The log continues.


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Gladiator from Boston
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February 23, day 1813. Storm Raider workout. Can't remember if I did level 1 or 2 but I had 30 seconds rest between sets, so that's EC at least. Day 104 consecutive flossing.
February 24, day 1814. 100 punches before bed. Day 105 flossing.
February 25 day 1815. 100 punches before bed. Day 106 flossing.
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February 28, day 1818.
Donated $25.
Classic warm up.
Cardio Punch, level 3, EC of thirty seconds rest between sets. Was able to do actual jumping without kneecap pain so long as I didn't move my feet too far apart.
Captain workout, done at cardio intensity rather than HIIT, level 1, thirty seconds rest between sets.
Total time spent post-warmup at cardio intensity level, a little over twenty minutes. Edit: day 109 flossing.
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March 4. Day 1823. Classic warm up.
Modded Cardio Punch workout: step jacks, step seals, and step Ts. 12 reps per set instead of 10. 24 punches each time punches happened, instead of 10. Did this at level 3 with 15 seconds rest between sets so whatever the modding counts for I'm pretty sure it's EC.
Started on modded Epic Arms but saw my timer so I basically just did alternating sets of 10 standing bicep curls (15 lbs per arm) and 20 punches until I hit the 20 minute total post-warm-up mark.
Will edit later for flossing. Edit: day 114 flossing.
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March 6. Day 1825. Five wall pushups, done very gingerly because my left shoulder/trapezius muscle has been giving me a weird amount of pain all day. 7 minutes/0.9 miles on a bike at lunch. Would've been more but I had to use an ebike on the return trip and I don't count ebike time as exercise. Will edit later for flossing. EDIT: day 116 flossing.
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Thank you both. It feels slightly better today, but still hurts, so I just went with Stopgap.

March 7, day 1826. Classic warm-up and Stopgap workout, level 1, with EC. My shoulder started protesting over the course of the third set so I stopped there. This was about six minutes of post-warm-up working out. I hope to get more in later, if I am careful.

Will edit later for flossing.

EDIT: Day 117 flossing. Also, I went to the workout books section of the site and paid $10, then downloaded the PDFs of four of the paperbacks.
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March 8. Day 1827. Kind of overwhelmed with a number of issues, including what are either perimenopausal or pre-period mood swings, so the best I could manage was fifty wall pushups over the course of the day (five for eaxh time I had an emotional issue get the bwtter of me, so at least something good would come of it). Day 118 flossing. Have found a compostable floss that is actually strong enough to deal with the narrow gaps between my teeth and not break until the very end.

March 9. Day 1828. Five floor pushups. Classic warm up. Arm Shred workout. Used 10 lb dumbbells, 30 seconds rest between exercises, still came out to about 15:15 total post-warmup work. Day 119 flossing. Will edit later for any further pushups and/or bicycling.


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March 10. Day 1829. Ten floor pushups. 200 punches and 100 overhead punches. Day 120 flossing.
March 11. Day 1830. Got started on classic warm-up, had to leave off halfway through because I'm WFH today and my cat started making the Sad Sad Kitty Wants Attention noises. I will update later when I have at least done some other exercise. Day 121 flossing. Edit: 100 punches before bed. Le sigh.
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March 12. Day 1831.
Classic warm up
4 sets 8 reps goblet squats, 17 lb dumbbell, 30 seconds rest between sets
4 sets 8 reps dumbbell stiff leg deadlifts, 17 lbs each hand, 30 sec rest between sets
4 sets 8 reps dumbbell plie squats, 17 lb dumbbell, 30 sec rest between sets
4 sets 8 reps dumbbell hamstring curls done on a mat on the floor, 17 lb dumbbell, 30 sec rest between sets
3 sets 8 reps standing calf raises, 34 lbs, basically just up to tiptoe and back because I didn't have a step to use, 30 sec rest between sets
Three planks, 20 seconds each, 10 sec rest between planks

Day 122 flossing

ETA: 10 wall pushups so far
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March 13. Day 1832. Opted to go outside at lunch, will do upper body or full body tomorrow; had muscle stiffness/soreness in legs esp. hamstrings so light bicycle riding seemed like a good way to ease things a bit. 7 minutes/0.93 miles and 8 minutes/also 0.93 miles on the bike. Worth noting, the ride back included two bags' worth of acquired groceries and featured me having to shove a box of crackers down my jacket for transportation after one of the two bags ripped in half.

