Shed, Shred and Body Recomposition


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
15 July: Monday - Day 3 Total Abs + & Power Squats Challenge Day 15

16 July: Tuesday - Day 3 HIIT Advanced + & Power Squats Challenge Day 16

17 July: Wednesday - Card 3 Avatar Upgrade + Power Squats Challenge Day 17

This week has been good so far. Monday and Tuesday I did not have much issues with my workout, but today was really hard for me. It was lower body focus, so lunges, hook kicks, combo kicks, side kicks and although it wasn't hard, my legs and body just really got fatigued really quickly today. I suppose I'm more unfit than I would like to admit!

I think Avatar Upgrade will be the death of me... it's quite a program.
Tired Zzz GIF by MOODMAN

Tomorrow is a public holiday, so it will be a long weekend here. Finished everything early, although I don't really care about the day of the week since I'm always at home! I still try to get excited about public holidays, just to make my life feel a little bit more "normal". 😅

Saw there is an upcoming Alien (like the movies) series coming next year - well the first half of 2025 at least. Timothy Oliphant was the only familiar actor they mentioned, did not recognize the female lead. That will be quite something to look forward to.


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
18 July: Thursday - Day 3 Ironheart + Power Squats Challenge Day 18

19 July: Friday - Day 3 Military Fit plus + Power Squats Challenge Day 19

20 July: Saturday - Day 3 The Gauntlet + Power Squats Challenge Day 20

This is one of the coldest weeks of the year possibly for me personally. I still love winter!

I enjoyed Ironheart and The Gauntlet although it was challenging to start. Military Fit+ was harder. Not as bad as Avatar Upgrade earlier this week!

Ironheart was side and back leg raises, and arm circles and arm hold. Sometimes I appreciate the less complex exercises.

Military Fit+ I used only 5kg dumbbells. I did all 5 sets. I think the cold also made it more difficult yesterday, or maybe it was simply just me not being very enthusiastic about exercising!

The Gauntlet this morning was okay, it was 11C when I started, so it was challenging. Yet I liked the sitting twists and uneven plank hold.

Before I liked 10, 20 different shorter exercises. Now I prefer 4 or so exercises in one workout. To keep it simple. And shorter!

Health wise I feel quite good. Even when I wake up in the mornings I have no stiffness, aches nor pains. That itself is a fantastic feeling.


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
21 July: Sunday - Day 3 Power Cardio + Power Squats Challenge Day 21

It is a cold day again, 14C. But still pleasant enough.

I added Bicep Express additional recommended workout to my Power Cardio day. It was a gruesome workout. Climbers, push-ups and dumbbells too. I saw my life flash before my eyes even prior to my workout!


Right now the squirrel is in the garden. Eating bird seeds. He isn't touching the avocado tree. So I can still tolerate him.


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
22 July: Monday - Day 4 Total Abs + Power Squats Challenge Day 22

23 July: Tuesday - Day 4 HIIT Advanced + Power Squats Challenge Day 23

24 July: Wednesday - Card 4 Avatar Upgrade + Power Squats Challenge Day 24

The week went okay so far. I had no issues in Monday and today. Although I felt a little fatigued this morning. Yesterday was hard. HIIT Advanced was very hard!

I am not eating clean and healthy this week. I'm avoiding cheese, pizza and pasta - not giving in to those foods. But there is a lot of rice involved this week, with warm hot (oily, buttery) sauces and vegetables. And a glass of sherry in the cold evenings. I am still eating smaller portions, so I don't feel too bad about my food choices. I do have a craving for veal schnitzel... something I haven't had in probably a decade! I doubt I will make it any time soon.

I've been healthy and well otherwise. No issues yet. I was happy that Avatar Upgrade wasn't bad today. I was concerned about the program. Now I feel a bit more relaxed after getting an easier workout.

I might just go an lay in bed early tonight, under a warm blanket and watch a movie or series. I don't know why I feel so tired all of a sudden.


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
25 July: Thursday - Day 4 Ironheart + Power Squats Challenge Day 25

It was the first decent sunny day in a while. I was able to do my washing (which I prefer to hang outside). It was a pleasant day outside. Also cleaned the kitchen tiles properly, since they take ages to dry in winter. The next cold front will start tomorrow again.

