I hope you are doing well.

Thank you for asking and being here!
My apologies for neglecting the thread, but I started to go on really long walks in a nearby forest and I am not checking Darebee from work. It happened to me a couple of times, that I came home from a walk, put some food into the pressure cooker, fell asleep, woke up that the pressure cooker is ready, ate it and fell asleep again.
I guess walking for several hours after/before work makes you tired for some reason.

Monday 15 km

Tuesday 17 km

Wednesday 24.5 km

Thursday 29 km

Friday 15 km

Saturday 29 km
Sunday 15 km is planned, maybe 29 km don't know it yet.
I also had a couple of bike rides, so my overall calorie burn was satisfactory... to say the least.
My leg is 100% recovered... I think, I'll go on my first jog/run on Monday, we will see. If I am lucky, this will be an only 4 week recovery (and not 6 like I feared). I can walk on my toe tips, walk up and down a set of stairs, move my feet inversely etc. everything feels fine.
Eating a lot of meat seems to help my recovery, I am thinking I was lacking an amino acid / protein (I am guessing leucine, even though it doesn't make any sense, so who knows), my recovery is much faster than "usual", it is on par with my recovery from 5+years ago..., when I was eating a lot of meat too... what a coincidence.
My plan from now on:
Run before work. (40 mins)
Ride to-and-fro work.
Do a little bit of strength training. (40-ish mins)
Go for a big walk (5+ km, but preferably 15 km) before sleep. I walk with a pace of 7 km/h (that is around 4-4.4 miles / hour), so not very fast. 15 km takes me around 2,3 hours.
I find walks very relaxing and emotionally and mentally stimulating. I don't even listen to a podcast or something, I just listen to some music (which changes from day to day). And of course I sleep like a baby afterwards.
A couple of pictures I took:
Some parts of the forest I am walking in are quite dark.
And some "crazy" shrooms. I've seen, among many other type of mushrooms.
Wildlife: A couple people asked me in person, so it might be interesting to some. I have been quite a bit in the forest lately, but I've only seen a couple deer, a couple hedgehogs/rabbits..., but mostly only housecats, on a stroll.

I almost stepped on a baby snake once, don't know what kind. Seemed harmless and I have been told, they actually are.
Oh, and I see field mice regularly... no wonder the cats like to stroll here.
I'll catch up with your threads on Monday! (I promise!)
Have a great day Bees!