Shed, Shred and Body Recomposition


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Rogue Posts: 420
Day 56 / Sunday 25 February: (finished early)
60 Days of HIIT - Day 56
Code of Abs - Day 26
Warrior Arms (+extras) - Day 26
Exercise of the day - 60 Second Elbow Plank

I woke up at 4 am. I couldn't fall asleep again. I did my exercises early, while there was a power failure. It was a beautiful morning. Perfect weather and a light rain, more just a quick drizzle.

Both programs was slightly harder. My lower back in the middle, and middle back on the sides had some discomfort after my exercises. I'm sure the slight pain will go away soon. I still want to go for a walk today since it will be a beautiful day which isn't too warm. Tomorrow it will be hot again.


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Rogue Posts: 420
Day 57 / Monday 26 February: (finished early)
60 Days of HIIT - Day 57
Code of Abs - Day 27
Warrior Arms (+extras) - Day 27
Exercise of the day - 3 minutes Shoulder Taps

I never mention Warrior Arms. I am actually only doing the additional backfists and hammer curls with this challenge. It's straightforward. The HIIT program had jumping jacks and burpees. I felt so-so. It wasn't easy for me today. Although I didn't have any issues I still felt tired quite quickly.

I am so close to finishing my programs!

I still haven't decided what to do next month. To be honest, I have no real goal anymore. I simply want to keep moving, stay healthy, and do something I will enjoy. I did think of doing Hero's Journey without the extras, and replacing the weapons days with Express Tone, and the first version of Strength Protocol. (I can't remember the reason the program changed, but I do like the original version a little more). I am not 100% convinced that is what I want to do. I still have a few days left to decide.


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Picking a program is one of the hardest things for me to do! I've noticed earlier i haven't done Express Tone and Fireheart. Not sure if they will go together.

Sorry, I haven't been active here besides being busy in my own thread!!! I'm sorry I've been so selfish not reading other members threads! Once I become distant in real life, it seems to blow over to the cyber world too. We have a power failure starting any minute now, so I will make a clear note to start reading tomorrow!!!!!

On a good note... I've discovered baby hair in front of my head, like around my hairline, mainly temples and top. It's so strange since it's still shedding!! I want to show off my hair... but it's not that visible yet...
Shake Wildlife GIF by BBC Earth

I showed it to my mother. And she made me feel like 💩 ... took out a magnifying glass (her eyes is getting bad at her age) and kinda compared my new hair to "seeing stars in space... some dots". I can swear I saw thousands of new little hairs!!!


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Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712
Sorry, I haven't been active here besides being busy in my own thread!!! I'm sorry I've been so selfish not reading other members threads! Once I become distant in real life, it seems to blow over to the cyber world too. We have a power failure starting any minute now, so I will make a clear note to start reading tomorrow!!!!!
We do this all when we have time to do it! All good!

On a good note... I've discovered baby hair in front of my head, like around my hairline, mainly temples and top. It's so strange since it's still shedding!! I want to show off my hair... but it's not that visible yet...
Yeah! :yas:


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Rogue Posts: 420
Day 58 / Tuesday 27 February: (finished early)
60 Days of HIIT - Day 58
Code of Abs - Day 28
Warrior Arms (+extras) - Day 28
Exercise of the day - 30 seconds Pacer Steps

It was a nice and cooler morning. It will be 35C today, so I got up very early for my exercises and to just enjoy the morning.

I still enjoy the HIIT program. It feels like I'm doing enough daily. My weight on the other hand is fluctuating quite a bit this month. Around 3kg mostly on the higher side, and after a few days (maybe every 5th day) it will be on the lower side. I started weighing myself every morning since I found this weight fluctuations quite interesting. There isn't really something I eat or drink which causes it, it just seems to happen like this. 🤔

I now have to decide between:

a. Fireheart + Express Tone
b. Fireheart + Cardio and Abs
c. Cardio and Abs + Express Tone
d. All 3 programs

I might do it in this order:

March - Cardio and Abs + Express Tone
April - Fireheart + (add-on)
May - Power cardio
June - (a level 3 program)
This year still - Military Fit +

I want to do Military Fit at least a month after Power Cardio. To give my body some time to recover. But July and August is winter. I'm thinking I might do Military Fit+ outdoors with a garden bag filled with sand and/or pebbles rather than buying a sandbag! So I might want to do that in Spring (September or even October). But before summer starts. That is my idea.

Next month I also want to add a leg or lower body Challenge*, some bands and even my wrist/ankle weights too. I'd enjoy some equipment too. So that is why I want to do Express Tone next.

