Shed, Shred and Body Recomposition


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
I spent a few hundred on a hair laser removal system and I got ripped off. It was not a plug in and had to be charged for a few hours prior to using. Not long after, one pulse and it would need to be charged all over again.

This was many years ago though, hopefully they've improved or you see a better one than I had. I don't remember what brand it was.


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
@MadamMeow That is exactly what I am scared off. The reviews for local products is such opposite responses.



And let me not start with the massive price difference. Lol R385 ($20) to R7499 ($79)!!!

I might wait a while longer. I've been fine with disposable razors and men's electrical razor with a back flip up trimmer for a close shave all these years. I guess sticking to what works is probably the best.

Day 79 / Tuesday 19 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)

1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 19
Adore the Core - Day 19/28
Stretch Project - Day 19
Stretch Revolution - Day 19
Journey to the Splits - Day 19

Cardio & Abs - Day 19
Lower Body Blast - Day 19
Express Tone - Day 19

EoTD: 60 Second Bear plank hold

I felt good again today. And had no issues with my exercises. The weather is warmer but not like summer heat indoors. I do feel a little bored with my exercises. I do love these programs, but it's just how I am. I especially like the Bear plank hold. But... yet it's as if my motivation is slipping away, and even the exercises I enjoy is becoming a burden. Hopefully my mood will pass.


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Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
Day 80 / Wednesday 20 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)

1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 20
Adore the Core - Day 20/28
Stretch Project - Day 20
Stretch Revolution - Day 20
Journey to the Splits - Day 20

Cardio & Abs - Day 20
Lower Body Blast - Day 20
Express Tone - Day 20

EoTD: 60 Second Balance hold*

*doing immediately after posting.

Today is completely the opposite of yesterday. I felt motivated, and actually enjoyed my exercises. Loved everything. I might even do some additional Yoga or something else too later.

I have a sort of calmness over me. Not sure why.



Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
Day 81 / Thursday 21 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)

1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 21
Adore the Core - Day 21/28
Stretch Project - Day 21
Stretch Revolution - Day 21
Journey to the Splits - Day 21

Cardio & Abs - Day 21
Lower Body Blast - Day 21
Express Tone - Day 21*

EoTD: 60 Second Arm Scissors

*Still to do

On Monday I woke up with a headache, nausea, chills, feeling off balance. I was wondering... the night before I drank a bottle full of water before I went to bed. Maybe 600ml. I thought about it... I figured it was my stomach, but I had no issues. Then I thought could it have been over hydration? Maybe low electrolytes. Scary now thinking back about that.

I didn't have issues with my workout today. I did have mild lower back pain. It didn't get better nor worse after I done my workouts. I didn't yet do Express Tone. Decided to just do my cardio for the morning. I also had an omelet for breakfast, something I rarely eat. I prefer a "liquid" breakfast with oats and whatever I have at home. I feel a little too full. I noticed I use way less salt and sugar too. Which is good.

The new Alien: Romulus movie is coming 16 August. I can't wait!!
alien vs predator GIF by foxhorror


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
Day 82 / Friday 22 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)

1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 22
Adore the Core - Day 22/28
Stretch Project - Day 22
Stretch Revolution - Day 22
Journey to the Splits - Day 22

Cardio & Abs - Day 22
Lower Body Blast - Day 22
Express Tone - Day 22*

EoTD: 40 Lunge Step ups*

*Still to do

Gosh, my arms.... It's quite sore this morning. Or sensitive to some movements. I think my weights was a bit heavy yesterday. The rest of my body feels okay. I'm trying to move a bit more again daily. I find myself sitting much more lately.

We have an upcoming power failure at 16pm, so I will most likely finish Express Tone and the exercise of the day then.


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
Day 83 / Saturday 23 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)

1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 23
Adore the Core - Day 23/28
Stretch Project - Day 23
Stretch Revolution - Day 23
Journey to the Splits - Day 23

Cardio & Abs - Day 23
Lower Body Blast - Day 23
Express Tone - Day 23*

EoTD: 40 Plank Leg Raises

*not done yet

I woke up 5:45am. Couldn't fall asleep again so I started my workout early. I felt fine. Slight headache, but nothing serious. At around 6:45 something caught my eye on the balcony/patio (the back of our house has a raised patio with steps down... not sure the exact name for this in English). Then I noticed a squirrel. So.... made some coffee and waited by my avocado tree for movement. Armed with a 3 meters long bamboo stick. I chased the squirrel away eventually. She ran from the fig tree, on the wall to the other side. The neighbor has an electrical fence, but this squirrel won't shock! I think this might be my old squirrel. The way she (it's a she) go to the same areas and trees and walls where I used to play and fed her, and it's the same time of the year (last time I took photos of her she jumped on my lap 29 March 2023)... sad how something once so adorable can become a pest so quickly. I really want my avocados more than I want a tame squirrel. She isn't tame anymore, so it's probably a sign not to tame her again!

