Daily Zen - My training Blog


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 64
"...probably in a forest..."
Hi Everyone! :hi:

New Hive, exciting!

I would like to exercise 4 times a day for the next few days. Go for a short and slow jog, do some quick stretching, go for a bike ride and do some basic srength training.
On top of that it would be nice to pay attention to my diet and to loose a bit of weight.

Have a great day Bees!:fantastic:


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 64
"...probably in a forest..."
I decided shortly after my original post that I would like to subscribe to Zwift (which is an online game for at home cyclists).

If you don't mind, I will turn this thread into my Zwift journey blog.

First day of Zwift today.
I bought a Zwift Hub smart trainer. Setup was easy, I did not manage to connect it to my phone for whatever reason, but I easily connected it to my laptop, which as it turns out is even better.

You can do 8+ different things on Zwift (race, workout, follow a training plan, free ride, group ride, follow a pace partner (ro-)bot, ride "erg" mode or what I did: "ride routes"). I decided that I would like to ride all of the routes in the game. So I did ride 6 different routes (these are official routes) 2 of them are basically the same route as 2 others just backwards, but anyway I did 52.4 km (or 32.5 miles) in total. which was enough to earn me 2 levels (I am level 3 now). According to Zwift I have burned 950 kcal, and rode for almost 2 hours. I think that is a nice start.

Plan for tomorrow:
Length: 29.5 km (18.3 miles)
Elevation: 682 m

I am trying to follow this plan:
but I still need to understand the nuances.

My current estimated FTP is 137 (I didn't do any kind of tests) and my Watt/kg is usually around 1.8.

A very good start, I am very happy. :fantastic:

Zwift is fun, I highly recommend it.
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Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,558
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Welcome :)


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 64
"...probably in a forest..."
Day two of Zwift.

I overdid it a little bit. I did 85,1 km / 52,8 mi today. I had to abort my last 15 minutes that I wanted to do (last 7-8 km), because I started feeling sick.
I rode for 3,5 hours in total today. My gu-estimated FTP increased by a couple of points too.
I started using chamois creme, which helped a lot.
A total of 137,5 km and almost 6 hour in 2 days... that might be a little bit too much.:dizzy: (I promised myself to never do more than 60 km / 37.2 mi a day).

Although, for sure I ate less calories than I burned, I still managed to gain weight (I guess mostly water), today at dinner I really craved gherkins and not just that, but the fluid the gherkins are "swimming" in (which is mostly just salt and vinegar water). I guess I have sweated so much, that my body wants extra salt... I need to buy some electrolytes, apparently.

My plan for tomorrow is 3 short routes for 35 km or 21,7 mi in total. I hope that is enough of a recovery.

The day after that is a 65 km / 40 mi planned. :ready:

A lot of fun so far!


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 64
"...probably in a forest..."
It is surprising to me that it is only Day 3 on Zwift, it feels like much more.
44.3 km / 27.5 mi done in 90 min today. 181.8 km / 112.9 mi in total.
My Femoral Nerve is slightly inflamed, so I am not going to push 100 km / 62 mi days anytime soon.
My gu-estimated FTP increased again (it is now 161, the first day it was 137)
I will try to do a minimum of 41 km / 25.4 mi tomorrow. The original plan was 65 km / 40 mi. But if I have the legs I will try to do 71 km/44.1 mi, we will see.


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 64
"...probably in a forest..."
16.11.22.jpgSorry for neglecting this thread!

I have been Zwifting every day. In average for 60 kms (37,2 miles), my body is starting to get used to it. I hit my strength plateau, so I started doing Zwift workouts to work on technique, endurance and strength. I am not particularly fond of the workouts yet, but I learn a ton.

I usually try to do a route badge hunt (ride a route I have never ridden before from start to finish), a 1 hour group ride and a workout each day. So far it is really entertaining. I usually watch an old TV show during my workouts, but my group rides and route explorations are challenging and interesting enough that Zwift has my full attention.

