Princess Sarena's 2023 Check In Log [Year of Wonder]


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What can I say?

This is going to be the year where I transform myself, day by day, minute by minute, step by step, mile by mile... into my own beautiful version of Wonder Woman.

I've completed two Darebee programs to date: Vitality and Square One. I'm up to day #20 in Baseline. It's been years. This year, this year... I want to complete more programs. (Two? Dare I hope for three?)

I want to earn my blue belt in taekwondo. (Dare I hope for my red stripe?)

I'll try to update every day. At least a few times a week.

And... here we go. Best of luck ❤️
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Ranger from Canada
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Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023

I patrolled the castle walls (day #1 & day #2 of "The Guardian" challenge). I encountered no goblins. I was looking forward to my first fight, but there will be other opportunities. Many more.

I completed reps one to two of the first day of Reboot. (Better to keep going slow than to stall to a stop, right?)

I also went for an hour long walk... about four and a half kilometers. I did Zombie's Run New Adventure (Satan Claus).

Not too bad. I need to be doing more, much more (intense exercise helps best to keep my migraines in check) but it's certainly a start. I'm building up to more.

A one day streak of exercising.


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Wednesday, January 4th, 2023

I again patrolled the castle walls (days #3 & #4 of "The Guardian" challenge). It's amazing that only after two days my legs already are starting to feel the burn. My calves, especially. Again, I encountered no goblins. Disappointingly. I'm beginning to wonder if the existence of goblins beyond these castle walls is only a myth...? Time will tell.

I completed my Garmin Vivofit Jr. goal (60+ minutes of walking), amounting to a little over four kilometers total. I also returned to my taekwondo class (purple belt) after the holidays. It wasn't *too* hard. Those jumping side kicks are way challenging, though.

A two day streak of exercising.


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Saturday, January 7th, 2023

I went for an hour long walk (Zombies Run, New Adventures - Hell's Bells, or "damned if you do")

And I did day #5 of The Guardian. I'm a bit behind, but that's okay. I'll either catch up or finish a few days late - so long as I don't give up on it completely, it's all good.

I also practiced taekwondo patterns for twelve minutes (I'm still purple belt).

Day #1 streak

Sunday, January 8th, 2023

I hit my Garmin Vivofit jr daily goal - plus some!

And I attended taekwondo lessons. I was a bit late, it's hard for me to get ready in the morning, but at least now I know for next week that I gotta get up a bit earlier and be out the door fifteen, twenty minutes earlier.

I didn't do The Guardian challenge this day... I had a bad migraine, and I've learned to forgive my body its weaknesses. Let myself have days where I just... can't.

Day #2 streak


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Monday, January 9th, 2023

I practiced taekwondo for twelve minutes (my goal)!

I also did day #6 of The Guardian challenge... still no goblins :/

I hit my Garmin vivofit jr 3 challenge - sixty minutes of walking. Mostly just going to the library and back, but hey, walking is walking.

Day #3 streak!!!
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Ranger from Canada
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Tuesday, January 10th, 2023

Really didn't do much today, just hit my Garmin Vivofit Jr. daily goal, and practiced taekwondo for twelve minutes. Problem is, I'm so crashed by the time I get home from school... sitting and reading for four hours REALLY takes up all my mental energy.

Day #4 streak, still. At least I still have that going. And I've made it a habit to write my Darebee log every morning, first thing, just before I get started on school. That's helped me keep track of things, and motivated me to keep up doing at least a little something every day.


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Wednesday, January 11th, 2023

1. I went to taekwondo class, even though I had a bit of a migraine ongoing. (Wasn't *that* bad, but still...) I just let my taekwondo master know that I might have to duck out early if it got bad. He was totally fine with that but I ended up staying the whole forty five minutes.

2. When I got home, I did day #4 of Splits Training (the easy plan). I started days one through three a while back, but didn't get any further than that. Hopefully now I'll be able to stick to it a little more.

3. I didn't want to wear myself out, because taekwondo class is INTENSE, but I also did day #7 & 8 of "The Guardian" challenge.