Ironheart was a joy too. It was upperbody focus with Bicep curls, renegade rows, tricep extensions and deadlifts. I used 5kg dumbbells. Wasn't quite sure which weight to use. The Bicep curls was the hardest for me personally.

The whole day was just blissful. I wish more days would be like this.


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
26 July: Friday - Day 4 Military Fit Plus + Power Squats Challenge Day 26

27 July: Saturday - Day 4 The Gauntlet + Power Squats Challenge Day 27

28 July: Sunday - Day 4 Power Cardio + Power Squats Challenge Day 28

I am trying hard not to complain or say anything negative about my above days.... I think it's quite obvious how difficult it was! Maybe it was slightly better doing this in winter, cold weather. I think in summer I might have had no energy nor motivation to start! Despite not wanting to start... I simply just tell myself daily: "if I exercise, I will be warm in no time". It is currently 10C. It was 7C when I did the 100 burpees. I did the burpees in sets, with increasing rest times... 20-16-13-12-10-10-10-9. I have to admit it wasn't pretty. I did finish it!!!

Tom And Jerry Lol GIF by myHQ

I still feel healthy. I still won't quit. So week 4 was still an epic win.

I saw the new program, Soma40+, and I might include this next month as an add on. I will still decide what to do. Military Fit+ and Power Cardio is still the 2 most challenging days of the week.


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
29 July: Monday - Day 5 Total Abs + Power Squats Challenge Day 29

30 July: Tuesday - Day 5 HIIT Advanced + Power Squats Challenge Day 30

Power Squats Challenge :completed:

Well, my fears came true. Someone....
*hint below*
squirrel GIF

... decided to eat my largest avocados at the top of the tree.

I didn't have issues with both days doing my exercises. Today was burpees. I feel okay. My upper arms is little sore. I think it is related to my magnesium deficiency, not the burpees itself.

July was cold, wet, just unpleasant. As much as I love winter, I am over winter now. The weather feels as if there is snow close by. Yet, the ovasive squirrel boy's nuts won't freeze to the ground!!!

Austin Powers Doctor Evil GIF


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
Thank you @Fremen @MadamMeow

31 July: Wednesday
Card 5 Avatar Upgrade (5 sets)
Day 1 Soma40+
Day 1 Upperbody Blast Challenge

I added some additional exercises today, not sure this was a good idea. Avatar Upgrade was my top priority. I did a little less sets, just had less energy with the climbers and sit-outs. Otherwise the rest went well. Not sure if I will continue the Soma40 and Upperbody Blast Challenge tomorrow too. I'm still deciding what to include for August.

I feel like I stay busy. There is not enough hours in day. I need a day to just do something else, to drive somewhere and simply to relax a little. I feel tired of the repetitive days.

This afternoon I fed the birds and.....


The avocado stripper is back. When there is bird seeds he avoids the avocado tree. I gave him 3 portions of bird seeds today. He is a greedy eater! I really need to trap and release him somewhere else.


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
1 August: Thursday
Day 5 Ironheart
Day 2 Soma40+
Day 2 Upperbody Blast Challenge

2 August: Friday
Day 5 Military Fit plus
Day 3 Soma40+
Day 3 Upperbody Blast Challenge

Today I wanted to start something new.... I suddenly just felt overwhelmed with my week. I think it's the harder programs getting to me. I still didn't give up!

Ironheart was fine yesterday. It was lowerbody focus. But Military Fit+ was just too much today. I am not enjoying the program as much as I thought I would. Which is a pity. I looked forward to Military Fit the most. I'm sure the rest of the weekend will be good. Maybe my mood was just a little low.

This evening I nearly cried. Caught the squirrel red handed in my avocado tree. There is less than 40 avocados left. Only the smallest ones. All the big ones is gone. Where the heck does he take them to!? They simply just vanish. Maybe my neighbors have a pile of half eaten ones! He did drop this one when I caught him in the tree!!


I decided to distract myself a little tomorrow. Just go for a drive, and relax a little somewhere.


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
3 August: Saturday
Day 5 The Gauntlet
Day 4 Soma40+
Day 4 Upperbody Blast Challenge

I didn't exercise this morning, only in the late afternoon. Went for a drive for over 200km. Didn't take much photos, just focused on taking my mind off some things. Saw a couple of baboons. Drove through two coastal towns I dream of moving to. Had a few stop and go roadworks, but it went quite smoothly since all had hardly any waiting time. The road between the mountain and ocean gave way on many places due to recent storms and heavy rain. There is also plenty of potholes in roads that can mess up cars quite seriously. Fortunately I had no issues. It felt relaxing just to go out a little bit today.