When I started, I couldn't do a ride that was longer than 40 minutes, now I m doing a 60 minute ride without any issues almost every day. Great progress. I am loving it.

I decided that Zwift is nice and fine, but it is time to work on some other stuff as well, so I will try to do some running and some strength training too from now on. I would love to incorporate some swimming, but alas, there are no public swimming pools in my vicinity.

I wish you the best of day Bees! :hi:


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 64
"...probably in a forest..."
Sorry for neglecting the thread. I had some new life goals, new skills I wanted to learn and I neglected my health and fitness a bit.
I also went on a Dopamin Detox recently and I feel like a new man.

Current daily goals:

01. Pigeon left
02. Pigeon right
03. Lying (supinated) Pigeon left
04. Lying (supinated) Pigeon right
05. Kneeling
06. Kneeling backbend
07. Butterfly
08. Wide stance
09. Wide stance Forward Bend
10. Lunge left
11. Lunge right
12. Lizard left
13. Lizard right
14. Quad Stretch
15. High Knee Hug
16. Deep squat
01. 20x Pushups
02. 20x Crunches
03. 20x Dips
04. 20x Air Squats +2x6kg weight
05. 20x Cross Crunches
06. 20x Curlbar Overhead Press 22kg
07. 20x Curlbar Curls 22kg
08. 20x Curlbar Rows 32kg
09. 20x Curlbar Upright Rows 22kg
10. 20x Lunges + 2x6kg weight
11. 20x Dumbbell Overhead Press 2x11kg
12. 20x Dumbbell Curls 2x11kg
13. 20x Dumbbell Rows 2x11kg
14. 20x Dumbbell Hammer Curls 2x11kg
15. 20x Arnold Press
16. 20x Dumbbell Extension 2x7kg
17. 20x Dumbbell Kickbacks 2x6kg
18. 20x Front Raise 2x6kg
19. 20x Lat Raise 2x1.5kg
20. 20x Standing Butterfly 2x1.5kg
21. 20x Cross Raise 2x1.5kg
22. 20x Cross Twist Raise 2x1.5kg
23. 20x Bent Standing Butterfly 2x1.5kg
24. 20x Pullover 12kg
25. 20x Bench 40kg
26. 20x Lat Pulldown 28kg
27. 20x Butterfly 2x6kg
28. 20x Skullcrusher 2x6kg
29. 20x Lat. Back Pulldown 28kg
30. 20x Deadlift 70kg
7.8 km
I am 84.5kg right now, I could go down to 72kg.
6. Sleep as much as possible
7. Eat healthy.

See you later bees! :brave:


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 64
"...probably in a forest..."
12.04.2023 - 2.jpgI would like to thank you all! Thanks to You I had an incredibly productive day. I usually do 2 or 3 of my activities a day, but I almost never manage to do everything I would like to do! The only reason for that are You, thanks again!

:v: 8+ minutes of Yoga (12 static stretches)

:v: Strength training. - It took me 53 mins today, to do everything on my list. It would be nice to reduce it to 36 mins.
:v: Run 7.8 km / 4.8 miles. - It took me 39min 45sec today. I am trying to keep it under 40 min. 36min would be the goal.
:v: Ride my bike for 26km / 16 miles it took me 70 mins.
:v: Loose some weight.
I started dieting the day before yesterday. I already lost some water weight, and I guess my gut is not as full as usual, (it is 83kg / 183 lbs, down from 84,5 / 186 lbs). :fantastic:
I don't feel hungry at all... yet.

