I'll make a person out of you


Valkyrie from Norway
Pronouns: She/They
Posts: 20
Oh hey there!
I used this website a few years ago, and discovered it again recently. (It has improved so much bless)
A little bit about me: I'm a 22 year old student, soon to be preschool teacher; so I figured I have to actually be in shape or else I'll perish while working.
I will see how often I post here, but I will try to make it an annual thing.
Its currently evening rn so I won't do/post anything today lmao
Can't wait to see where this takes me, and if I (as they kinda say in mulan), can make a person out of myself.
mulan GIF

See ya :cool:


Valkyrie from Norway
Pronouns: She/They
Posts: 20
I truly was like "Sup" and then left for almost a month lmao sorry about that.
Peace Out Reaction GIF

Being a student in nov/dec is a nightmare as many people know.
During my exam period, I've visited the gym near my uni 2 times a week for like 30 min each time, which I needed to rewind.

I wanted to try out the fit December, and have been doing it since the 1st. Bless the hall passes hhhh.

Sun, Dec 4th
:v: Fit December day 4
:v: Just dance for 30 min
:v: Simple stretching

Self care/ Fun
Lit some scented candles while doing school stuff
:v: Played some dragon age. Happy dragon age day!


New member
Posts: 1
Hi, good luck, I'm sure you'll make it! Besides that I can make you a recommendation, if you said you will be a teacher, I noticed that many teachers use https://paperell.net/apa-style-papers to write an APA paper for me, if you haven't heard of it then I recommend you to try it because they all say it is very convenient and fast, it saves a lot of time and you will be able to do more, especially since you are at the beginning of the path and you will have a lot of work to do.
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Valkyrie from Norway
Pronouns: She/They
Posts: 20
Thank you @Ellensantiago for the recommendation:happy:!

December flew by, and I finished Fit December with a blast.
For Christmas, I bought myself part 1 of 5 of the Conqueror challenge, where I'm gonna walk all the way from the shire to Mordor to drop off the one ring in mount doom. First stop is Bree, and my inner nerd is very motivated to finish the entire challenge.
Adventure Going GIF

Tuesday the 11th of January
Walking for an hour
:v: Just dance for 30 minutes (I'm becoming a pro at rasputin lmao)
:v: Some yoga/stretching

Self care/Fun
Bought a new sweatshirt because I wanted to
Played some witcher 3. The next gen update is so beautiful!


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,980
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Congrats on Fit December :welcome:
Happy adventure to Mordor :LOL:


Valkyrie from Norway
Pronouns: She/They
Posts: 20
Thanks @Fremen and @Mianevem :D

Uni life has been busy, and I'm nearing the end of the practice period in the kindergarden I'm in. Soon it's back to "normal", meaning I get more time to exercise.
I've walked about 20 % of my journey to Bree now (which also means that the organization plants a tree, I think its neat.

Other news, I had my first intro appointment with a personal trainer today! It was free since its part of the membership deal I have in the gym I go to. I've never really gone to the gym before, and the guy showed me a bunch of exercises on different machines I did not have the guts to use before (mostly because I have no idea how they work.). He also recommended me stuff based on my personal history, and this really motivated me! :D
It was really fun, and I think I will go to the gym more now, since I kinda know more now lmao.
(wow this turned into a bible but I'm just so motivated atm that I wanted to ramble. And there is no better place to do so than your own check in thread! ):cool:

Thursday the 19th of January
:v: 45 minute session with a personal trainer
:v: Like 10 000 steps (working in a kindergarden does wonders)
:v: Followed a stretching video when I got home from the gym

Self care/ fun
Rewatched the movie what we do in the shadows
:v: Actually ate my vitamins today lmao

See ya

what we do in the shadows smile GIF


Valkyrie from Norway
Pronouns: She/They
Posts: 20
Sunday the 21st of January
Me, exercising on a saturday? Crazy days. I went to the gym with a friend, which made exercising so much more fun!

