Goal + Action = Reality


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Ranger from Australia
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"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
- Cardio and abs Day 27
- Abs and Core Blast Day 4
- Go to bed on time Day 5 - well, to be exact, I only turned out the light 2 minutes after 12, but I was in bed at the time, so I reckon that counts!
- Run, 5.19km. Yep, that surprised me too. I drove out to a different place, somewhere I have hiked, but I followed a different path. It was all paved and relatively flat - okay, I went down 50 metres so when I turned around at the half-way mark, I had to go back up 50 metres but it was pretty gentle. It took me 48 minutes all up. Funny thing, when I looked at Strava and read all the (much faster) times of other people there, I didn't feel envious or embarrassed by my speed (or rather, lack thereof!). I must have grown up a bit! I looked at my running and thought, "hey TN, you haven't done any running for ages and you're pretty rubbish at it still but you got through that pretty well. You must be getting better." Actually the first 15 minutes was pretty easy but then my HR shot right up. It didn't climb, it rocketted up and stayed there. I should have noticed and had longer walking intervals to bring it back down, but I didn't. Next time I'll keep a check on it. According to Garmin, I walked for 7:44mins, running for 40:17.


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Ranger from Australia
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"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
- Cardio and abs Day 28
- Abs and Core Blast Day 5
- Go to bed on time Day 6
- Run/walk. The usual 3km route. I was trying to pace myself better but working on the pacing seems to be harder than the actual running! Always something to work on. Good thing - I'd get bored else!

Strength work:
- Lat pull-downs 3 x 10
- Single-arm DB rows 2 x 10
- Seated cable rows 3 x 10
- Seated DB press 3 x 10
- Shrugs 3 x 10
- Lateral raises 3 x 20


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Ranger from Australia
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"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
- Abs and Core Blast Day 7
- Walk/Run. 3.5km following Garmin's instructions - 5 min walk, 5 min run, rinse and repeat. Twice. And then a 2 min cool-down which was actually about 5 minutes because I wasn't quite home yet.

Didn't get to bed on time last night. Looked at the time and decided that I really needed a warm-up shower because I was a bit chilled and there was no way that was going to be quick enough to get me to bed by midnight. Loved the long, hot shower though. :cool:

Was working on the story-board today and the Lad saw. Later this evening he declared that he was going to write a book. He just didn't have any plot yet... He came into my room and we played with some ideas. Later, when I got cranky with him because he still wasn't in bed, he yelled that he wanted me out of his life. Unfortunately, I can't afford another house so I have to stay here a while yet. Thought perhaps I'd keep my door closed but the cat complained because she couldn't get in to curl up and purr on my lap. Cats make things better. :kittens:


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Ranger from Australia
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"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
- Abs and Core Blast Day 8
- Indoor bike, 90mins, 43.29km. It's the only time I get to watch YouTube! I don't think my bum is going to be too happy though...
- Calf raises while waiting for pasta to cook.

Did some playing with the arnis again. It's been too long and it's such fun.

Realised that I can't continue with the GOBOT challenge. I figure if I miss a day, I can't consider that I've successfully completed the challenge - not if the challenge is to do it every day.


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Ranger from Australia
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"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
- Abs and Core Blast Day 9

Strength training:
- chest press 3 x 10
- incline bench press 3 x 10
- DB flyes 3 x 10
- tricep push-downs 3 x 10
- hammer curls 3 x 10
- OH tricep extensions 1 x 10 (though I might do some more later...)

- Hike, 3.5km. I took this way easier than I had thought I would or had. My max HR was only 121 and I didn't get there very often! In 45 minutes, I did manage to squeeze out a whole 18 minutes of moderate intensity, though. :LOL: Not really much physical exercise but my brain enjoyed it. It was a very pleasant late afternoon and lovely to be out. There had been a touch of rain earlier but it was just grey now, though it did begin to spit again just as I was on the home stretch.




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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 1,867
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
- Abs and Core Blast Day 10
- Elliptical, 40mins, 10.36km. YouTube has a lot to answer for... I had set the timer for 30 minutes but the video I was watching at the time deserved to be watched to the end, so I got to 40 minutes. The sweat was flowing nicely, even on this grey and drizzly day.
- Banded lateral walks, 3 x 10es
- Toe-taps x 100

Finished two books today, but one was non-fiction! Unbeatable Mind by Mark Divine. Interesting.

