I'm back (for real this time)


Well-known member
Ranger from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 72
Monday, September 23rd, 2024

Meditations slipping. Forgot a couple days, and lost my streak. It's okay, I got up to forty - I can get back up there by starting again.

Day #5 of arms of steel, seated. It still feels easy but my arms feel strangely sore after such simple exercises. Is it working? Am I becoming The Woman Of Steel? Day #7 of wall pushups. I got lost on the salad challenge, but will start again Tuesday. Even if I missed a couple days in the middle, I'm still eating way more vegetables than I used to, so I've decided to take my progress and run rather than dwell on the setbacks. Still going strong on the no buying drinks challenge, I got some instant coffee, one of which is a cold brew mix, so I can just add milk to get an instant dose of sugarless caffeine. One is caramel, maybe yummy even sugarless. Migraines, I gotcha covered.

Oh also - it was just too hard to drink NOTHING but plain milk and water, so I decided on a fair compromise. Flavored milk is fine too. Better drink a glass of milk with some added sugar than a can of soda. It's a compromise so I don't break all the way and go back to massive amounts of sugar with no nutritional value whatsoever.

Hopefully last update, I told the girls I was uncomfortable and leaving one of our servers. I stayed in the original server to give them the chance to still talk to me, they took advantage of the opportunity to keep me around just to give me the silent treatment. I watched in amusement for two days then left and blocked all the participants. Weirdos. Dunno what grown adults were hoping to accomplish with that game, but not my problem - just made it easier to leave them behind.

Day #28


Well-known member
Ranger from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 72
Tuesday, September 24th, 2024

Day #6 of seated arms of steel, which means my knee has had almost a week off. It's time to get my legs back in the fitness game. Tomorrow, I'll be off on my first run in a week. Day #8 of wall pushups. Day #12 of the salad eating challenge. I really have been doing the absolute bare minimum, partly because of not sleeping well. Pull out old sleep mask. Sleep better. Do better tomorrow. Also, if I'd known seated arms of steel was so easy, I don't know I would have picked it as a sufficient replacement, but I'm not going to look back. Now that I know, I can keep it around for days when I'm more active and want just a little more.

Smart move of the day, ask a relative to pick up more bottled water for me weeks before I would run out, so when she forgot I'd have a few more opportunities to ask her. I do my own shopping by bus, but bottled water is much too heavy to carry back. (I drink tap, the bottles are a good weight and size, convenient to grab when I'm lazy, and usable more than once.)

OMG DAREBEE I LOVE YOU, when you start typing and navigate to a different page IT KEEPS YOUR TEXT so you don't lose everything if you close it by accident 😭

Day #29


Well-known member
Ranger from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 72
Wednesday, September 25th, 2024

Day #21 of 8 weeks to 5 km. Finally, finally back in the game! At sweet last! I did it even though it was the hardest timing yet. So close to running a 5 km.

Day #13 of salad eating challenge, me guesses.

Back at one meditation a day.


Thursday, September 26th, 2024

Wanted another run, but I've been waking up at 4 AM and it's not okay. So I was too dead tired to do more than seated arms of steel day #7. Salad challenge, day #14.

I cannot BELIEVE just how fast time flies. It's wild.


Not last update - a couple of the girls reached out to explain they were just sad and didn't know what to say and were afraid of losing me. One through a backdoor I'd left open, the other through the front door once I'd unlocked it again. To be fair to me, that's a reaction I've not gotten before, so how was I to know there was a fairly innocent explanation for the lack of kicking me out but no words? The silence was still weird, but I was willing to believe their explanation and keep them around. At the end of the day, it would have broken me to have to lose them.