Goal + Action = Reality


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Ranger from Australia
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"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
So, up at sparrow's-fart this morning and it was rather chilly. It took us three hours to load things up and the temperature was between -1 and 4 for that time. There was more room left on the ute than expected, so my tall-boy was abruptly emptied (hello, laundry baskets!) as was a small shelving unit. And that was it. Most of my furniture, my exercise equipment, my bicycle, and some of my books departed this house on the back of a ute and trailer, and I returned to the devastation that was now the spare room.

Much of the rest of the day was spent sorting through little things that had come to light, and trying to create some order out of the disorder around me. Difficult when you can't put anything away! I'm hoping this won't take too many more weeks.

It's strange to walk into the training room and see that it's not really that any more. The treadmill is still there (if I want one, I think I'll get myself a new one) and the rowing machine (which I'd been asked to leave). Without the bookshelves up against the wall, the whole room was very empty. I wonder what will happen to it...

So after having done a load of weightlifting this morning, I just did my squats while waiting for the pasta to cook (ravioli for the Lad and me).


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,284
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Aargh! You know when you find out something that makes you really cross and all you want is someone's blood but you know that (legally) you can't have it? This afternoon I stepped outside and my elderly neighbour called to me. We chatted and I told her I was leaving. She said that she wasn't surprised and I wasn't the first to leave. I knew that, of course, but I was surprised by her response. She said that she reckons I was married in an attempt to try to keep me. As though I were some sort of pet. Ah, the dangers of hooking up with someone significantly older than you... Then she said she'd miss me because I was an intelligent conversationalist. :happy: But after that she told me that I had been defamed about a year ago by someone (who shall remain unidentified) who went around to all the neighbours and lied about me. She didn't believe it (we've had many chats so she kind of knew me) and endeavoured to put people right. This evening she texted me to say that she'd spoken to one other person we were close to and they were both prepared to offer me useful information "for my defence', as she put it. Now, I knew that certain misleading and downright falacious statements had been made about me to various people but never did I think that my neighbours had been targetted too! I have definitely stayed here too long... Seriously, though, all I can think about tonight is some sort of revenge and that's simply Not Good. For me, I mean. That's not a good mindset to have.

Anyway, got more boxes and started bringing down books from the upstairs built-in bookshelves. All that up-and-down and back-and-forth made sure I'd hit my step goal by around 3pm and I've gone up and down those stairs 36 times. Additionally, I've got rid of another few dozen books. I've found books with bookmarks stuck in them, so obviously the books weren't good because I hadn't bothered to finish them. Out they go!

Knee is feeling much better so those leg raises are easier to do again now.


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,284
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
How rude of me to disappear again without a word as though you people don't actually matter! My only excuse is that this year has been kind of difficult for me but it's going to get better. I'm sure of that. And it's going to get better soon.

Tomorrow I head off for another road trip. Last year, my mum expressed a desire to see something and early this year I suggested that I take her. So I'll spend the next three days travelling westward to her, staying at one of the places I stayed at last year because I liked it and want to explore that area a bit more and then going up to new areas (expect photos!). Then she and I will head a bit further west to see what she wants to see (and me too as I have never seen it - ah, mystery! What is this it?) and then turn back along the coast for several days before back to her place. We'll be staying in motels (luxury!) rather than in a tent because she's no longer up to that. Not sure exactly when I'll be returning here but it won't be as long a trip as last time.

I realised that I would be feeding into the malignant narrative espoused by my Dearly Beloved (according to my neighbour, a coercive controller who escalated the attacks when it became evident that I would not be controlled) that I am a negligent parent should I leave the city so I decided not to go to the coast and yes, evicted my tenants instead. It wasn't too bad - well, for me and I don't know if I'm simply trying to justify things. They have a son with a large house with 6 bedrooms in the next town (if it weren't for the border between us, we'd probably be one city), and their doctor practices there 4 days a week, and what with his emphysema it's probably good that she has family around to help her take care of him. I still felt bad about it but they were very understanding. They move out near the end of next month and that's when I move in. They had erected a large shed in the back yard, on a concrete slab, so I reckon that'll be my training room. I need to buy stuff like a fridge and washing machine, and I'm finally going to get a piano and a dog. I'll bring the chickens over. I am looking forward to it. I told the children I'll miss them but they know where I am and they can come over any time (call and I'll pick them up).