Will edit later for flossing. EDIT: Day 123 consecutive flossing.
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Gladiator from Boston
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March 14. Day 1834.
Classic warm up

Bent over dumbbell rows, 4 sets 8, 10 lb per hand
Dumbbell- well- floor presses since I have no bench at work, 4 sets 8, 17 lb per hand
Dumbbell lateral raises, 3 sets 8, 3 lb per hand because I do not have 5 lbs here
Dumbbell pullovers, 3 sets 8, 10 lb
Standing dumbbell bicep curls, 2 sets 8, 17 lb per hand
Seated dumbbell tricep extensions, 2 sets 8, 17 lbs
Standing dumbbell shrugs, 2 sets 12, 17 lbs per hand
3 planks, 25 seconds each, 5 seconds rest in between, used my standard plank music- "Hammer to Fall" by Queen

Will edit later for flossing Day 124 consecutive flossing. I have switched to a compostable silk floss after finding one too many bits of plastic crap on the beach, although I have to be careful with it between two particular molars.
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Gladiator from Boston
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March 15. Day 1835. 100 punches before bed. Day 125 flossing.
March 16. Day 1836. 100 punches. 100 overhead punches. 2 sets each of arm scissors, small arm circles, bicep extensions, side bicep extensions, shoulder taps. Kind of surprised I was able to manage that much as I was basically flattened by menstrual cramping. day 126 flossing.
March 17. Day 1837. 100 overhead punches before bed. Also flattened. Day 127 flossing.
March 18. Day 1838. 100 punches, 100 overhead punches, day 128 flossing.
March 19. Day 1839. Classic warm up.
One arm dumbbell rows. 4 sets 8 rows per arm, 17 lbs.
Dumbbell shoulder presses. 4 sets 8. 10 lbs per hand.
Floor presses, in the absence of a bench to use for incline or standard bench presses. 4 sets 8. 17 lbs per hand.
Renegade rows, in the absence of anything that could be used for chest supported dumbbell rows. 3 sets 8 reps per hand. 10 lbs per hand.
Dumbbell hammer curls. 2 sets 8. 17 lbs per hand.
Seated dumbbell shrugs. 2 sets 12. 17 lbs. per hand.
Three planks. 45 seconds long each. 15 seconds rest between planks.

Will edit later for flossing. ETA: day 129 flossing
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Gladiator from Boston
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March 20. Day 1840.
Classic warm up
Dumbbell stiff leg deadlifts, 4 sets 8, 34 lbs. Need to increase weight next time
Started doing dumbbell split squats in lieu of reverse lunges but both kneecaps were hurting by rep 5. Switched to Goblet squats, 4 sets 8, 17 lbs. Also should increase the weight here.
Dumbbell hip thrusts, 4 sets 8, 17 lbs. Most assuredly raise the weight.
next exercise on the list was dumbbell bulgarian split squats, which, ahaha, no. Opted for Romanian deadlifts with my dumbbells instead. 3 sets 8. 34 lbs. More weight next time.
Seated dumbbell calf raises, 4 sets 8 per leg, 17 lbs, more weight next time
Planks. 3 planks, 1 minute each, 10 sec rest between planks.

Will edit later for flossing. ETA: day 130 flossing
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Gladiator from Boston
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March 21, day 1841.
Start with day 131 flossing.