I enjoyed the Seal jacks, and the Yoga & Stretches. I didn't want to do Express Tone early. I feel it's best doing them in the afternoon. My arms feels okay, still sensitive. I will be using lighter dumbbells for a day or three. I want to do more stretching later today. My arms also need some TLC.

It's cooler this morning. Initially I was fine... maybe the exercises and then the coffee, and the adrenaline from chasing the squirrel ... and now I feel cold. Is around 18C now. It might rain tonight. The frogs is enjoying this weather... it's their mating season. I love the sound of frogs during this season. We have the Clicking Stream Frog here. A tiny specie with a beautiful sound.



Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
Day 84 / Sunday 24 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)
1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 24
Adore the Core - Day 24/28
Stretch Project - Day 24
Stretch Revolution - Day 24
Journey to the Splits - Day 24

Cardio & Abs - Day 24
Lower Body Blast - Day 24
Express Tone - Day 24

EoTD: 40 Scorpion Twists

Finished everything early. It's a pleasant cooler morning. Express Tone had no dumbbells today, only side leg raises so that was fine. I'm looking up to tomorrow's Cardio & Abs..... I'm sure I saw burpees again..... My soul left my body briefly..... but I will mentally prepare myself for tomorrow! My health is fine (besides my hair still falling out, and my sense of smell is still on the low side). I don't have any aches or pains. I feel good.

Yesterday I found a chameleon between the strawberry guavas. He was watching for insects coming to the overripe fruit to eat. Very smart little guy. He has been in the same spot for nearly 24 hours (maybe moved 15cm). He slept there too. He didn't take the house fly I offered him. He like the miniature green flies. Picky eater.



Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
Day 85 / Monday 25 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)
1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 25
Adore the Core - Day 25/28
Stretch Project - Day 25
Stretch Revolution - Day 25
Journey to the Splits - Day 25

Cardio & Abs - Day 25 (*not fully done yet)
Lower Body Blast - Day 25
Express Tone - Day 25

EoTD: 60 Second Pacer steps

My energy feels depleted today. It's that time of the month, and then I saw burpees and climbers, and it felt as if I just lost a battle before I even began.

I decided to finish Cardio & Abs Day 25 with a twist. I done 7 sets of high knees, butt kicks and the climbers. I didn't do the burpees yet. I am going to do the 140 burpees bit by bit today.

I watched the 3 Body Problem this weekend. I was skeptical at first, but ended up enjoying it. I think this year there are quite a few new upcoming sci-fi series and movies which I'm quite excited about. Especially Alien: Romulus coming in August. Spaceman was different. I was prepared to be disappointed, and it ended up being so emotional and satisfying in a unique way.

I stumbled upon a trailer of a new movie called Light.
"Survivors of an interstellar transport ship accident have to work together after crash landing on an inhospitable planet. The film stars Christine Roche, Gia Lily, Tedroy Newell, Anna Swan and James Woollard."

More detail about this sci-fi movie:

"After crash-landing in an escape pod on a dark and misty planet, Niu pulls on her emergency spacesuit and sets out searching for other survivors, including her young son. She quickly discovers that there is life in the fog - and that the lights she must use to find her missing boy draw in an alien predator.

In a race against time, Niu must evade the creature and locate her lost boy before their oxygen runs out. But as Niu starts to encounter other survivors, it becomes clear that they are not here by accident - and that there are worse things than creatures lurking in the dark.

The film is written and directed by Matthew Woollard, it's produced by David A Bradley, Maria Carras, and Matt Woollard. The film is slated for March 29th, 2024 release."


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
Day 86 / Tuesday 26 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)
1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 26
Adore the Core - Day 26/28
Stretch Project - Day 26
Stretch Revolution - Day 26
Journey to the Splits - Day 26

Cardio & Abs - Day 26
Lower Body Blast - Day 26
Express Tone - Day 26

EoTD: 20 Upward downward dog

I finished all my burpees yesterday. It was okay. It went easier and better than I expected.

This morning I didn't struggle much with Cardio & Abs, but Express Tone was harder. For some reason my arms is still as weak as they come. I feel embarrassed that I have zero strength compared to my elderly parents!!!!! Their generation was just built differently. I can barely even pick up a bag of cement from the car to a wheel barrow, while they do it with ease at their age!!! (It's 50kg!!!!!!! It's nearly the same as my goal weight!!!!)