Elliptical machine for 15 minutes
:v: Rowing machine for 10 minutes

Chest press, 15 x 3
Leg extension 15 x 3
:v: Low row 12 x 3
:v: Lat pulldown 12 x 3
:v: Leg press 12 x 4
Stretching for 15 minutes
:v: Day 1 of the 30 days of yoga challenge

Self care/ Fun
Watched the legend of vox machina season 2
Drank some coffee with my friend after exercising


(yes i will always add a gif, depending on my mood for the day)
Tomorrow is rest day :cool:



Valkyrie from Norway
Pronouns: She/They
Posts: 20
I always forget I have this check in thread, but I like updating it once in a while either way :happy:

Saturday the 15th of March
Went to the gym early today, which was nice cuz no people :p
Warm up
:v: Elliptical machine for 15 minutes
:v: Chest press, 15 x 4
:v:Leg extension 15 x 3
:v: Low row 15 x 3
:v: Lat pulldown 15 x4
:v: Leg press 15 x 4
:v: Stretching for 15 minutes
:v: 10 000 steps

TO MORDOR (the conqueror challenge)
:rstar: The Shire to Bree: 134,08 km of 233,4 km (57 %)
:gstar: Bree to Rvendell
:gstar: Rivendell to the mines of moria
:gstar:Moria to the black gate
:gstar:Black gate to Mordor

Self care/Fun
:heart:Ate sushi with friends

Hungry Lunch GIF


Valkyrie from Norway
Pronouns: She/They
Posts: 20
Thursday the 20th of April
  • Elliptical machine 15 min (warmup)
  • Low row 10 x 5
  • Seated leg curl 10 x 5
  • Leg extention 10 x 5
  • Leg press 10 x 5
  • Stretchy stretch 10 min
  • 7500 steps ish
To Mordor
:rstar: The Shire to Bree: 166,47 km of 233,4 km (71 %)
:gstar: Bree to Rvendell
:gstar: Rivendell to the mines of moria
:gstar:Moria to the black gate
:gstar:Black gate to Mordor

Self care/Fun
Binged Crash landing on you all week (I've been obsessed with K-Dramas lately)

Hyun Bin Love GIF by The Swoon


Valkyrie from Norway
Pronouns: She/They
Posts: 20
Monday the 24th of April
Wanted to integrate a program or two into my routine, so I figured the 60 days of walking was perfect since I'm walking to Mordor. I don't go to the gym every day because of my studies, but I will always find time to walk. Then I thought the daily abs challenge and the five minute plank challenge looked fun so I'm going to try those as well.

To Mordor
:rstar: The Shire to Bree: 189.09 km of 233,4 km (81%)
:gstar: Bree to Rvendell
:gstar: Rivendell to the mines of moria
:gstar:Moria to the black gate
:gstar:Black gate to Mordor

Self care/Fun
Restarted breath of the wild cuz I want to finish the game before number two drops (ambitious I know)


Valkyrie from Norway
Pronouns: She/They
Posts: 20
Saturday the 1st of July
Life got busy during exams and I did not exercise as much as I wanted. I also forgot about this site oopsies (meaning I did not get to finish the challenges and programs I started)
But HI. I finally have summer vacation and want to find more time to exercise.

To Mordor
:star: The Shire to Bree: 233,4 km of 233,4 km (100 %) (yay I did it)

Self care/Fun
Started reading the hunger games prequel, and I can't wait until the movie drops. I have always been a huge hunger games fan . It may be stupid, but pretending that I'm training for the hunger games motivates me a lot

Jennifer Lawrence Curtsy GIF


Valkyrie from Norway
Pronouns: She/They
Posts: 20
Sunday the 2nd of July
Being at home for summer makes eating healthy more difficult, but I'm trying. I convinced my mom to implement more greens into our dinners and I think she likes it lol. Exercising is also harder, cuz we my gym is not here; so everything I do is in my room or going on walks.
Self care/Fun
:star:Still in my preparing for the hunger games era, read like 4 chapters from the prequel

the hunger games roadshow GIF


Valkyrie from Norway
Pronouns: She/They
Posts: 20
Monday the 3rd of July
I did not start work until 10 am, so I managed to squeeze in my workout beforehand. Made me feel more awake and ready for the day. AND it gave me more time for doing nothing/hobbies after work.