I feel good this morning and my body feels fine too. I'm a little snotty and sneeze a lot. Could be seasonal changes. I hope it's not flu again!!!!!!!
High On Life Sneeze GIF by GIPHY Gaming

*Ps. Just noticed the March challenge... seems perfect for me!!!


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Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712


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Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712
The southern hemisphere has the seasons the other way around @Deadoks :D
When we have winter, they have summer and vice versa.
Around the equator the seasons are more like wet and dry. Unless it's like Singapore where it's humid or soggy xD
WTF... I'm always interested in everything, reading, learning...
But that big stuff for any reason I didn't know at all 🙃.
We learn everyday!

Edit: thinking of it it seems so logical...


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Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,800
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
For your weight going up and down, that is normal.

I weigh myself daily as well, but I am lowest on Saturday mornings. That is the day I use to judge if I made progress or not. I think I have heard and read a lot that you should really only lose up to 1-2 lbs (just 1Kg) a week for it to be healthy.

Of course everyone is different and it takes me about 3-4 months to really lose 10 lbs. Not a fast process at all.


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Rogue Posts: 420
@Deadoks I am in Cape Town, South Africa. I know Australia also have the same seasons as my country. It's 36C where I live today, but the weather is already not that hot anymore so this heat will be more enjoyable compared to 4 weeks ago!!! 36C might feel more like 30C perhaps due to living closer to the ocean too.

@MadamMeow I've lost 25 kg (55 lbs?) so far ... but I don't think my weight is stable. If I stop exercising I will gain a lot back very quickly.

I remember I once lost 4kg in 3 days... the cramping, the pounding headache, the stiffness, dehydration... I don't even wish that upon my enemies! Also for extra skin losing weight slower is better!!!


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Rogue Posts: 420
Day 59 / Wednesday 28 February: (finished early)
60 Days of HIIT - Day 59
Code of Abs - Day 29
Warrior Arms (+extras) - Day 29
Exercise of the day - 50 Toe taps

Last evening, I spend some time outside... just before sunset, I saw a young Black Sparrowhawk in our garden he is still 50 shades of brown before he will turn black. He seems to stay in the highest tree 2 houses from us.

I was just over the shock of seeing the hawk, then I saw the biggest fattest rat in our palm tree.

So what the hell do I do!? I can't give it poison and I can't just let the rat be. The damage they do is too much. I can't even tame this rat since it's too old and fully grown already. It looked like a female when she was climbing, although I can't be 100% certain.

This morning was amazing. Perfect weather again. Cool yet warm at the same time. Hard to explain... maybe the autumn morning vs the heat from the day combined causes this?

I did my exercises early. I had no aches and pains when I started. Both programs had combos. It got really harder with each set. But I soldiered through and felt great afterwards... just one more day!!! The end is near. I have minor back pain (middle back oddly enough). It should get better within an hour or so if I add some stretching soon.


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Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712
I did my exercises early. I had no aches and pains when I started. Both programs had combos. It got really harder with each set. But I soldiered through and felt great afterwards... just one more day!!! The end is near. I have minor back pain (middle back oddly enough). It should get better within an hour or so if I add some stretching soon.
It smell like a triple tomorrow! :grab:


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Rogue Posts: 420
Day 60 / Thursday 29 February: (finished early)
60 Days of HIIT - Day 60 :completed:
Code of Abs - Day 30:completed:
Warrior Arms (+extras) - Day 30 :completed:
Exercise of the day - 30 Staggered Deadlifts

It ended up being 36C yesterday.... it didn't feel that hot luckily.

I felt excited doing my programs this morning.
I don't like 60 days programs that much ... I get bored easily, yet I did like the HIIT program. As for Code of Abs I was actually considering re-doing it in March! Warrior Arms challenge was also a nice one.

I never felt like quitting in February, maybe had a few days which was harder to start, yet I never "blamed" the exercises for how I felt. I was actually a good month considering all the ups and downs and stress I experienced. This is hardly ever the case.

February's programs was an epic win. :super:


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Rogue Posts: 420
Thank you @Deadoks @Maegaranthelas @Fremen @MadamMeow @Mianevem

Day 61 / Friday 1 March:
AM: (10 minutes in total) (am)
1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 1
Adore the Core - Day 1/28
Stretch Project - Day 1
Stretch Revolution - Day 1
Journey to the Splits - Day 1
Programs & Challenges:
Cardio & Abs - Day 1 (am)
Express Tone - Day 1 (afternoon)
Lower Body Blast - Day 1 (am)
EoTD: 100 Side Leg Raises (afternoon)
100 Standing Leg Circles (afternoon)
100 Squats (am)
100 Front Kicks (am)

I decided to break down my workout into 2 (but today I did 3 sessions) - I am still seeing what works, and what doesn't. Some of the exercises I finished before 16 pm. I will still see how it goes with some trial and error. The day got a bit busy, and I just didn't seem to get into a decent rhythm. At least I finished!!

