Can I make it this time?


Posts: 7
Hi everyone!

Over the last years I felt sometimes more, sometimes less healthy.
I have struggled with my weight (always to high), my general anxiety disorder, minor health issues.
But hey, never give up, right?
This time I will try to write here every day. (Not only the good days I am proud of…)

So, let‘s start.
Weight: 100,6 kg
Mind: Feel a little stressed about the next week (a lot do); but I will try to enjoy this quiet day before the work begins; 5 minutes of meditation
Fitness: 10 Minutes mixed workout early in the morning, 30 minute walk; 15 minutes of Darebee-Exercises (Vitality and easy challenges), 10 minutes of yoga
Food: Green smoothie with protein powder; Chicken breast with veggies and about 80g pasta and 2 teaspoons sesame Oil; 1 glass of fruit juice; 3 little Christmas Cookies and 10g Chocolate; probably 1 slice of bread with cottage cheese and Salad with on teaspoon of Olive Oil and a tablespoon Vinegar
If I snack in the evening, I will confess it tomorrow…😉


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,682
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Welcome :)


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,682
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Help: How do I do the second day? Do I answer my own first post? But then the latest one is not the first to see… Please help.
Do as you wrote now, the post at the top remains the first on the page and then all the others come below, it works like this :)


Posts: 7
So, back again. Thank you for your replies!
I had some problems to solve in the last days so I wasn‘t online much.
My eating was not too good, I snacked too much.
But thanks to the stress, a lot of walking and earning the coconut for the ornaments I lost 200g!
I have prepared my meals for the day:
Joghurt with blueberries
Some dates as a snack
Potato salad with cucumber, bell pepper and a little olive oil and goat cheese
Roasted potato and sellery with an egg

I have done 10 minutes of mixed exercises plus the last 200 side kicks for the ornaments.


Posts: 7
Yesterday I wanted to do some cardio but I was too lazy. Then my mum called from her neighbor‘s house. She had gone out without her key so she needed my key to get back in. So I had to do a 15 minute bike right to her house through snow and wind, let her in and cycled back. Tadaa, Cardio done! But wow, it was soooo cold!