I was thinking what I should do next month, and the only program that comes to mind is Power Cardio. For now I will stick with that. There will be a lot of burpees, climbers, jumping exercises.... gosh....... I enjoyed it last time? (Didn't finish the program).

Is electrolytes high in sugar and salt? Is it better than for instance a Red Bull or Monster energy drink? I only had this once, 250ml pre-workout. Decided to dilute it slightly more in the future, and ONLY drink it before/during my hardest cardio days. Don't think I should take this daily. 🤔 I don't exactly know what to drink otherwise. Water. Lol but water alone and in large quantities messed me up!!!! I've been getting sick from drinking too much water daily lately. So that's why I figured the electrolytes should help me some mornings. I tend to drink 500ml water between 20pm to 22pm and this seems to make me sick in the mornings when I wake up!!!!



Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 673
"I sing and I know things"
Yeah too much water can be very dangerous actually!
The basics of the science is that your cells want an equal amount of stuff in liquid as your blood has, but only water can move into and out of the cells.
If you drink too much water, your blood will have too much liquid compared to stuff, and your cells will take on more liquid than they can handle.
Sweating will also cause you to lose both stuff and water, so if you then only fill up the water your blood doesn't have enough stuff.
So yes, if you think you've been feeling ill after drinking a lot of water, please do try this electrolyte stuff instead of some of that water :heartsit:

The balance in sugar and salt to water in these mixes is calculated to hydrate you after exercise (or other forms of dehydration like sickness) while keeping the right balance of stuff in liquid. They most likely have fewer calories and unusual ingredients than energy drinks like monster or red bull.

I hope it helps you feel better!


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
@Maegaranthelas Thank you for that.

I felt like I can still run a marathon after waking up this morning! We had a hot summer, and I've had so much water, and it's a never-ending thirst. I have tested for diabetes (my dad and his dad was all diabetic), but it was probably just "slight" overdehydration over a long period of time. I say slight, because I did not have life threatening symptoms. Just a pressure headache daily the past few days. I still have a mild one.

Day 87 / Wednesday 27 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)
1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 27
Adore the Core - Day 27/28
Stretch Project - Day 27
Stretch Revolution - Day 27
Journey to the Splits - Day 27

Cardio & Abs - Day 27
Lower Body Blast - Day 27
Express Tone - Day 27

EoTD: 60 Second Wall-sit

I still have a slightly sore back and front arms and buttocks from picking up the cement that was way too heavy yesterday. Fortunately I've done it so many times, that I have a good idea which way causes less injury. I have very dull aches and pains so it didn't really bother me at all while I did my workout. I finished everything since I had a tremendous burst of energy and felt like I could continue for longer! I used only 3kg dumbbells for Express Tone. And I added more stretches after my workouts. Like a sort of cool down. My body feels good otherwise.

Found a large feather in the garden. Must be a Black Harrier Hawk. A few months ago I saw a pitch black bird with yellow claws and eyes. I was convinced it was a young eagle! But it must have been one of the parents of the young Harrier Hawk currently in our garden every morning and evening. He has way more patterns and not as dark as his parents.
They look like this: (not my photos)


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
Day 88 / Thursday 28 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)
1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 28
Adore the Core - Day 28/28 (to redo for 2 days)
Stretch Project - Day 28
Stretch Revolution - Day 28
Journey to the Splits - Day 28

Cardio & Abs - Day 28
Lower Body Blast - Day 28
Express Tone - Day 28

EoTD: 30 Butterfly Sit-ups

I decided to drink the electrolytes again today, just added about 12g powder instead of 18g, and I felt it was better for me personally. The headache I've had for several days gradually faded by itself today. My body itself felt great. I especially enjoyed the Yoga and stretches, but both the programs was fun too. There was no weights. I could have done more exercises, but I don't want to overdo it either. I will make April a little harder.


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
Day 89 / Friday 29 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)
1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 29
Adore the Core - Day 1/28
Stretch Project - Day 29
Stretch Revolution - Day 29
Journey to the Splits - Day 29

Cardio & Abs - Day 29*
Lower Body Blast - Day 29
Express Tone - Day 29

EoTD: 30 Prone Reverse Fly's *

*Still to do

I'm actually looking up to do Cardio & Abs. I have some bad lower belly pain. It's just the cardio day is a bit much for me. I might actually just do level 1 (3 sets) later. I'm feeling okay. Express Tone, I only did 20 reps of the "until fatigue" exercises. I didn't want to overdo it today.

I just wanted a quiet weekend on my own, but my mother has her own ideas. We agreed on no traditional Easter, but my mom is baking and cooking and going crazy in the kitchen today. It's best to just let her be.