Major breakthrough with the last book of my series thanks to a recent science article regarding gastrulation (yeah, I didn't know what that was either!). I knew there had to be a way out of the corner into which I'd painted myself (regarding DNA and cloning), and voila! there it was. Of course, I still have to write the actual book...
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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 1,867
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
- Abs and Core Blast Day 11
- Lat pull-downs 3 x 10
- Seated DB press 1 x 10

When I picked up the dumbbell for the press, my right forearm hurt a bit. Not when I did the lifts, however, because they didn't use the forearm, but certainly when I put down the weight. So I thought (perhaps for once I was being a bit sensible?) to lay off the weights for a while and rest that forearm. It hurt when I brought my teacup to my lips, but not when I was doing things such as push-ups, so really don't know what that's all about. Still, a bit of rest for it and I'll do other things for a while.

I had been intending to get on the elliptical again but then I found out (because of the rainy weather) that I would be needed to act as chauffeur and there wasn't enough time to get my workout done before having to drive. So I waited. And then the time was moved to slightly later and so I waited longer, and then finally it turned out I didn't need to drive after all and I'd wasted about an hour and a half! I'd also changed out of my workout clothes and was too cranky after that to get back to it. So I read instead. Finished another non-fiction: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson. Despite the title (which initially put me off) it was intelligent and thought-provoking.

I note that my non-fiction WTR (want to read) pile has grown to 50, despite my having read a few since they numbered only 34... Dammit. :LOL: On to reading Flow - which I have been wanting to read for a while. As for the fiction pile, well, @aku-chan I'm right with you! Well, actually not really because I haven't even dared to count!


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Ranger from Australia
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"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
- Abs and Core Blast Day 12
- Hike, 11.55km, 2.5hrs. Here I thought I had been working hard but Garmin just said... Base. Oh well. :cool:
It's autumn and it rained yesterday so - mushroom time!

Busy day today, despite the weather. Well, it wasn't raining.

And this is why it's called Red Hill (really inventive with names around here...)
The mud so stuck in the treads of my shoes that my feet felt heavy! I had to walk alongside the track for a while, avoiding the worst.

Later this afternoon I contemplated going for a walk/run but part of me said, you know, TN, I'm not sure we've got enough left in the tank. To which I replied, hey, let's go find out! Besides, who wants to go to bed with something still in that tank? So
- Walk/run, 3.05km. The usual route. I spent as much time walking as running but the running intervals are getting (a little) longer. There was enough in the tank to make me feel as though I'd done a good job. :)

Tried to count my fiction TBR (virtual) pile but stopped at 300...


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Ranger from Australia
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"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
- Abs and Core Blast Day 13
- Cycling, 31.27km. I had intended to go on the indoor bike and watch more YouTube but it was a sunny, windstill day so I took out the real bike. Tried a route I hadn't gone before - easy enough as I haven't done a lot of cycling, but ended up going way further than I had intended. One of the problems is when you get somewhere, you then have to get back home again! The way out was okay but as I was going down a decline, the unpleasant thought occurred to me that I would have to go up it on the way back. That was not particularly pleasant, especially as I was tired by then. Still, it didn't kill me, and Garmin said, again... Base. But the ride was lovely and I found myself at a lake.


It was a splendid day.



The best thing I noticed today is that my forearm seems to have recovered! Not even a twinge, so obviously resting it timeously was a Good Thing. I'll give it another few days, just to make sure everything's back to normal - don't need to rush anything.


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Ranger from Australia
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"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
- Abs and Core Blast Day 17
- Elliptical, 40min 11.11km. Listened to two interesting YouTube clips by Huberman about finding your purpose. Finding it is one thing. The difficult part may be doing something with it. Or possibly, allowing yourself to do something with it.
- Run, 3km. Later in the afternoon as usual. Improved on the last time - fractionally, but every fractional improvement is still an improvement.

Why does the cat feel a need to pummel my shoulder in the wee hours? And for so long! I'm just trying to sleep...
Tapping Wake Up GIF


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Ranger from Australia
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"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Well, once again I'm back. It's been a bit of a ... trial...