Cardio & Abs was a lot actually more than I expected, and Express Tone I have started before, but quit because of the "...until fatigue" sets. I never liked that. But used a 5kg weight for those, and 3kg for the rest. I honestly didn't know what weights to use. It was as random as my day!

I feel mentally and physically exhausted! This day was just too unorganised. I hope I can relax a little tonight.

adore-the-core-august-challenge-high.jpg stretchrevolution.png 901d7e1bc7c46049b1890eaf2afad876--stretch-challenge-yoga-challenge.jpg fc434302ee3b3323f2107fe8fb575402.jpg


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Thank you @Mamatigerj

Day 62 / Saturday 2 March:
AM: (10 minutes in total) (am)
1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 2
Adore the Core - Day 2/28
Stretch Project - Day 2
Stretch Revolution - Day 2
Journey to the Splits - Day 2
Programs & Challenges:
Cardio & Abs - Day 2
Express Tone - Day 2
Lower Body Blast - Day 2
EoTD: 40 Lunge Punches (still to do)

Today was a more pleasant workout - I think I might complain more on the Cardio days and enjoy the Abs days more with the new Cardio & Abs program. I will still take a few days to see how to make my workout more pleasant.

I like each program individually, but I think the 2 programs together is a bit rough on me suddenly. I don't mean they are that hard, just time consuming compared to last month. I REALLY want to keep doing both. I might have to do Express Tone in the evenings - after 18 pm. It might also help me sleep, maybe. So I won't quit a program yet. I will start doing that tomorrow and see how it goes.

I struggle a little with sleeping at night. I have tried everything, but sadly, my nickname "Nightgoddess" is back to haunt me (my old gaming nickname when I used to have a sleeping disorder when I was young!!!) I played about 4 hours of Playstation during the night while I couldn't feel tired - old game called Soul Reaver: Legacy of Cain. I struggle a bit with the game since I didn't play for ages. I used to be good at it, but seems like I've lost my touch.

Not sure what to make of this day. It is better than yesterday. I will just have to make it more fun for the second half!! Party of one!

white chicks GIF


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Rogue Posts: 420
Day 63 / Sunday 3 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)
1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 3
Adore the Core - Day 3/28
Stretch Project - Day 3
Stretch Revolution - Day 3
Journey to the Splits - Day 3
Cardio & Abs - Day 3
Lower Body Blast - Day 3

Express Tone - Day 3
EoTD: 60 Second Toe Tap Hops

I slept well last night. At last! Today was much easier. Then again, I got the worse lower belly cramps imaginable for about an hour. Fortunately it was around noon, and just some normal female aches and pains. And it didn't ruin my afternoon workout which I did much later. I might be a bit moody the next 2 days. LOL

Tonight or during the night we will have some rain and thunderstorms. I am a little worried. They say lightning doesn't strike the same place twice - why do I feel this house will get hit again!? I used to love "bad weather" and thunder. Lately I dread it.

I watched Spaceman, and the first 4 episodes of Constellation with Noomi Rapace. I love a good sci-fi movie or series. And both was just what I needed. I am a huge Noomi Rapace fan, so I especially loved Constellation. Recently I watched some of her older movies too. I really wish there would be another series of Another Life with Katee Sackhoff, or something similar. I can't wait for the next Alien movie. Apparently in mid August this year there will be an upcoming Alien: Romulus movie, not part of the Alien franchise, directed by Fede Alvarez. It might not be entirely great since there won't be well known actors like Noomi Rapace or Sigourney Weaver in it. It will be about a group of younger people (more like teenagers) who is on a distant planet with some aliens threatening their existance - of course. I liked the old Wrong Turn too with Eliza Dushku. I love strong female leads. They inspire me to workout more! Oddly, many of these actors I like is similar to my own age - Noomi Rapace 44, Eliza Dushku 43, Katee Sackhoff 43. I'm 44. They are all 3 very fit.

The Child D GIF by Disney+

I might have to take it a little slower for about .... 3 days perhaps. I will still do my best.