Last time I did a plasma donation, I noted that my blood pressure had risen to scary levels so I've actually opted to go on medication for a brief period until things settle down. And they will. And I think soon. My stuff that went down the coast will come back in early September, so in less than two months, I should be happily ensconsed once again in my own little house. And it is a little house! I'll enjoy that. My diet should get better and I think that'll help the bp too.

Exercise-wise I've been slack. I haven't wanted to go out and miss the children's dropping into my room for a chat so I haven't really gone out for many walks. A few, but not often. I've been doing calisthenics but again, nothing particular, more what I feel like doing at the time - push-ups here, calf raises there, triceps dips another day. Just a little something, but obviously not enough to keep myself quite healthy. I've thought of you all often, so even though I've not been posting or reading your threads, I've always been aware that you're all out there, ready to lend support. And I love this place for that. Thank your for your messages.

So look forward to seeing loads of nature pictures from tomorrow and that mysterious thing. I'm very excited about that. ;)

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,082
"Striving to be the change."
I'm very happy to read that you have managed to sort your housing situation @TopNotch , and that the tenants you had to evict to do it also have a place to go. Housing is a hard scene out there these days!

I feel you on the diet and exercise and other health measures falling by the wayside during stressful times--unfortunately a commonplace occurrence during times when we need these things the most! I hope you will be able to get back into healthful rhythms once you are settled in your new home, if not before.

Wishing for you also a wonderful trip with your Mum. Hope it will be just the break you need from all you have been going through and a chance to recharge your energy for a successful move once you get back.


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Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,756
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Very glad to here that all in all you are well and I know you will be rewarded for your perseverance. Also very happy you will be getting a dog, when my life was unbearable, my old cat was what kept me grounded.

And excited for you to be taking a road trip like that with your mom! Really hope you enjoy the time together! :ss:


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,284
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Remind me why I go camping in mid-winter when you can't have a campfire anywhere...

Left at 10 this morning. At 10:26, I'd crossed the border to New South Wales. Got to the Dog around noon where I stopped to stretch, eat and have a cup of tea. At 1:50, crossed the Victorian border. As I'd driven this way before, I didn't bother to stop anywhere, but I took a slightly different route close to my final destination, so here's a picture of silo art in Picola:

Didn't expect it to be busy here and it's not. I caught a glimpse of a light from another vehicle around the other bend but otherwise it's just me.

Went for a brief trot and it was amazing! This was all water last May!

Chilly in my little tent. Good thing I brought an extra blanket!


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,284
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
This morning went for a walk where there used to be water to photograph a flock of pelicans. Well, they flew away and guess who walked where the ground wasn't quite firm...

And then there was this... what is this? A cockle? Big, anyway.

Left Barmah and, as it's on the Murray which is the dividing line between NSW and Vic, when I went over the bridge I was in NSW again. About an hour later, I was back in Victoria.
Swan Hill. Giant Murray Cod. Because.

Then I paid the exorbitant entry fee to the pioneer village but at least I got a ride in a 1926 Dodge

And another behind Ben
Ben is 17 and his driver said sometimes he was as frisky as a 4 year old, so I told him I'd hang on and Ben could go for it. So for a brief time, Ben went for it. It was raining but I didn't mind.

Then drove only for about another half-hour to Piangil where there was free camping. I got my tent set up and then there was heavy rain and strong wind. It was great! Cleared now so I made a thermos of tea because it's chilly. I'll be in Adelaide tomorrow.


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 720
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Then I paid the exorbitant entry fee to the pioneer village but at least I got a ride in a 1926 Dodge
Ohh, I'm jealous. Not of the exorbitant fee mind you — I love that pioneer stuff, historical re-enactments... downwind from a horse's arse, good times 😆 Broadens my gratitude for all the exceptional time and comfort we get to enjoy thanks to modern conveniences. Also reminds me of what's been lost.


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,284
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Well, that was unexpected!
After the rain, the temperature dropped and the rain froze. So did my toes - which woke me up, numb and icy. Chilly work in the morning brushing all the ice off my tent before packing it up. A few hours later and my toes had finally defrosted. Still have the preferred number.

At the quarantine station at S.A. border, said goodbye to my last 4 little apples (I'd only managed to eat 2 this morning because they were so cold) and my half-pack of blueberries (darn it! I'd forgotten about them).