I also did put in "padkos" for my road trip.(Padkos is the South African word for food you eat when travelling long distances... basically picnic food on a road trip!) I had hardboiled eggs, a slice of cheese, gerkins, carrots, 6 rice balls (jasmine rice which I added a little bit of cheddar cheese while it was still hot, and sushi vinegar for flavour, rolled them into hazelnut sized balls - just a nice once bite size), and lettice. It is winter, but it was a warmer 19C. Very pleasant in the car.

Also got a 6kg box of sweet potatoes on my way home. I call this my "takeaway", since I never buy fast food when I go out. 😅 Guess what I will be eating for a while!! There is 30 in a box. I thought this was a great find. Made 2 for dinner.


Well, the Gauntlet felt harder. Was it endurance day? Soma40+ was only stretches, so I decided to also do a 45 minute fast walk on a machine. The machine is close to the indoors barbecue, in the same room, so I could prepare dinner while exercising! Felt that worked out quite conveniently. For some reason my core really hurts after finishing my exercises and Challenge prior to me walking.

I feel exhausted tonight.

Ps. On those photos... that mountain photos don't do the road justice where I drove. It is a 20km drive approximately on a narrow road with roadworks and a few cyclists.

Not my photos of the missing road:

Where the road gave way some time ago in one of several places. It was scary to see the drop down without much railing on some places. It's many meters down, just rock and ocean. Scary sight without railing on the side. This road will take months to repair. Maybe they might have to make some sort of bridge here. Or take away some of the mountain.

Maybe my drive wasn't entirely relaxing!!! 🤔
Last edited:


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
4 August: Sunday
Day 5 Power Cardio (high burn)
Day 5 Soma40+ (Strength)
Day 5 Upperbody Blast Challenge

5 August: Monday
Day 6 Total Abs (Stand & deliver)
Day 6 Soma40+ (HIIT)
Day 6 Upperbody Blast Challenge

Yesterday was particularly difficult. I feel tired. My body isn't at a good place today (related to hormonal issues). I don't have overwhelming issues, simply a little fatigue, and my mood is strange. Yet it is affecting me overall. I (suddenly) hate exercising.

Yesterday I did Soma40+ in the morning, with my Challenge. And only late afternoon I finished Power Cardio. I managed to do 5 sets. I couldn't do more. I slept well, but forced myself to get up very early. It was cold. Finished both Soma40+ and Total Abs. It was also hard for me, not as difficult as Power Cardio yesterday, but I feel fatigued. I can work and do chores and all that and feel good, but HIIT, high burn exercises and endurance exercises suddenly feel too much for me!

I am not sure if I should change my workouts or what to do. I do know know my body is going through changes, but I'm not quite sure what is best for me. To continue with what I'm doing, or should I make it more "fun". 🤔


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
6 August: Tuesday
Day 6 HIIT Advanced
Day 7 Soma40+
Day 7 Upperbody Blast Challenge

I had tremendous lower belly pain since last night - the type women would understand. Slept like a baby. No hot flushes. Food allergies and bad hives on my neck - which might be a vitamin B related issue. No night sweats. Maybe a slight morning sweat at 7am. Felt terrible this morning *stomach ache and bladder pain*. Had my first cup of strong black coffee (no way I am skipping coffee, even when I'm sick!). Saw the squirrel eat bird seeds, then took off with an avocado......... (little a'hole!!!!) Picked the last golf ball sized 30 small avocados the squirrel haven't ate yet, and left 23 of the top larger ones on the tree which I couldn't reach. There was more avocados than I thought. The squirrel will love the final large ones!!! Saw he ate at least 12 more avocado's since Friday.... maybe he has 3 per day (morning, lunch and dinner!). Felt fine after 13pm no stamach ache or any issues. Did my HIIT after 13:30pm. No issues. March steps, jumping jacks, step jacks and high knees. Hated them, and loved them at the same time! Trimmed my peach tree, my strawberry guava and fig tree. Replanted a second avocado tree this afternoon, it's around 2 years old and a meter high. Epson salt, coffee grounds residue, earthworms, and talked to the baby avocado tree for a while. Watched a skink sunbathe 1,2 meters high in a jasmine bush... adorable. Got bitten by the skink when I tried to touch him!!!! (Gummed, not bitten to be honest! Funny not sore! Maybe my ego was slightly bruised.) Made a large wood fire in the winter sun afternoon outside, and made 2 sweet potatoes and a regular potato for dinner. Only ate 1 sweet potato. Didn't have much of an appetite today. Feel healthy this evening. Clicking stream frog just woke up (18:30pm now). Going to watch a movie or an episode or 2 of a series and just relax for the rest of the evening. The day didn't end to bad.


