Ughoji's journal


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Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,682
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Welcome :)


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Paladin Posts: 107
continuation from yesterday log
day 2 leg of steel
day 2 calves of steel

day 3 leg of steel
day 3 calves of steel
grip training
Farmer done during evening

would love to add an app training log here, it's called Hercules app, would love to get to the max lvl on it with only AB'S workout by the end of the year. would update after doing up, up & up x3 in tommorows log,used to do load of stress buster in between the days work,puts lots of strain on my traps and do unstress my traps with 100 punch (destress),but met some challenges with it that felt pseudo spiritual,seemed the strain left the traps,and went straight to my Head,right in church,so I stopped it,why cause I won't know the difference between an headache and stresses been busted,ama also add stretching for back pain relief on all my logs,guess the grip training gave me a 1up on lower back pain,see you all with tommorow training log
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Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 2,476
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Hello and welcome!


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Paladin Posts: 107
continuation from
master of abs
day 6 of calves of steel
day 6 of leg of steel

day 7 of calves of steel
day 7 of calves of steel

day 7 of calves of steel
day 7 of leg of steel
did bench press 3 set of 25 each of inclined, declined and flat with 12rep of 3 set pullover

the up,up & up x3 blasted my legs, Even till now am a little under the weather,with slight fever


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Paladin Posts: 107
day 11 calves of steel
up,up & up
just did the up,up and up with my lil bro friend,the last jump squat on the 7th set took a toll on me,it's as if earths gravity pull,went up a notch and felt a little sprain on my knees & ankles.would do a separate leg of steel 3 days today, hope it's still valid?


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Paladin Posts: 107
day 15 calves of steel
day 15 legs of steel
pre-workout warmup & jacked
keep warm
pre workout warmup & up,up & up
keep warm

had to switch Farmer,cause read on one of darebee's article,most of this workouts ain't got stacked effect,and they wear off 6 hours max,on one article about the pump
and would love to jack my cactus and the description from that workout really felt it would give me that zing,you know feeling jacked throughout the day and leave you sour next day.


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Paladin Posts: 107
day 20 legs of steel
day 20 calves of steel
stress buster
destress 100 punches
stretching for back pain relief
neck mobility
did pullover/skull crusher 3x12, decline bench press 3x25
inclined bench press 3x25, deadlift 3x15 after each excersise ,coupled up with a flat bench press


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Paladin Posts: 107
Ya paused due. To elections in my country
Stretching for back pain relief
Up,up and up
Stretching for back pain relief
Up,up and up
Stretching for back pain relief
Power line : lost my jump rope had to use alt


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Paladin Posts: 107
pre-workout warmup
sofa AB'S
up,up & up
stretching for back pain relief
pre-workout warmup
epic arms
up,up & up
inclined bench press 25 reps 3sets x2
declined bench press 50reps 3 sets
flat bench 100 total 45,5 slow paused rep,15,25 and 10 8kg plus dumbbell x2


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Paladin Posts: 107
grip training E.C
first time doing it with E.C
would include grip 30 dayschallenge to my logs with this months challenge, been looking for a lower AB'S workout now I got myself a whole month challenge,got me thinking to myself if I had done 300 decline chest press for 3 months would give me that flat lower tummy.just speaking from experience from a 3 month challenge of 150 middle chest morning and evening with 8kg dumbbells,that left the lines of middle belly hollow starting from beneath my chest to my navel


Well-known member
Paladin Posts: 107
power grip day 5
lower AB'S day 5
pre-workout warmup
up,up & up
stretching for back pain relief
power grip day 6
lower AB'S day 6
pre-workout warmup
keep warm
stretching for back pain relief
neck mobility
power grip day 7
lower AB'S day 7
pre-workout warmup
arm's and shoulder stretch


Well-known member
Paladin Posts: 107
lol, would have kept the journal updated but felt too lazy ni,
anyways today's workout
did the 2-move abs, cause I think it is from higher power/form of Life,love the alpha Betty game (abs) though got some issues with it that felt pseudo spiritual like bits from the app that got psiphoned,and I think the demon(a woman who is in love is also known as a demon to me anyways) kept coming up for more of that cheesy feeling,love the warmth I get from some though
2-move abs