Monastic Training

Set Monje

Warrior Monk from Florida
Posts: 24
"Speak softly, and carry a big stick."
Long time no update (would have sworn I had a forum account, but couldn't seem to find it, so may as well start anew).
Did a keto diet in 2023, went from 240 to 180) but also cut out most non-walking exercises due to an impingement in my shoulder.
So, when I started doing more workouts this year my mass shot back up to 190.

Any who, been doing the Knight Training Plan with Mondays being day 1.
Been doing Dungeon Raid as the Workout, I splurged a bit an upgraded the bokken I've been swinging around for 23 years to an adjustable weight steel club.
On the rest days I do the Grip Training Workout, but using grip strengtheners on the clench / unclench (set the resistance to 40lbs, I think, they're a bit hard to read and dial in), and 20-pound dumbbells for the holds (which is exhausting), and trying the optional dead hangs, but all I have is a doorframe pull-up bar, so it's a little short.
Also figured I'd throw in 1000 Calf Raise Challange, I'm going on vacation later this month, and figured that would be hotel room friendly enough.

Set Monje

Warrior Monk from Florida
Posts: 24
"Speak softly, and carry a big stick."
Maxwell: I originally got one because I kept hearing that hang from in with half-dead weight would help my shoulder impingement; 50/50 of that worked or not
aku-chan: Ahoy-hoy. Second time Soul Eater has come up this week for me, unexpected.
Fremen: Thank you. Trying to remember my Dune and if the Fremen had a word for hello, but I'm drawing a blank.
MadamMeow: Pleasure to meet you too.

Let's see, tried the Workout of the day (Tempered Steel) while at work, did level 1 with EC.
Also got my calf-raise holds in for the Challenge while at work.
Did Dungeon Raid as my Training Plan called for, think that and the WotD combined has left my arm joints sorer then I expected, but it is what it is.

Also filled out my profile a bit more while at work, figured if I was swing around a club as my workout going with an Oni with an iron club was thematic.
50/50 if I like my banner, might play with that a bit more later.

Set Monje

Warrior Monk from Florida
Posts: 24
"Speak softly, and carry a big stick."
Anek: Good evening, and thanks.

Did the 35 calf-raises for the challenge, then the 30-second squat hold for the Exercise of the Day.
Active Rest Day, so Grip Training with EC.
Debating tossing something else in on these days, currently musing over 1-Min Plank, Santa, or Pillow Fight.

Set Monje

Warrior Monk from Florida
Posts: 24
"Speak softly, and carry a big stick."
Played around a bit after working out last night, figured out I can do 2 pull ups with a neutral grip, and none for every other type of grip, so good to know.
Also put all 18.7kg on the steel mace to see how it felt, the cross chops felts smoother actually, but the vertical chops were quite rougher (and also, I had to sit on the floor so I wouldn't destroy a ceiling fan in the process).

Did the exercise of the day and the calf raise challenge while at work (did 60 twists instead of 30 because was too groggy to remember how to count, but still awake enough to drive apparently).
Had to break up the Dungeon Raid workout due to life getting in the way but still completed.
Also decided to just stick to the current routine for next week, make any changes after my vacation.
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Set Monje

Warrior Monk from Florida
Posts: 24
"Speak softly, and carry a big stick."
Woke up, went for a walk, 1hr57m11s, 11,878 steps, 5.24mi (8.43km).
Showered, then did the 40 calf-rises for the challenge between meandering realizing I have nothing but a bag of pork rinds for breakfast/lunch/snack time.
And all between 7am and 10am.
Think I'll take the rest of today slow, tomorrow I want do at least walk 4k, with jogging 1k (probably broken up into .25 chucks because that's easy to mentally map on my route and a more realistic goal.

Set Monje

Warrior Monk from Florida
Posts: 24
"Speak softly, and carry a big stick."
Woke up, walked up to the park, did 5 laps which are roughly 1 km each, but did one quarter of each lap at a jog, so 1.25km jogged, then walked home and did the calf raise holds for the Challange.

Also updated my banner to something I'm a bit happier with.

