active every day


Posts: 11
I'm a 21yo college student and my goal is to be active every day. I get into depressive slumps because I have trouble creating and breaking habits. This log was started after 2 weeks of basically doing nothing. It will be separated into chunks because it's easier for me to record locally on my laptop and I get less distracted than opening the web browser every day. It's why I printed the exercises out :)


Posts: 11

Week Jul 17 - Jul 26​

Starting a workout log to promote feeling better and journaling my feelings. Include:
  • How I felt before the workout
  • What workout I did and if I had any issues
  • How I felt afterwards

Jul 17​

I'm coming off a month long depressive period and I want to feel more energized. I don't want to workout today but I am feeling stuck and I know this will help. Afterwards I'll spend 10 minutes folding laundry. Then I'll practice my audition music for 30 minutes. Later this evening I will list important to-dos.

Universal Warm-Up
Foundation day 1: (1m rest) X X X X X X X 7

Jul 18​

Today I did not continue my good track record of one day. I used the admin password on my laptop to log-in to free internet world. Oh well. I am at least feeling a little ok. Today it is time for FOUNDATION DAY TWO!!! Going to rest for two minutes because I need to last the whole time (strength). I also ate relatively soon before.

Universal Warmup
Foundation day 2: (2m rest) X X X X X 5
Started feeling fatigued near the end and had a cramp in one thigh so I stopped at 5 but that was more than I planned to do :) Did basic stretches (ones I remember off my head) afterwards.

Jul 19​

I stayed up late reading XKCD comics, so I'm not feeling great today. I'm feeling inclined to do things because I have something to do later, which is a good sign.

Universal Warmup
Foundation day 3: (1m rest) X X X X X X X 7

Jul 20 ?​

Feel croppy again today, because I slept in late and went to sleep late. I think I may do the minimum amount of sets but I may do more :) Did not have plans for today so started late.

Universal Warmup
Foundation day 4: (2m rest) X X X 3
Confused by reps-- am I meant to switch legs for each rep? Normally I do switch sides. I know sometimes you stick with one leg then switch to the other the next set for this type of exercise. I used my right leg the first set, and my left leg the second. I thought the rest time didn't make as much sense like that, so I switched to combined legs the third set (and got confused by raised leg swings)

Jul 21​

Accidentally went to sleep WAY early last night and got up late so my energy is weird today. Today is foundation day 5!! Fast pace cardio. Looking at the exercises, I feel confident with 1 min rests and more sets. I do laundry in between sets.

Universal Warmup
Foundation day 5: (1m rest) X X X X X X X 7
Finished my laundry! Going to look up how to do side jacks and knee to elbows.

Jul 22​

Slept well last night I think... Today am looking for jobs at my college. Goal: 4 sets, with 2 minute rest. I think this is reasonable for a strength based exercise when I am out of shape. I might need to do 3 sets but that's okay.

Universal Warmup
Foundation day 6: (2m rest) X X X X 4

Jul 23​

Did not sleep well. There's always a sense of being able to do something instead of sleeping. Don't know why I always give in-- willpower is at its lowest in the evening?

Universal Warmup
Foundation day 7: (2m rest) X X X X X 5

Jul 24​

Slept okay. Headache because of dogsitting.

Universal Warmup
Foundation day 8: (2m rest) X X X X 4

Jul 25​

Feel terrible today for some reason? Maybe too much sugar. Also slept in on accident, which makes me drowsy. Meant to start at 12:30 but late because low energy.

Universal Warmup
Foundation day 9: (1m rest) X X X X X X X 7
I should feel better after this and showering. :)

Jul 26

Last day of the "week"!! I stayed up and then felt very tired today.
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Posts: 11

Week Jul 27 - Aug 4​

Jul 27​

Jul 28​

End of two and 1/2 days of depressive symptoms. Stayed up very late on both days. Will continue Foundations today :) Very tired, but it should motivate me to get something done and take a shower. Will attempt for 3 sets. Did the Universal Warmup if otherwise indicated, until I learn more about exercising.

3:45pm Foundation day 10: (2m rest) X X X X X 5

Jul 29​

Still shaking off some lackluster energy. I find that these small activities give me energy :)

5:30pm Foundation day 11: (1m rest) X X X X X 5

Jul 30 ?​

Went to sleep early because I was tired and woke up early. Feelin good today. Today's exercises use the hands on the floor plank position, and my wrists are no good. I can do them as long as I hold on to dumbells, but I wonder what the alternatives are. I should start asking questions in a separate post so that people who just glance at it will see.

9:30am 10 minute walk
11:00am Foundation day 12: (2m rest) X X X X 4 + Daily Exercise

Jul 31​

Woke up way early (5:30am) again, not sure why this happens every time I go to sleep at a more reasonable time. I know we deep sleep in increments, so maybe my body is sleeping very lightly in the early morning. Core days are my favorite! It feels great to work out a large muscle group.

9:30am 10 minute walk
12:00pm Foundation day 13: (2m rest) X X X X 4 + Daily Exercise

Aug 1​

Woke up early AGAIN. I should just start getting up and see what happens. If I try to go back to sleep I keep waking up every 45-60 minutes. Not feeling super into working out today, but I'll do it. I feel committed! Procrastinated until 1:30 tho...

