TimeTraveler's Journey


Well-known member
Paladin from Georgia, USA
Pronouns: They/Them
Posts: 85
"Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised."
10.13.23 Friday
:v:Daily Walk Challenge walked 15 minutes (Day 19)
:v: 30 Days of LIIT Day 25: 3x sets each
:v: Low Row (suspension) 4x10
:v: Bench Press (Dumbells) 3x10-15
:v: Chest Fly (suspension) 4x10
:v: Meditated for 5 minutes

I did not really get to do a full workout, was just not feeling today very much. Im hoping ill feel better soon.


Well-known member
Paladin from Georgia, USA
Pronouns: They/Them
Posts: 85
"Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised."
10.25.23 Wednesday

HI longtime no see, i was gone this past week. I experienced car troubles and also some depressive episode, but i got myself to the gym today (car is in shop still, Pray Linda will make it 🙏🏻)

:v:Daily Walk Challenge walked 15 minutes (Day 20)
:v: 30 Days of LIIT Day 26: 3x sets each
:v: Chest Press 4x50Ibs
:v: Lat Pulldown 4x40Ibs


Well-known member
Paladin from Georgia, USA
Pronouns: They/Them
Posts: 85
"Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised."
12.1.23 Friday

I had completed the 30 days of LIIT and Daily walk! A LOT of things popped up.
Im looking into another program. thought about the December one but I don't think I can make time for it.

I think I'm gonna start Push Pull Legs tomorrow. I really need to go back to the Gym so we will see how this goes. Happy holidays all.


Well-known member
Paladin from Georgia, USA
Pronouns: They/Them
Posts: 85
"Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised."
Merry Christmas! I forgot to update but I was actually gonna wait til the next year to start a new program. Holidays got so busy and occupied exercise was the last thing on my mind.
Got an apple watch though so thats a little motivating!! Happy holidays fellas, see you in 2024.


Shieldmaiden from Greece
Posts: 679
"Trust The Awesomeness"
Happy Birthday!!!!

Happy Birthday Summer GIF by Hallmark Gold Crown


Well-known member
Paladin from Georgia, USA
Pronouns: They/Them
Posts: 85
"Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised."
Hi, where have i been? In the worst mental spot i could ever be in. I lost my job shortly after my birthday, and I've been so focused on trying to find one again I neglected my health significantly even though I have all this time. I spent my time wasting on video games and lying in bed and falling into the biggest depression spell I've had in a while. I couldn't continue my therapy appointments, i lost my insurance, and i now had a credit debt i owe. The job market SUCKS in the states at the moment and I've been ghosted after so many interviews it hurts. If i can't find anything sooner I may have a shot in mid May.

But I still have my gym membership coming out of my credit card, so I plan on going back and slowly recollect myself in hopes to pull me out of the depression pit I fell into and lose some weight i regained in the process. I still feel like crying and laying as pile of flesh in bed but I really don't want to. I cant allow my health to get worse because my mental health is calling me a failure when I still have things Im capable of doing.

I'm tired of my on and off health journey, and I refuse 2024 to push me into the ground and call me dirt. I have this free time, and this ability to grab reigns and by God I'm not gonna let it slip through my hands. To put down my thoughts, though nothing set in stone, I think to start off since its getting warmer now, I'm going to start doing walks and yoga. I'm going to leave weights for later as right now my back is a primary pain area and my ankles are weak. I know there is programs/exercises for those so that's what I'll focus on. I may start tomorrow, so pinch me if I don't update- even if its an update stating I didn't do what was planned I have to keep up one habit at least. I need to be my own coach. I got this :vibes:


Well-known member
Paladin from Georgia, USA
Pronouns: They/Them
Posts: 85
"Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised."
So i didnt get to do what i had planned today but I did say id update. I did go out to pick up food for my mom and I and played D&D with my sister and her friend so mentally I had a social and good day. I think im gonna do Foundation program since i havent worked out in a while.

This is mostly a thing for myself later so dont mind it:

- 317.4 starting
- 33oz of water
- Foundation


Well-known member
Paladin from Georgia, USA
Pronouns: They/Them
Posts: 85
"Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised."
4/21/24 Sunday
:v: Walked at incline for 15 mins
:v: Cycled for 5mins because the cycles at my gym were finally fixed
:v: Day 2: Foundation

Slight other updates:
Ive been good about drinking 8 cups of water since yesterday. I hate the taste of plain water (unless im working out cause then it doesnt matter to me) but my mother, bless her, has gotten me flavored packets of flavors i actually like. Minor headache from caffeine withdrawal but not that bad. Food wise hasnt been an issue, really which is a plus. Feeling mentally okay as well.