  • Weigh myself :v:
  • Eat healthy foods :v:
  • Log my calorie intake. :v:
  • -2200 kcal. :v:

:v: 8+ hours of sleep yesterday!
Have a great day Bees! :perfect: :coffee:


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 64
"...probably in a forest..."
13.04.2023.jpgDay 2/2

Everything is harder today than yesterday.
  1. :v: 11+ minutes of Yoga (12 static stretches)
  2. :v: Strength training, 55 min
  3. :v: Run 7.8 km / 4.8 miles. - 43 min
  4. :v: Ride my bike for 26km / 16 miles it took me 82 mins.
  5. :v:Weight loss
    • :v: Weigh myself
    • :v: Eat healthy foods
    • :v: Log my calorie intake
    • :v: -2200 kcal
  6. :v: 8+ hours of sleep yesterday

I usually eat a lot of carbs, a little bit of protein, even less fat, and that was my meal plan for today. I woke up and couldn't stop thinking about protein rich foods. Who would have thought? :LOL:

Have a great day Bees! :perfect: :coffee:


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 64
"...probably in a forest..."
I had game night yesterday. I planned the day, but managed to waste a lot of time and thus no more time left to do everything I wanted to. Fun day though!
  1. :v: 11+ minutes of Yoga (12 static stretches)
  2. :x: Strength training
  3. :v: Run 7.8 km / 4.8 miles. - 45 min
  4. :v: Ride my bike for 20km
  5. :x:Weight loss
    • :v: Weigh myself
    • :x: Eat healthy foods
    • :v: Log my calorie intake
    • :x: +1800 kcal (Bunch of junk food).
  6. :v: 8+ hours of sleep yesterday
Have a great day Bees! :perfect: :coffee:


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 64
"...probably in a forest..."
That's an impressive hike!
Thanks! When I am out of shape, and, or overweight, I like to go on small hikes (forced marches really). 50km is my max, I can't walk properly the day after that, if I "hike" any more.
I had a full day of rest the day before, so no big deal.

Day 1 (again)

  1. :v: 11+ minutes of Yoga (12 static stretches)
  2. :v: Run 7.8 km / 4.8 miles. - 43 min
  3. 01. 20x Pushups
    02. 20x Crunches
    03. 20x Dips
    04. 20x Air Squats +2x6kg weight
    05. 20x Cross Crunches
    06. 20x Curlbar Overhead Press 22kg
    07. 20x Curlbar Curls 22kg
    08. 20x Curlbar Rows 32kg
    09. 20x Curlbar Upright Rows 22kg
    10. 20x Lunges + 2x6kg weight
    11. 20x Dumbbell Overhead Press 2x11kg
    12. 20x Dumbbell Curls 2x11kg
    13. 20x Dumbbell Rows 2x11kg
    14. 20x Dumbbell Hammer Curls 2x11kg
    15. 20x Arnold Press
    16. 20x Dumbbell Extension 2x7kg
    17. 20x Dumbbell Kickbacks 2x6kg
    18. 20x Front Raise 2x6kg
    19. 20x Lat Raise 2x1.5kg
    20. 20x Standing Butterfly 2x1.5kg
    21. 20x Cross Raise 2x1.5kg
    22. 20x Cross Twist Raise 2x1.5kg
    23. 20x Bent Standing Butterfly 2x1.5kg
    24. 20x Pullover 12kg
    25. 20x Bench 40kg
    26. 20x Lat Pulldown 28kg
    27. 20x Butterfly 2x6kg
    28. 20x Skullcrusher 2x6kg
    29. 20x Lat. Back Pulldown 28kg
    30. 20x Deadlift 70kg
    :v: 52 min
  4. :v: Ride my bike for 26km / 16 miles it took me 69 mins.
  5. :v:Weight loss
    • :v: Weigh myself
    • :v: Eat healthy foods
    • :v: Log my calorie intake
    • :v: -3200 kcal (I didn't eat anything, just a little bit of milk).
  6. :v: 8+ hours of sleep yesterday
17.04.2023 - 2.jpgGreat day overall, crushed all my goals. I wasn't sure if I am going to be able to walk properly, as it turns out, no problem. :D
But my small, stabilizing leg muscles hurt a lot from yesterdays hike. I need to do a lot more stretching. :(

Long Term Goals:
  1. BMI down from 25.5 to 22.
    • Which is almost the same as saying: My waist to hip ratio (circumference) should be 0.8 or 0.9 not 1.1 :p
  2. My Resting Heart Rate is around 47, it should go down to 42 (as it used to be, only 2 years ago)
  3. My estimated VO2max is around 52, it should be 56 (as it used to be, only 2 years ago)
  4. I have never been stronger, so in this regard, just keep improving. ...Dunno... benching 50kg for 20 reps sounds cool.