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Rogue Posts: 420
Day 64 / Monday 4 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)

1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 4
Adore the Core - Day 4/28
Stretch Project - Day 4
Stretch Revolution - Day 4
Journey to the Splits - Day 4
Cardio & Abs - Day 4
Lower Body Blast - Day 4

PM: (already done both after noon)
Express Tone - Day 4
EoTD: 30 Sit-up elbow strikes

I slept well, but didn't know what to wear today. There was some heavier rain and thunder which only started like 50 minutes ago. They gave us a 101 weather warnings. The rain already stopped again after a brief 15 minutes of a quick downpour. This is beyond disappointing. Where is the rest of the thunder and the rest of the heavy rain!? It vanished into thin air. It is cooler, but I'm still wearing shorts and a 3 quarter sleeved top which is still thin material. Maybe 18C now, the warmest time of the day. I feel both hot and cold. Ummm.... maybe it's my age or some hormonal thing. I don't know. I tend to get cold and hot very easily. So I just don't know why I'm not cold yet!

Another thing I have to admit is that I didn't struggle with my workout, and actually finished it earlier. I am happy it was not cardio day! So it worked out well in my favour. I hope tomorrow I have more floor exercises!

I am not moody today. Just calm I suppose. I suppose today would be considered an epic win for me. Purely because I'm okay. 😆 I am starting to count my "better" days as a win. Exercises done, I'm not depressed, I'm not stressed, and I slept well, no aches and pains, no roof leaks, my internet is working (after a restarted the router), I still have some hair... and I have a soup for dinner... what more can I ask for!?
Maybe a pet again one day.... 😅


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Rogue Posts: 420
Day 65 / Tuesday 5 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)
1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 5
Adore the Core - Day 5/28
Stretch Project - Day 5
Stretch Revolution - Day 5
Journey to the Splits - Day 5

Cardio & Abs - Day 5 (level 1, actually did 4 sets)
Lower Body Blast - Day 5
Express Tone - Day 5
EoTD: 30 seconds One Arm Plank Hold

I finished most of my workout early, and the rest after 11am. Only did 4 sets , just didn't feel like pushing myself more. Decided to take it a little easier on my body. I'm sure from tomorrow I will be fine on level 3 again. I struggled with the climbers the most. I didn't hate it, it was just awkward today.

I might not be home for the most of tomorrow so I'm not quite sure when I will get the time to exercise. I might have to do it later tomorrow afternoon or early evening.


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Rogue Posts: 420
Day 66 / Wednesday 6 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)

1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 6
Adore the Core - Day 6/28
Stretch Project - Day 6
Stretch Revolution - Day 6
Journey to the Splits - Day 6

Cardio & Abs - Day 6
Lower Body Blast - Day 6
Express Tone - Day 6

EoTD: 3 minutes High Knees (still to do*)

Did everything very early. Except the exercise of the day. I enjoyed the workouts which was mainly abs today. I didn't want to do my workouts early initially, but I felt I might not do them when I get back! Then I didn't even go out today!!!
My mom went to the library, and said she also had to go to the shops where I needed 3 items, and could just get them for me. She always get a free pedicure, cut and file, and gel (toe) nails when she does these things for me, so it was a win-win situation!

I think I had a vitamin B overdose on Saturday. I had 3 bumps on my neck. I didn't take vitamin B for 2 days. Seems weird. But I did eat less gluten for a while. Taking Vitamin D for better absorption and also using a Biotin-zinc shampoo. Does vitamin B absorb through the skin like magnesium does? Anyway, it's nothing serious. And I have no brain fog and no more bumps. I'm all good.

Well, today was fine. I just have to take extra care not to fall into depression or a negative state. I think I am still doing okay. It can only get better.

Zero aches and pains. Like literally zero. 🙄 Shouldn't I have something!? Period pain, aging aches or pains, exercise post-workout aches? Well, there is nothing. Seems a little weird. Not complaining.


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Rogue Posts: 420
Day 67 / Thursday 7 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)

1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 7
Adore the Core - Day 7/28
Stretch Project - Day 7
Stretch Revolution - Day 7
Journey to the Splits - Day 7

Cardio & Abs - Day 7
Lower Body Blast - Day 7
Express Tone - Day 7

EoTD: 60 second Side Elbow Plank Hold

This morning I was looking at Day 8. Thought it was great, then realized I'm on day 7. Oh well, it wasn't bad either. Lol Just more Cardio again. I didn't have any issues besides a very bad headache. Most likely it's just sinus related.

