal grip
Total = 90 points

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>>873 <<< (level 5)
Last edited:


Well-known member
Gladiator from Italy
Posts: 329
"I can’t do difficult things; I have to make them easy"
3/6/6 underhand on close grip and 3/6/6 underhand on normal grip
Total = 90 points
Level change!

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>>5969 <<< (level 6)