Have a great day Bees! :perfect: :coffee:


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 64
"...probably in a forest..."
Day 2

:v: Cardio 1 (42 min run)
:v: Resistance Training (51 min)
:v: Cardio 2 (69 min biking)
:v: Stretching (8+ min)
:v:-1100 kcal

Have a great day Bees! :perfect: :coffee:

P.s. I messed up my "bloodsugar system" by not eating yesterday. Woke up lightheaded, drowsy and sleepy. So I skipped my morning run. Ate a lot of carbs and had to do all my workouts after work, with minimal rest in between.
Who would have thought this might happen?


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 64
"...probably in a forest..."
Day 3

:v: Cardio 1 (43 min run)
:v: Resistance Training (55 min)
:v: Cardio 2 (81 min biking)
:v: Stretching (11+ min)
:v:-1100 kcal (First 8000 kcal down, 8000 kcal is theoretically 1 kg of fat).

Have a great day Bees! :perfect: :coffee:


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 64
"...probably in a forest..."
21.04.2023.jpgHi Bees!

:v: Cardio 1 (42 min run)
:v: Stretching (11+ min)
:x: Resistance Training
:x: Cardio 2
:v: +/- 0 kcal

I fell asleep after work and slept through the afternoon. I ate something and then fell asleep again. I had slightly elevated temperature the day after and slept even more... I am guessing I've reached my physical limit.

Saturday -Rest Day
:v: 16km hike
:v: +/- 0 kcal

Sunday - Rest Day
:v: 15 km hike
:v: +/- 0 kcal

I am a little bit disappointed. No weight loss whatsoever so far. I started eating a ton of salt, so I am guessing I gained some water weight, but either way, apparently a high workout regiment doesn't seem to work for me.

So I've decided to go back to my old vegan diet (I used to be a vegetarian for almost 15 years, and a vegan for almost a year). Cut all milk and eggs and similar out of my diet and eat the occasional piece of lean meat once a week or so, and increase my fiber intake in general.

Have a great day Bees! :perfect: :coffee:
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Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 64
"...probably in a forest..."
24.04.2023.jpgDay 1

:v: Cardio 1 (42 min run)
:v: Resistance Training (52 min)
:v: Cardio 2 (93 min biking, not the usual 26km / 16 miles, but 34km/21m)
:v: Stretching (7+ min)
:v:-2800 kcal

I ate a HUGE salad (it took me literally over an hour to chew my way through it), a ton of fruits, vegetables (cooked and prepared) and even some nuts. And after adding it all up, it has almost no calories... weird.
I am guessing I made an error in my calculations... or two. :fantastic:

Have a great day Bees! :perfect: :coffee:


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 64
"...probably in a forest..."
daily zen.jpgHi Bees!

I tried out 3 different diets, I tried to hike a lot, exercise a lot, fast, intermittent fast etc. nothing helped. My weight stayed (pretty much) the same.
Oh well..., it is good to know that my body wants to maintain my weight, no matter what. :-D

I gave myself 2 days to eat whatever I wanted (I still ate healthy foods, just a little bit to much) and now I am back to my starting weight. So let's start this again.

Day 1

:v: Cardio 1 (42 min run 8km/5mi)
:v: Stretching (8+ min)
:v: Resistance Training (Strength Training, 52 min)
:v: Cardio 2 (Cycling 13km/8mi 38min)
:x: +/- 0 kcal

:v: Breakfast - Oatmeal with fruits
:v: Dinner - 2x Homemade sandwiches with lots of vegetables
:v: Lunch - vegetables with rice.

Have a great day Bees! :perfect: :coffee:
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Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 64
"...probably in a forest..."
Sorry for not posting. I feel an obligation to read your checking in threads if I post and I didn't have the time/patience to do so for the last few months.