Mallee country:

And some more silo art, this time from Walpeup and Lameroo


In Adelaide now with my mum. Here for a couple of days before we head off for our adventure.


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,284
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
This morning, while mum was still abed, I quickly did some push-ups then 3 sets of 20 legs raises (as in last month's challenge) each side, and then 3 sets of 10 fire hydrants (I know there is a more polite name for that exercise but I can't think of it right now) each side.
Spent part of the afternoon shopping for provisions for our upcoming trip, and my brother was invited over for dinner. Just as he was leaving, he gave mum a hug without prompting, then he looked at me and said, "Er..." and held out his arm. So we had a really awkward one-armed hug, each using the right arm, and awkward because my left hand was in the back pocket of my jeans with my elbow angled out to the side and that's what he kind of hugged. We're not really huggers...
Awkward Go Away GIF by TNC Africa

I must admit it's nice to have someone cook for you foods that you like. :)


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,284
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Mum have me a medium strength resistance band that was too strong for her, so while she showered, I played around doing chest presses and upright rows. Bit of fun. A little layer we walked to the shops near the beach and along the jetty, then back home. Only a shade over 2km and at what might be called a gentle pace.
View from the end of the jetty. I just love the sun path.

Vacuumed the car. Removed my camping stuff. While we're gone, my tent can hang out and dry. Getting packed up now to embark on our adventure tomorrow.


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,284
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Packed up the car and set off at 9:30. We stopped occasionally and I got to stretch my legs and perhaps take little looks around, depending on where we were, but no significant walks today. The longest walk was around this salt lake. Its colour varies, depending on the time of year. Today it was light purple.
At one point, mum decided that we'd leave the highway, drive through Port Germein Gorge
Which cuts through the Flinders Ranges, drive along a bit then take Horrocks Pass back through the Flinders to rejoin the highway. Slow drive, with some very tight winding parts, and added about 100km to today's trek.
Stopped at Kimba because we had to get a photo of the Big Galah. Because...

As we are staying in motels, it didn't matter that we were taking longer than expected. Sunset was not to be feared!
Today's trip was 626km - a little longer than expected but it was an okay drive.


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,284
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
This morning we (I) repacked the car and set off. First stop at local granite sculpture. This is granite country.
Also wheat. Sheep too, I suppose...

Then we headed off to check out some rocks. We've got lots of rocks in Oz.
This one is Polda Rock. A nice stroll around and an easy (for me. Perhaps mildly challenging for mum) climb. Here a shot of one of the gnammas at the top. A gnamma is a shallow basin that enlarges as water collects in them and causes the granite to weather and crumble. They are often seen along fracture and especially at intersections of fractures. Some of them had green stuff growing in them, and the whole rocks was absolutely covered in different varieties of lichens.

It wasn't so high but apart from the rocks it's very flat around here and I could see forever.

Continued down the dirt road. It was a good road, not pitted or even much corrugated. Then we were at our primary destination, Mt Wudinna which is a large granite rock.
Follow the marked tracks! exhorted a sign. Mum asked where they were. I pointed them out to her.
It was very windy (another sign had warned of strong winds on the Rock) and it was a grade 4 hike so mum had difficulty but we took it slowly and I lent an arm and held my hand over hers and she made it okay.
Here are some rillen which are horizontal channels in granite, often following the steepest slope of the rock. When water flows along a crack, the rillen develop with v-shapes. Okay, that's enough geology for one day!

And this is the Rock as seen from the lookout.
We went pretty much straight up the right front and came back along the length left. If you zoom in, on the top right you can just make out the trig point (which was about twice my height) giving you an idea of dimension.
Only a short drive today from the Rock - around 280km or so. Fingers crossed that tomorrow we see what we really came this way to see.
Oh, and day 1 of Stomach vacuum challenge because that needs neither much space nor time.
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Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,284
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Today was the day! The day that this whole roadtrip has been leading up to. Not that it won't continue to be interesting and fun, but this day was the most important.
I took mum...
Whale Watching!




Here are the Bunda Cliffs. They are limestone cliffs but I'm not giving you a geography lesson today!

