Another start


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 67
So I believe this is the 3rd or 4th time I am restarting a journey. (that I have recorded on here)

I failed all the previous ones so I am already going into this one a bit demotivated.

The biggest difference is that this time it is for my health as I had some bad markers on my check up last week and have 6 months to change them

So lets go right into the plan for the next 6 months.

I will try do a Darebee program from Mondays to Friday, weights on Saturday and rest on Sunday.
I will also try to follow a high protein intermittent fasting diet.

First 2 programs:
Baseline + Arms of steel.
I think those 2 programs work nicely together.

I will start another program after that including couch 25k.
My goal is run a 5km after the 6 months are done (maybe even participate in a obstacle course race)

The running program is 12 weeks, meaning I have the last 6 weeks to do hill training and others like that

Current stat:
105.4 KGs
108cm Waist
44cm Neck
31% body fat (measured with smart watch)

This morning I already did not feel like getting out of bed, but got up, had a glass of water and did a walk around my block that is a 1.4Km long.
Did Day 1 of both programs and burned 94 kcal.

Already failed with my fasting, but needed coffee :D

After the exercises I feel a tad better already.

I still need a stretching program and will be looking at what darebee has.


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Shaman from Italy
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"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Welcome back :)


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Ranger from South Africa
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 67
Thank you for all the messages :)

Day 2 did not fare much better than yesterday mood wise. Had to drag myself out of bed but did end up doing my exercises.

Day 2 of Baseline and Arms of Steel done.

Did not need my coffee though but didnt go for my walk.

Yesterday I had a lot of cheating food in the form of some twix and pancakes. Luckily the twix are up now so just need to look out for those pancakes.

Food for the day (if I stay to plan) will be

Oats with apple slices and protein powder
Hidden Veg butter chicken with rice
and another protein powder in the end.

There might be an egg or 2 in the middle there.


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 67
Thank you for all the messages :)

Day 2 did not fare much better than yesterday mood wise. Had to drag myself out of bed but did end up doing my exercises.

Day 2 of Baseline and Arms of Steel done.

Did not need my coffee though but didnt go for my walk.

Yesterday I had a lot of cheating food in the form of some twix and pancakes. Luckily the twix are up now so just need to look out for those pancakes.

Food for the day (if I stay to plan) will be

Oats with apple slices and protein powder
Hidden Veg butter chicken with rice
and another protein powder in the end.

There might be an egg or 2 in the middle there.


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 67
So had a chocolate bar yesterday, however I did manage to fast for 14 hours. So happy about that.

Also managed to wake up easier and in a better mood than the last 2 days.

Day 3 of Baseline and Arms of Steel done. I realized that it takes me around 20 minutes to finish those exercise, so will really try my best to start walking every morning.

With the walking, exercises and stretching it would roughly take me an hour which sounds good to me... Also the walking will prepare my body for the C25K program.

13h00 Oats + Apple + Protein powder

17h00 Supper - Beef Stroganoff with rice

20h00 protein shake.

I have ordered ready made meals and will see how that goes. I think the less often I have to go to the shop the better.


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 67
Slept later than usual and still snoozed. I really need to figure out a way to get up earlier

Day 4 of Baseline and Arms of steel done.

I can feel it in my arms so have to be careful not to overdo it.

Instead of coffee I am starting my day with a glass of water and than drink rooibos tea till my first food break where I have my coffee as well

13h00 Oats + Apple + Protein powder

17h00 Supper - Not sure what I will be having as my food order should be arriving today

20h00 protein shake.


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 67
Slept rather badly last night and only got 5 hours of sleep.

But still felt better than Monday and got up and did exercises.

Day 5 of Baseline and Arms of steel done.

The food order I had comes with 9 different frozen dishes and I had the curry yesterday.

Supper today will be a bit weird as I am going to my sons school concert so wont be at home at that time.

Tomorrow I will be building a cupboard, so that will be my strength training.

I will most likely only post Monday again so all of you have a blessed weekend


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Ranger from South Africa
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This weekend was a tad of bummer as I cheated on my meals so much it isnt even funny.

Sadly I also did not start walking today.

I have however finished day 6 of Baseline and Arms of steel.

And should be on track with my fast again as I am starting my day with a glass of cold water and some rooibos tea.


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Ranger from South Africa
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So came down with a bit of Sinus infection and didn't train.

This morning I woke up at 06h00, wanted to sleep more and told myself I will start tomorrow... but a little voice told me.. and than what? Again tomorrow?

So I got up, had a glass of water, went for my walk and did my exercises.

Day 7 of Baseline and Arms of Steel done.

I did try to focus more on the exercise itself by slowing down and really going into the movement. It helped and I could feel the exercises.


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 67
So today was a bit of a up and down.
Went onto the scale and realised that I am now close to 108 KGs.

The walk this morning was OK, but actually got some back pain while walking, which usually is not a good thing.

So I am going to take things slowly and actually figure out a strategy that will not involve yoyo diets.

Therefore I am still going to go for walks every morning (not do the exercises for now) and concentrate on no eating any sort of junk for the next 3 weeks.

So no candy or cake or unnecessarily refined sugar. Still going to have it in my coffee though.

Will also not be doing the intermittent fast until I got that sorted... so that comes after the 3 weeks,... or maybe I should do that for the the new year


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Ranger from South Africa
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Once again my exercise and diet fell of the band wagon. I ate way to much over the last few days that I ended up feeling bloated and lethargic.. even this morning, although I ate last yesterday evening.

There is a thing that I do and that is over analyse my training regime, were I look into the future and in my mind add various other stuff and than either not enjoy the exercises I am doing or I try to jump ahead.

The other thing that I do is that I set my goal for to long term.

So here is my new goal for the next 2 days:
Only drink water or rooibos tea and do a 48 hour fast. The reason for this is that it seems to be the only way for me to be able to kick bad eating habits fast.

So my first meal will be tomorrow evening.

The other goal is for today to take a walk during lunch.

My current measurements are:
106.3 Kg
Waist 109cm
Neck 44cm
34% bodyfat (according to watch)


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 67
So I had something to eat. My housemate offered me chips and before I realise I said yes and ate some.

Had dinner as well with chicken, rice and carrots and 3 slices of bread with peanut butter and banana.

Today I got up at 7 and did my 1.3 km walk. Will try to only have a protein shake for lunch so that I stay in ketosis until supper time.
That will be 2 wraps with cole slaw and chicken.

Tomorrow goal is to get up at 06h00.


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 67
Managed to wake up at 6 this morning...but the cat was so comfortably sleeping on top of me I decided to stay in bed for a while longer.

Yesterdays food was good.
I had the protein shake around 13h00 with my wraps around 17h00. Did not drink any additional sugars..

I did my usual walk this morning and even managed to get in the fighters stretch... and realised just how inflexible I am. So yeah, I think it is a good idea to start slowly and work myself up.


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 67
Yesterday I had once again no sugar.

A protein shake for lunch and then 2 wraps with chicken, avocado, coleslaw, baby spinach and some hot sauce for supper.

Was craving sugar and wanted to make pancakes but decided against it.

This morning got up at 6 and went for my walk. Feel a lot better already but still craving the sugar/carb combination.

Tonight I will have a premade meal and the rest of the cole slaw as salad