Edit: 1h53m28s, 11,142 steps, 4.93m (7.93km)
So, looking at the data of today and yesterday, in roughly the same amount of time I went farther at the slower pace than I did with the jogging bits.
Also think my steps would have been higher if I had gone the same distance, so I'm guessing my stride was shorter when going faster.
Double edit: Or my stride was shorter in the rest bits, that would make more sense, I think.
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Set Monje

Warrior Monk from Florida
Posts: 24
"Speak softly, and carry a big stick."
Not going to lie, today was a very good day.
Work decided on how they were going to handle the hurricane, 32hr of holiday pay, so I even got off work an hour early today.
Did 50 of the 45 calf raises, wasn't paying attention and kept going.
Read 2 chapters of one of the textbooks, about 100 pages.
Got parents' house read for the storm, but their place is far better off than my apartment, so no need to panic.
Did Dungeon Raid, then the Exercise of the Day of 40 hooks.
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Set Monje

Warrior Monk from Florida
Posts: 24
"Speak softly, and carry a big stick."
Did more hurricane prep for other people, deciding if I'm going to leave the flood zone that my apartment exists in (right on the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway).

Calf Raise Challange done.

Exercise of the Day, 40 Archers, done.

Active Rest Day, decided to do the Workout of the Day: Upperbody Works, as I have more free time than usual today.
Did Level III, just broke it up over 2 hours.

Set Monje

Warrior Monk from Florida
Posts: 24
"Speak softly, and carry a big stick."
Experience tells me when a hurricane goes across the state the short way, it drops two categories.
That being said, got an evacuation notice, although it took me two hours to notice, so I'm packing for my vacation + a few days.
Kinda wish I owned something more than a piece of carry-on luggage.
But I got my parents place good to go, and their place is in one of the best places to weather a storm, so I'm good to go.

Set Monje

Warrior Monk from Florida
Posts: 24
"Speak softly, and carry a big stick."
Storm was fine, stayed in my evac area for an extra day, figured staying out of the way was the best for everyone.
Found out apartment lost power for roughly 12 hours, so everything looks fine.
Been doing my calf raises and calf raise holds.
Next is my planned vacation and hiking in the mountains.

Set Monje

Warrior Monk from Florida
Posts: 24
"Speak softly, and carry a big stick."
Okay, home from vacation, hiked about 40 miles through various parts of Great Smokey Mountain National Park, and hiked every day except Thursday where I had food poisoning.
Also been keeping up with the calf raise challenge, mortifying people that I was doing calf raises while resting while hiking up the side of a mountain.
Also, it snowed, and didn't fully melt, so that was fun.
Still feel diminished from the food poisoning, so think instead of jumping into a new routine I'll delve into the Recovery Collection and pull workouts from there.

Set Monje

Warrior Monk from Florida
Posts: 24
"Speak softly, and carry a big stick."
Felt much better today, till dinner, then back to feeling diminished and like garbage.
Calf raise challenge is a hold day, which worked out nicely at least.
Remembered day 1 of my training plans are Mondays, so it's a rest day.
Also remembered I have work in the morning, so turned my alarm back on.

Set Monje

Warrior Monk from Florida
Posts: 24
"Speak softly, and carry a big stick."
Got back to my Keto diet today, stomach is feeling better, albeit hungry after working out.
Did the 80 calf raises.
I decided on the Guardian Training Plan, but as I just want to recover this week instead of Dungeon Raid, I did Level 1 of This is My Day Off (Ironic) with EC.
Almost as soon as I got back to work from my vacation, I got called into HR for a wellness check, not sure if I want to laugh or be insulted by that.
Also, the labs were just as I left them before the hurricane so none of the Professors bothered to even plug the machines back in, they just canceled labs for the week I was gone.
Also paged through the previous challenges, to see if I wanted to tackle multiple challenges next month.
Found the go to bed on time one, which I've been doing for a while thanks to Pokemon Sleep, so think I'll multitask next month.
Think I'll also work on formatting these posts so they aren't my run on sentences broken up per line.
It's just kind of how I type as usually I'm explaining a step-by-step process.

Set Monje

Warrior Monk from Florida
Posts: 24
"Speak softly, and carry a big stick."
  • Training Plan:
    • Guardian:
      • Day 3 - Cardio:
        • Aurora Level I + EC (I think, I didn't time it, but just answered a text and then resumed)
  • Challenge:
    • 1,000 Calf Raises: Day 23 Completed
  • Workout of the Day:
    • One Angry Bird - Level I
I forgot how much I like Aurora; it will probably be my go-to cardio for day three, just at higher levels since I said I will take some time to recover a bit this week.
Also, appetite came back today, which is nice, other than then being hungry for 3 hours.