June 29th
Thursday. Once again, I don't remember much about this day. in fact, I'm curious, I'll check my time sheet... Oh, yeah! I plugged a few holes in my records regarding a mold infestation and covered for a custodian! Yeah, that's why I don't remember that day.
Edit: as I'm filling out Saturday, I now remember I went to a short Backpacking Basics class on Thursday. Lots of bits of info, including why I'm not able to fit my sleeping bag in my backpack.
Ironbound. Completed Day 27. Leg Day. Goblet squats with a 25 lb. Looking at it, it says "squats", but uses the graphic for "goblet squats". Huh. Forward Lunges with 10s. Single Leg Deadlifts with... 20s, I think. I was pretty wobbly. Calf raises, I just used the 25s, then did no rest between sets.
Epic Glutes Challenge. Completed Day 29. Bridges and holds. Missed the holds on the first set, picked it up on the second set.
Calories Out: 3,254
Calories In: 2,697
Deficit: 557. Not bad!
June 30th
Friday. Camping trip! I say "camping trip", but really I'm just going to a very nearby state park and staying overnight, partly to test out my new tent and backpack and also partly because this is the only day I could get a reservation. Oh, and the new tent arrived by mail about three hours before I headed out, so I guess it's trial by fire time. Work was work, but I was out early due to the mess up at the start of the week. That gave me time to get my workouts in before heading out.
Ironbound. Completed Day 28. Ab work. Sit-ups, sitting twists, leg raises, and side jackknives. I saw an addon program I was thinking about doing next month which mentioned that leg circles should be done in opposite directions each circle, which I've never done. I was probably thinking about that when I did leg circles instead of raises. Also, Jackknives are cool. I'm looking to work more on by obliques.
Epic Glutes Challenge. Completed Day 30. Squats and holds. Done, and no mess-ups this time!
Calories Out: 3,278
Calories In: 3,176
Deficit: 102. I cooked hot dogs over a campfire!
One went into the fire, but oh well... Probably should have skipped the bag of chips after the hot dogs, but I'm still the positive on that calorie count!
July 1st
Saturday. Man, that campsite dirt was packed rock solid, but that's the only negative thing I have to say about the park. My nice new tent worked out. A few oddities with the design, and I think the crew at REI
really had a thing for loops and toggles these last couple of years. The backpack was less of a success, but that was due to my sleeping bag rather than the pack. My sleeping bag uses a synthetic fill, rather than down. It turns out that synthetic fill may last a lot longer, but it's really, really hard to compress. Even with a compression stuff stack, you'll probably crank that down to taking up 15 liters, as opposed to 6 or 7 liters for a down bag. The more you know!
Hike. A minor change to my new backpack over the one I had previously is that the top disconnects and turns into a summit or small day pack. Technically my last pack did the same thing, but the straps were a nightmare to work with. The new one, though? Golden. The park I went to is centered around a volcanic crater lake and is surrounded by thick forest. There are a few trails that circle the park, so I grabbed my new minipack and went around one. Only a mile and a half, but it was up and down and provided a few benches along the way where you could sit and enjoy the view.
I'm not kidding when I say there's a lot of trees.
The bench faces the lake, so I'm sure this is overgrowth that they haven't gotten around to cutting back over the years. Maybe I'll send them a suggestion. Anyway, 1.5 miles, and about 300 calories burned.
Ironbound. Completed Day 29. Shoulders, Chest, and Triceps. Did this after I got home and man, it did not go well. Arnold Press at 20s on the first set, then dropped to 15s for the rest. Push-ups were knee pushups the whole time, with to failure on the last two sets. Lateral Raises were at 10s, and that went well. I feel I could have tried 15s. Tricep extensions were with 15s and I almost dropped to 10s. All through it, my triceps were about to give out. Which is weird, because I don't remember working them that hard today at all.
I was going to start
Epic Core Challenge, but my triceps were
not going to do the up and down planks
at all. I'll hold off on this until I start
Fireheart on Monday.
Calories Out: 3,411
Calories In: 2,987.
Deficit: 424. The last of the camping goodies are gone now, and I'm still to the positive.