Seri’s New Journey


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 140
March 31
Runner Prime and Foundation - day 1 completed.

Day 1 of following challenges completed
  1. 1 Minute Meditation
  2. Pull-ups, level 1
  3. Easy Abs
  4. Upper Body Blast
Day 1/ 100 - 50 reps of Punches, Lunges and Side Kicks.

April 1

Day 2 of Foundation and Runner Prime completed.

Day 2 of the challenges completed


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 140
Runner Prime day 3 completed. I ended up only doing 20 minutes on the treadmill as I had a late start for my commute in this morning.

Foundation day 3 completed at level 3.

Day 3 completed of the following challenges:
  1. 1 Minute Meditation
  2. Easy Abs
  3. Pull-ups, Level 1
  4. Upper Body Blast
Day 3/ 100 of 50 reps of Punches, Side Kicks and Lunges.

EoD - 20 Push-up Shoulder Taps completed.

25 Sit-ups, 10 Crunches, 10 Leg Raises, 15 sec Plank completed.

20 minute walk with my 4 legged buddy after work today.

Consecutive workout days 3


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 140
Day 4 of Runner Prime and Foundation done at level 3.

Day 4 of the following challenges completed:
  1. 1 Minute Meditation
  2. Pull-ups, level 1
  3. Easy Abs
  4. Upper Body Blast
Day 4/ 100 of 50 reps of Punches, Side Kicks, and Lunges completed.

EOD - 30 seconds of Knee-to-Elbows completed.

No after work walk with Duncan today as hubby and I drove to work separately. I missed it a bit because it felt like too many unusual things happened and I couldn’t get things done that I wanted to get done. :giveup:

Consecutive workout days 4


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 140
Day 5 of Runner Prime and Foundation completed.

Day 5 of the following challenges completed:
  1. 1 Minute Meditation
  2. Pull-ups, level 1
  3. Easy Abs
  4. Upper Body Blast
Day 5/ 100 of 50 reps of Punches, Side Kicks and Lunges completed.

EOD - 60 seconds of Jumping Jacks completed.

30 sit-ups, 12 crunches, 12 leg raises and 20 sec plank completed.

I had a nice walk with Duncan today.

Consecutive workout days 5


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 140
Day 6 of Runner Prime and Foundation done at level 3.

Day 6 of the following challenges completed:
  1. 1 Minute Meditation
  2. Pull-ups, level 1
  3. Easy Abs
  4. Upper Body Blast
Day 6/ 100 of 50 reps of Punches, Side Kicks and Lunges completed.

EOD - 30 Side Balance Lunges completed.

35 Sit-ups, 15 Crunches, 15 Leg Raises and 25 sec plank done.

Another day missed of walking Duncan after work as hubby had an earned day off today.

Consecutive workout days 6


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 140
Day 12 of Runner Prime and Foundation completed at level 3.

Day 12 of following challenges completed:
  1. 1 Minute Meditation
  2. Pull-ups level 1
  3. Easy Abs
  4. Upper Body Blast
Day 12/ 100 50 reps of Punches,Side Kicks and lunges completed.

EOD - 30 Elbow Strikes completed

Consecutive workout days 12


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 140
Day 16 of Runner Prime and Foundation completed at level 3.

Day 16 completed in the following challenges:
  1. 1 Minute Meditation
  2. Pull-ups, level 1
  3. Easy Abs
  4. Upper Body Blast
Day 16 of 100 50 reps of Punches, Side Kicks and Lunges.

60 seconds Tree Pose completed.

consecutive workout days 16


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 140
Day 17 of Runner Prime completed.

Day 17 of Foundation completed at level 3.

Day 17 of 1 Minute Meditation, Pull-ups Level 1, Easy Abs, & Upper Body Blast completed.

50 Punches, 50 Side Kicks and 50 Lunges done.

75 Sit-ups, 100 Crunches, 45 Leg Raises and 65 second plank done.

EoD completed

Consecutive workout days17


New member
Posts: 2
I'm replying to this thread because I too am just starting out on an exercise journey. I want to congratulate you on doing so well. At day 17 you are in better condition than I have been for many years. Stay the course, good physical conditioning and good health go hand in hand.

Earlier today I completed the very first workout in the "Foundation Light" Workout (or does this site call it Program, or something else, I'm not sure). I'm hoping to follow your progress as another way to motivate myself to hang in there with an exercise routine.

Good Luck and all the best to you!


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 140
I was feeling a little under the weather after my last post and didn’t exercise for a few days. When I was feeling a bit better, I did do light exercises, but nothing worth tracking.