Self care/fun
Time before work? That means hunger gameees

the hunger games love GIF


Valkyrie from Norway
Pronouns: She/They
Posts: 20
Tuesday the 4th of July
Work was busy today, so I was real tired and sore when I got home. So today's workout was mild.
4 consecutive workout days

Self care/fun
The walk I went on was around midnight, and I loved how quiet it was. I quite enjoyed my "rest" day.
My hunger games preparations continues tomorrow :p
Tired Giving Up GIF

me after work:^
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Valkyrie from Norway
Pronouns: She/They
Posts: 20
Wednesday the 5th of July
I went to my local gym today, and got myself a months membership for the summer. I've really missed using machines

:v:5 consecutive workout days
  • July challenge: Epic Core Challenge day 5
  • Cycled to and from the gym
  • At gym:
    • Treadmill 15 min
    • Leg extension 15 x 5 (23 kg)
    • Shoulder press 10 x 5 (14 kg)
    • Leg press 15 x 3 (45 kg)
  • Stretches at home
Self care/fun:
Took a huge nap after work :p
Tired My Neighbor Totoro GIF


Valkyrie from Norway
Pronouns: She/They
Posts: 20
Thursday the 6th of July
Tried out new stuff at gym. Some of the things I have no clue what its called so I'll just say arm strength or leg etc.
:v: 6 consecutive workout days
  • July challenge: Epic core challenge day 6
  • Cycling to and from the gym
  • At gym:
    • Treadmill 15 min
    • Arm strength with dumbbells (8 kg or 4+4). 3 x 10 sets
    • Upper back exercise 3 x 10 (20 kg)
    • Low row 3 x 10 (39 kg)
    • Shoulder press 3 x 10 (18 kg)

Friday the 7th of July
I was real tired after work, and decided to take a "rest" day today. I still did stuff, but not as intense as other days

7 consecutive workout days

Saturday the 8th of July
Found some dumbbells in my parents garage, and took them to my room. Now I can use them when I'm to lazy to go to the gym :p

8 consecutive workout days

I really felt that my motivation was failing today and yesterday, but I had to push myself hard to get up and do something. I love that I've managed to workout for 8 days straight, something that probably have never happened before. I'm already starting to feel better, and somewhat stronger.
I will just try to stay motivated, and allow myself rest days when needed.
Until then, the hunger games preparations continue

hunger games thumbs up GIF
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Valkyrie from Norway
Pronouns: She/They
Posts: 20
Sunday the 9th of July
Today I experimented more with the dumbbells at home, and tried a bunch of darebees dumbbell workouts

:v: 9 consecutive workout days

Self care/ Fun
I've started deep cleaning my childhood bedroom, so I just removed a bunch of stuff I've not touched since like 2015 and washed all over (a lot of stuff that don't spark joy to say the least).
It felt good, and my room looks better.
Other than that, I'm currently taking a spa session and relaxing before bed



Valkyrie from Norway
Pronouns: She/They
Posts: 20
Monday the 11th of July
Work was chill today, so I found that I had more energy to spare. And my paycheck finally came in, so I could continue with my journey to mordor. (I know there is different ways of doing it, but I like getting medals after each goal.)

:v: 10 consecutive workout days
  • Steps: 15 382 :cool:
  • July challenge: Epic core challenge day 10
  • I went for a two hour hike in my local area in the evening. It was about 7 kilometers, and my legs are dead to say the least.

To Mordor
:star: The Shire to Bree: 233,4 km (100%)
:rstar: Bree to the mines of Moria: 9,68 km of 147,99 km (6 %)
:gstar: The mines of Moria
:gstar:Moria to the black gate
:gstar:Black gate to Mordor

Self care/Fun
During my hike, I listened to the two towers audiobook read by Andy Serkins. Since I've resumed my journey to mordor, it was extra fun listening to it while walking.

Here is a pic I took during the hike, it was like 10 pm:



Valkyrie from Norway
Pronouns: She/They
Posts: 20
Welp, life gave me lemons and my exercise journey took a break.
Things are starting to look lighter now and I am motivated to continue, since I saw some progress before.
And THANK YOU to all of you who wished me a happy birthday in July. That was really a nice surprise to come back to :heart::heart:

In addition to continuing this, I'm gonna try to be better at eating. So I'm gonna try to stay in a calorie deficit and be healthy as best as I can. And as a poor student that sure will be interesting lmao.

Sunday the 22nd of October
I'm restarting my journey slow, so I just exercised in my tiny apartment.

:v: 1 consecutive workout days
  • Steps: 5000 :p
  • Just dance for 20 min
  • Strength:Upper body time with dumbbell
    • Biceps curls
    • Lateral raise
    • Bent over row
To Mordor
:star: The Shire to Bree: 233,4 km (100%)
:star: Bree to the mines of Moria: 147,99 km (100 %)
:star: The mines of Moria: 64,37 km (100 %)
:rstar:Moria to the black gate
:gstar:Black gate to Mordor

Food (new category wow)
Deficit: :v:

Self care/Fun
Played stardew valley with some friends

stardew valley steam GIF