Today was like a Friday for me. Did most of my washing because there might be rain and power failures tomorrow.

I had a banana for breakfast. Decided to make pizza for late lunch or early dinner. It was thin crusted chicken and olives. It was full on 100% gluten. What is life without taking risks!? Russian roulette with my gluten sensitivity. Lol

I can't decide between:
  • A pen drawing
  • Tunesian crochet beanie
  • Crochet/knitted summer top
  • Knitted or macrame wall art
  • Wall art (canvas with material & glue)
And if I pick the pen drawing, what theme:
  • Post-apocalyptic / dystopian
  • Cactus and desert
  • Deep ocean or Mariana Trench
  • Alien or Predator related (HR Giger inspired)
  • Actor inspired
I also have pencil, charcoal, ink, pen and colour pencils. I think pen is easier than ink but harder than pencil. I only used to do faces with pencil. So my medium can change too.

I am very indecisive... and I need to keep myself busy. And I have no idea how to choose.

Today was a good day.

I might have some air drying clay too. :worry:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,800
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
I am the same way. My goto,, says you should:
  1. Crochet/knitted summer top
  2. A pen drawing
  3. Tunesian crochet beanie
  4. Knitted or macrame wall art
  5. Wall art (canvas with material & glue)
But if you really would rather do the pen drawing, then definitely do the:
  1. Post-apocalyptic / dystopian
  2. Alien or Predator related (HR Giger inspired)
  3. Actor inspired
  4. Cactus and desert
  5. Deep ocean or Mariana Trench
But of course you should always do how you feel. :happy:


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Rogue Posts: 420
@MadamMeow Thank you :thanks:
You helped me tremendously. That website will also be of great help for me! I am so sure I have some form of ADHD since I can never start until someone tell me (or suggest) to do it!!! It's dreadful to be like this.

Day 68 / Friday 8 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)

1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 8
Adore the Core - Day 8/28
Stretch Project - Day 8
Stretch Revolution - Day 8
Journey to the Splits - Day 8

Cardio & Abs - Day 8
Lower Body Blast - Day 8
Express Tone - Day 8

EoTD: 60 Back leg raises (still to do)

I woke up feeling good. It was very difficult to get up because it was drizzling and just such a perfect cooler morning. Once I was up I felt energetic. Not sure what to make of this. I was almost disappointed that I didn't get a cardio day!!!
I had abs and leg exercises today. Still have to do the Back leg raises (Exercise of the day), but I might do more, because it's one of my favourite exercises. I might actually add more stretches, yoga, pilates or something for my lower body. (Fire hydrants, clamshells, donkey kicks...) I am just in the mood for more. Might be the cool weather.

I don't have much to do today so I will focus on 2 things for the next 3 days:
  1. Crochet/knitted summer top
  2. Post-apocalyptic / dystopian pen drawing
The top might be a fail. The only item I made which I actually wear at home was my Frankenstein scarf-beanie. It got a little stretched over the years, I had no idea what I was doing, but I wanted my ponytail to go through the end. And it was just that. I can't read patterns and stitches, so it became a chaotic knit and Tunesian crochet thing with leftover wool. Yet I was proud of it with all its imperfections since it's purpose was perfect . Lol



Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,800
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
@MadamMeow Thank you :thanks:
You helped me tremendously. That website will also be of great help for me! I am so sure I have some form of ADHD since I can never start until someone tell me (or suggest) to do it!!! It's dreadful to be like this.

You're welcome! I just can't make decisions and this definitely helps. Saves so much time.

And if you ever get disappointed by the result, then you can pretend you didn't put it in & go to the next one. That meant you didn't really want to do it, lol. ;)

Also love the beanie! Hope you like what you do next! :)


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Rogue Posts: 420
Day 69 / Saturday 9 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)
1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 9
Adore the Core - Day 9/28
Stretch Project - Day 9
Stretch Revolution - Day 9
Journey to the Splits - Day 9

Cardio & Abs - Day 9
Lower Body Blast - Day 9
Express Tone - Day 9

EoTD: 30 Climber taps (still to do)

I enjoy the yoga every morning. I felt almost grumpy when I woke up today, but after doing the yoga and stretches, my mood improved. I think one month I want to do only stretching and Yoga for the whole month! Nothing else.

I did both my programs this morning. I struggled a bit more with Express Tone. Had to go with 3 and 5kg dumbbells. My shoulders and neck wasn't happy with the program, but I felt fine when I was done.

I wasn't able to draw nor knit/crochet yesterday. I ended up reading and cleaning most of the day. I know exactly what I want to draw and crochet... but I have NO idea how to execute both.