I am starting my streak today…

I ran my first race for the year - I did a 10 K run in 1:03.52 (chip time), with the first 5 K done in 30:32 minutes. Both are PB times for me. :wiggle:

Tomorrow I start 30 Days of Change and Totals


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 140
Back again after not logging for a while. I lost the consecutive workout days a couple of weeks ago while I was on holidays, aside from walking the dog. I did keep busy in that time period doing some yard work and getting my garden planted. It looks like everything is popping up.:worried:

I was having a little issue with my blood pressure over the last few months, but it’s back to a normal range - I think that it related to diet.

Exercise wise, I just completed the Foundation Program. I’m also at day 15 of Totals, Abs &Core Blast, Epic Legs, Pull-ups and 1 minute meditation


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 140
Monday, June 17, 2024

Day 1 of the Half Marathon Program at level 3 and The Gauntlet Program completed.

Day 22 of Totals program 1 Minute Meditation, Pull-ups, Abs & Core Blast and Epic Legs completed.

Consecutive workout days 22

Tuesday, June 18

Day 2 completed of the Half Marathon program (1.74 miles) and The Gauntlet program completed.

Day 23 of the other program & challenges completed.

Consecutive workout days 23


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 140
I’ve completed days 3 to 7 of the Half Marathon Program and The Gauntlet Program.

Totals Program completed to day 29.

Up to day 28 of training the following challenges completed: Pull-ups, Epic Legs, 1 Minute Meditation and Abs & Core Blast.

Consecutive workout days 28.


Shieldmaiden from Greece
Pronouns: she / her
Posts: 969
"I just work here."
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday GIF by Mumbai Indians


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 140
I realize that I have been really inconsistent with logging here, and being really consistent with my workouts the last while. Things have changed a bit since the end of September . . .

The biggest change is that I moved into a new job. I still am working in the health region for my province, but it was a step I up from what I was doing, but in a different department and facility in the area that I live in. I have access to a fitness centre in this new facility, but it is a lot smaller and has a lot less equipment in comparison to the other facility that I was at. I kind of miss the fitness centre at the other site, but am doing my best to get the most out of what I have access to. The only thing that makes me sad is the showers aren’t as warm.:sadness:

Workouts last week were pretty well non existent due to getting Covid, but all is better now.

Sunday, December 1

Fit December & Totals day 1 completed.

Challenges - day 1 completed for:
  • 1 & Done
  • 10,000 Punches
  • 1,000 Squats
  • 1,000 Calf Raises
Day 1/100 of 50 Punches, 50 Side Kicks and 50 Lunges

EOD for today and yesterday completed.

Consecutive workout days 1
EoD total 340


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 140
Friday, December 6

Day 6 of Fit December and Totals programs completed.

Day 6 of the following challenges completed
  • 1 & Done
  • 10,000 Punches
  • 1,000 Squats
  • 1,000 Calf Raises
  • 50 Push-ups
Day 6/ 100 of 50 Punches, Side Kicks and Lunges completed

EOD completed

Saturday, December 7

Day 7 of all programs and challenges completed

Sunday, December 8

Day 8 completed

Consecutive workout days 8


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 140
Day 9 of Fit December and Totals completed.

Day 9 completed in following challenges
  • 1 & Done
  • 10,000 Punches
  • 1,000 Squats
  • 1,000 Calf Raises
  • 50 push-ups
Day 9/100 of 50 punches, 50 Side Kicks and 50 Lunges

10 Crunch Kicks done (eod)

Consecutive workout days 9
EOD total 348


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 140
Tuesday, December 10

Day 10 of Fit December and Totals completed.

Day 10 completed in
  • 1 & Done
  • 10,000 Punches
  • 1,000 Squats
  • 1,000 Calf Raises
  • 50 Punches
Day 10/ 100 of 50 Punches, 50 Side Kicks and 50 Lunges done.

30 Arm/ Leg Raises (EOD) completed.

300/1000 Jacks completed towards the ornament.

Consecutive workout days 10
EoD total 349


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 140
Wednesday, December 11

Day 11 of Fit December and Totals completed

Day 11 completed in
  • 1 & Done
  • 10,000 Punches
  • 1,000 Squats
  • 1,000 Calf Raises
  • 50 Pushups
Day 11/ 100 completed of 50 Punches, 50 Side Kicks & 50 Lunges done

20 Squat Hops on the Spot (EoD) completed.

700 Half Jacks completed to get the :star: ornament

Consecutive workout days 11
EoD total 350