The chameleon is still in the Strawberry Guava tree. Gave him a house fly this morning and he was quite happy to "catch" it.


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
Thank you @Mamatigerj

Day 90 Saturday 30 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)
1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 30
Adore the Core Stretch 2/28
Stretch Project - Day 30
Stretch Revolution - Day 30
Journey to the Splits - Day 30

Cardio & Abs - Day 30
Lower Body Blast - Day 30
Express Tone - Day 30

EoTD: 40 Side Plank Rotations *

(*not done yet)

Basically finished all my programs. What now!? This month isn't done yet.

Despite everything, even trying to be gluten free.... I decided to have a cold beer now. It's 34C here today, and it's autumn!!! I've been outside most of the morning. I'm red and hot and tired and just feel like I reached my limit.

I also saw... a slug eater (snake), the chameleon, a newborn super fast baby skink of less than 3 days old... and everything was just so special for me this morning. Like "I've earned the right to see the beauty of nature after completing my 30 Day programs, Challenge and extras". I feel I earned it.


I suppose Power Cardio should be next. That or Boxers Prime or Avatar Upgrade. My mind leans towards Power Cardio. Military Fit+ will happen either July or August. Or if I do it after winter, no later than September if I decide to not get a sandbag, but to use outdoors garden bags, I'd have to do it after the rainy season. I hope I am fit enough, or motivated enough to do these programs. Even on level 1 will be fine.


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
Thank you @Mamatigerj @MadamMeow

Day 91 / Sunday 31 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)
1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 1
Adore the Core Stretch 3/28
Stretch Project - Day 1
Stretch Revolution - Day 1
Journey to the Splits - Day 1

EoTD: 50 Squat Hold Calf Raises

Knees to isometric Squats (video below)
Bulgarian Split Squats
Borrower Squats (video below)
Donkey Kics
Fire Hydrants
Side Leg Raises

I'm not even sure if these exercises is good for me, I just feel they are super hard and challenges me to the extreme!

I struggled to do some of the random exercises, I stopped counting, and just did a few of each, and did 3 sets of it. Basically exercises that I like and which is challenging. And instead of having a chill day, I tortured my body slightly. Lol. But I did enjoy it.

I feel tired. I ate late last night, barbecue chicken skewers with dried apricots and red bell pepper and as a side dish some whole corn. It was very pleasant outside. There was big rugby on, but I didn't bother to watch.

On a positive note, it's day 99 since I noticed my extreme hair shedding. I washed my hair and less than 30 hair fell out while washing!!!! Little more than that fell out when drying my hair, but no more bundles and bundles of hair, which is a good sign. My hair shedding appears to be getting less each week now. I feel very happy about my hair today.


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
Thank you @Maegaranthelas @Deadoks

Day 92 / Monday 1 April:

10 Minutes Yoga/stretches (after waking up)

EoTD: 10 Jump Squats

Power Cardio - Day 1
Upperbody Blast Challenge - Day 1

The dreaded morning headache is back. It is a throbbing pain similar to a lighter migraine, and I am light sensitive. They usually last like 2 - 3 hours after waking up. Then I read you get a hormone headache. Really!?

I got up slightly later. I started with the Yoga and stretches. I might actually do these in the evening too. I am not sticking to a specific workout or challenge. It will be more random this month. Most likely I will use the Darebee workout section daily. Today I just used the Blogilates ones and just picked ones for my lower back, and hips.

Upperbody Blast was good. And then day 1 of Power Cardio was "fine". I only done it on level 2 (5 sets). I would say it was mainly due to the headache where my head felt like a balloon about to burst. I might have to start doing my workout a little later on days where I have this headache. Fortunately it is a cooler day. The headache is finally going away by itself.

The squirrel hasn't been back. The avocados is still there. They refuse to ripen. Every single day I go check... gosh it's frustrating. They can be ready anywhere between now and September. I hate waiting.

squirrel avocado GIF by The Dodo


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
Tuesday 2 April to Thursday 4 April.

I decided to take a short break. I did do the Exercise of the day each day, and 10 minutes Yoga/stretches in the morning, and more stretches before I went to bed. But... I stopped the Program / Challenge. My body itself is fine physically. I just need to reboot my brain or reset my mental state, I guess.

There comes times where nothing is really wrong with me, but I feel sort of stuck in my own world or bubble. I can't get myself to start new things. My mind is not focused on life, rather it is on its own sphere. A form of derealization, perhaps? I lose interest in things around me, I lose track of time and I don't feel like I am here, I find myself daydreaming of things that don't exist in this world rather than acknowledging real world (maybe that is why I love sci-fi so much!) ... I think I just need a few days to recover from my "nothingness". Since nothing is really wrong. Yet it's not completely right either. I know I'm not crazy either. Lol.... I hope!!!

