Boxer prime


Posts: 13
Hello! I've recently embarked on the Boxer Prime plan and I'm currently on day three. I've been diligently following this routine every morning, but I feel that it may not be sufficient on its own. Could you kindly recommend an evening workout program, challenge, or routine?

My primary goal is to shed belly fat, but I want to avoid putting too much stress on my body in the evening, as I have the demanding Boxer Prime workout the next morning.

Initially, I considered options like Military Fit, Power Cardio, HIIT, or Strength Training for my evening sessions, but I'm uncertain if these choices are ideal.

To provide some context, I have a background in Muay Thai and boxing, having trained for over five years, but my weight has increased from 62-64 kg to 77 kg. I've noticed a significant gain in belly fat and love handles, and despite my efforts, I haven't been able to shed the extra weight. This led me to join Darebee.

I assessed my fitness level through a fitness test, which suggested a recommended level of 2. In 60 seconds, I can perform 40 push-ups, 21 sit-ups, and 19 burpees.

My ultimate goal is to achieve substantial weight loss and obtain well-defined, toned abs.

Could you also advise me on whether choosing Boxer Prime was the right decision, or if there's a more suitable program for my goals? If Boxer Prime is indeed a good choice, I'd appreciate recommendations for monthly programs I can follow for the next six months. Boxer Prime offers three levels, and I'd like guidance on which level I should start with.
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Boxer Prime is a very demanding program in itself, I wouldn't add anything else to avoid the risk of not recovering sufficiently between one workout and another :)
I tried for a while to do two or three workouts a day but it's very difficult not to overdo it and end up slowing down due to tiredness rather than improving.
If you really want to add more, maybe take a look at the Challenges, they are much less demanding than a workout or program and are easier to manage together with another workout.


New member
Posts: 4
This is my evening Workout Program

Warm-up (5 minutes)

  • Jumping jacks
  • High knees
  • Butt kicks
  • Arm circles
  • Leg swings
Workout (20-30 minutes)
  • Plank: Hold for 30-60 seconds
  • Crunches: 15-20 repetitions
  • Leg raises: 15-20 repetitions
  • Russian twists: 15-20 repetitions per side
  • Bicycle crunches: 15-20 repetitions per side
  • Mountain climbers: 15-20 repetitions per side
Cool-down (5 minutes)
  • Stretching

So Boxer Prime is a demanding program, and it is not ideal for everyone. If you are new to exercise or have injuries, you may want to start with a less demanding program, such as the evening workout program above.
Once you have improved your fitness level, you can then consider starting Boxer Prime.


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,682
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Boxer Prime is a very demanding program in itself, I wouldn't add anything else to avoid the risk of not recovering sufficiently between one workout and another :)
I tried for a while to do two or three workouts a day but it's very difficult not to overdo it and end up slowing down due to tiredness rather than improving.
If you really want to add more, maybe take a look at the Challenges, they are much less demanding than a workout or program and are easier to manage together with another workout.


Well-known member
from Margareten
Posts: 103
IMHO the way to well-defined, toned abs is starving yourself. If Boxer Prime is a challenging program for you, stick to it. Military Fit might be up your alley too. If it gets too hard try Spartan Trials or take an entertaining trip to Pandora.
As @Fremen pointed out: Don't overdo things. A sustainable workout routine is more worth than a one-shot, one week and a lot of DOMS. Those tendions and joints have to get the message too.
But the real effort to your goals is in the kitchen. If you want to get your body-fat percentage below 10%, that's when your abs are starting to shine, it's time to break out the old Excel-sheet and start counting kcalories. High protein diet helps, but is not necessary. Check out the nutrition section in this here resource.
Good luck and all the best.
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Posts: 13
As suggested by fremen I have start micro hiit challenge for my evening and morning same boxer prime

So I realised that doing two programs is impossible boxer prime best fit to challenge so micro hiit is good

im sweating 🤣