Lexi's Fitness Journey - A New Beginning


New member
Thief from Australia
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 3
Hi y'all, Lexi here! Been a Darebee lurker for quite some time, and after realising my weight has been steadily going up, and now hitting an all-time high (113.6kg) - along with living a very sedentary lifestyle (working an office job in IT + spending most of my spare time playing video games) I figured it was about time I take back my life, and commit to finally getting some movement and exercise back in my life, and using this thread to keep myself held accountable and continue to do so past 3-4 days like I'd tried previously.

I saw that the Foundation Program has been reworked as part of the 2024 Programs Update thread, so I'll be using that as my place to start, and see how I progress from there! I'll be starting it shortly, and reporting back with how I go with it.