Overweight gal looking for program recommendations :)


New member
Posts: 1
Hello folks,

Newbie here, in the summer of 2022 I finally decided to stop neglecting myself and start paying attention to what i eat and move more. I gotta say it's really not fun wanting to move more/do certain types of activities and not being able to or struggling a lot due to the current state of my body. But it's alright, I've got a goal and I'm working on it. I'm looking for a program recommendation so here's some quick info about me:
  • Female, 25 yrs old, weight - 120 kg, height - 175 cm.
  • Needless to say, I'm looking to lose weight. But I also am looking to get stronger/improve my general level of fitness so I can continue being physically active without feeling like my body might fall apart while doing it :)
  • Since the summer began I've lost about 3 kg mainly through a lot of trial and error diet-wise, it's not as fast of a change as I'd like it to be but I'll take slow progress over no progress.
  • On weekdays I try to walk as much as I can usually ranging from 4k to 11k steps depending on the weather and with spring on the horizon I hope to increase my average.
  • I'm not a big fan of cardio exercises per se, but I really enjoy dancing and would like to have that as my primary source of cardio.
  • I want to get strong! :) I have a little bit of gym experience as I went for a few months fairly consistently but had to stop (not due to injury or anything like that). This is why I'm currently looking into exercising at home; I have a set of resistance bands and would be able to get some dumbbells in the near future (perhaps I could get a recommendation for the dumbbell weight too).
  • I would like to eventually return to the gym, once my circumstances allow it, but I'm open to fully embracing the home exercise life if it works for me :)
A big read, but I hope someone out here could give me some guidance on what to start out with. Thanks for your time!


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 1,786
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Hello, @catte and welcome :hi:
Having a goal is the best thing, and having some activity you enjoy doing (walking, dancing) is also great. I hear you re cardio,so how about you really ramp up your dancing? Move enough to get a sweat up. Dance while doing housework - makes it much more fun! Resistance bands are excellent things - you can increase the difficulty of most bodyweight exercises simply by adding a band. Dumbbells are fun and there is a number of dumbbell workouts on the Darebee database, or to make it easier, you could just jump straight to this convenient collection.
Weight loss is best taken slowly because it's easier to sustain. Small changes can make a big difference over time. If you look up the Guides, there are several concerning diet that you may find interesting/useful.
You want to get strong, but in any way particular? Is any part of you particularly weak or strong? Is there something you'd particularly like to do for which you need to gain strength (which could point to a specific exercise area)?
Have a look around, ask more questions if you like. We're always happy to help and encourage you.


Well-known member
Posts: 55
Hello and welcome!
As you know, to lose weight you need a calorie deficit , 15%.
So burn more than you eat. Also it is important to be active, you can dance, walk etc.
Darebee has many programs, you may choose an easy for the beginning as foundation or you can do 3 workouts per week going step by step.
You can consider to use kettlebells to have cardio and strength workouts in one, darebee has one kettlebell program and some workouts, a 5 kg kettlebell seems to be ok to start
Here also a translated to English with google translate, article for fat loss.