I finally met goblins! THEY DO EXIST!!! ...I didn't punch them, though. Goblins are... eh... associated with too many antisemitic stereotypes for my liking. Who got to decide that ALL goblins are evil? Maybe they're just... idk... different? Which is okay. Anyway, we sat down with the goblins and negotiated an armistice. (I mean, that IS what Wonder Woman would do, isn't it?) Then I went to the training room and practiced two hundred and fifty punches. Just cuz. Y'know. Cuz.

(Streak day #5)
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Ranger from Canada
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Haven't updated in a while, but not because I haven't been exercising. Just haven't been on my computer all that much.

So quick quick update - Thursday is streak day #6; Friday is day #7; Saturday is #8; Sunday is #9; and Monday would be #10.

Yay! I think I'm up to day #14 of the Guardian challenge... it isn't up to date exactly, but the farthest I've ever gotten! And I kept up my streak even though I wasn't 100% feeling well yesterday...


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Sunday, February 12th, 2023

I did a New Adventure from Zombie's Run (6 KM; Sleepyhead). I also did day #13 of "Splits Training Easy 30 day challenge." [Day #1]

Monday, February 13th, 2023

I again did a New Adventure from Zombie's Run (just over 9 KM, my best record yet; the first episode of "The Graveyard Route"). I also did day #14 of "Splits Training Easy 30 day challege." Almost halfway through! [Day #2]


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Tuesday, February 14th, 2023

1. New Adventure Home Workout (Second mission of "Negative Space")
2. Fifteenth day of "Splits Training Easy 30 day Challenge" - HALFWAY THROUGH, OMG, YES!!!
3. Finish day #20 of "Baseline"
4. Did one more set of day #1 of 'Reboot'
5. Daily dare (40 leg raises) - restarting my count of daily dares at one
6. One minute Yoga Challenge, day #4
7. Guardian challenge, day #17 + 200 goblins

Day #3 of Exercise Streak


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Ranger from Canada
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Wednesday, February 15th, 2023

1. Zombie's Run New Adventure (third mission of "negative space" - 6 KM)
2. Sixteenth day of "Splits Training 30 Day Challenge"
3. Daily dare (40 v splits) - restarted count is at two
4. One minute yoga challenge, day #5
5. Guardian Challenge, day #18 (no goblins)

Day #4 of Exercise Streak

An I gotta say, at this point my legs feel like total jelly. I think I should break up all the leg work with some upper body exercises, but not sure what to do or where to start...


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Friday, February 17th, 2023

1. Finished half of Workout #1 of "Dumbbells home workout journal"
2. I think I did daily dare? Ugh I forget now.

Day #6 of exercise streak

Saturday, February 18th, 2023

I went out for a walk. No watch, no pedometer, no music, just me and my legs carrying me round and round the library circle.

I've decided to do one set of bicep curls for every reaction to any post I make on Darebee, including past posts. I'm currently up to #15 of over a hundred.... lots of catching up to do here

Day #7 of exercise streak (DAMN! A whole week!!!)


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@Tileenah thank you!!!

Sunday, February 19th, 2023

I skipped the daily dare today because it was just too hard on my already sore legs.

1. Zombie's Run New Adventure (second part of "The Graveyard Route", about 4 km)
2. Easy 30 day splits training, day #17

And that's about it, but plenty enough for a rest day.

Day #8 of my Exercise streak! More than halfway to my first badge



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Ranger from Canada
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@Nanna Io thank you!

Monday, February 20th, 2023

1. daily dare, superman stretch for 60 seconds
2. one minute yoga challenge, day #8
3. level #1 of baseline, day #21
4. New Adventures, Zombies Run, 3rd episode of "The Graveyard Route", about 3 KM
5. day #17 of 30 days to splits (easy)
6. day #20 of the guardian challenge

Day #9 of exercise streak!


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Ranger from Canada
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Dear Santa,

I have gotten out of the habit of doing exercise... like, at all. The latest workout I did was Zero Hero #1, which was just march steps.

I would like a kind, easy workout that can help me ease back into the idea of exercise for the new year. I like stretches, walking, nothing too hard or strenuous.

What am I doing writing a letter to Santa for the first and maybe only time in my life...

Princess Sarena


Shieldmaiden from Greece
Posts: 667
"Trust The Awesomeness"
Happy Birthday!!!

Excited Happy Birthday GIF by Kiki