Classic warm up
Cardio punch but 16 of everything rather than 10. Did 3 sets with junping, kneecap began to hurt. Remaining 4 sets were step-jacks, step seals, etc. 30 seconds rest between sets.
Started in on Storm Princess. Got through round 1, got to last arm circle set, the anterior deltoids and/or upper pecs (not sure which) rwfused to cooperate further. At this point I had reached 17+ minutes of cardio activity. Opted to stop there.

Back to weights tomorrow. I have a Sukhi's veggie naanwich calling my name from the freezer.


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Gladiator from Boston
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March 22, day 1842. Got lazy- my workout room, home office, and craft room are all the same space and the sewing machine was more tempting than the weights. 100 punches before bed. Day 132 flossing.
March 23, day 1843. 3 sets of arm scissors, 100 punches, 1 minute nonstop arm scissors. Day 133 flossing.
March 24, day 1844.
Classic warm up.
Bent over dumbbell rows, 4 sets 8, 23 lbs per hand.
Dumbbell bench presses, 4 sets 8, 23 lbs per hand.
Weighted lateral raises, 3 sets 8, one 5 pound plate per hand.
Dumbbell pullovers, 3 sets 8, 23 lbs.
Standing dumbbell bicep curls, 2 sets 12, 15 lbs per hand
Dumbbell tricep extensions, 2 sets 12, 23 lbs
Standing dumb ell shrugs, 2 sets 12, 23 lbs per hand

will edit later for flossing ETA: day 134 flossing
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Gladiator from Boston
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March 26, day 1846.
Day 136 flossing.
Classic warm up.
Goblet squats, 4 sets 10, 22 lbs
Dumbbell stiff leg deadlifts, 4 sets 8, 22 lbs per hand
Dumbbell plie squats, 3 sets 8, 22 lbs (need to check form, right kneecap starting to protest on last set)
Dumbbell hamstring curls, done on a mat on the floor for lack of a bench, 3 sets 10, 22 lbs
Standing one-legged dumbbell calf raises, done on the floor for lack of a box or step, 3 sets 8 per leg, 22 lbs
3 planks. 2 were 1:15 each. 3rd lasted about 30 seconds before I had to stop and apologize to Freddie Mercury for not having properly finished Hammer to Fall.


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Gladiator from Boston
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March 28, day 1848. Stopgap, level 1, with EC. Day 138 flossing. Would have done more but there was an Amtrak journey involved.
March 29, day 1849. Stopgap, level 2, with EC. Day 139 flossing.
March 30, day 1850. 15 minutes/1.87 miles on the bike. Day 140 flossing.
March 31, day 1851. Epic Arms, with a 15 lb weight in one hand and a 20 lb weight in the other (limited selection available). Day 141 flossing.
April 1, day 1852. Stopgap, level 1, with EC. Day 142 flossing.
April 2, day 1853. 12 minutes/2.05 miles and 8 minutes/1.28 miles on the bike. Day 143 flossing.
April 3, day 1854. Stopgap, level 1, with EC. Day 144 flossing.
April 4, day 1855. Stopgap, level 1, with EC. Day 145 flossing.
April 5, day 1856. 150 punches before bed. Day 146 flossing.
April 6, day 1857. 150 punches before bed. Day 147 flossing.
April 7, day 1858. 11 minutes/1.78 miles and 11 minutes/1.58 miles on the bike. Day 148 flossing.
April 8, day 1859. 25 minutes/4.38 miles and 26 minutes/3.73 miles on the bike. Day 149 flossing.
April 9, day 1860. 7 minutes/1.10 miles and 7 minutes/0.8 mile on the bike. Day 150 flossing.


