Becoming the very best I can be


New member
from Netherlands
Posts: 4
I have been struggling with my weight for years now and since I got a personal trainer I got roughly 36 pounds off. It was slow progress with a few fallbacks due to surgery and sickness, but getting there. I hope to lose at least another 20 pounds. I work out with my trainer twice a week in a strength program and mainly focused on progressive overload. Since he'll be quitting to go back to university, I will be without my 'buddy' after quite a while. I remembered Darebee from way way in the past (I believe it had a different name back then) and thought to look it up to see if it can in a way help me.

My plan is to keep going to the gym and doing some tried and trusty workouts that helped me reach where I am now and keep going on the progressive overload. In addition I want to develop a habit of moving/working out every day and possibly developing (daily) habits at the same time, one step at a time.

What does this mean for now? First steps: Start with a light Darebee program just to get into the habit. For this I will be going with Square One. Since I have been working out for a while already, I have decided to do it on level III since it is considered a light program. I will post an update at the end of the day for day 1.

Personal challenges doing this? I have always had an issue getting to a daily habit of working out/moving. I hope this time I can turn it around (and please hold me accountable if I don't) by keeping a journal here, showing my progress. Both having lost weight already and the discipline I have in working out with my PT twice a week may help me in holding the discipline to do a light exercise daily.

  • 176 lbs
  • Finish Square One in 30 days
  • Be in a better headspace
Thanks for reading the ramble and I hope to see you along my journey.


Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 539
"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. -Socrates"
Welcome to the hive and best wishes on your journey.
  • Be in a better headspace
This is a good goal but I suggest expanding on it to make it 'great'. What would a better headspace be? How do you imagine feeling when you're making progress towards it? How do you imagine feeling when you've achieved it? I definitely find mental goals harder to measure progress against but taking some time to meditate on it can help you notice what actions impede your progress and which ones accelerate it :)


New member
from Netherlands
Posts: 4
Welcome to the hive and best wishes on your journey.

This is a good goal but I suggest expanding on it to make it 'great'. What would a better headspace be? How do you imagine feeling when you're making progress towards it? How do you imagine feeling when you've achieved it? I definitely find mental goals harder to measure progress against but taking some time to meditate on it can help you notice what actions impede your progress and which ones accelerate it :)

I totally get what you mean. I know I'm very scatterbrained with little focus these days, so that's something I want to work on, but also the way I feel about myself and where I am at in life. Anyway, it doesn't answer the questions you pose. It is a goal I struggled with defining and may do that somewhere along the way, but for now I just want to have written down I want to make progress mentally as well, even if undefined for now.

Thanks for the prompting though! I really appreciate it.


New member
from Netherlands
Posts: 4
It is Sunday now, and life has been good. Yesterday my personal trainer had to cancel for personal reasons, but I still went to the gym and repeated a workout session we had a few weeks ago. Since I tend to write everything we do down, it was easy to do and every exercise I was able to do progressive overload with every set being 10lbs higher. So that was a win.

At the time of writing, I have completed days 1 - 4 of Square One, with the 5th day's exercise coming tonight. All on level 3. I feel that I may have gone too soft for starters, but then I also remember that my main goal is to make it a daily habit. It is an extra.

I have also started to incorporate either walk(s) in my day, and with that some extra time outside in the fresh air.
Wednesday - 25 minutes
Thursday - 30 + 20 minutes
Friday - 30 minutes
Saturday - 30 minutes
Sunday - 25 minutes so far, but will add another one this evening I think.

Not really long walks, but they are routes to and through a nearby park and back.


New member
from Netherlands
Posts: 4
It is Friday now. As you notice I haven't been able to make journaling a daily habit. However... Currently I have finished days 1-10. I have also been able to walk daily for 30-60 minutes. So that is becoming some sort of a habit.

It still all feels low level and I'm thinking I might want to up my game.


New member
Posts: 1
I have been struggling with my weight for years now and since I got a personal trainer I got roughly 36 pounds off. It was slow progress with a few fallbacks due to surgery and sickness, but getting there. I hope to lose at least another 20 pounds. I work out with my trainer twice a week in a strength program and mainly focused on progressive overload. Since he'll be quitting to go back to university, I will be without my 'buddy' after quite a while. I remembered Darebee from way way in the past (I believe it had a different name back then) and thought to look it up to see if it can in a way help me.

My plan is to keep going to the gym and doing some tried and trusty workouts that helped me reach where I am now and keep going on the progressive overload. In addition I want to develop a habit of moving/working out every day and possibly developing (daily) habits at the same time, one step at a time.

What does this mean for now? First steps: Start with a light Darebee program just to get into the habit. For this I will be going with Square One. Since I have been working out for a while already, I have decided to do it on level III since it is considered a light program. I will post an update at the end of the day for day 1.

Personal challenges doing this? I have always had an issue getting to a daily habit of working out/moving. I hope this time I can turn it around (and please hold me accountable if I don't) by keeping a journal here, showing my progress. Both having lost weight already and the discipline I have in working out with my PT twice a week may help me in holding the discipline to do a light exercise daily.

Thanks for reading the ramble and I hope to see you along my journey.
I've also begun incorporating walks into my daily routine, enjoying some extra time outside in the fresh air:

  • Wednesday: 25 minutes
  • Thursday: 30 minutes + 20 minutes
  • Friday: 30 minutes
  • Saturday: 30 minutes
  • Sunday: 25 minutes so far, with plans to add another walk this evening.