Usually after feeling this way, a burst of creativity will follow .... soon, I hope.

I will do my best not to vanish for a long time! I REALLY want to restart Power Cardio asap.

Energize Social Media GIF by Flow Magazine


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
I will restart my exercises tomorrow.


(Short version)
I am back....

(Long version with some useless information )
I haven't gained nor pick up any weight this month.... yet I feel my skin is more flabby. Like less elastic, more just... like a turkey headbanging. I'm getting those lose skin vibes!!! Wth!?

Go Vegan GIF by Catskill Animal Sanctuary

I didn't really exercise - a walk here and there, a Jillian Michaels DVD workout a few times, but done half-heartedly. I didn't completely let go. Never bought takeaways nor went to a restaurant. Always home cooked meals. Had the odd chocolate, wine, or deep fried chicken here and there, a lot of cheese, but always in moderation. I started drinking less coffee. It seemed to have made me feel sick some days. My limit is 1 in the mornings. No more.

Avocado season started. 🥑 😋 I bought a box of 18 medium sized ones. A few are like rocks, and some started to become ripe since yesterday. Also my tree is covered in small avocados which should be ready to harvest end of May or up to mid June. The squirrel only visited once again. I chased him with a 3 meter long bamboo stick. It must have been traumatic for him, he never returned!!! My avos seems safe. Lol

I think I did get lazy. I will struggle to restart exercising. Especially getting up early isn't going to happen anymore! So tomorrow and Tuesday I will test at what level fitness I'm at. Then decide on Wednesday, 1 May what exactly my goals/program or routine will be for May. Also, since it's mild weather here, I will probably exercise a bit later daily.

I am getting new neighbors this week. Heard my neighbors say their goodbyes earlier today. They've been here for about 10 years. I will miss their dogs. Guess it's time for a new beginning.


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
Thank you @MadamMeow

Gosh... I did Day 1 of Hero's Journey. Simply because it had squats, side leg raises, toe taps hops and climbers. 200 reps each, without much restriction with the sets. Felt I'd be more motivated than a more strict program or workout. It wasn't easy to restart. And it wasn't an easy workout. The squats and side leg raises is fine. But gosh... it takes forever to do. I did each exercise alone. The climbers.... well....... It was the worse. I think I also messed up my count and did way less! I will feel this the next 2 days!!! 😅

I will most likely start a level 3 program and add-on on Wednesday.

The elderly lady opposite the street said the squirrel stripped her tree this morning. Simply just bitten into each one and threw them on the ground. I am so paranoid. I want to go chain myself to my avo tree!!! Not my avos!!! Take ANYTHING else!!!!


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
So the first of May came, and the first of May went by. I still didn't start a program...

I have been consistent working out. Although it's been super random. I haven't gained weight, I maybe lost less than 1kg since the start of the month. I do less than 30 minutes of exercise daily - in any form.

Today I didn't exercise the traditional way, but I went to a dog sanctuary... shelter... farm. Not quite sure what to call it. I was only able to spend a few hours there.

My first highlight was Sheeba, a large Saint Bernard who kept putting her paw on my hand, knee and then she would look deep into my eyes. Like she wants me to hold her paw. Her drool can drown a Chihuahua! I constantly had to jump to avoid the large drool blobs but many made it onto my jeans or arms. It was hilarious. I also brushed her and her mate Benji. He had a slightly longer coat. His drool was even more.... lol. I only spend an hour with them today. They preferred to stay in the shade since it was warmer today.


Then my ultimate highlight was Deegan. A Husky mix. He is my favourite boy at the shelter. He wasn't as energetic as the last time I met him. Well, his Husky part makes him a loving goof ball, and very unpredictable! One day he is a great jogging partner, today he was a statue. His (new) kennel mate Meg was super funny. She didn't growl, but showed teeth, chewed my fingers and wanted all of the attention. Not in an aggressive manner. Deegan didn't even react to her. He was patient and just sat there enjoying the sun, and treats, and ear scratching. Meg also would grab my shoe with her paw through the fence and try to reel me in like a fish. Deegan just wagged his tail and stayed sitting there. She didn't bite me (chewed me?), it was more like excitement or wanting all of the attention. Maybe poor social skills. She ended up being very unforgettable. Meatgrinding my fingers. I loved these two dogs today.


There was so many beautiful dogs.

I'm quite tired tonight. These dogs gave me a decent workout.

I would prefer to start a program again. I don't know why I am just doing such random workouts. It's very unlike me. I like a fixed plan or schedule. This month is still an epic win so far.