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Gladiator from Boston
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April 10, day 1861. Woke up coughing, congested, and freezing, first day of what turned out to be bronchitis + a touch of pneumonia. 100 punches before bed. Day 151 flossing.
April 11, day 1862. 100 punches before bed. Pretty sure this was the day I broke the flossing streak so I stopped keeping track here.
April 12, day 1863. Accidentally killed my computer with a coffee spill during WFH. 100 punches before bed.
April 13, day 1864. 100 punches before bed. Attempted more but it set off a horrendous coughing fit
April 14, day 1865. 100 punches before bed
April 15, day 1866. Doctor verified it was bronchitis and pneumonia but not flu and not COVID. First time I was given a prescription with a warning on the bottle about 'under no circumstances should you bite or chew this medication JUST SWALLOW IT WITH A LOT OF WATER DON'T TRY BITING IT DAMMIT'. 100 punches before bed.
April 16, day 1867. 150 punches
April 17, day 1868. 150 punches
April 18, day 1869. 150 punches
April 19, day 1870. 150 punches
April 20, day 1871. 150 punches.
April 21, day 1872. 100 punches.
April 22, day 1873. 150 punches.
April 23, day 1874. 150 punches.
April 24, day 1875. Stopgap, level 1, with EC.


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Gladiator from Boston
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Thank you! Working on it. Today is the first day I've been able to get back to the office instead of having to work from home.

April 25, day 1876. Mayday, level 1 with EC.
April 26, day 1877. 150 punches.
April 27, day 1878. Mayday, level 1 with EC.
April 28, day 1879. Mayday, level 1.
April 29, day 1880. 100 punches.
April 30, day 1881. So far today, walked half a mile and did 7 minutes/0.97 miles on a rental bike to get to work.


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Gladiator from Boston
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May 1, day 1882. Had to use a rental e-bike for my initial trip to work, and I don't count e-bikes as exercise because I don't know how much of what I'm doing is me and how much is their boost. However, I then had 0.8 miles and 7 minutes on a regular bike later in the day.
May 2, day 1883. 100 punches before bed.


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Gladiator from Boston
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May 6, day 1887. 100 punches plus 40 overhead punches before bed.
May 7, day 1888. 120 punches plus 60 overhead punches before bed.
May 8, day 1889. 120 punches plus 60 overhead punches before bed.
May 9, day 1890. Mayday workout, level 1. Also, it was my birthday.
May 10, day 1891. 100 punches before bed.
May 11, day 1892. Mayday workout, level 2, with EC. Also, 5 wall pushups.
May 12, day 1893. Started Mayday workout, managed to hit myself in the face with a fingernail during the bicep part of round 1, took off a strip of skin from my cheek, regretted giving up biting my nails, did 100 punches instead. Also, 5 wall pushups.
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Gladiator from Boston
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Thank you!

May 14, day 1895. Got started on Mayday, got interrupted after 2 sets, could not restart.
May 15, day 1896. 100 punches before bed.
May 16, day 1897. 100 punches before bed.
May 17, day 1898. 100 overhead punches before bed.
May 18, day 1899. Had to go into the office to fix a problem. Decided to make it exercise. 4.31 miles / 26 minutes, then 0.66 miles/4 minutes on the bike to get from home to the train and then from the train to the office. Different routes on the way back; 0.81 miles/6 minutes + 1.51 miles / 10 minutes + 0.46 miles/4 minutes.

