Suggested/Recommended Renegade Row alternative


New member
Posts: 4
I have a set of adjustable dumbbells with which I am apprehensive about doing renegade rows.
Basically because of their shape (rounded) and where the adjustment mechanism is (kind of on the 'bottom' if doing renegade rows).
Renegade rows pop up in a lot of programs I am looking at, and I'm curious what a recommended alternative is.
To be clear, what I'm most concerned about is putting too much pressure (and my too-much-of-it bodyweight) on the dumbbell itself... I am not concerned about the actual movement set.

What would be the best alternative trying to keep as close as possible to the same muscle engagement/demands?
Thanks in advance.


Warrior Monk from Terra
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 920
@SeanB if it's just apprehension about putting weight on the dumbbell that's the issue have you considered doing inclined renegade rows? Basically you're bracing your body against a chair or bench at an incline, with one hand while doing x-number of reps on one side with the dumbbell and then swapping.

It looks like this:


Works the same muscles and removes the problem, I expect. I hope this helps.


New member
Posts: 2
It sounds like your search for an alternative has been addressed. Still, I wanted to suggest another option that Darebee doesn’t program into their workouts, inverted rows.

Inverted rows, while ideally suited to suspension rings, can be performed without additional equipment. They are excellent at targeting the mid back and lats, offer some core stabilization and engagement, work scapular control, and are easily progressed or regressed to match fitness levels by changing your body angle, elevating your feet, or adding external weight.

While they don’t offer the same core engagement, especially anti-rotational core stabilization (unless you program in single arm inverted rows) they are a strong option.