I didn't loose weight at all, I stopped dieting, I am doing my exercises ... occasionally, I've lost a little bit of overall strength and speed. C'est la vie. :sus::sad:

Let's start this again.


:v: Cardio 1 (44 min run 8km/5mi)
:v: Stretching (5+ min)
:v: Resistance Training (Strength Training, 12 min)
:v: Cardio 2 (Cycling 65min 26km/16mi )

:x: Abysmal, but I have no more junk food left. Tomorrow I'll have to eat healthy stuff. :happy:

Have a great day Bees! :perfect:


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 64
"...probably in a forest..."
img_207569_thomasedison.jpgI managed to pull my calf muscle a couple days ago while running. I figured if I am careful, I can still go running and cycling, which was a bad idea, I managed to pull my calf muscle again at the exact same spot yesterday, pretty badly. So this means at least one week of complete rest.

:v: Cardio (running)
:v: Stretching (8+ min)
:v: Resistance Training (Strength Training, 52 min)
:x: Cycling (nursing injury 0/7)

I started eating less and eating healthy foods. Let's hope I can stick to it.

Have a great day Bees!:perfect:
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Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 64
"...probably in a forest..."
01.09.23.jpg:x: Rrunning (nursing injury 1/7)
:v: Stretching (8+ min)
:v: Resistance Training (Strength Training, 52 min)
:x: Cycling (nursing injury 1/7)
:v: Dieting. I've already lost a 1kg, I'm guessing that is only water weight /stomach content, but still it goes the right direction.

I'm walking around like a "crab", taking a big step with my healthy leg and slowly moving the injured leg forward, which is slightly turned sideways... it looks goofy and funny. I just can't help it, that is the fastest way to move for me right now. :chuckle: I also have so much extra energy, I cleaned the kitchen cabinets today (inside and outside), maybe I'll clean the fridge tomorrow.

Have a great day Bees! :perfect:


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 64
"...probably in a forest..."
03.09.23.jpgThank you @Tileenah, @Mamatigerj :happy:

I had a complete rest day yesterday. My leg is much better, I don't have to walk "like a crab" anymore, I just have a slight limp.
I tried to do a few deep stretches, just to see how my leg is doing and *boing* I felt it "snap" again, so I am guessing I can't go for a run for 3 more weeks or so. :(

On the other hand, I nailed my diet, I already lost 2 kg (I am sure most of it is water weight and stomach content, but still).

:v: Rest & Relaxation
:v: Diet
:v: Healing 3/23

Have a great day Bees! :perfect:


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
Pronouns: You there
Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
More healing vibes for your leg :vibes:

I get wanting to test a wounded body part but just don't. Just let it rest for a while, maybe do some very light low impact exercises.


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 64
"...probably in a forest..."
08.09.23.jpgI am still nursing my pulled calf muscle. I was hoping that I can go on a run or bike ride soon, but sadly it is not going to happen. I went on 1-2km walks the last few days and felt fine, I went on a 7km walk yesterday and it started hurting pretty badly after 5km, so I think I need to wait the "full" 6 weeks until I can go on a run.
I talked to a few smart people and they told me I overtrained (I did too much running & cycling and to make things worse I gained weight). Their suggestion was, that I should do more upper body stuff.

So new plan, full body strength training every day or every second day. Occasionally I'll do a run or a bike ride here and there. And I am constantly craving protein rich foods (meat, eggs and legumes) so I'll need to adjust my diet.

I started to look into strength training plans, maybe I need to adjust something in my routine, increase the volume, decrease the volume, add new exercises etc., but after toying around a bit for a few days, I pretty much ended up at my old and trusted plan, so I'll probably won't change a thing.

See you later today! :ready:

Have a great day Bees! :perfect:


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 64
"...probably in a forest..."
:v: 2x5km walk

I skipped the bike ride, I don't think it would help.
:v: 2x5 km walk

It's day 9 since my injury (well, I pulled the muscle a couple days before that too and after that too, so who knows...), it starts to hurt after 5 km. It swells, gets enflamed, seizes up, but after just a couple minutes of rest it is perfectly fine. I don't have any kind of limp anymore, so... progress.

