Best workout with 60 (or infinite) days of Walking


Jedi Posts: 5
Hi all!

I'm on my 38th day in the 60 days of walking program without missing a single day! I love this program! I follow the instructions as best as I can. I don't stop walking at all except today when I saw some broken glasses on my path. I stopped for a few seconds to move them away 😔

I have a question for you awesome people out there. I plan to walk for eternity and probably loosen up after I finish this program. So I'm thinking of adding some workout for my daily walks. What do you recommend? Should I step this up to running? Any suggestion is welcome.

As a side note, I think it would be great if there are recommendations added to each program for continuity. 🙂

Thanks a lot!
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Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,375
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
:hi: welcome to the hive!
And congratson 38 days of walking !
What you should do depends on what you like, the time you have, what you want to achieve and your current level of fitness. Here's the link towards darebee's fitness test if you haven't already tried it and the link to how to pick a program on darebee if you haven't already read it


Jedi Posts: 5
Thank you very much for your kind recommendations and replies! 🙂

I have completed the 60 days walking program, though it was extended for 4 days due to an important event.

I'm on day 6 of a customized 8 Weeks to 5K program, aiming to walk + run for 60 minutes daily and looking forward to great results!


Jedi Posts: 5
Thanks for the encouragement!

I'm still aiming to walk for 1 hr daily while embedding the 8 Weeks to 5K program. However, I'm stuck at Day 14 for a few days now. I can do the first 7 minute run + 5 minute walk, but I cannot complete the 2nd 7 minute run.

I tried running immediately after 10 minutes of walking (warm up) to my running track, but couldn't complete the 2nd 7 minute run. 😔

Any recommendations? I feel that the 7 minutes is a huge jump from the previous 3 minute run, but I know there's a reason for it that's why I'm trying to complete it. Should I skip Day 14 and move on? Or should I keep working on completing it before moving on Day 15?


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
I feel like I'm running out of breath. But I think I can still push it. No pain.
Then it's probably about your pace. You should run more slowly during your drills so that you have enough breath to run those 7 minutes two times. The end game here is to finish, you can work on running faster later... First the distance/longer time and then the speed ;)