New beginning


New member
Fighter from Germany
Posts: 3
Hey there.

After a 3 year break due to illness I am now ready to continue my fitness journey with new energy!

In the past I managed to do 5-6 trainings per week: 2 times martial arts, 3-4 times additional strength or cardio. I was in really good shape and health.

At the moment I manage to go to the dōjō once a week but unfortunately no more than that. I can feel (and see) that..

My goals are:
• sticking to a routine (darebee programs!)
• improve my overall fitness
• loose some weight
• increasing energy
• and of course: having fun

My first steps:
• foundation and ronin program
• kicking challenge
• doing my karate kata everyday
• intermittend fasting (20:00-12:00)
• avoid snacks and soft drinks

That‘s it.
I‘ll start tomorrow.


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,886
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Welcome :)