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
Today is quite cold and rainy. My feet was stiff and sore briefly when I woke up. I walked a lot yesterday. I usually don't get stiffness in the mornings anymore. I've been in good health lately. Zero complaints.

I decided to just do some basic exercises today:

  • 20 minutes of Squats, Lunges, Thread the needle, Clamshells, and so on.
  • 10 minutes of punches and kicks.
  • 5 minutes stretching.
  • 12 minutes Yoga.

My hair stopped shedding. It fell out for about 4 months in total until it completely stopped. Each time I wash my hair the new hairs will stand upright like a punk style for maybe an hour, then start to fall down. Kinda crazy. I am just thankful it stopped by itself. My hair might be thinner, but it seems in a good condition with no bald patches.
Bad Hair GIF by Nat Geo Wild

This reminds me of funny Meg who was mouthing me yesterday. Her tail swinging and her body language was happy, but that frown. Lol



Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
Today I missed Deegan. The Husky mix. He is an older boy. But there has just been something about him. I feel so sad without him. Just been worrying... is he warm at night, does he get enough food to eat, has someone spend time with him at the shelter? My heart aches for this boy. My family is still scared of large male dogs. 😭 Winning the lottery would be the only way for me to get this boy. He is the sweetest baby.


My dogs who passed away on 8 May 2018 (cancer - Kayla) and 12 December 2020 (old age - Mischka) looked like a mini version of Deegan. They were a Rottweiler/Doberman and sausage dog mix. They were considered small dogs. One was low energy and one was high energy. The youngest and oldest sisters of the litter of 10. I miss them. Here is a photo of Mischka when she was a baby. Lol she had HUGE front paws!!!!


The past few days I used more weights and heavier equipment in my exercises. I also walked more on a machine, and even lost a little over 1kg the past 5 days. My appetite has been less (which is weird for me!!!!!)

The main reason I am focusing on weights is something my mom told me about a year ago. "If you can't pick up a large dog, you should not own it". Reminded me of a 70-something year old Japanese woman who owns a Belguim Malinoise....


Needless to say more. Inspiration 10/10. As long as I have the strength to do what she does when I'm one day in my 70's... what more do I need in life except a large dog!? Life will be complete. Lol.

I've been waking up with slightly sensitive stiff feet in the mornings briefly, and have had very swollen hands, puffy eyes and very bad skin. Slightly sensitive gums. I will have to cut down on gluten again. I've been healthy otherwise.

I initially wanted to start a new program today, but I became busy and just did my daily "routine" which is very random. It's a mix between Darebee, Jillian Michaels, some things Damer suggested on YouTube, and whatever I feel like doing with weights. I know my exercises makes no sense together. Yet, simply staying active and moving still works for me.

Hopefully tomorrow I can be more active in threads, and catch up on old posts and Bees. I will be home early tomorrow.


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Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
I wasn't consistent with exercises during June. My weight is still the same. I'm in good health and all is well otherwise.

Been starting a new program... Or programs since yesterday. It will be for 30 weeks... if it is humanly possible. It is a "killer". 😅

(All on week 1 from 1 - 7 July)
Monday - Total Abs
Tuesday - (HIIT or) HIIT Advanced
Wednesday - Avatar Upgrade
Thursday - Ironheart
Friday - Military Fit (or + version)
Saturday - The Gauntlet
Sunday - Power Cardio

So, my own rules are:
- Must finish all Day 1 programs on Week 1 (Day 2 on Week 2.... Day 30 on Week 30).
- All pull-up exercises will be replaced by burpees
- I don't have to do the programs on the above days, I can even do multiple programs on a day, or swop them around, but the only rule being to finish all by the end of the week.
- The dumbbells/kettlebell I use may be lighter, the + or advanced version will be my first choice, but if my body doesn't allow me I can do the easier version, and any level is allowed.

Anything goes...

In other words, I'm making it slightly easier since it will be for such a long time.

...And if I do quit this after a month or two, I won't even feel bad, since I am sure I would enjoy a little variety getting back into my fitness journey.

I've already done Total Abs, HIIT Advanced this week on level III. I've done additional Power Squats Challenge day 1 and 2. And also a Cassey Ho (Blogilates) 15 minutes arm workout. Gosh it's an arm burner.

For some reason HIIT Advanced was more pleasant than Total Abs. It's winter here so HIIT Advanced made me warm and I felt really good this morning after finishing it.

Golden Girls Dancing GIF by TV Land

I have no real exercise goals set for myself, except to have fun.


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
3 July: Wednesday - Card 1 Avatar Upgrade + Power Squats Challenge Day 3

Yeah, it seems to be going well like this. I would never have even considered doing Avatar Upgrade otherwise. I have nothing against the program, it just seemed "too difficult to do daily". Had no issues.