This one top seems too complex, but I absolutely love this idea.


I also like: (not a dress, maybe a shorter top with one 3-quarter off shoulder sleeve, black or off-white)


But yeah.... I don't know how to make these stitches. I suppose the last one can be easier since I made a broomstick stitch top once. The stitches doesn't look too complex. And I can make hundreds of mistakes on! No one would notice! Holes will be perfect.

My head is leaning more towards the top than drawing. But the drawing will be cheaper. Maybe I should just draw the top first!!! 🤔


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Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,081
"I sing and I know things"
Both of those look like mostly knitting to me :')
I do really like the top, but it kinda looks like a project you make with leftover yarns and possibly even your first colourwork knit project that turned out way smaller than you were aiming for so you cut it into bits to use in another project ^^
Absolutely fun things to aim for, but not accessible crochet projects.
I don't know if you have an account at
You can search for free crochet patterns there and see if anything tickles your fancy =)


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Rogue Posts: 420
Day 70 / Sunday 10 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)
1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 10
Adore the Core - Day 10/28
Stretch Project - Day 10
Stretch Revolution - Day 10
Journey to the Splits - Day 10

Cardio & Abs - Day 10
Lower Body Blast - Day 10
Express Tone - Day 10

EoTD: 30 W-extensions

It seems like my neighbors is busy moving. Oh, I will miss their one howling dog tremendously. Just knowing there is a dog that might bark at night if there was an intruder was comforting. I hope the new neighbors will have dogs.... and (friendly, tame) cats.

I struggled with my exercises. I just couldn't get into a rhythm nor appreciate my workout. I felt physically healthy, and I slept well, the weather was good, yet I did not enjoy doing the exercises. It was as if my body refused to exercise, as if it was punishment to exercise, even exercises which I enjoy. And I just decided to do everything immediately, despite this feeling, because I knew I would not have completed it later. I was relieved when done. I just have a slight headache. My body is okay, but mentally I'm not quite sure why I'm having trouble. I can't pinpoint why I feel so .... distant and almost feel the need to isolate myself from everything.

Since I can't read patterns I really just do a combination of weave, macrame, knit, crochet, especially Tunisian crochet and whatever I can combine. I will still think of what I can make. I should probably invest some time to watch some tutorials on basics of Tunesian crochet (which I favour). Something like a small throw/blanket, a scatter pillow (case), or even a cover for an ottoman might be way better for me to invest time and money in, than a weird top that I won't know when to wear (which season!).

Does my country even have winter!? You know, I don't even own really warm jackets, no coat, it's like very mild here. Compared to other countries, you'd have fun here outdoors nearly the whole year.... except at the beach where the sand and wind isn't fun together. The wind is really the issue. And there is areas in my city which get more rain, frost, wind and so on. Where I live we get less rain, less fog/mist, less wind and less hail due to the hills around us. We do get more thunder and lightening!

Yesterday my plans completely changed. A woman who used to work with me more than a decade ago asked me for French gel nails and a light pink gel overlay on her toes, and some rhinestones on a few nails. I can still make my client fall asleep with my foot massages!!!!! She also brought her sister for the same, and granny for a cut and file. They all fell asleep briefly. The granny was completely out!



Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,081
"I sing and I know things"
Oooh, sounds like you're very good at your job is you can make people relax that well ^^

youtube tutorials are pretty dang cool, it's so much easier to learn things now =D
And hey, if you learn some stitches that you really like for a home decor item, you can then use them to make a top later!
I've never tried Tunisian crochet, but it looks really nice, and if you're interested in it that sounds like an excellent thing to learn more about


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Rogue Posts: 420
Day 71 / Monday 11 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)

1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 11
Adore the Core - Day 11/28
Stretch Project - Day 11
Stretch Revolution - Day 11
Journey to the Splits - Day 11

Cardio & Abs - Day 11
Lower Body Blast - Day 11
Express Tone - Day 11 (*not done yet)

EoTD: 3 Minutes Back Fists (*not done yet)

I got up easily this morning. The cardio was fine, I especially enjoyed the Seal Jacks and Jumping T's. I wanted to finish Express Tone, and decided I have to do that later. My lower arms feel a little tired. If it's still the same later I will use lighter dumbbells.

It's 32C today. It's not as hot as the same temperature 2 months ago. It feels "cooler" because of the seasonal changes. The nights is perfect.

I can't unsee John Cena today. He ruined my day! The shoes and his face is just WRONG!!!!!


