Seeking Guidance


New member
Posts: 1
Hi everyone!
I’m new here so lookin for some guidance I have tried working out many time but I suffer form procrastination the max amount of days I have worked out is like a week after that I am just too lazy. I have know darebee for quite a while now but recently got to know about the community. I am trying to take a step to become better than before and want some help.

Something about me
Age - 17
Sex - male
Height - 182cm
Weight - 78kg
Body type - Skinny Fat
No of pushup I can do - 0 (its hard to even do knee pushup and i think its because my arms are kind of weak)
No of squats - 5-10 (and if i push myself then max 25)
No of sit-ups - 5-7 (max 9-11)

So I am looking for a no equipment/bodyweight program (I saw the program section but I got overwhelmed so gave up) that will help me lose weight (the target is 60-65kg) and gain muscle on the side i want something (like a program or workouts) for flexibility and mobility (as i heard it helps with lower back pain and posture) and something for increasing my vertical jump and stamina (as I recently started playing basketball).


Well-known member
Hunter from Alexandria, Egypt
Posts: 75
@Matrix The sign of success is when you start to complaining. Conitune post here until you feel good and workouts becoming daily habit.

Think of it as a project,
1) create a plan
2) start very small
3) do it daily
4) never think, look at your plan and do it
5) keep post your progression
6) get advices from others (who will give only positive feedback)
7) trust of God

As you stated your goal to lose fat and strengthen your core.

You need to look for cardio programs with subtitle "High burn & streamline" and add-on programs with title core or abs
Do not forget to start filter by difficulty 1 and so on.

For example you can start with Baseline program and "Back And Core" program.

Note add-on programs are designed in away will not affect other programs you are doing

Hope this help!


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,285
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
@Matrix At your height, I think 60kg is way too low. You're not overweight so when you begin to incorporate more exercise into your day, you'll probably see improvements - a reduction in fat (dependent also on your diet), increase in muscle mass (which can lead to an increase in weight), and an increase in strength. Focus more on how your body looks and feels and performs, and work toward getting it to look and feel and perform the way you want, rather than stress about how much it weighs.
For your basketball, some of these may not yet be in your reach, but they're something to work towards - Basketball Workouts


Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 734
"So sleepy!"
I just want to piggyback on what @TopNotch has said, and offer some personal perspective.

I'm about 165 cm, and weigh 82 kg, a good portion of it muscle. My ideal weight would be about 78 kg, or a little less. You on the other hand are taller than I am, yet your goal weight is 60-65 kg? As was said, that's *far* too low. That's low even for someone of my height.

Focus more on incorporating workouts or programs (you're going to need to focus on lower body strength), and your body will put on muscle over time. If your diet is sound, your body composition will change accordingly, and you won't have to adjust much. You're going to want to train more lower body, and explosive movements (like squats) are king.