We got up at 6, earlier than we had planned but we were both awake so off we went, hitting the road well before dawn even thought of cracking the sky. It was about 300km to the Head of the Great Australian Bight. We hit the Nullabor Plains around 9
and yep, as you can see, pretty darned tree-less! Not far into the Plains, we got to the sign we'd been waiting for:

We entered and had our first look at the whales. Mums with bubs. The pictures of whales are mostly from my mum (except for the last one) because she was using her good real camera, but no picture can truly convey how absolutely magnificent it was to see these migrating Southern Right whales. They migrate through here between May and October, with the best viewing times between July and September, hence my suggesting we come in August. The weather was great (a bit of a chilly wind, but hey, it's winter!) and the whales were there. One breached a few times but I couldn't get a picture of it except in my head. It was wonderful. The whales called out occasionally, and I heard the slap of tails hitting the water, and the hiss of a clearing blow-hole. Such a bucket-list day - if I did that sort of thing. Mum had long wanted to see the whales, which is why I offered to take her. After a few hours, we returned to the car and I drove 300km back to our motel. Tomorrow we're off along the coast, to parts I've never been.

Day 2 of Stomach vacuum challenge


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,284
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
The first stop today necessitated driving down a gravel then a dirt road. I preferred the first road except for its corrugations... But the journey was worth it! Today...
Sea Lions!



Point Labatt is the largest mainland breeding ground for Australian Sea Lions.

Returned to dirt roads which changed to metalled just before the turnoff to Murphy's Haystacks which aren't actually haystacks but inselbergs made of pink Haltaba granite.

Inselbergs (Hills that look like a rocky island rising from the sea) are formed by the uneven weathering of crystalline rock.

On the paved road for a bit before another dirt road to Woolshed Cave.
Looking in:

Looking out.


And the Hub. The cliffs here are of sandstone, topped by younger and weaker limestone, which gave way here, leaving this great hole.

Day 3 of Stomach vacuum challenge
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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,284
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
A grey day today but that didn't really matter. We're kind of heading back, slowly along the coast. So this morning we headed into the nearby National Park. It was... well, a little disappointing. Point Avoid was kind of cool, though.


Returned to the town and took a little stroll near the shore. There were some rather pretty coastal plants:

Unfortunately, no plant had the flowers open yet, so here you only see the buds.


Sorry. My only picture of this one was out of focus but the colours were too good not to show it - even slightly blurry!

Then we headed off to another National Park and the rain held off. This one was a bit better but nearly all the tracks were 4WD only. We did find a walking trail that wasn't too long for mum - it was only 2.7km in total. It was a bit steep at times, and on the descent, she had to take my hand to navigate the steps. Just over halfway up, I think she got a little tired of my hovering around, waiting for her, so she sent me on ahead, telling me to count a certain number of steps and then wait for her. So I tried to make my steps the same size as her tiny little ones. I wasn't bad at it, but it was tiring! Finally, after doing this about three times, I got bored and pleaded to be permitted to walk my own steps. That was when we discovered, on a mild ascent, that 35 of my steps equalled 63 of hers. No wonder I get tired walking with her!
So we made it up Stamford Hill (about 120m elevation) to the Flinders Monument (that's Matthew Flinders), and despite the continuing greyness of the day, the view was interesting. Still, I prefer mountains and tall trees.

There was one pretty flowering shrub out in this bushland:

Tomorrow we go to another small city and stay two nights with a friend of my mother's and then back to Adelaide. This part of the adventure is pretty much over now.

Day 4 of Stomach vacuum challenge


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,284
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Just a moving on type day but we drove along the coast, popping in at various jetties, so sundry sea photos.


There's a rare picture of me on a jetty.


Another example of silo art:

Leaving the coast, we went inland for a bit and came to a weir.


Wattle and a close-up

This was a constant in my formative years. Any wonder I crave mountains and trees!

Staying with a friend of my mum's for the next two nights before it's back to Adelaide.

Day 5 of Stomach vacuum challenge. I also kept doing these in the car today.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,284
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
A day with mum's friend who absolutely loves company!
We went to the foreshore which has really changed since I was a kid. There were 4 ships visible on the horizon, slowly coming in for loading of stuff like iron ore.

A lot of seaweed has been removed and there's a lot of lovely clear water to swim in - not that I was about to do that! But I like taking pictures of water, ripples and sunlight.

No dolphins but we saw a number of pink jellyfish.
Oh, and a pelican.

And if you know this song:
Then here are some shots of flame trees:


Day 6 of Stomach vacuum challenge.
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