Day 43 / Monday 12 February: (finished early)
60 Days of HIIT - Day 43
Code of Abs - Day 13
Warrior Arms (+extras) - Day 13
Exercise of the day - 40 Get-ups
I've had quite some bad luck the past 24 hours or more. Like an abundance of unfortunate events. So I decided to just pretend it's the best possible day. A peachy Monday.
I pretended not to feel my lower back pain nor aching right knee when I got up this morning. And my exercises went well. Harder but I finished it as gracefully as I can. It wasn't 33C yet, so I didn't sweat like 5 elephants yet. I got in quite a workout... can feel it in my whole body.
Washed my hair, and I still dont see any bald spots. I have to go take my driver's license renewal photo soon, before May ... since I still have 3 locks of hair on my head!
Still found shards of glass from a large portrait that fell off the wall yesterday, and there is not a single chipped tile, and I didn't even cut myself! I guess it's time for change on that wall. I will paint or make something new for that wall.
What is the house trends for 2024?
I still have to deal with my mom. She tends to get p*ssed at the smallest things. (Even when my dad sneezes!) So I don't know how to get around her today. She is angry with me because I was too busy to take 100 photos of her one plant flowering, and help her send messages and these photos to her 2 friends. It normally take a good hour or more out of my day to help her text. Sometimes up to 4 hours if I show any type of interest in her conversations. I seriously thought of sticking some cotton wool in both ears and pretend to have earache simply to avoid her... but that might not work! Fml.
I want to do some Yoga and stretching later. Hopefully I will get some time this evening. I need some isolation and just quiet time with myself to shed some stress, and let my body recover.
I didn't even mention the multiple upcoming power failures today... I have a few hours less of work, if I can call it work when I hardly get paid for it! Still need to make time to find full time work. Which seems impossible in my country.