Side note, in the past I have had to amend weightlifting workouts to avoid lunges because my right knee in particular hates them, and I had to avoid jumping jacks for a while after a round of Cardio Punch resulted in really bad pain in that leg. I got an X-ray a few weeks ago and the doctor is sending me for physical therapy for that leg. Not sure how long something's been wrong, but it wasn't just weakness or temporary muscle injury. Appointment is Wednesday.
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Gladiator from Boston
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May 19, day 1900. Mayday, level 1.
May 20, day 1901. 100 punches before bed.
May 21, day 1902. 100 overhead punches before bed.
May 22, day 1903. PTherapist believes my issues have to do with my hip and my knee disagreeing on the degree to which either or both joints should be twisting, resulting in excessive wear and tear on the cartilage over time. He put me through a number of assessment exercises and some basic hip/knee/quad/calf work on the premises and sent me home with a worksheet. I repeated the exercises I could do without lying down when I got home- 2 sets of 10 standing heel raises, then two sets of ten reps for each leg of what his sheet refers to as standing marches- while standing, lift your foot and knee up until the thigh is horizontal, then put the foot back down. Repeat for appropriate #. 2 sets of 10 reps each leg for the standing side leg lifts. 2 sets 10 reps each leg standing hip extensions- basically back leg lifts, keep the leg straight and do not swing the leg or let gravity do all the work coming back down. 2 standing calf stretches per leg, hold each stretch for 20 seconds (this is the one where you put both hands on the wall and step forward with one foot, then stretch the gastrocnemius by pushing your heel down behind you).
May 23, day 1904. 2 sets 10 standing heel raises, 2 sets 10 reps per leg standing marching, 2 sets 10 reps per leg side leg lifts, 2 sets 10 reps per leg back leg lifts, 1 set of 2 reps each leg standing gastrocnemius stretches (20 seconds each). Then supine heel slides (lie on your back on a mat, both legs straight, slide one leg towards your body in a straight line bringing your knee up in the direction of your shoulder; slide back to straight leg; keep the bottom of your foot flat the whole time). 2 sets of 10 reps each leg for those. 1 set of 10 reps per leg lying-down isometric quad stuff- the instructions said to put a small rolled towel under my knee while lying on the floor, then tighten my top thigh muscle to press the knee and towel downward and hold that for three seconds. I did not have a towel, I used reasonably bendy packing foam I had on hand in the server closet. .. anyway, that and ten floor-based straight leg raises per leg, where I had to lie on the floor with one knee bent and the foot flat on the ground, then raise the other leg up with a straight knee until it reached roughly the same angle as my other thigh, then do a controlled return to the floor.


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Gladiator from Boston
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May 24, day 1905. Did the PT exercises and I think fifty punches.
May 25, day 1906. 13 minutes/2.26 miles and 11 minutes/1.57 miles on the bike. I believe I did the portion of the PT exercises that involved standing up but did not get around to the mat exercises.
May 26, day 1907. Did the PT exercises, floor exercises included, and an extra set of fifty side leg raises (25 per leg) and fifty back leg raises (25 per leg).
May 27, day 1908. Full set of PT exercises. I believe I did two or three extra sets of standing marches as well.
May 28, day 1909. Full set of PT exercises although there was about 10-15 minutes between the standing ones and the floor exercises.
May 29, day 1910. So far, the standing PT exercises, plus 11 minutes/1.83 miles and 6 minutes/0.83 miles on the bike. I took the ferry to work so there will be more cycling after I take the ferry home. EDIT: about 0.85 miles that I didn't track because I didn't have time to power up the cyclocomp software if I wanted to catch the ferry home, and then 4.24 miles/25 minutes on the bike.
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Gladiator from Boston
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May 30, day 1911. Full set of PT exercises. Realized as I was doing the supine ones that I didn't remember which one was only supposed to be 4x/week; did them all.
May 31, day 1912. So far today, full set of PT exercises without supine heel slides as those are supposed to be 4x/week. Will edit later for other exercise if needed.


