...And filled with tomorrows.


Posts: 5
Used to have a log here called "Depression: Saving Myself from Myself" or something among those lines...debated wheter to join back again and decided to start a new one to hold myself accountable. Progress is progress no matter how small, dealing with that will have to be one of the many steps to take in this recovery.

  • 1st day of Foundation Program done (7 sets)
  • 1st day/1st week of the Couch to 5K NHS Program
  • 50 chest expansions
  • 50 chest compressions

Did the 7 sets and chest exercises in the evening, while the running was done in the morning after breakfast. My lungs were absolutely demolished and my knee gave me a bit of trouble for that last one, truly a decade makes a huge difference. Former one was quite enjoyable doing it with music, however my legs did hurt afterwards.

Doing this whole thing not just to get some nice chemicals going in my brain, but also because running and jumping around became painful and walking long distances too troublesome...Want back some whimsy in my life, tired of sitting around seeing life pass by my eyes.
Recapitulating from my last log: My body has a plethora of issues...some that are more in the mental category of things, but others like hypothyroidism and a trio of hernias for example, also make physical objectives a bit more difficult to achieve.
My past account was pretty bare in its customization, a way to keep some sort of distance from here, working on my social life and connections is too one of the reasons why I started this again: embarrassing as it might be to treat this as a diary once more, I think its important to stay true to ourselves; its possibly the hardest thing in this list of objectives to accomplish, nevertheless still important.

Keep hope in your heart:


Posts: 5
Thank you all for the warm welcome! It is appreciated.

  • 2nd day of Foundation Program done (5 sets)
  • 50 chest expansions
  • 50 chest compressions

Yesterday my legs were still hurting. Decided to do less sets that evening to prepare for the next day of running, however...

  • 3rd day of Foundation Program done (3 sets)
  • 2st day/1st week of the Couch to 5K NHS Program (4/8 minutes)
  • 50 chest expansions
  • 50 chest compressions

....Woke up with a sore throat today. Decided to still go that morning by cutting the total of 8 minutes running in half and walking the rest of the time off. Similarly did only the minimum of sets needed for the workout; Read on the web that one can still exercise while sick as long as the symptoms are "above the neck" and the exercise itself is lighter.
It is a bit disheartening to inmediately get sick after trying to get healthier, but it will not be a total impediment as there are always alternatives.
It does leave the question of wheter the 1st week of running will have to be repeated after Friday's run...on one hand I do not want to lose progress but on the other hand I want to be sick the less time possible.
Guess only time will tell! (...and the doctor)

Keep hope in your heart:


Posts: 5
It is hard to believe that I was in bed for a whole week, harder to believe that Im still recovering after 10 days. Not my first time with COVID but it was still quite embarrassing how even with my daily masking and ritualistic hygiene habits, the idea of being infected with this new strain was completely out of my mind, and decided to go run in the sun with a sore throat. Oh well, mistakes happen and that is also part of life.

  • 1st day of Foundation Program done (7 sets)
  • 50 chest expansions
  • 50 chest compressions
Skipped the running today, debating wether to re-start on the 4th or wait until next Monday. Losing a whole week not just of exercises, but also of schoolwork, and of friendly outings was incredibly frustrating...however, rushing things and trying to solve everything as fast as possible can have negative consequences on the body. All aspects of my life are neglected right now, and while school is my top priority, a decision must be made on how the other elements are ranked.
...Not all is "gloom and doom", going back to schedule did wonders for my psyche; and made my school friends laugh when a little green aphid landed on my head this morning. It was cute.

Keep hope in your heart:


Posts: 5
It has been very long since my last update, almost a week worth of logs! Surprised how much time has passed, though time struggles have always been present in my life...
Decided to skip the running altogether since catching up with school has been quite difficult, havent finished all the workload to this day. Had to change my workout schedule due to insomnia, talked with a friend about possible causes and they mentioned a minimum of 4 hours of rest after exercising before going to bed was reccomended; Gave it a try and while still struggling with sleep it has helped a bit, hopefully this helps with my coffee overconsumption next week.

  • 2nd day of Foundation Program done (7 sets)
  • 50 chest expansions
  • 50 chest compressions
  • 3rd day of Foundation Program done (7 sets)
  • 50 chest expansions
  • 50 chest compressions
  • 4th day of Foundation Program done (7 sets)
  • 50 chest expansions
  • 50 chest compressions
Was confused before on the number of reps in some exercises and this day forced me to confirm I had been overdoing them, saw the numbers on the sets and knew my knees would not agree with them; quite embarrassing to not have checked the rules since the start, regardless ill be on the lookout for a mat to do floor exercises more comfortably (wont buy one since im pretty sure I have a camping one....somewhere).

  • 5th day of Foundation Program done (7 sets)
  • 50 chest expansions
  • 50 chest compressions
  • 6th day of Foundation Program done (7 sets)
  • 50 chest expansions
  • 50 chest compressions
Today was humbling, thought the exercises were short and simple... and while the whole workout only lasted like 22 minutes, by the end of the first set my core was aching and was drenched in sweat... Even so it was quite fun! Surprised my back was completely fine through the ordeal.

Have to admit there were days where I almost ditched the program: because the weather is horrible, because Im exhausted, because theres chores to do, etc. However kept going thinking "What else would you rather be doing? Do you have the energy for that?" and realizing that well, out of all things in my schedule this one is the easiest.
Music has helped me start and finish my sets, since it is a playlist it helps me to form routine and keeping track of time; Its not the usual playlist I use for housechores, so the relatively new order of the songs and uniqueness of function make it fresh yet familiar enough to not cause discomfort.
Will continue researching ways to optimize my workout schedule, regardless Im not giving up.

Keep hope in your heart:


Posts: 5
What a start of the week it has been, the weather has turned up for the worse here... 86F might not be much for most people but for me anything over 70F has me sweating buckets. Some of my classmates even got sick after our morning exercises which worried me, friend and I went for some electrolytes to compensate; did not feel the weight of the day until home realizing my head was killing me and the waves of nausea did not leave even after eating and drinking water. Thankfully some ibuprofen and constant hydration helped.

SEPTEMBER 8th (Star Trek Day!)
  • 7th day of Old Foundation Program done (7 sets)
  • 50 squats
  • 50 chest compressions
Changed my chest expansions for squats since my arms were aching with just the usual sets. Couldnt really do much for celebration, maybe this weekend I can make time to watch my fav Star Trek movie instead.

  • 6th day of Old Foundation Program done (5 sets)
  • 50 chest expansions
  • 50 chest compressions
Thought the heat and insomnia finally got to me writing this as I was checking the exercises for the program...turns out it just got updated; Dear me the exercises for today were so humbling as well, doing 5 sets had my legs feeling like jelly, hopefully Im up to the level of this new regimen!
Hoping tomorrow is less of a mess, will make sure to stay hydrated and make time for some lunch in the shade.

Keep hope in your heart: