Boston Arts Academy High School Phys Ed.

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Posts: 1
Hello moderators et al.,

I teach High School Physical Education and Health. Should I use this platform for students to log daily activity, inactivity, goals concerns etc.?


Warrior Monk from Terra
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 617
@BAAnsmith3 thank you for asking this and we'd love something like this. Unfortunately we don't think this is ideal. It mixes younger ages with an older audience on what is essentially a Google-indexed public platform. While this is a very safe space, I think the public aspect of it where young adults are concerned is not ideal.


Posts: 5
I understand concerning about the public aspect of this platform, but I think there are ways to mitigate the risks. For example, BAAnsmith3 could create a private group for young adults only, or he could require all users to verify their identity before they can participate. We could also have strict moderation guidelines in place to protect young users:)

I think the benefits of intergenerational dialogue outweigh the risks. I mean young adults can learn a lot from older generations, and older generations can learn a lot from young adults.

However, yup, I think young adults have to make their own decisions about whether or not they want to participate in this platform. It is just up to them to take steps to protect themselves online.


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Posts: 4
You say you are concerned about the public aspect of this platform. What specifically are you concerned about? Are you worried about predators or bullies? I was bullied in school for my grades, but fortunately - I discovered to get help from experts. These essay writers for hire are professionals whom I trust my assignments and they have assisted me so I could got only A+ grades already.
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