As you know (cue flash-back voice for those who a) don't know, b) have forgotten, c) never gave a pair of foetid dingo's kidneys anyway...) my domestic situation has been in a state of flux. Pretty much for the last year. Since I took off an a road-trip longer than initially intended. Now we've got to the stage of paperwork from lawyers...
Anyway, I was suddenly confronted with having to make a decision that did not align with my moral compass, and this caused me a great deal of angst.
Option One: evict an older couple (late 60s?) from the house in which they have been living for over 15 years, knowing that there was absolutely no way they'd be able to afford to rent another house (probably even an apartment) in Canberra, given their low income and the cost of rents in most capital cities, which was why I had kept the rent far below market rate and haven't increased it in over a decade.
Option Two: be homeless myself, as I could not afford to buy another house in Canberra.
Neither particularly appealled to me. Part of me said, "TN, you're not a charity." Another part said, "You don't have to be a charity to be charitable." "But TN, charity begins at home." So on and so forth. Lots of stress; I couldn't see a happy solution to my problem. Days went by. I was not happy.
Suddenly, like a blinding flash of light, a solution occurred to me. I didn't have to live in Canberra. Really. I'd miss my Taekwondo and archery, and of course the children (but there are issue there too which we won't go into), but there was no real reason why I should live in Canberra. So I thought to look outside Canberra, within about 3 hours' drive, and I can afford some places. All I have to do is find somewhere I'd like to live. Yeah, easy, right? ...
Anyway, great lightening of heart, easing of angst. I don't have a new house yet, but I have been offered a 3-bedroom house on the east coast for about two years. Not my preferred option (coast versus mountains) but beggars can't be choosers and this gives me more time to find a place. I'll be moving within the next month or so.
Also had a good talk, the first one in a long time, stating that really, I simply have to have a break. I have to get away. I was so desperate to get away that I seriously considered joining the army. A torn hamstring followed by a broken foot delayed any action on this front. That was probably a Good Thing. I know I'm not the easiest to live with - I don't play nice with others. Before I embarked on this whole marriage lark, I did warn that my longest previous relationship hadn't past the two-month mark... That I got bored easily... That my place had always been sacrosanct, my place. In short, I feel that I had hung out the warning flags, and I have done pretty well, all in all - even if the last 5 years have been killing me inside.
I think perhaps that was why I began training Taekwondo 5 nights a week. Why I jumped into so many monthly charity challenges. Why I started hiking (and running!). Why I recommenced archery. Why I began again to lose myself in my writing.
But that's over now, pretty much. Before much longer, I can really be myself again, all the time. And I can get a dog. :)

There was one thing outstanding though, one thing that, if I could make it right, things might be a little better. The recovery of my second child's missing cat. Shortly after learning of the uncomfortable decision that I thought I would have to make, I looked out of my window and there, sunning herself under the cherry tree, was the missing cat. So I slipped on some shoes and went out. She saw me (remember, I'm the one that all our cats like!) and meowed at me. I moved slowly closer; she meowed again and moved under the feijoa. I circled around and grabbed her.
She went totally wild! Complete spitfire! Scratching and biting and twisting. I was worried that I'd hurt her but I simply had to get her back for my daughter.
And I did.
True, my face had blood running down it and dripping from my chin (fortunately, only a couple of small scratches once I'd washed up but faces like to bleed), and one hand was badly clawed, the other badly bitten, but the cat was back home. She is, of course, a bit thinner than she had been, but other than that, she's fine. And she pretty much instantly forgave me and has been way more affectionate to everyone than she used to be.

I, on the other hand, spent the afternoon at the hospital, getting patched up, being issued with antibiotics and getting a tetanus injection. That was the only bright spot. As I pulled up my sleeve for the injection, the nurse said, "Oh, you've got a nice bit of muscle here. Do you work out?" Pathetic, really, if that was the bright spot...

I had to go back the next day, and the day after that I had to go to Day Surgery. Got there at 7am, in a fasted state. They only started getting to the 5 'locals' (those who were having local anaesthetic as opposed to general, which I had opted for, despite the fact I'd need about 8 injections...) by 7pm! I'd had enough by this time and said goodbye and went home. I'm healing okay. One of the bites on my left arm was a bit infected but I'm sure it's getting better. But this all meant that I couldn't really use my hands for much - no weights, no bike rides, etc. So I did running instead.

Yep, I'm running more. My endurance is improving. My brain says, "TN, you can stop running now; we've had enough." But I say right back to it, "No, brain, there's no reason to stop; I can keep going." And so I do. I run around where I tend to hike, sometimes walking up steeper slopes (like today) but generally just keeping going, no matter how slowly. I try not to think that every hike or run or walk is one closer to the last I'll do around here. Just when I've found a fun 5km route and all.

I shan't bother to list what I've been doing for the last few weeks (mostly walking or running, and I had to forgo the plank rotations in the May challenge and just do the knee-to-elbows instead), but I'll list today. It's brief.

- Hike/trail run - 4.92km.
- Epic legs Day 1

There'll be packing happening, and I'll have to work out how to dismantle Marcy. Putting the battle rope back in the bag it came in was a challenge all of its own...

I've done no writing for the last few weeks, but I did read 29 books in May.

So there you go. All up-to-date.