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
7 August: Wednesday
Card 6 Avatar Upgrade
Day 8 Soma40+
Day 8 Upperbody Blast Challenge

8 August: Thursday
Day 6 Ironheart
Day 9 Soma40+
Day 9 Upperbody Blast Challenge

9 August: Friday
Day 6 Military Fit plus
Day 10 Soma40+
Day 10 Upperbody Blast Challenge

It's been a hard week for me. Ironheart was the only easy one. Military Fit+ was okay, but Avatar Upgrade was extra difficult. My arms is quite sore this week. Soma40+ was fine. No issues with the new program. My energy levels is getting better again. I still went on with the programs, despite feeling a little blue the last few days. I'm hoping my attitude towards the programs is just temporary and I will start enjoying it again soon.

I discovered I have bought an expensive yogurt, which is supposed to be better than other brands. I forgot about it, and it's 2 weeks over the expiry date. Only 2 weeks. Usually the cheaper brands lasts ages over the expiry date but this yogurt taste strange, almost the same as oil that has gone off. I feel so angry with myself to not noticed this earlier. I hate food waste. Maybe it's edible!? 😅 Good bacteria!? It wasn't cheap.

I had grated cabbage without the yogurt. What a disappointment! And I had a slice of fritata (broccoli, onion, garlic, ricotta and eggs). My appetite is still a bit low. I don't even want to drink coffee. My mom gave me 4 cupcakes, but I might freeze them. There was maybe one day this week where my appetite was "normal". Can't figure out what is wrong. All seems normal otherwise.

I'm so happy it's almost evening. I want to watch a Japanese series I've watched before, called Love Last Forever (or aslo, An Incurable Case of Love/Koi wa Tsuzuku yo doko made mo). I recently read the manga. It's quite funny.



Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
10 August: Saturday
Day 6 The Gauntlet
Day 11 Soma40+
Day 11 Upperbody Blast Challenge

11 August: Sunday
Day 6 Power Cardio (Abs)
Day 12 Soma40+
Day 12 Upperbody Blast Challenge

12 August: Monday
Day 7 Total Abs (Rocky abs)
Day 13 Soma40+
Day 13 Upperbody Blast Challenge

13 August: Tuesday
Day 7 HIIT Advanced (Ab work - 5 sets)
Day 14 Soma40+
Day 14 Upperbody Blast Challenge

It didn't feel too bad the last few days. I felt okay. Especially after the weekend, yesterday and today, I felt quite good. My energy levels is much better again. Sadly, it's icy again... the weather has been quite bad here. They say we have had the most rain here since 1956 (if I recall correctly, I might be a year off!!!). I didn't have any issues.

My appetite is like a yo-yo. Up and down. Today is the first day in ages where I suddenly have a craving to eat, while I had no appetite a few days ago. Today I made bean soup. I've been hungry the past 3 or 4 hours. But I can't rush the soup!!! 😭

I've had some issues with my skin. And hiccups. Could it be food allergies or hormonal issues!? It's hard to tell. Maybe both! Sigh.

It's nearly time to go watch the new Alien movie starting soon (this weekend?)... I'm as excited as a kid!!!! I can't wait!!!

Excited In Love GIF


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
14 August: Wednesday
Card 7 Avatar Upgrade (Abs & legs)
Day 15 Soma40+
Day 15 Upperbody Blast Challenge

15 August: Thursday
Day 7 Ironheart (Upperbody)
Day 16 Soma40+
Day 16 Upperbody Blast Challenge

I enjoyed both programs. I was happy with the types of exercises. The jump squats and jump knee tucks was the hardest, with Avatar Upgrade. Otherwise I had no issues. Soma40+ was also fine.

Today was a little warmer. Warmer days, very cold nights still. I saw a snake.... common slug eater. He been on the same place since 25 July. At least he is predictable and small.