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Rogue Posts: 420
Day 72 / Tuesday 12 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)

1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 12
Adore the Core - Day 12/28
Stretch Project - Day 12
Stretch Revolution - Day 12
Journey to the Splits - Day 12

Cardio & Abs - Day 12
Lower Body Blast - Day 12
Express Tone - Day 12

EoTD: 30 second Boat pose hold

I woke up before 5am. There was a warmer breeze and it was such a beautiful morning that I sat outside for a while. We have mild temperatures from 23 to 30C the next few days (13 - 16C at night). Not cold, not hot, and a slight breeze is coming up. I like windy days. Just perfect March weather for me.

I didn't have an issue with Express Tone yesterday afternoon. I only used 2kg dumbbells, but I was fine again this morning. Express Tone didn't have equipment today. I didn't struggle with anything.

Okay, with Stretch Revolution I had a slight issue with the movement. It was like my hand wanted to go north and my legs west and my mind east. So the whole thing went south! It is rare for me to struggle. I assume I wasn't awake long enough when I did the yoga and stretches.
Fortunately nobody saw me!


I can't wait for Day 15. Had the same pose at day 8, and there might be a 3rd time it comes up again. I can't recall the name. Plow? I once did a squat and plow... loved that. Not sure what part of the body it's good for, but this always makes me happy to do! Even as a teen at school this was the pose or exercise I've enjoyed most, even when I back then hated exercise!!

I feel happy and positive today. Thanks the beautiful weather!


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 420
Day 73 / Wednesday 13 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)

1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 13
Adore the Core - Day 13/28
Stretch Project - Day 13
Stretch Revolution - Day 13
Journey to the Splits - Day 13

Cardio & Abs - Day 13
Lower Body Blast - Day 13
Express Tone - Day 13

EoTD: 30 second Side Jacks

I feel exhausted today. Express Tone was quite hard for me... yes, it could be the weight I used, but I think mentally things isn't so well with all my stress and issues piling up. Even the easier things becomes harder. I'm not going to give up so easily. I will soldier through this day, and month.

Tomorrow will be a very difficult day. There won't be electricity nor might there be water. Both will be down approximately 8 hours. (Due to large maintenance in my city). Maybe it's best that they do fall together on the same day. I will only have back up internet for 3 hours at most which is the worse in case of an emergency. Hopefully all will be fine.

The day itself (weather) is good, and it's actually pleasant for me.

Oh, found some gecko eggs. A few newborn ones was near the eggs in the back garden. Marbled leaf-toed gecko most likely, since the other specie give live birth. There was around 26 eggs between some wood.



Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 420
@MadamMeow We have a tremendous amount of baby geckos. They do leave droplets of white poop everywhere, but they get rid of spiders! Spiders vs geckos... I prefer the geckos! I've seen many baby skinks (a tame type of smaller lizard)...... - picture below. They are the most adorable as little babies, because these are a tame type lizard. I won't keep them as pets... but I do love to tame the ones in the garden. Haven't found any in a while because the vibration of heavy machinery (they are widening a road behind our house) is keeping many critters away!


Day 74 / Thursday 14 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)

1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 14
Adore the Core - Day 14/28
Stretch Project - Day 14
Stretch Revolution - Day 14
Journey to the Splits - Day 14

Cardio & Abs - Day 14
Lower Body Blast - Day 14
Express Tone - Day 14

EoTD: 40 Prone Reverse Fly's

I am a bit angry.... price of cacao is doubling, and the Wi-Fi in my country was a major issue today, so there was no electricity maintenance except for a regular 2 hour power failure. And the water was also not switched off. What is happening in my country!? What a mess!!!!! I hope they do warn us next time they switch it off!!!!

Anyway, I had a very weird day. But managed to complete my exercises. It went okay. I don't have much else to say. It is what it is. It became quite hot today.

Today I am not positive nor negative. I just simply feel this life (in general) isn't fun anymore. Humans is just making such a mess of everything. There is probably not a single thing on this earth which is heading in a positive direction. I hope it changes. I still appreciate the small things in life .... like baby animals.


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 420
Day 75 / Friday 15 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)

1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 15
Adore the Core - Day 15/28
Stretch Project - Day 15
Stretch Revolution - Day 15
Journey to the Splits - Day 15

Cardio & Abs - Day 15
Lower Body Blast - Day 15
Express Tone - Day 15

EoTD: 30 Seconds Squat Hops on the spot.