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,881
Not too much, interesting for those who care about you. For living place decision, that was a tough one, hugs. When do you move? Very glad you caught that kitty back indoors!
And for the hands, ouchie... I suppose the surgery was for a very deep clean ? (if that's not the case, ignore my following rant) Ican understand your annoyance (all day waiting and fasting!!!), but as we know, kitty claws - and teeth- can incoculate /deep/ anaerobic bacteria, so if you have the least, littlest, tiniest sign the infection is not going away fast, please go back.
And looking forward to reading more from you.


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Ranger from Australia
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"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
@PetiteSheWolf Yeah, it was for abradement and I had been well-informed of the dangers of kitty bites. Oh well. As I said, I'm sure I'll recover. Can't donate plasma until mid-June, though.

- Epic legs Day 2
- Hike/trail run. 4km. I had intended this to be just a hike, but when I got anywhere near a flattish part of the track, I couldn't help but break into a run. Shorter than yesterday but my speed was a bit higher. Still just working on that endurance.

Popped out to the shops today to get some boxes - trays really, the sort of that fruit comes packed in. Good for books because you can get a decent number in them but not so many that they're too heavy to carry. One box, however, didn't even clear one shelf, though, and there are many shelves...


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Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
I dunno. Too much sharing?

Not in the slightest! :ss:

Very happy to hear you found what sounds like some good solutions and I hope the changes will bring new and GOOD surprises for you down the road.

Also really happy that kitty has made it back home and that you were able to help her. Hope both you & kitty heal from that fast, but wow! :vibes:


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Ranger from Australia
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"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
- Epic legs Day 3
- Indoor bike, 24.3km/45min. Who knew that today was World Bicycle Day? When I woke up this morning, it was drizzling and the forecast was for only 13 degrees. I decided that it would probably not be terribly pleasant out later this afternoon so instead of going for a hike or run, I'd go on the elliptical. Nah, how about the exercise bike so I could watch some YouTube? So that's what I did. And when Garmin awarded me with the badge, I discovered that it was WBD. I wonder what it's actually about. Couldn't be bothered looking it up. What can I say? I'm lazy. :LOL: Still, here's synchronicity at work.

Got four more boxes and packed books. Eleven boxes and about a sixth of the books packed... When my eldest was quite small, she would often pull one particular book off my shelves. This book didn't stand out in any way and I have no idea what drew her to it.
Perhaps it's just a book that appeals to three-year olds. I'm wondering if I should leave it for her. :LOL:

And this is why my room never gets very warm...


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Ranger from Australia
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"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
- Epic legs Day 4
- Hike/trail run. 4km. I hike the first part, with occasional running segments, then run the last ~2km. I am really enjoying this running lark.

And here - something a little different from the usual sort of stuff I listen to, but then, he's family. The son of one of my cousins. Which makes him my ...er... ? Some sort of relative.


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 1,867
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
- Epic legs Day 5
- Lat pull-downs 3 x 10
- Chest presses 3 x 10
- Single-leg leg extensions 3 x 10es

It was a cold, grey, drizzly day today - definitely not one that beguiled me outside, so instead I did some weights on Marcy before I have to take her down but I wasn't in the mood to do much. Not knowing exactly when I'm moving creates an odd sort of tension. When do I need to pack this? How long before I can get access to that again? What can I put away now? My mind is a little discombobulated right now. This is neither a familiar nor a welcome feeling. Unfortunately, doing a jigsaw puzzle (one of my relaxants) is not possible right now. But I am looking forward to something good that's happening in early August (tell you what then! ;)) so it's not all doom and gloom.

@PetiteSheWolf Thanks for that. I knew there had to be someone who could enlighten me. :LOL:


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Ranger from Australia
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"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
- Epic legs Day 6
- Hike/trail run. 4.62km. I hiked the first 2.62km. It has rained and the soil around here is clay so when it's wet, it's slippery. So that's my story. Just as I began my run, I tripped over a large rock, staggered a few steps on the narrow slippery track and then went down on my left knee. Damn, my jeans now have a chevron-shaped rip in them. My knee has a similar shaped rip but at least that will heal; those jeans were the only ones I had without holes. Good thing the hospital gave me some spare large plasters for my hands - a bandaid wouldn't have fit. So I picked myself up, wiped the mud from my pants and hands, and carried on. It didn't hurt at all. Until after my shower when I applied some tea-tree oil...
That Hurt GIF by Northwest Motorsport

Sometimes I think I should just wrap myself in bubble-wrap and sit in a box...


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 1,867
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Woah! Where did the last couple of days go?

