Follow the Quest - Wherever it Leads You - T.A.Barron


Well-known member
Berserker from Nashville, TN, USA
Pronouns: They/she
Posts: 203
"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. ~Carl Rogers"
Today's Log (1/23/25)
It's a bit warmer today. I'm so thankful for that. Though somehow my hometown much further south got snow! :shiver:To put it into perspective, growing up (18 years worth), it had snowed only twice. So it was weird seeing photos of it on facebook. O.o

Not as much done for exercising. Mentally I felt a bit drained. And was on Facebook much more than I should have been to be honest. :exhausted: I think, if it was a normal couple of weeks, doing 3 nights in a row would have been manageable. But this was a bit harder of a few weeks. But at least I'm off until next Friday and I've got vacation in a couple of days so that'll be nice. I ... will need the break.

Talking with the mate, Marooney is still not doing well. And this is after a shit ton of fluids and meds. So we talked about his quality of life. How he's still not really eating. And we decided that we'll be making the call.

So .... yeah, I'll need a break. -_-

  • Daily Hug Challenge - Day 10 completed. Still struggling to remember it first thing, but still getting it relatively early in the day so not too bad.
  • Meditation Challenge - Took my official lunch break to make sure I got this in. Figured it would be helpful. And with that, Day 30 completed! Thinking I may do the other meditation challenge but instead of 1 minute, just have it as a 10 minute. I've been doing well with that time frame without looking at my watch. Make see about increasing it to twice a day.
  • Universal Warmup - Held off
  • Abs Standing - Held off. Gonna see if I can play catch up tomorrow but I'll be playing it by ear for the tail end of this journey.
  • Better Sleep - Held off
  • Balance Workout - Held off
  • Daily Gratitude Challenge - Day 10 completed
    • I'm grateful that the weather is a bit warmer when I left to go home. Not warm, but warmer. And I'll take it. Along those lines ...
    • I'm grateful that one of the nurses apparently brought a small heater into the nursing station. Whomever that is, this is them ---->
    • I'm grateful that my work week is over and I get a bit of a break now. <3
    • Bonus entry. I'm grateful that work has great food. And that I'm encouraged to take leftovers home. It makes me happy to come home and be able to let the mate know that he won't have to worry about lunch plans. :)
  • Counting Victories Challenge - Day 10 completed
    • Meditation challenge completed!
    • Got started on a rough sketch for a project. I have a minor deadline so I need to get started on it if I'm gonna do it.