Well-known member
Paladin from Georgia, USA
Pronouns: They/Them
Posts: 85
"Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised."
4/23/24 Tuesday

Did not complete Day 4 of Foundation. My knees could NOT stay on the ground that much and im weak in my right wrist.
I did do some deadlifts with some dumbells, but thats about all i could do. I mostly read today and relaxed. As of right now Im currently building up a workout plan to structure my days better.

:v: Dumbell Deadlifts 5x12 8Ibs


Well-known member
Paladin from Georgia, USA
Pronouns: They/Them
Posts: 85
"Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised."
4/24/24 Wednesday

Anyway, I'm gonna stop Foundation for the moment because I've realized I'm not exactly looking forward to it and the knee stuff hurts. I did however set up upcoming May with Push, Pull, Legs program and i do love me strength training and dumbbells. It'll leak into June but that's fine. Until then I probably will just do some workouts to fill in the days.

Car is in the shop again, finding a job is still difficult but my dad has an application opportunity for me this friday but if i get it i likely wont start until June, but better than nothing.


Well-known member
Paladin from Georgia, USA
Pronouns: They/Them
Posts: 85
"Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised."
4/27/24 Saturday

Today I was up and about since 8:30am. Had to pick up my car, and then went out with the family for my dad's birthday lunch. They had to get my brother a suit for my sisters graduation, so her and I walked around the mall nearby and it was a lot of walking. Of course none of the shirts would fit so i had to just get a collection of pins from hot topic lol. We ate at cheesecake factory where i happily indulged cause holy crap there were a TON of options (it was my first time there). I did have a smores cheesecake but after that i should be good on sweets, im not big into cheese cake anyway.

Also, I'm taking an interest in like, dancing classes/workouts on youtube? Those seem appealing so I might give em a try! I'll link any I do :)


Well-known member
Paladin from Georgia, USA
Pronouns: They/Them
Posts: 85
"Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised."
4/28/24 Sunday

Tried out a dance video. As a note to anyone who was looking into dance classes and you think you can do a 15 min video? no...no its rough. Went to find something easier, found this love guy: The Fitness Marshall. Had a much more fun time.

Cooled down with:
Exercise of the day: 60 sec stretch hold
My Happy Place


Well-known member
Paladin from Georgia, USA
Pronouns: They/Them
Posts: 85
"Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised."
4/30/24 Tuesday

While today wasnt a big workout day, I did spend time cleaning my room this evening and had very hearty meals. I also did around 4,000 steps. I may need to up my step goal since I'm moving around more.

Tomorrow though starts the Push, Pull, Legs program. I'm excited, cause well, I love dumbbell exercises lol.
Oh and 2 job interviews on thursday, wish me luck :)


Well-known member
Paladin from Georgia, USA
Pronouns: They/Them
Posts: 85
"Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised."
5/2/24 Thursday

Day 2 of Push, Pull, Legs

Bicep Curl 4x8
Upright Rows 4x8-12 (started first two sets of 12 reps then went to 8
Alt Bicep Curl 4x8
Shrugs 4x10

All with 8Ib dumbbells cause my pops took my car today. Went to 5Ibs on the last two sets of shrugs.

After workout meal was Napolitan pasta (aka Japanese style spaghetti.) Cause we had no pasta besides ramen packets i had to just use the noodles in that and made a sauce out of ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, and siracha. pretty good. If i had some mean i would have added it, but otherwise was a nice after workout meal. Cold shower and interviewed shortly after. Productive day otherwise! (i can barely lift my shoulders :sadness:)

Also wanted to know if anyone else used the Hevy app to help track sets, i can find basically any workout w/ weights on there and build routines in it. Its very good and easy to edit and it connected to my apple watch so keeping up with sets is a lot easier than constantly grabbing my phone.


Well-known member
Paladin from Georgia, USA
Pronouns: They/Them
Posts: 85
"Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised."
5/6/24 Monday

Day 5 of Push, Pull, Legs

Overhead Triceps Extensions 4x5
Triceps Extensions 4x5
Svend Press 4x8-10
Twists 4x8

8Ibs dumbbells. Wasn't able to go to the gym today or i probably would have worked with 10Ibs.

Yesterday was a rest day, and I really didn't do much. One of the jobs I interviewed with didn't choose me, however they did have another location they would contact to see if they would like me for that position. The other job told me they'd get back to me in 2-3 weeks which- wow.