Snake on a plane ❌
Snake on a train ❌
Snake on a tree ✅


He crawls into the lower bark of a palm tree. I took off the old dry pieces of the palm and then he was there. And he crawled back to a new part of the tree. At least he is calm and don't bite. I won't touch him if I don't have to. 😅

Saw a dress from around 2008 which I really wish I could replicate or make. But I have nowhere to wear it to. I loved the white version of this dress because the bottom was even nicer than the black. I love the beads and chains. The white version was worn by Eliza Dushku in the first opening scene of Dollhouse series.




Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
16 August: Friday
Day 7 Military Fit plus
Day 17 Soma40+
Day 17 Upperbody Blast Challenge

17 August: Saturday
Day 7 The Gauntlet
Day 18 Soma40+
Day 18 Upperbody Blast Challenge

18 August: Sunday
Day 7 Power Cardio
Day 19 Soma40+
Day 19 Upperbody Blast Challenge

I struggled tremendously with Military Fit+. On Saturday morning I still felt my body wasn't ready for a kettlebell. Oh boy, it was hell and beyond. I kept imagining the sandbag was a large dog I had to pick up and carry. "I can't drop my dog!" (Felt like a Saint Bernard which I was lifting!!!!!!!!!) It did the trick! The bag was 18,4kg which I used. No handles since it was a garden bag filled with sand and pebbles. The Squats and Snatch was hard to do with my specific handle-free sandbag. I don't know if it was wrong to pick it up the way I did.... anyway, what done, is done. I feel okay today. No injuries!! I'm alive, barely! 😅 But... then came burpees, burpees, push-ups more push-ups and all the rest today. I died all over again. My arms, my shoulders, my back, my legs... everything hurts. I even have a headache. And I am done! So badly done that I feel like quitting, done! It was simply too much. Yeah... I now know why I always quit level 4 and 5 programs. They crush my soul.

I am back on "should I reconsider my exercises".... but tomorrow is Abs, and then short HIIT on Tuesday, so I might feel "oh, how great this week is starting" and by next weekend I'd be cursing again! 🤣 History repeats itself every week! And it's getting harder, I swear!


On Friday I watched Alien:Romulus. (A little surprise for myself!) I'd say it was a good. It fitted right into the first 2 movies. I did actually took a while to get into it. The first 15 mins I couldn't quite decide what to make of the movie. The next 15 I struggled to decide what to make of the actors. Then at around 30 mins I felt comfortable with the movie. It got better and better with a good ending. I thought they did plan this movie in great detail. The magnitude of even attempting a new installation, and pulling it off was amazing! Yet, in my opinion I would have wanted more from the characters. Like more character growth, a stronger female lead, less one-liners. BUT I think instead of making it a 119 mins movie, why did they not make a 4 to 8 part mini series? It would have been the BEST mini series ever! I do appreciate what they created. Of all 7 of the Alien movies, this one was probably 3rd best overall. I'd recommend this movie for Alien fans. And sci-fi fans.

*Are they now going to make a new Alien VS Predator movie again??? Was there a hint!? (The year 1904 timeline is still open to make another AvP installment!!)

Sorry if I didn't give a detailed explanation of the movie itself. I am so tired, I might give away spoilers if I write more.

... Gosh I am tired and sore. :phew:I need a hot bath or pampering now.

Bath Satisfying GIF by reactionseditor


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
I need to take a moment ... I got rid of one squirrel (lol don't ask any questions!), only to find a new squirrel today. I nearly cried out of frustration. I planted 3 more new trees! I'd at least get 600 avocados a year.... and the single squirrels seem to eat 2 to 4 daily between July and onwards. So hopefully I will get a few when they all start to have fruit in the next 4 or 5 years from now... gosh. RIP to my first tree this year. RIP to my avo cravings. There might be a few odd ones left... if the new squirrel don't strip it completely.

19 August: Monday
Day 8 Total Abs
Day 20 Soma40+
Day 20 Upperbody Blast Challenge

20 August: Tuesday
Day 8 HIIT Advanced
Day 21 Soma40+
Day 21 Upperbody Blast Challenge

I had a very busy day. So busy that I nearly forgot to be sore! Like predicted, it felt okay doing exercises the last 2 days. Although I didn't have fun. I think the squirrel, work, life and everything going on in my life has just reached a point where I feel overwhelmed with everything. So it's a challenge to exercise. I also don't feel like cleaning, cooking, I just feel tired of everything and wish I could climb in bed and sleep - which isn't a luxury I can afford to do. Unfortunately. I'm still going..... let's hope things get more positive the rest of the week.