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Gladiator from Boston
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June 1, day 1913. 6 minutes/1.02 miles, 2 minutes/0.27 miles, 11 minutes/1.86 miles, 6 minutes/0.90 miles, and 4 minutes/0.5 miles on the bike. Partly exercise riding, partly utility (had to go to hardware store). Standing PT exercises when I got home. Don't think I did the supine ones.
June 2, day 1914. 11 minutes/2.06 miles, 10 minutes/1.58 miles on the bike. This was to get to and from birdwatching. There were baby piping plovers on the beach and they were quite possibly the cutest living things I have ever seen. PT exercises.
June 3, day 1915. PT exercises.
June 4, day 1916. PT exercises.
June 5, day 1917. 11 minutes/1.83 miles, 6 minutes/0.84 miles, 6 minutes/0.72 miles, 25 minutes/4.24 miles on the bike. Had a PT session today. Ptherapist had me do two sets of all the usual exercises, then added new ones using a resistance band around my ankles or my knees. This day's exercises included 2 sets of 10 sideways steps with the resistance band at my ankles, then back to starting position; 2 sets of 10 monster walk steps forward and 2 sets of 10 monster walk steps back. (Band around ankles or knee area. Bend knees to mini squat position. Step forward diagonally with one foot. Slowly bring rear foot up to meet it. Then slowly step forward with that foot. Reverse for the backward ones.) Also, 2 sets 10 each side clamshells with the band around the area just above my knees. Instructions were to do each of the resistance exercises 3x/week.
June 6, day 1918. 7 minutes/0.94 miles on a Bluebike. Standing PT exercises, floor-based PT exercises other than the lying-down leg lifts.
June 7, day 1919. All PT exercises, other than the heel slides, including the resistance band ones.


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Gladiator from Boston
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June 8, day 1920. All non-resistance-band PT exercises.
June 9, day 1921. All non-resistance-band PT exercises. I think I lost track of what days I did the heel slides on and did them just in case.
June 10, day 1922. All PT exercises. Since no specific number of reps was listed for the side-walking or monster walk portions of the exercises I have been doing as many as it takes to cross the room I use as a home office/sewing room, which totals out to somewhere between 9 and 14 one way depending on the angle I take and how hard I push against the resistance band on each step.


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Gladiator from Boston
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June 11, day 1923. All non-resistance-band PT exercises.
June 12, day 1924. Bike day. 11 minutes/1.82 miles, 6 minutes/0.83 miles, 6 minutes/0.72 miles, 14 minutes/2.51 miles, 9 minutes/1.53 miles, and 3 minutes/0.46 miles. Also, the non-resistance-band PT exercises other than the gastrocnemius stretches, mostly skipped those 'cos I was feeling lazy.
June 13, day 1925. Regretted not doing the stretches, right calf was protesting for much of the day. 12 minutes/1.83 miles, 7 minutes/0.99 miles, 8 minutes/1.25 miles, 10 minutes/1.57 miles, 24 minutes/3.94 miles, and 3 minutes/0.35 miles on the bike. Non-resistance-band PT exercises. Also, 2 sets 10 clamshells per side, but without the band.
June 14, day 1926. So far today have done all the resistance band exercises- 2 sets 10 clamshells each side, but the other ones I lost count of because I took the opportunity to do monster walk forward and backward and the various forms of side-step to go from my home office to the kitchen, make cold brew coffee, tidy up a bit, then shuffle back to the office. Have done most of the standing exercises other than the wall pushes/gastro stretches. I'll do those later.


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June 15, day 1927. Did all the PT exercises including the elastic band ones.
June 16, day 1928. Regretted doing the elastic band ones because the next morning my right calf immediately began protesting LOUDLY AND PAINFULLY the first time I went down the stairs. Spent most of the day limping as a result (ironically, the knee that I started PT for does not seem to be upset about stair climbing the way it used to). Did the non-resistance-band PT exercises, including the wall pushes, and included 2 sets 10 non-resistance-band clamshells per leg.
June 17, day 1929. All non-resistance-band PT exercises, also 2 sets 10 non-resistance-band clamshells per leg. I have PT tomorrow and will speak to the ptherapist about the calf ache before putting the band on again.