I'm halfway through the months. :phew:

The day was very long. I did my exercises in 2 workouts. Morning and late afternoon. I struggled slightly today. Not sure why. At least it's done!!! My arms is taking Express Tone quite hard this month. I think I am using too heavy weights. 😅 Anyway.

I'm glad it's the weekend.

Not sure when I will be able to log on here again. Had some issues today. 😕 Apparently there is an internet sea cable that broke along the coast of Africa. (Sorry for my pathetic way of explaining the complicated issue!!! Lol) So my cellphone network (WI-FI) is 80% of the day down. My fibre is the opposite, but we still have power failures today. So it's like 50-50 up or down. Sigh.


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 420
Day 76 / Saturday 16 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)
1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 16
Adore the Core - Day 16/28
Stretch Project - Day 16
Stretch Revolution - Day 16
Journey to the Splits - Day 16

Cardio & Abs - Day 16
Lower Body Blast - Day 16
Express Tone - Day 16

EoTD: 3 Minutes Side to side chops*

Day 77 / Sunday 17 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)
1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 17
Adore the Core - Day 17/28
Stretch Project - Day 17
Stretch Revolution - Day 17
Journey to the Splits - Day 17

Cardio & Abs - Day 17
Lower Body Blast - Day 17
Express Tone - Day 17*

EoTD: 60 Side kicks*

*Not done yet

The morning started out well. Beautiful morning, on the warmer side. It's now the most pleasant time of the year. Not too hot, not too cold. Feeling quite good both yesterday and today. No issues. Didn't do the Exercise of the day of both days. I will do both today. And I will do Express Tone a little later. My knees made some cracking noise briefly. Didn't have this issue for ages. It doesn't hurt.

Everything is green. Strawberry guavas (tiny mini type) is near its end of the season for fruit. Walked through the garden and is about to start a braai (barbecue) in the back garden.

I just got a huge shock, cursed and felt defeated.... I saw a squirrel! And my avocado tree had hundreds of smal sized avocados which should be ready between June and September. It's the first year I have avocados after more than a decade of waiting for this tree to gave fruit. Saw he already bitten into 2 and threw them off the tree.

(This photo was take 29 March last year)

Gosh. Avocado vs Squirrel. I hope we get heavy rain soon. These squirrels seem to hate water. But look at that adorable face!!! I want a tame squirrel..... I want avocados. What to do!?

A neighbor (apparently) shot one last year because it destroyed all his nut trees. I'm not sure of this is my tame squirrel or a different one. 🤔 Maybe it's a lie. At least he wouldn't have done that with a gun. Maybe a pellet gun or some apple shooter homemade thing. 🤔

The squirrel had the audacity to stay 2 meters in front of me and walked from the back garden to the front, and crossing the street over all the foot paths. I couldn't tell if it was a male or female. It was very fluffy since it already grew out thicker fur for the upcoming winter. I hope it goes into hibernation soon and leave my avocadoes in peace.


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 420
Day 78 / Monday 18 March:

AM: (10 minutes in total)

1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 18
Adore the Core - Day 18/28
Stretch Project - Day 18
Stretch Revolution - Day 18
Journey to the Splits - Day 18

Cardio & Abs - Day 18
Lower Body Blast - Day 18
Express Tone - Day 18*

EoTD: 20 Shrimp Squat*

*not done yet

I woke up with the worse headache. Nausea, pounding headache, chills, feeling off balance... Had some peppermint tea and took something for the nausea. It got much better. The Yoga or stretches was difficult since my balance was terrible. At least I am feeling fine now.

My electric shaver died completely. It doesn't recharge anymore. Around 16 years old. It still looks new. I tried to open it to replace the battery. Unfortunately this battery is completely glued into a printed circuit board (that green thingy inside electronics). I feel gutted. 😢 Goodbye shaver. I am wondering if I should buy a new Philips, or a hair removal laser. Does that really work!? 🤔 The hair removal tools might even be cheaper to buy! I will take my time to decide. Have some backup razors. I am not that hairy.

Today is exactly 13 weeks since I first noticed the hair shedding. There is no bald patches, but I notice my hair paths is much wider. There is no new hair growth except around the front of my face. Which is odd. Some hairs grow rapidly there. Hair is suppose to go into a dormant phase. BUT not the frame of my face... they grow. And also facial hair... like that odd hair on my chin or corner of my mouth. It's quite interesting though.

The weather is cloudy and pleasant - mild 27C. My hair took 1 hour to air dry, which is an epic win. 😅 Blow drying means I even find hair everywhere, even on the ceiling light!!!!