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
21 August: Wednesday
Card 8 Avatar Upgrade
Day 22 Soma40+
Day 22 Upperbody Blast Challenge

22 August: Thursday
Day 8 Ironheart
Day 23 Soma40+
Day 23 Upperbody Blast Challenge

Avatar Upgrade was flexibility, so I enjoyed it. Ironheart was lower body so also pleasant. It's a good week. Not sure how the rest of the week will be with Military Fit and Power Cardio... looking up to them to be honest.

I am in good health, although I had a brief issue this morning with the old sciatica pain. Like an under-buttock pain. It didn't last long. It wasn't a sharp pain like in the past, more just hurting for a few minutes then went away by itself. I'm surprised that I got it now and not weeks ago when we were at the peak of the cold winter. I always assumed it was worse in cold weather. Not sure why I randomly had this today. My whole leg felt slightly weaker than my left leg for about an hour. No pain, just simply weaker. I always just had the sciatica pain in my right leg after I bumped my knee once a few years ago. I haven't had any issues for many, many months. When I did my exercises it went away completely. My health seems good otherwise. No complaints.

I've been worried about my sleeping pattern. I've been sleeping more and longer. I need to get into a habit to sleep a little less, and get up a little earlier. The mornings is still cold.


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
23 August: Friday
Day 8 Military Fit+
Day 24 Soma40+
Day 24 Upperbody Blast Challenge

I slept well, but had a "squirrel nightmare" of a tree full of half eaten avocados. Gosh. That is new! Was a mediocre morning. Woke up after 5am. Was awake for an hour, then fell asleep for a short while. Felt so hard to get out of bed! The clapping push-ups was not very successful. I face planked a few times. Fortunately, I didn't lose any teeth!! The exercises was so-so. Didn't love them, didn't hate them today. I just felt a bit annoyed with this day. Decided to end it with mashed banana, a massive teaspoon of peanut butter (might have been a large tablespoon full... well, as much as a teaspoon can carry, it was a somewhat stiff peanut butter). And I also added cacao powder. Liked some whipped chocolate dessert. It was really a pleasant way to end my day. Watching a movie tonight in bed. I just feel tired. But I might only sleep at around 23pm. It might start to rain about that time. Until Tuesday next week, we might not have pleasant weather. My body feels fine otherwise. No issues.


Well-known member
Barbarian Posts: 396
24 August: Saturday
Day 8 The Gauntlet
Day 25 Soma40+
Day 25 Upperbody Blast Challenge

25 August: Sunday
Day 8 Power Cardio
Day 26 Soma40+
Day 26 Upperbody Blast Challenge

26 August: Monday
Day 9 Total Abs
Day 27 Soma40+
Day 27 Upperbody Blast Challenge

27 August: Tuesday
Day 9 HIIT Advanced
Day 28 Soma40+
Day 28 Upperbody Blast Challenge

28 August: Wednesday
Card 9 Avatar Upgrade
Day 29 Soma40+
Day 29 Upperbody Blast Challenge

29 August: Thursday
Day 9 Ironheart
Day 30 Soma40+
Day 30 Upperbody Blast Challenge

I haven't posted in ages. I can't really say much about the past week. I've had no real issues. Power Cardio was 200 climbers, which was a rough one. Avatar Upgrade was also hard, since it was really cold and I just struggled to warm up prior to exercising. There was jump squats and push-ups to failure which I just found terrible to do in the cold weather. On top of that it was 5C when I realized I had to go shower and never switched on the hot water to heat it up prior to showering. So I had to shower in the coldest shower in my entire life. A cold shower for me is like a flat hot beer, or soggy vegetables. Or a squirrel stripping your avocado tree. 💀💀💀 Will take a good 3 weeks to recover from my cold shower trauma!

I also managed to finish Soma40+ and my Upperbody Blast Challenge.

I am somewhat tired of my exercise routine. I might decide to change it from 1 September or so. 9 Weeks is good. I have no regrets. I can't see myself keep doing this for another 21 weeks! Nothing wrong with the programs. It's purely just me who need change. And fast!! I have zero ideas what to do instead. I just need to make it a bit more fun for myself.