9:00am 10 minute walk
12:301:30pm Foundation day 14: (1m rest) X X X X X X X 7 + Daily Exercise

Aug 2​

Aug 3​

Did 3 sets in foundation day 15

Aug 4​



Posts: 11
My first journal entry of this week! A not-very-deep reflection of some of the struggles I have. Posting the rest when I'm finished on Saturday

Aug 5

It's a pattern now, that two weekends in a row I have depressive symptoms. The symptoms are: relying on distractions as a coping mechanism for how I feel, feeling empty with negative thoughts, not sleeping enough. I use the internet as a distraction, but it never makes me feel better. Honestly, I don't know how to use the internet in a healthy way so I usually block it off from myself when it becomes overwhelming and then attempt to use it better after a break to shake off habits (using the internet for huge percentages of the day with no real goal). I've found that limiting my access to "distracting" (for me) parts of the internet helps me engage with them in a healthier way, such as watching an episode of a show on the television instead of binge watching the whole thing on my laptop. Anyways, trying to get back into foundations program today, I'm hopeful for this week :)


Posts: 11
Aug 5
5:30pm Foundations day 16; x x x x 4 + dancing
Tendon strength, which I find quite boring, is difficult to start back in on. How to make it fun...? I will imagine I am fighting crime with my legs to be Leg-Man. Perfect. I am in no mood to come up with a more funner idea so this will have to do! At least I am taking a shower now.

Aug 6
Feeling much better today, keeping up with the pattern from last week! Bit of a slow day but I'll excuse it for myself. I really need to find more ways to be creative and use my brain during the day. It's when I feel the happiest, but it takes a lot of mental effort so it's hard to do.

9:30am 10 minute walk (brought it back woo!!)
2:00pm Foundation day 17: (1m rest) X X X X X X X 7 + EOTD

Aug 7
Not many comment for today, except that I am getting my activity finished before noon! I feel I will have much extra time today.

11:30am Foundation day 18: (2m rest) X X X 3 + EOTD
I had to stop at 3 sets because I could barely lift my arms in the air anymore.

Aug 8
Every day I'm pushing myself to get started a little earlier so that I have free time later!
8:00am 10 minute walk
10:40am Foundation day 19: X X X X X X X 7

Aug 9
8:45am 15 minute walk
11:20am Foundation day 20: (2m rest) X X X 3
EOTD (30 squats) + 10 push-ups


Posts: 11
Questions: Feel free to answer one or none
- For a workout like the current workout of the day when do you switch sides? Ex. For 20 side leg raises would you do all 20 on one leg, 10 on one then the other, or alternate every rep? I have stuck to 10 then 10.

-What are good alternatives to exercises that use plank position as a base? Ex. Raised leg swings. I have to hold dumbbells to get into plank position because I have a medical issue. Otherwise I don't have any problems, so this isn't a big deal.

-How do you guys make exercise more fun? I know setting appropriate goals is a big deal, and my goal is to feel better mentally.

Edit: I should ask in an actual help thread but I'll leave these here.


Well-known member
Posts: 236
Hi @Crkit :ss:

Good job hanging on with Foundation!

For your first question, I don't think it matters how you do it. Personally, I chose based on how I feel in the moment, so sometimes I alternate and at other times I do half and half.

For the second question, here is a link to plank-based exercises in the exercise library. If you need more ideas, the video exercise library, that you can find at the bottom of all pages, can be a great resource.

I like the third question cause I also have difficulties keeping workout streaks and one of the solutions is to make it fun. Darebee has several RPG workouts and programs that are quite fun. I use them a lot. You can use the filter to find them. I also like to give myself experience points for every workout. Recording them is like a small reward, and I like seeing them accumulate. I also had fun creating a little leveling up system based on the total number of points I managed to gather. I'm actually at level 4 now :ss:. If you like computer games or TTRPGs, you can use a favourite one as inspiration to make an XP and level up system that is fun for you. And finaly, I found that watching an action movie while I exercise is also fun.

Good luck!


Posts: 11
@SlothEnergy thank you for your response! Logging my exercise has made me more aware of my habits and I think as I get more involved in changing them I'll become more interested. Your point system is cool! As a start to building some sort of progress, I'm finishing the foundation program. Maybe.. 50 days of activity is my next goal? Then 100??

Anyways, thanks again!


Posts: 11
Aug 10
Aug 11

I don't know what happened yesterday. I did stay up late a few nights in a row. But yesterday I kind of stayed in bed all day. My goal is to recover today and make this weekend different than the past two :). The workout today is easy so I lowered the rest time by 15sec.

1:45pm Foundation day 21: (45s rest) XXXXXXX7
+Workout of the day, Ladybug
+10 situps and 10 dumbbell pushups

Aug 12
1:15pm Foundation day 22: XXX3
+10 situps and 10 dumbbell pushups

Aug 13
Saw my friends yesterday and it was really fun. Reviewed my past start times and it looks like 10:40 is the earliest I've started the workout, so 11 today is pretty good!
11:00am Foundation day 23: (2m rest) XXXXX5
+10 situps and 10 dumbbell pushups

Aug 14
1:00pm Foundation 24: XXX3

Aug 15
I was pretty anxious yesterday, and that's carried over to affect me today. Darebeets is yet another great free resource by the Darebee team :). I have never used it, but I can tell it is high quality.
3:15pm Foundation 25: (1m rest) XXXXXX


Posts: 11
Shortly after August 15th I moved into my college and began week of orientation! I have been very busy and am finally collecting my thoughts again. However, I have been getting plenty of walking and stair climbing! I will continue today with the planned activity in Foundation day 26.

My college includes a wellness fee in my yearly payment, and I have access to our gym/fitness center. I should go use it sometime, as I'm paying for it, and I could introduce myself to some exercises that use equipment. Maybe when I'm finished with foundations.