Been doing the usual, just not putting my knee to the ground at all.
Tonight I went out for a bit of a hike (4.72 km) but went out later than usual and as a result, it became quite dark and if I hadn't known the track so well, I'm sure I would have wandered off into the scrub! Around me, I heard occasional movement, invisible in the darkness. Nothing to worry about, only 'roos. it was lovely out, if a mite chilly. I think I'll have to get myself a red light torch for night hiking, though.
This was around the half-way point. A lovely thin crescent moon.

Most of my cat-inflicted wounds have healed, leaving only small scars. I have a long red line across my palm and I joked to a daughter that I had a love line, a life line, and a fe-line! Personally, I though that was pretty good. :LOL:

Does loading up boxes of books count as weight training?


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 1,867
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
I'm claiming EC for doing leg raises on my toes! The knee is getting better but it's not ready for me to kneel on yet.
While they're still here, I hoisted some weights, 2 x 10 dumbbell shoulder presses.

Went out around my usual time this afternoon and it was nice to be able to see where I was putting my feet! I did just over half the circuit (2.2km) as a hike until I'd passed the area where I'd tripped (once bitten...?) and then I broke into a trot for the last 1.8km. Both speed and endurance are slowly increasing.
I just love the way the different mountain ranges have different shades of colour and flatten almost into two dimensions in the late afternoon/early evening. I do like mountains.

With everything I have to do right now (bookshelves and exercise equipment is moving out on Thursday and I haven't even begun working out how to dismantle Marcy, or finished clearing off the books), I decided to spend much of the day organising my collection of ebooks. I love creating order. Cleaning and organising are relaxing activities. When there is order somewhere, there is the opportunity to enjoy a little chaos elsewhere. Though I love order, too much order can create rigidity and stifle spontaneity. Conversely, too much chaos and there is anarchy and havoc. Life needs a basis of order so that the dis-order that gives Life its spice can be properly enjoyed. Right now there is disorder in my life and so I find it soothing to retreat, momentarily, to an area of order and control. And organising my collection of over 1100 ebooks (yup, that's my TBR list and even at my rate of reading, that'll keep me busy for over 3 years - though probably nearer 4 because there are over 100 non-fiction and they always take longer because I think and take notes) was a wonderfully calming thing to do. And it did have to be done. Honestly. :cool:


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Ranger from Australia
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"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Did way more squat holds than I needed today, simply because of being unable to kneel while I was undoing bolts.

Got more boxes today and loaded up another 7 with books. Also decided to discard another few dozen books. The sort I'd keep unless I actually have to pack them up to move them - which is what I'm doing now. So, meh. The problem is that so many of my books are interesting and part of me so wants to read them right now but I diligently pack them up and only read one of my ebooks (of which there is now one fewer to read because I finished one this afternoon).

I had considered going for my usual afternoon constitutional but the weather was nasty - winter has really kicked in - and there was a bit of rain, so instead I worked on dismantling Marcy. Strangely, doing so left me feeling a little blue... Tomorrow I'll take down the squat rack. I absolutely refuse to dismantle the elliptical - I think some things are not made to be dismantled.


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 1,867
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Busy day planned today, given that the first load of my biggest stuff goes tomorrow and I'm not quite ready...

So to energise myself, I popped on the exercise bike for an hour and cycled 31km while watching YouTube videos (on wealth management and frugality, if you must know). Then after a shower and a cup of tea, back to the grindstone.

Dismantled the squat rack. It's easy enough to get the top half of an upright to slide over the sleeve in a bottom half when you're hanging your entire weight from the top bar, but when you're trying to reverse the process, it's not so easy because you're now pushing up with far less than your entire weight. Still, with a bit of help from my second born, got it apart and ready to go. Was sitting back having a bit of a read, relax and a cuppa when I realised that my bed and mattress won't fit in my little car so will have to go in tomorrow's trailer, so my child and I hauled off the mattress and she unscrewed the bed. It wasn't difficult. And I emptied my side-board. Kind of funny taking out bottles of Frangelico and Port and Bombay Sapphire and such when I no longer drink. A friend always used to bring me 1L bottles of export strength (47%) Tanqueray gin (I used to be partial), and I've got about four bottles of that banging around. Perhaps I'll start again. At the least, I can offer stuff to guests. :) Oh, that's right, I never have guests...

Packing up this stuff certainly brought back some memories. I have the little bottle of gin that the young lads I was working a 3-month contract with at one place gave me. And the lovely small crystal salad bowl that my workmates at another place gave me when I left after just under a year with them. A set of orange liqueur glasses someone else gave me because she thought I'd like them (not really...).

So the bookcases are all empty, the side-board's empty, the bed's dismantled as is Marcy and the squat rack. For the duration, I'll be sleeping on the spare mattress on the floor. Slept worse.

Up early tomorrow to get things loaded.
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