Lexi's Fitness Journey - A New Beginning

Thief from Australia
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 16
Hi y'all, Lexi here! Been a Darebee lurker for quite some time, and after realising my weight has been steadily going up, and now hitting an all-time high (113.6kg) - along with living a very sedentary lifestyle (working an office job in IT + spending most of my spare time playing video games) I figured it was about time I take back my life, and commit to finally getting some movement and exercise back in my life, and using this thread to keep myself held accountable and continue to do so past 3-4 days like I'd tried previously.

I saw that the Foundation Program has been reworked as part of the 2024 Programs Update thread, so I'll be using that as my place to start, and see how I progress from there! I'll be starting it shortly, and reporting back with how I go with it.
Thief from Australia
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 16
24/09/2024 - Day 5 - 111.9kg

Foundation Day 5 - Level 1 (3 sets)

Unfortunately missed yesterday due to feeling pretty ill after my work shift, but since I took today off to recover and make sure I'm good for the rest of the work week, I busted today's out to keep my momentum going! ^.^
Definitely gotta work on more Cardio stuff in the future, this one had me pretty short of breath by the end of it.
Thief from Australia
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 16
25/09/2024 - Day 6 - 111.5kg

Foundation Day 6 - Level 2 (4 sets)

Went into this one with low expectations - I thought just the level 1 was gonna push it for me, but I managed to break through and get the 4 sets for level 2!
I can tell I'm gonna feel this one in the morning though, hoo boy!

I'm a fifth of the way through this one now though! Keen to push through and see it all the way until the end!
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Thief from Australia
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 16
26/09/2024 - Day 7 - 111.7kg

Foundation Day 7 - Level 3 (7 sets)

I was initially planning to only push for Level 2 on this one.
But I felt the good vibes and adrenaline kicking in (probably helped by my workout music) and I blasted out the full 7 sets for Level 3.

I'm a big ol' sweaty mess now, but damn I feel good after pushing that!
Thief from Australia
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 16
Hello all! I missed a couple of days again due to some IRL commitments that took up all my time, so I wasn't able to commit to anymore Foundation days, but I'll be getting back into it tonight after work!
Alongside Foundation, I'm gonna add on the 1,000 Squats challenge!

Thinking a little bit ahead, I'm not sure what I'm gonna tackle once I finish Foundation, there's a couple of programs I was looking at trying, but I'm not sure when/if they'll be modified as part of the 2024 Programs Update thread, so I may just pick up one of the pre-made Training Plans and run with that for a bit and see how things go :3
Thief from Australia
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 16
30/09/2024 - Day 9 - 111.3kg

Foundation Day 9 - Level 1 (3 sets)
1,000 Squat Challenge Day 1 - 30 Squats

Went into Day 9 of Foundation hoping to at least get a Level 2 out, but Level 1 took me out, probably doesn't help I did a fair bit of walking to get home from work as well, so I guess that's extra cardio on top of that :3
Did Day 1 of the 1,000 Squats Challenge as well (all in one set too hehe)! Legs feeling pretty good so far, looking forward to seeing how the rest of this challenge makes me feel!
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Thief from Australia
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 16
01/10/2024 - Day 10 - 112.1kg

Foundation Day 10 - Level 2 (5 sets)
1,000 Squat Challenge Day 2 - 20 Second Squat Hold

I did not foresee that Day 10 of Foundation would have more Squats, but I still did both today!
Legs feeling pretty good so far, though I think I'm gonna be sore tomorrow morning for sure hehe
Thief from Australia
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 16
02/10/2024 - Day 11 - 111.8kg

Foundation Day 11 - Level 3 (7 sets)
1,000 Squat Challenge Day 3 - 35 Squats

Normally the Foundation's Cardio days wipe me out and I barely make level 1 or 2, but I managed to push for level 3 today! Definitely sweating up a storm now though
Starting to approach the Squat Challenge by splitting my days' worth of Squats into 3 sets, so for today I did 10, 10, and 15, with a 30 second rest between them!
Thief from Australia
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 16
03/10/2024 - Day 12 - 110.7kg

Foundation Day 12 - Level 3 (5 sets)
1,000 Squat Challenge Day 4 - 25 Second Squat Hold

Came down with illness pretty hard towards the end of my workshift yesterday, so I'm glad today's workout was lowkey enough that I could still get it in, despite that!
Hoping I bounce back from whatever this is that I've caught so I can comfortably smash out the Ab day in Foundation tomorrow!
Thief from Australia
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 16
06/10/2024 - Day 113 - 111.0kg

Foundation Day 13 - Level 1 (3 sets)
1,000 Squat Challenge Day 5 - 40 Squats

Oof, I didn't realise just how many days I've missed because of the illness I caught knocking me around.
Starting to bounce back from it though, so got back into the swing of it today! My abs definitely aren't super great, so only managed the level 1 before I started really feeling it.