Healing Journey


New member
Warrior Posts: 3
Struggling with chronic health problems (bronchiectasis and severe asthma) and trying to improve health with exercise.
Been struggling with motivation for a long time, but now I'm back with a vengeance. Progress so far:
Friday: AM - upper body strength workout
PM - 25 minutes stationary bike
Saturday - 30 mins stationary bike
Sunday - 27 mins stationary bike

I'd also like to start the Pandora program, but I need to dig out the punchbag from storage first.


New member
Warrior Posts: 3
Last week I managed 2 weights sessions and cycled 88km. This week I want to make it 3 sessions and get my mileage up, but today I'm struggling. I seem to have caught another bug and can't stop coughing. I can't decide whether resting or training will get rid of it faster.


New member
Warrior Posts: 3
I think I've finally got the motivation problems sussed. The bug I had has cleared up and I'm feeling much better. I only started mid week, but I've done 2 weight training sessions. I've gone back to the beginners routine since I've had such a long gap with no consistent training, & I've modified it to move the one exercise I hate to later in the routine, as I find it so important to begin with an exercise you enjoy, then once you've started, it's much easier to keep going.