I talked to a couple smart people and they told me, the best thing I can do for my leg, is a couple walks during the day. Some suggested 3x 2km walks, some said 2 x3km walks...
I really like the idea of 3x5km...., but I better stick to 2x5km, I think. ;)

I am eating like a pig, I'm eating a lot of eggs (which I usually don't), I guess my body needs them. :eatall:

Plan for the week:
2x5km walk each day, strength training as often as "possible", I'll try to buy and eat some salad. I've heard that it is healthy. :salad:

Have a great day Bees! :perfect:
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Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 64
"...probably in a forest..."
:v: Monday 2x5 km
:v: Tuesday 2x5 km
:v: Wednesday, I realized that I can do more than 5km without pain so I did 1x10 km
:v: Thursday 1x10 km
:v: Friday 1x15 km
:v: Saturday 1x15 km
:v: Sunday rest day. :) I have a slight DOM in my tensor fasciae latae muscles, so rest day is warranted.

I also did a few bike rides and a little bit of strength training. My leg muscle isn't sore anymore, I can do pretty much everything, except for taking the steps on my toe tips and twisting the muscle inversely. (A movement like putting out a cigarette is very painful, I don't smoke, just an example). I increased my protein intake significantly (lots of meat and some eggs) and I feel much better. I hope, that I should be able to go for a jog soon.

Have a great day Bees! :perfect:


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 64
"...probably in a forest..."
I hope you are doing well.
23.09.23.jpgThank you for asking and being here! :friend:

My apologies for neglecting the thread, but I started to go on really long walks in a nearby forest and I am not checking Darebee from work. It happened to me a couple of times, that I came home from a walk, put some food into the pressure cooker, fell asleep, woke up that the pressure cooker is ready, ate it and fell asleep again.
I guess walking for several hours after/before work makes you tired for some reason. ;)

:v: Monday 15 km
:v: Tuesday 17 km
:v: Wednesday 24.5 km
:v: Thursday 29 km
:v: Friday 15 km
:v: Saturday 29 km
Sunday 15 km is planned, maybe 29 km don't know it yet.

I also had a couple of bike rides, so my overall calorie burn was satisfactory... to say the least. :happy:


My leg is 100% recovered... I think, I'll go on my first jog/run on Monday, we will see. If I am lucky, this will be an only 4 week recovery (and not 6 like I feared). I can walk on my toe tips, walk up and down a set of stairs, move my feet inversely etc. everything feels fine.

Eating a lot of meat seems to help my recovery, I am thinking I was lacking an amino acid / protein (I am guessing leucine, even though it doesn't make any sense, so who knows), my recovery is much faster than "usual", it is on par with my recovery from 5+years ago..., when I was eating a lot of meat too... what a coincidence. :LOL:

My plan from now on:
Run before work. (40 mins)
Ride to-and-fro work.
Do a little bit of strength training. (40-ish mins)
Go for a big walk (5+ km, but preferably 15 km) before sleep. I walk with a pace of 7 km/h (that is around 4-4.4 miles / hour), so not very fast. 15 km takes me around 2,3 hours.

I find walks very relaxing and emotionally and mentally stimulating. I don't even listen to a podcast or something, I just listen to some music (which changes from day to day). And of course I sleep like a baby afterwards. :D

A couple of pictures I took:
Some parts of the forest I am walking in are quite dark.
And some "crazy" shrooms. I've seen, among many other type of mushrooms.

Wildlife: A couple people asked me in person, so it might be interesting to some. I have been quite a bit in the forest lately, but I've only seen a couple deer, a couple hedgehogs/rabbits..., but mostly only housecats, on a stroll. :ss:
I almost stepped on a baby snake once, don't know what kind. Seemed harmless and I have been told, they actually are.
Oh, and I see field mice regularly... no wonder the cats like to stroll here.

I'll catch up with your threads on Monday! (I promise!)
Have a great day Bees! :perfect:
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