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June 18, day 1930. Ptherapist was surprised at the calf pain but set me up with a number of other exercises. The ptherapy session began with four minutes of warm-up on a stationary bike, then included most of the extant exercises other than the resistance band ones (although he had me demonstrate monsterwalk and sidestep and clamshells without the band), then added single leg balance sessions (3 times per leg, 20 seconds per time), tandem stance balance (toe to heel, 3 sets, 20 seconds per set), side-lying hip abduction (2 sets, 10 per leg per set), and prone hip extensions (2 sets, 10 per leg per set). And... I don't know what to call the others. Figure 3 tippy-taps, maybe. Standing with one leg slightly bent, tap the ground about a step in front of you with the other heel, then bring your feet back together. Then tap the ground about a step to your right with the ball of your foot, then bring the feet back together. Then tap the ground about a step behind you with the ball of the foot, then bring the feet back together. 2 sets of these, 10 per leg per set.
June 19, day 1931. Most of the non-resistance band PT exercises. Forgot to do the prone hip extensions, also I think I skipped the gastrocnemius stretches.
June 20, day 1932. Walked an extra half a mile in 10 minutes. Did the non-resistance-band PT exercises but forgot to do the prone hip extensions or tippy-taps. Spent some time on a bike but it was an ebike so I'm not counting it for exercise due to the assist.
June 21, day 1933. PT exercises from week 1 and week 3, I think also clamshells.
June 22, day 1934. PT exercises without resistance band but not the prone hip extensions because I keep forgetting those are on the list and I left the page from that week in my backpack after the office visit. Also, 100 punches and 100 overhead punches, because why not.
June 23, day 1935. PT exercises without resistance band but not the prone hip extensions. Have determined that I really need to avoid doing these things near bedtime if I want to, y'know, sleep. About 84 punches and 50 overhead punches; I got interrupted.
June 24, day 1936. PT exercises without resistance band but not the prone hip extensions or the tippy-taps. Nothing wrong with the tippy-taps, I just got started on one, got interrupted, and never got back to doing them again.


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Gladiator from Boston
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June 25, day 1937. Standing PT exercises, but not monsterwalk or side walk or tippy taps.
June 26, day 1938. Standing PT exercises, but not monsterwalk or side walk or tippy taps.
June 27, day 1939. Standing PT exercises, but not monsterwalk or side walk or tippy taps.
June 28, day 1940. Standing PT exercises, but not monsterwalk or side walk or tippy taps. 100 punches, 100 overhead punches.
June 29, day 1941. Standing PT exercises, but not monsterwalk or side walk or tippy taps.
June 30, day 1942. Standing PT exercises, but not tippy taps. Monster walk and side walk done without resistance band.
July 1, day 1943. Standing PT exercises, but not monsterwalk or side walk or tippy taps. 150 punches, 150 overhead punches.
July 2, day 1944. Too exhausted and upset about everything everywhere to manage more than a basic 100 punches before bed.
July 3, day 1945. Standing PT exercises, but not monsterwalk or side walk or tippy taps.
July 4, day 1946. Standing PT exercises, but not monsterwalk or side walk or tippy taps. Side leg lifts and clamshells without resistance band. Prone leg lifts and heel slides. V. definitely not a good idea to do right before bed, it took me more than half an hour to drop off afterwards.


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July 5, day 1947. Standing PT exercises, no monsterwalk or side walk.
July 6, day 1948. Standing PT exercises plus monsterwalk and side walk. Three sets of everything.
July 7, day 1949. Got the kayak out of the basement, hauled it to harbor. Spent 24 minutes in actual motion on the water, traveled a total of 1.26 miles in the boat. Boat weighs about 35 lbs. so carrying it from the sidewalk over the exposed tidal mud to the water probably counts for some kind of farmer's walk weight training, too.


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Gladiator from Boston
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July 8, day 1950. Standing PT exercises, 2 sets of everything.
July 9. Had a foot go out from under me on the steps (I think the tread's worn off the bottom of my sandals). Landed, hard, on my tailbone. Wound up with an ankle that didn't want weight put on it to any great degree. Did 100 punches and called it a day.
July 10. Urgent care doc said the X-rays didn't show any breaks or sprains but gave me a brace & recommended RICE + ibuprofen. Also a 100 punch day.
July 11. I have done 2 sets of most of the standing exercises, but not 'push the wall' or calf raises, and I did one set each leg of the tippy-taps.