new here


New member
Posts: 2
Hello all, I'm new and I was wondering where I should begin. There are just so many different things and honestly its a little overwhelming. I want to use this daily but not burn myself out. preferably in the morning before I leave for the day. I'm waaay over weight because I overate due to stress, so i'm far from my goal (healthy) weight. Can someone please guide me to a nice little guide or set of sheets I should follow. I know how to eat, I just decided not to for a period of 5 months and put on way more weight I thought was possible in that period. But i'm in a better situation and mental status to get myself back in shape, but I want to include some exercise to go along with my journey..

Sorry for the vent, but if you are still reading. Please help.


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,360
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
A Darebee guide: How To Start With Exercise If You’re Overweight
A good start are: Foundation Light or Foundation, they are Darebee's two basic programs and a good way to start getting used to the Darebee way of training.
It is better to choose a 30 day program because it is already a good, well structured and progressive workout, you don't have to think about anything but just follow the program.
You can even not train every day, it will just take you a little longer to finish the program, many do it and there is nothing wrong with it.
And welcome :)