4 July: Thursday - Day 1 Ironheart + Power Squats Challenge Day 4

I have done Ironheart before, and still enjoy it. Used 3kg dumbbells. I wanted to do more today, but I also feel I should not just jump into exercising and think I can handle it all. I am sure within a few weeks it will get harder to do. I better enjoy the easy workouts while it last. 😅

It is 16C here today. No rain, maybe tonight. It is the first winter where I am a looking forward to spring and warmer months. I have 3 new parks which I want to visit in my city. Especially one called Alphen Trail in Constantia. I feel excited to explore more places when the winter is over. They predicted a dry and warmer winter here, which doesn't feel dry and warm to me at all.



Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
5 July: Friday - Day 1 Power Cardio + Power Squats Challenge Day 5

For some reason I figured Power Cardio would be better to do today, rather than Military Fit.

Oh, boy!
Was I in for a surprise with my fitness level!
Needless to say I managed 3 sets (level 1) ... barely.

Then an hour later I figured let me try to repeat it on level 1 even though it isn't in one go... let me do more.

I managed 2 more sets. I was done!!!
Over It I Give Up GIF

The jumping jacks was fine, but it's the jumping lunges! My right knee didn't like it. And the jump squats was not good on my body either. I'm sure it was the worse attempt at "jumps" in history. Like an ostrich would have been more air dynamic and gracious than me today.

At least I tried. I can only get better at this. I now officially know why that IS a level 5 program and why you don't "jump" into a level 5 program after not exercising for a while.

Cat Fail GIF by JustViral


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
6 July: Saturday - Day 1 The Gauntlet + Power Squats Challenge Day 6

I felt fine when I woke up. My body felt "something" from the exercises this week and yesterday, but not aches and pains... more just like slightly stiff stomach, slightly stiff upper legs. Not pain. More just "something happened". I expected to be more sore.

So, I decided 8kg is fine for a starting point with The Gauntlet. It went okay. Easier than yesterday. Felt okay. Wasn't too little nor too much.

I am happy with my progress. I am still really scared of tomorrow. (Military Fit+). Lol

Courage The Cowardly Dog GIF by Cartoon Network


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
7 July: Sunday - Day 1 Military Fit+ & Power Squats Challenge Day 7

I had to decide between the regular Military Fit and plus version. The PLUS version seemed like more fun. I only did it on level II. It was fine, although I felt a little emotional and had tremendous lower belly aches and pains.

Week 1/30 done!!!
Still feel it's okay. My body is already adapting well. It's not easy, but I won't say it's the hardest I have ever done either. It still feels like a good balance for me.

The combination for the week: 9.8/10
The programs: 10/10
My fitness level: 5.6/10

8 July: Monday - Day 2 Total Abs & Power Squats Challenge Day 8

Woke up with a headache from hell (sinus related), slight belly discomfort (very slight) and periods. Lovely. I did not have an issue with how I felt compared to yesterday, so decided the abs exercises will be okay to do. I am happy I'm done for the day. 😅

It's cold and wet in my city. We had a cyclone or storm here. My part of town wasn't affected. No flooding, no wind damage. We had light hail for about a minute. And the squirrel was eating bird seeds in light rain this morning. It's sunny and the next moment there is light rain. Very strange weather. About 40km from here and further away there was snow. Not often you see elephants, rhino and lions in or near snow. Lol


(Photos on Facebook, not mine)*


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
9 July: Tuesday - Day 2 HIIT Advanced & Power Squats Challenge Day 9

At first I felt reluctant to exercise today. It's freezing. Even inside the house I have those cold steam vapors coming from my mouth... I suppose living in Africa in a 40+ year old house you never think you need insulation against this kinda weather!!! My side of town still had very little rain (flooding) and wind compared to other neighborhoods. Still... it's freezing for me. They say "11C feels like 8C" currently on my cellphone for my area. I'm sure that is accurate enough.

I very reluctantly started HIIT Advanced earlier. It wasn't a long workout. I also thought maybe I wouldn't have the strength but surprisingly enough it was okay. No issues. I was warm and hot in no time! And afterwards cooled down just as quickly as my coffee in this weather!!

Shining Jack Nicholson GIF

This week is difficult to exercise purely because of the weather. Inside the house is almost just as cold as outdoors. The rain stopped about an hour ago. The animals (reptiles and birds) came out eating and drinking... which is strange.

EVERY year there is one crazy tortoise who absolutely loves the rain! She was very, very slow, but by no means like human interaction to help her go to a nice warmer spot. No.... she WANTS to walk and eat and drink and find her OWN new place to sleep. Indoors is not pleasant for them, they get stressed. Too wild. Dandelions, weeds and rain water and outdoors is what SHE likes. So strange. Each to their own.



Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
10 July: Wednesday - Card 2 Avatar Upgrade & Power Squats Challenge Day 10

11 July: Thursday - Day 2 Ironheart & Power Squats Challenge Day 11

12 July: Friday - Day 2 Military Fit+ & Power Squats Challenge Day 12

Well.... it's cold, there is constant rain throughout the day, wind damage and flooding in my city. Snow not too far away. The wind got to 55km/h two nights ago. 49km/h yesterday at times. I have not been affected much in my part of the city. It feels icy, and 12 small avocados fell off the tree due to the strong wind.

This week has been hard. It is difficult to exercise when it's like 10C to 13C inside the house. I don't really have winter workout clothing so a normal short sleeve T-shirt and tracksuit pants and barefoot has to do. That is the hardest part. Simply to start in cold weather.

Avatar Upgrade was hard on my arms. (One arm plank in particular). The cold amplifies aches and pains a little more in the mornings. I have to do a longer warm up prior to starting my program. Ironheart was almost a joy to do yesterday. And then this morning Military Fit. What can I say... this seemed so easy-looking on paper.


If I knew how hard that would be... maybe it is good that I was so naive and oblivious what was to happen this morning!!!

First I had tremendous pain in my right arm (for 5 minutes roughly). Then I had a hard time putting weight on my left ankle (probably took another 5 minutes to warm up my foot alone!!!) It was just THAT cold. It was 9C when I started (felt more like 6C!!!!) My body felt frozen prior to starting Military Fit. That warm up didn't warm me up at all! And then to do plank and push-up holds with that arm.... and single leg squat hops, and squat hops on the spot with that ankle which decided to send sharp shooting pains through my leg when I least expected it.... I cursed a lot. Cursing didn't help. Painkillers, warm socks, and a magnesium supplement afterwards did.

Well. I got through most of the week under cold circumstances. I don't hate the programs. As a matter of fact, I would have enjoyed Military Fit tremendously was it not for this winter weather!

I actually respect and have more sympathy for people who has to work and exercise in cold countries. I always love winter, but this year it is just too much. I don't believe their prediction of a "warm and dry winter".

Animation Lying GIF


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
@Maegaranthelas It is winter in South Africa. Most of the modern houses and new apartments have better insulation, but with our electricity crisis, even with air-conditioning few people use it. I don't use heaters and so on. I just adjust to the cold, I guess. I can get warmer workout clothing, but our winters are often short. Thermal clothing is expensive, and I will only get that if I had a dog (like a Malinois or Saint Bernard of Husky) which had to be walked daily. With most workouts I get hot within the first few minutes, so usually its not too bad. I wish I had a fireplace though! LOL

13 July: Saturday - Day 2 The Gauntlet + & Power Squats Challenge Day 13
14 July: Sunday - Day 2 Power Cardio + & Power Squats Challenge Day 14

On Saturday morning I woke up only to see my cellphone has a chip on the side. Think I hit it against my bedside table. A little hairline crack that is starting to get longer and longer. Sigh. My contract is still 12 months, before I can get a new phone. My whole Saturday felt ruined. Like I had this dark cloud hanging over me. Pure disappointment in myself for letting this happen at the worse time possible. I can't recall most of my workout, because I could not clear my head that was filled with emotion over the stupid phone. Anyway .... that was my Saturday.

Then it was finally night. I could not sleep. Was warm and cosy under my blanket. Around 12:35 am I hear "meow meow meow" under my bedroom window.

chicken choke GIF by happydog

Fortunately I finally fell asleep. And around 6am I woke up. I was still tired, but it was REALLY cold. It wasn't hard to get up, but it was REALLY hard to get dressed!!!

Not sure why this particular morning was so icy, but it felt as if I could not get dressed fast enough! And I did not even bother to warm up, I just went straight into my power squats challenge and Power Cardio. It was abs day. All floor exercises, seated. Sit-ups, sitting twists, flutter kicks and 2 more exercises. I did all 5 sets. I was just not getting warm, I stayed cold. Even to this moment, there is steam coming out of my mouth while I am INSIDE the house. I have adapted to the winter weather mostly by now. We often joke that it is warmer outside the house than inside the house here in my city.

I am glad this weekend is over. The rain stopped at last, and we might not have rain tomorrow. I can do my washing, and hang it up outside (even with new washing machines, I still do it the old fashioned way to air dry it on a line in the winter sun!!!). The weather is still very unpredictable. Some pictures currently in the news about the damage and flooding in my city ....
